About the Authors

Eli Orr brings over 30 years of experience in the high tech industry, mainly in software product development. Eli published articles in several magazines such as Wireless Systems Design, Telephony-Online, CommsDesign, EE Times, and for various emerging technologies. Currently, Eli is a PHP Advanced Web Application Developer, focused on CodeIgniter based projects for the last two years for rich functionality heavy-duty web applications.

Prior to that, as an entrepreneur, Eli established LogoDial Zappix Ltd., and had the role of CTO and server-side developer. Zappix enables dynamic visualization of call center voice menus, which are currently available in USA and Israel on iOS and Android-enabled smartphones.

Prior to that, Eli developed telecom solutions for Unified Communications with AT&T. Prior to that, Eli developed VoIP developer toolkits as a product manager with Radvision Ltd. During that period, he was an active member with the ITU-T Signaling Group 16 for defining VoIP protocol standardization, mainly the H.323.

Prior to that, Eli led development teams with IAI (Israel Aircraft Industries) ELTA based C and C++ programming languages. Eli can be contacted through his website, http://EliOrr.com.

Yehuda Zadik has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry, where he mainly specialized in software development based object-oriented programming (OOP) technologies.

Yehuda has over 8 years of experience developing with PHP OOP and open source Linux environments for developing web-based applications. Yehuda used state-of-the-art technologies for building dynamic web-based applications that were e-commerce enabled as well as social network integrated. Yehuda has a vast knowledge for integrating third-party plugins for network, mobile, and social environments' integration. Among the environments, Yehuda integrated with Facebook API, LinkedIn API, and various others.

Yehuda is an enthusiastic CodeIgniter developer who has been developing rich functionality and heavy traffic web-based applications over the last two years. Among Yehuda's clients are several major academic institutes. Yehuda can be contacted through his website, http://yudazdk.co.il.

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