Decreasing log size

When having a great deal of tests, the size of the log, as generated by TestComplete, can be really big.

In this recipe we will take into consideration several methods to decrease the size of the log.

How to do it...

In order to decrease the log file size perform the following steps:

  1. Disable the Visualizer: To this end, open the properties of the project (right-click on the name of the project and navigate to Edit | Properties), click on the Visualizer group of parameters, and set the Collect Test Visualizer data during test run option to the value Off.
  2. Disable the events generation: To do so, open the properties of the project (right-click on the project and navigate to Edit | Properties), click on the Playback group of parameters, and set the option of Store last to a value that is different from zero (for example, 20).
    How to do it...
  3. Change the format of the used images: To this end, open the properties for the project (right-click on the name of the project and navigate to Edit | Properties), click on the group of General parameters, click on the Configure button, and in the Image format field, select the format, different from that of BMP. If this is insufficient, you could diminish the quality of the stored images (parameters of Compression level and Compression quality, depending on the format).

How it works...

Each of the mentioned actions influences the project in a different manner:

  • Visualizer: This action allows you to automatically save objects' screenshots with which TestComplete is interacting; however, in the majority of cases, this is quite redundant. It suffices to get a screenshot of the main screen in case of an error. To this end, in the project's properties, in the Playback section, it is necessary to enable the option of Post image on error.
  • Events: They are generated quite frequently (upon each interaction with the tested application), which means this also takes up some space. By setting a certain value into the field of Store last … events, we get the possibility to review the assigned number of the last events in case of an emerging error; all the other events will be erased.
  • Image formats: They also influence the size of the logs. For example, the BMP format is not recommended to be used in the majority of cases, since images of this format, take up lots of space on the HDD. The most economizing format is that of JPEG.
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