Chapter 4. Running Tests

In this chapter we will cover the following recipes:

  • Running a single function
  • Verifying test accuracy
  • Creating a test plan for regular runs
  • Running tests from the command line
  • Passing additional parameters to test from the command line
  • Organizing test plan runs
  • Scheduling automatic runs at nighttime
  • Running tests via Remote Desktop
  • Changing playback options
  • Increasing run speed
  • Disabling a screensaver when running scripts
  • Sending messages to Indicator
  • Showing a message window during a script run


All the tests we create should be run as often as possible. It doesn't only allow to test the application, but also to stabilize our test scripts. By constantly running and improving the tests, we make sure that they only fail in case there are problems with the tested application, not the scripts themselves.

In this chapter, we will consider different ways of running test scripts and organizing script runs.

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