Example 3 – building your own helper

This example uses a helper to download a very large file, of 200 MB, which can't be downloaded in one file reading.

This example will be constructed from the following helpers:

  • application/helpers/my_download_helper.php: This is the CI helper that is used to download a very large file
  • application/controllers/classg2.php: This is the controller that uses the my_download helper
  • application/views/classg2view.php: This is the view that has a link for the file download

Let us assume that the URI to the project root is http://mydomain.com/myproject. Hence the URI to execute the auth controller for login will be http://mydomain.com/myproject/classg2.


The source code is provided with this book via URLs.

The helper file

This helper is used to download very large files, which can't be downloaded in one file reading. Its function, download_large_files, reads 1 MB in each loop until it downloads the whole file.

  <?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access           allowed'),
  /*** CodeIgniter Download Helpers** @package  CodeIgniter* @subpackage Helpers* @category	Helpers* @author Yehuda Zadik*/ 
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
  	/*** Download large files** Generates headers that force a download to happen** @access  public* @param	string	$fullPath* @return	void*/ 
    function download_large_files($fullPath){
    // File Exists? if( file_exists($fullPath) ){ 
      // Parse Info / Get Extension $fsize = filesize($fullPath); $path_parts = pathinfo($fullPath); $ext = strtolower($path_parts["extension"]); 
      // Determine Content Type 
      switch ($ext) { 
        case "pdf": $ctype = "application/pdf"; break; 
        case "exe": $ctype = "application/octet-stream";
        case "zip": $ctype = "application/zip";
        case "doc": $ctype = "application/msword"; break; 
        case "xls":$ctyp = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
        case "ppt": $ctype = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint";
        case "wmv": $ctype = "video/x-ms-wmv";
               case "gif": $ctype = "image/gif";
               case "png": $ctype = "image/png";
        case "jpeg":case "jpg": $ctype = "image/jpg"; 
        default: $ctype = "application/force-download"; 
      $file_handle = fopen($fullPath, "rb");          
      header('Content-Description: File Transfer'),
        header("Content-Type: " . $ctype);            header('Content-Length: ' . $fsize);
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' .
      while(!feof($file_handle)) {$buffer = fread($file_handle, 1*(1024*1024));
        echo $buffer;          ob_flush();flush();    //These two flush commands seem to             have helped with performance
    } else{die('File Not Found'),
  /* End of file my_download_helper.php *//* Location: ./application/helpers/my_download_helper.php */

The controller file

The controller loads the helper my_download and calls its function, download_large_files, in order to enable the user to download large files that originally could not be downloaded, using the my_download helper.

  class Classg2 extends CI_Controller {
    public function index()
    function download(){
      // Loading the helpers url, my_download
      $this->load->helper(array('url', 'my_download'));        // FCPATH is a constant that Codeigniter sets which       // contains the absolute path to index.php 
      $fullPath = FCPATH . 'files/movie-classg2.wmv';
      // Using the helper my_download function to download       // a very large filedownload_large_files($fullPath);
  /* End of file classg2.php *//* Location: ./application/controllers/classg2.php */

The view file

The view file displays the data that contains a link for downloading the very large file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="utf-8">
 <title>Download large file</title>
<div id="container">
 <a href="<?php echo base_url("classg2/download")              ?>">Download large file</a>
..................Content has been hidden....................

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