Time for action – using foreach loops to retrieve data

We're going to create an array, a list and a dictionary, then loop through each one to retrieve the desired data from each one by using foreach loops.

  1. Modify LearningScript as shown in the next screenshot.
  2. Save the file.
  3. In Unity, click on Play.
    Time for action – using foreach loops to retrieve data

What just happened?

As we looped through each list, we decided which data to display to the Console:

What just happened?

The analysis of the code is as follows:

For each list we created, we populated them using a Collection Initializer.

  • The code between lines 9 and 10 with its description:
    string[] ponyArray = new string[] {"AppleJack", "Rarity"};

    A string array named ponyArray is declared and two strings are added.

  • The code on line 12 with its description is as follows:
    foreach(string pony in ponyArray)

    A foreach loop is used to retrieve one element, a pony name string, stored in ponyAr ray.

    A variable is declared named pony to hold the retrieved pony name.

    Once a pony name is retrieved, the foreach code block, lines 13 to 16, is executed.

    This looping continues until each element in ponyArray has been retrieved and tested in the code block.

  • The code on line 14 with its description is as follows:
    if(pony == "Rarity");

    If the retrieved string stored in pony is equal to "Rarity", then line 15 executes.

  • The code on line 15 with its description is as follows:
    Debug.Log("I was looking for " + pony);

    The string I was looking for plus the string value stored in pony is displayed in the Console.

  • The code between lines 18 and 19 with its description:
    List<string> ponyList = new List<string>() {"Princess Cadence", "Fluttershy"};

    A List named ponyList is declared that will store the string type, and two strings are added.

  • The code on line 21 with its description is as follows:
    foreach(string pony in ponyList)

    A foreach loop is used to retrieve one element, a pony name string, stored in po ny List.

    A variable is declared named pony to hold the retrieved pony name.

    Once a pony name is retrieved, the foreach code block (that is, lines 22 to 25) is executed.

    This looping continues until each element in ponyList has been retrieved and tested in the code block.

  • The code on line 23 with its description is as follows:
    if(pony == "Fluttershy")

    If the retrieved string stored in pony is equal to "Fluttershy", then line 24 executes.

  • The code on line 24 with its description is as follows:
    Debug.Log("I was looking for " + pony);

    The string I was looking for plus the string value stored in pony is displayed in the Console.

  • The code between lines 27 and 28 with its description:
    Dictionary<int, string> ponyDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>() {{10, "Nightmare Moon"}, {20, "Rainbow Dash"}};

    A Dictionary named ponyDictionary is declared with key and value of type <int, string>, and two key/value pairs are added.

  • The code on line 30 with its description is as follows:
    foreach(KeyValuePair<int, string> pony in ponyDictionary)

    A foreach loop is used to retrieve one KeyValuePair, a key and value, stored in ponyDictionary.

    A variable is declared named pony to hold the retrieved KeyValuePair.

    Once a key value and a pony name string are retrieved, the foreach code block (that is, lines 31 to 34) is executed.

    This looping continues until each KeyValuePair in ponyDictionary has been retrieved and tested in the code block.

  • The code on lines32 with its description is as follows:
    if(pony.Key == 20)

    If the retrieved Key stored in pony is equal to 20, then line 33 executes.

  • The code on line 33 with its description is as follows:
    Debug.Log("I was looking for " + pony.Value);

    The string I was looking for plus the string value stored in pony.Key is displayed in the Console.

Using the for loop

The best description I've found for a for loop: "Allows a code block to be executed a specific number of times."

The syntax of a for loop:

for (initializer; condition; iterator)
    code block


Notice the three parts inside the parentheses are separated by semicolons, not commas.

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