Changing playback options

Parameters of playback of the tested scripts can be customized with the help of the Playback options page.

In this recipe, we will consider some of the most interesting options and the way they influence the performance of the scripts.

How to do it...

In order to change playback options, perform the following steps:

  1. In the TestComplete application, right-click on the name of the project, and go for the Edit | Properties option.
  2. In the opened project panel, on left-hand side, select the Playback element.
  3. In the result, the Playback properties page will open up. Here you can customize the playback parameters of the tested scripts.

How it works...

  • Stop on error, Stop on warning, and Stop on window recognition error: These options allow stopping scripts execution contingent upon any of the signified events having occurred. It is usually recommend one should disable these options, since they influence all the tests.
  • Minimize TestComplete: This option minimizes the main TestComplete window for the time being while tests are being executed, which prevents the possibility that the TestComplete window might appear on the foreground instead of in the window of the tested application.
  • Disable mouse: This option disables the possibility of a user using a mouse, and thus impeding with the test's results. This is especially recommended when employing low-level procedures.
  • Auto-wait timeout: This is the waiting time for the windows and controls elements that mark their failure to appear. This parameter should be increased at the time of transference of testing to a slower computer.
  • Delay between events, Key pressing delay, Dragging delay, and Mouse movement delay: These options allow changing the delay between corresponding events—the data input from the keyboard, mouse-clicks, and operations with windows. Increasing these parameters is recommended when errors related to the speed of execution occur during scripts playback (for example, admission rate of typed symbols during text input, dragging-and-dropping incorrect objects, and so forth.). Another possibility can be timing slowdown to visually monitor all the actions and pinpoint the reason for the mistake.
  • On unexpected window: Options from this group allow assigning TestComplete behavior against the appearance of a window that will hinder the flow of test execution (for example, a modal window with an error). In the meantime, the log will contain an error and the actions that have been undertaken for the appeared window.
  • Ignore overlapping window: This option allows the program to ignore the overlapping windows and controls elements. These are GUI elements that overshadow the controls elements, with which TestComplete is currently working, however, it does not block the tested application. Often, it is worthwhile to switch on this option, if the log contains the Overlapping Window error, however, visually nothing stands in the way.
  • Post image on error: This is a very useful option, allowing automatically placing a screenshot in the event of emergent error. This option is preferable to be switched on all the time, since the screenshot will help to detect the underlying cause of the problem.
  • Save log every N minutes: This option stores the log to the disk within the preassigned interval, preventing its loss in critical cases such as blackout, emergency shutdown of the TestComplete application, and so on.
  • Store last N events: This option allows to specify the minimum number of events to be entered to the log. Usually the events logs take up the largest portion of the log, although there is no need to keep them all. In the case that this option has been set and an error has occurred, only the specified number of events will be stored in the log.
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