Accessing your database's Ti.Filesystem

Titanium includes a powerful database API that provides easy access to the underlying platform's SQLite implementation. Having access to Ti.Filesystem for your app's SQLite database allows you the flexibility to handle updates, migrations, and installations more effectively.

The DbFileExt module provides easy access to your SQLite Ti.Filesystem object. The module also includes other convenient methods to help work with database files.

Getting ready

Adding the DbFileExt module to your project is easy. Simply copy the dbfileext.js file into your project, as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting ready

How to do it…

Once you've added the dbfileext.js file to your project, you need to use require to import the module into your code:

//Create our application namespace
var my = {
  isAndroid : Ti.Platform.osname === 'android',
  dbfileext : require('dbfileext')

Finding our database Ti.Filesystem.File

The dbFile function provides easy access to the Ti.Filesystem.File object for your database. Simply provide the database name you wish to access, and the associated Ti.Filesystem.File object will be returned:

Var myDbFile = my.dbfileext.dbFile('testdb'),


If an invalid database name is provided to the dbFile function, a new Ti.Filesystem.File object will be returned. This allows you to add a database or file later. It is recommended to use the exists method when any operations are performed.

Determining the database directory

Determining your application's database folder can be challenging, as it differs according to the platform. Leveraging the dbDirectory function assists with this challenge, providing you specify the appropriate directory path based on the device your app is running on:


File exist check

You will often need to check if a database has been installed, before opening. The DbFileExt module makes this straightforward with the dbExists function. Simply paste in the database name and a Boolean is returned, identifying if the database has been installed:


RemoteBackup – iOS-specific attribute

With iOS 5, Apple included the ability to back up files to the iCloud service. You can enable or disable this feature on your SQLite database file through the use of the dbRemoteBackup function. When you provide the database name and a Boolean, you are indicating if you would like to have remote backup enabled:



If this function is called on the Android platform, no action will be performed, as this relates to iOS-specific functionality.

Renaming a database file

The DbFileExt module allows you to rename your database files. This can be helpful when versioning or keeping backups of your database. To rename a database, provide the current database name and the new name as parameters to the dbRename method, as the following statement shows:

my.dbfileext.dbRename('current name','new name'),

Listing all databases

When dealing with large apps, or apps that require database versioning, you will often need a list of all the databases installed within your app's sandbox. The dbList function provides the name and native path for each SQLite database within your app's database folder. You can then use this array to remove any unneeded database files:

var installedDatabase = my.dbfileext.dbList();

Removing a database file

The dbRemove function provides an easy and safe way to remove any unwanted database files. Provide the database name you wish to delete and the DbFileExt module will remove the file from your device:


How it works…

The next series of tests demonstrate how the DbFileExt module works within a windowless sample app.js.

Setting up our test

First, we use the function to create a sample database. The following highlighted code demonstrates how to create a database named testdb:

//Create our application namespace
var my = {
    isAndroid : Ti.Platform.osname === 'android',dbfileext : require('dbfileext')

var testDb ='testdb'),

Next, we build a Ti.Filesystem object with a known reference to our testdb database. This will later be used to verify if the DbFileExt module is returning the correct values.

var testFileReference = (function(){
    return Ti.Filesystem.getFile(
    return testDb.file;


The iOS Ti.Database object has a file property that can be used in your tests. On Android, you need to create the file object using the proper directory and file names.

Finding our database Ti.Filesystem

Next, we compare the Ti.Filesystem.File object returned by the DbFileExt module to see if it matches our test file. These should always match no matter what the platform."Does the module return the same as our test?"); === my.dbfileext.dbFile('testdb').nativePath) ?
"Test Pass" : "Test Failed");

Determining database directory

The directory where your SQLite file is installed differs by platform. For example, it is in the data directory on Android and the Private Documents folder on iOS. The next example demonstrates how to write the path to your devices database directory to Titanium Studio's console:"Your database directory is " + my.dbfileext.dbDirectory());

File exist check

The most common use of the DbFileExt module is to check if a database has already been installed. The next test compares the dbExists result in DbFileExt with those generated by our test Ti.Filesystem.File object:"Does the exists test work?"); === my.dbfileext.dbExists('testdb')) ? "Both Exist" : "Test Failed");

Renaming a database file

You will encounter the need to rename databases for a variety of reasons, the most common being archiving or versioning. The following highlighted code demonstrates how to rename the testdb database to oldtest. The dbExists method is then called on both the new and old names to demonstrate that the rename function has worked properly.

my.dbfileext.dbRename('testdb','oldtestdb'),"Does the test db exist?  " + my.dbfileext.dbExists('testdb'));"How about the oldtest one? Does that exist?  " + my.dbfileext.dbExists('oldtest'));

Listing all databases

It is often helpful to have a list of all the databases that are available within your app. This can be particularly helpful with large apps or apps containing third-party components.

To demonstrate this functionality, first we create several databases in our sample app:'test1'),'test2'),'test3'),

The dbList function of the DbFileExt module is used to return all the databases installed into our app:

var installedDb =  my.dbfileext.dbList();

The following snippet writes the list of databases provided by the installedDb variable to Titanium Studio's console. This will list all of the databases used in this sample, along with any that might also be installed within your Titanium project.

installedDb.forEach(function(db) {"Db Name = " + db.dbName);"nativePath = " + db.nativePath);

Removing a database file

The final test in this recipe demonstrates how to use the dbRemove function to delete an installed database. The following highlighted snippet shows how to delete the oldtest database that we used earlier in the sample:

my.dbfileext.dbRemove('oldtest'),"db still exists?  " + my.dbfileext.dbExists('oldtest'));
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