Time for action – making a variable private

Not all variables need to be public. If there's no need for a variable to be changed in the Inspector panel nor be accessed from other scripts, it doesn't make sense to clutter the Inspector panel with needless properties. In LearningScript, perform the following steps:

  1. Change line 6 to the following:
    private int number1 = 2;
  2. Change line 7 to the following:
    int number2 = 9;
  3. Save the file.
  4. In Unity, select Main Camera.

What just happened?

You will notice in the Inspector panel that both properties, Number 1 and Number 2 are gone.

  • Line 6: private int number1 = 2;

    The preceding line explicitly states that the number1 variable is to be private, therefore the variable is no longer a property in the Inspector panel. It is now a private variable to store data.

  • Line 7: int number2 = 9;

    The number2 variable is no longer visible as a property either, but you didn't specify it as private.

If you don't explicitly state whether a variable will be public or private, by default, the variable will implicitly be private.


It is good coding practice to explicitly state whether a variable will be public or private.

So now when you click on Play, the script works exactly as it did before. You just can't manipulate the values manually in the Inspector panel anymore.

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