Chapter 3. Getting into the Details of Variables

Initially, computer programming appears difficult to beginners due to the fact how words are used in code. It's not the actual words that cause the problem because, for the most part, many of the words are the same words that we use in our everyday life. C# is not a foreign language. The main problem is that the words simply don't read like the typical sentences we are all used to. You know how to say the words and you know how to spell the words. What you don't know is where and why you need to put them in that crazy looking grammar, that is, the syntax that makes up a C #statement.

In this chapter, we will learn some of the basic rules for writing a C# statement. We will also be introduced to many of the words that C# uses and the proper placement of these words in the C# statements when we create our variables.

In this chapter we will cover the following topics:

  • Writing C# statements properly
  • Using C# syntax to write variable statements
  • The GameObject Component's properties
  • Using public variables for the Unity Inspector panel
  • Naming a variable properly
  • Declaring a variable for the type of data it will store

Ok, let's learn some programming grammar, otherwise known as C# syntax.

Writing C# statements properly

When you do normal writing, it's in the form of a sentence with a period used to end the sentence. When you write a line of code, it's called a statement with a semi-colon used to end the statement.


The reason a statement ends with a semi-colon is so that Unity knows when the statement ends. A period can't be used because they are used in the Dot Syntax.

The code for a C# statement does not have to be on a single line as shown in the following example:

public int number1 = 2;

The statement can be on several lines. Whitespace and carriage returns are ignored, so if you really want to, you can write it as follows:


But I recommend you to not write your code like this because it's terrible reading code formatted like the preceding code. However, there will be times that you'll have to write long statements that will be longer than one line. Unity won't care. It just needs to see the semi-colon at the end.

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