NoSQL using MongloDb

NoSQL databases are often a perfect fit for managing your application's data, as it allows you to work with objects instead of tables. In addition to the benefit of working with objects, using NoSQL on mobile reduces complexity by removing the need for schema management, data migration, and other common maintenance issues associated with maintaining a relational data model.

MongloDb is a pure JavaScript implementation of the popular MongoDb NoSQL solution. The MongloDb module allows you to query and persist objects using the familiar MongoDb syntax in your Titanium app. This recipe demonstrates how to leverage the MongloDb module within your new or existing Titanium project.

Getting ready

Installing MongloDb for Titanium is a straightforward process. You can either copy the Monglo folder from the recipe's source code, or create the bundle yourself.

Creating the bundle is a three-step process:

  1. Using Titanium Studio, create a folder called Monglo in the Resources folder of your project.
  2. Download the latest monglodb.js file from into the Monglo folder created in the previous step.
  3. Download into the Monglo folder the latest index.js file from the Titanium Store project available on

Whether you copied the bundle from the recipe source or created your own, the Monglo folder in your Titanium project should resemble the highlighted part of the following screenshot:

Getting ready

How to do it…

Once you have installed MongloDb, you will need to use require to import the module into your code:

//Create our application namespace
var my = {
  monglo : require('./Monglo/monglodb').Monglo

Initializing your database

After the module has been imported, a new instance of the database needs to be initialized. The following code demonstrates how to create a new instance of Monglo with the name myDb:

my.db = my.monglo('myDb'),

Adding the Titanium storage provider

MongloDb has the ability to support a wide range of storage providers. This recipe implements the Titanium Store provider to persist data. Associating a storage provider with MongloDb is a two-step process. First, we require the Titanium storage provider, as shown here:

var tistore = require('./Monglo/index'),

After the storage provider has been created, the provider is passed into the use method, as demonstrated in the following statement. Once the use method is called, MongloDb will perform all persistence operations using the Titanium Storage provider.

my.db.use('store', tistore);

Initializing our collection

Once the storage provider has been associated, durable collections can be created using the collection method. The following line demonstrates how to create a document collection named foo:

my.db.someCollection = my.db.collection('foo'),

When initializing a named collection, any documents previously persisted by this collection will automatically be reloaded. In the previous example, any documents previously saved in the foo document collection will be reloaded when the collection is initialized.

Using events

MongloDb provides events for monitoring a majority of the actions performed. The following snippet demonstrates how to add an event for each supported listener:

my.db.someCollection.on('insert', function(){"Document Inserted") ;
my.db.someCollection.on('update', function(){"Document Updated");
my.db.someCollection.on('remove', function(){"Document Removed");
my.db.someCollection.on('find', function(){"Find Used");
my.db.someCollection.on('createCollection', function(){"Collection Created");
my.db.someCollection.on('removeCollection', function(){"Collection Removed");

Inserting documents

The next step is to insert three new documents. The next snippet demonstrates how to insert a new document into someCollection. The insert method has two parameters. The first parameter is a document object to be stored. The second parameter is a callback that lists the errors and provides document information. This is shown in the following highlighted snippet:

my.db.someCollection.insert({text: "record 1", 
batchId:'sample_test'}, function ( error, doc )

The error and doc objects are returned as part of the callback function. The error object contains any issues encountered during the insert action, and the doc object contains a copy of the Monglo document created.'Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));'doc: ' + JSON.stringify(doc));
//Create second record
my.db.someCollection.insert({text: "record 2", batchId:'sample_test'}, function ( error, doc ){ });
//Create third record
my.db.someCollection.insert({text: "record 3", batchId:'sample_test'}, function ( error, doc ){ });

Using find to query

With three records now created, we can use the find function to search for all the documents that have the batch ID sample_test.

function ( error, cursor ){

The find method returns both an error and cursor object. The cursor's forEach iterator provides a convenient way to inspect each document that is returned. The following snippet demonstrates how to print each document within the cursor to the Titanium Studio console as a JSON string:

  cursor.forEach(function(doc){'doc: ' + JSON.stringify(doc));

Updating documents

Similar to a traditional database, MongloDb provides the ability to change a document using the update method. The update method has three parameters. The first parameter is used to find the object you wish to update. The next example shows updating any object with the text property equal to record 1. The second parameter is the update statement. The example updates each matching object's text property to updated record 1. The final parameter is a callback which returns an error and doc object.

my.db.someCollection.update({text: "record 1"}, {$set: {text: 'updated record 1'}}, function ( error, doc ){'Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));'doc: ' + JSON.stringify(doc));

This demonstrated how to update the text property on the first document inserted in this recipe.

Using findOne to query for a single document

The findOne method provides the means to query your collection for a specific document. The following snippet demonstrates how to query someCollection for the document we just updated. The resulting single-matching document is then printed to the Titanium Studio console as a JSON string.

my.db.someCollection.findOne({text: 'updated record 1'}, function ( error, doc ){'Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));'doc: ' + JSON.stringify(doc));

Removing documents

The final section of this recipe demonstrates how to remove documents from a collection. The following snippet demonstrates how to remove all documents that have the batch ID sample_test.

my.db.someCollection.remove({batchId:'sample_test'}, function (error) {'Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));


The previous code snippet removes all records created in this recipe, allowing you to run the sample several times without creating unwanted records.

See also

All the NoSQL examples shown in this recipe use the MongloDb open source project.Please see the following to learn more about this project:

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