Android lock screen monitor

Due to the inherent nature of Titanium Android architecture, it can be challenging to determine when the app has been placed into the background or the lock screen has been activated. These actions are important life cycle events to track for password and application access. For example, you might wish to display a login screen within your app if the user has locked their device since last entering your app.

The following recipe demonstrates how to use the Securely framework to check if the user has a lock screen pattern enabled and fire an event when the screen is locked or unlocked.

Getting ready

This recipe uses the Securely native module. This module and other code assets can be downloaded from the source provided by the book. Installing these in your project is straightforward. Simply copy the modules folder into your project as shown in the following screenshot:

Getting ready

After copying the modules folder, you will need to update the tiapp.xml references as demonstrated in the Getting ready section of the Using secure properties recipe.

How to do it...

Once you have added the module folder into your project, you need to create your application namespace in the app.js file and use require to import the module into your code as the following code snippet demonstrates:

//Create our application namespace
var my = {
  secure : require('bencoding.securely')

Creating the recipe's UI

This recipe uses a single Ti.UI.Window object to host and demonstrate the different available lock screen methods and events. The following code snippet shows how this object is created.

var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
  backgroundColor: '#fff', title: 'Lock Screen Monitor', 
  fullscreen:false, exitOnClose:true

Verifying if the lock pattern is enabled

This recipe is dependent on the user enabling a passcode or lock pattern. If this feature is not enabled, the recipe will still function by simply providing when the screen has been disabled from a power consumption standpoint.

The following steps discuss how to verify if the user has enabled the lock screen functionality:

  1. The first step is to create a new Securely.Platform proxy as shown in the following code snippet:
      var platform =;
  2. The Securely.Platform proxy provides many security-related methods. When the lockPatternEnabled method is called, a Boolean is provided indicating if the user has enabled this feature on their device.
        alert('lock screen is not enabled on this device'),


    Depending on your organization's passcode policy, you may wish to disable the app if a lock screen has not been implemented.

Creating a Lock Helper

The Securely.LockScreenHelper proxy object provides the initialization methods needed to start monitoring lock screen activity. The following code snippet demonstrates how to use this proxy to start the monitoring process:

  1. The first step in the lock screen monitoring process is to create a new Securely.LockScreenHelper proxy as shown in the following code snippet:
    var lockHelper =;
  2. Next the startMonitorForScreenOff method is called. This registers a broadcast receiver to listen for the ACTION_SCREEN_OFF broadcast.
  3. Then the startMonitorForScreenOn method is called. This registers a broadcast receiver to listen for the ACTION_SCREEN_ON broadcast.

Screen lock events

Both the startMonitorScreenOff and startMonitorScreenOn methods described earlier will emit global events when their subscribed broadcast is received. The following snippet demonstrates how to create application listeners to subscribe to these events:

Ti.App.addEventListener('BCX:SCREEN_OFF',function(e){'Last locked at ' + 
  String.DateFormat(new Date(e.actionTime)));

Ti.App.addEventListener('BCX:SCREEN_ON',function(e){'Last unlocked at ' + 
  String.DateFormat(new Date(e.actionTime)));

Each event is provided information to assist in managing your app state. Using the prior example snippet, the e argument is provided two properties by Securely.

  • actionName: This is the full Android intent action name.
  • actionTime: This provides date/time in seconds format on when the last event was called. This can be converted into a JavaScript date using new Date(e.actionTime).

Using window focus for monitoring

This recipe uses the focus event on the example Ti.UI.Window to demonstrate how to check if the device has been locked since the last time the Ti.UI.Window had focus. One use of this pattern would be to check if an internal passcode screen should be presented or to check if a session needs to be re-established.

  1. The wasLocked method is called to determine if the device has been locked.
  2. The isShowingLockScreen method can also be used to determine if the device is currently presenting the lock screen to the user.
  3. The resetMonitorForScreenOff method can also be used to reset the value returned by wasLocked. This is helpful in tracking if the device has been locked between app sessions.

Stop monitoring

It is important to stop monitoring and remove the global listeners when the app no longer needs this functionality. The following code snippet demonstrates how this is performed using the close event of the Ti.UI.Window.



Monitoring can be stopped individually by using stopMonitorForScreenOff or stopMonitorForScreenOn. To stop all monitoring, the stopMonitoring convenience method can be used to remove both receivers.

See also

  • To learn more about the android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON and android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF intents used, please visit the official Android documentation available at
  • This recipe uses the Securely module. For installation details, please review the Getting ready section of the Using secure properties recipe.
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