Dodge and Burn Using Layers

We learned this technique from Mac Holbert. Figure 7-73 shows an avocet chick. The side of the bird facing us is in shadow. We will brighten this area in four simple steps:

  1. Create a new layer in Overlay mode and activate the Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% Gray) option. Overlay mode has special characteristics:

    50% gray

    Leaves the image unchanged (this is where we start)

    > 50% gray

    The image gets darker (black is darkest)

    < 50% gray

    Brightens the image (white is brightest)

    Our sample image of an avocet chick

    Figure 7-73. Our sample image of an avocet chick

    Use these options when creating a new dodge and burn layer.

    Figure 7-74. Use these options when creating a new dodge and burn layer.

  2. Use conventional brush tools to draw on the new, neutral gray layer and adjust the gray values. We use the Photoshop Dodge tool , selected in the Tools panel.

    Use these options when creating a new dodge and burn layer.
  3. Set the Exposure value to around 5–15% in the options bar, then activate the airbrush () option. Use a fairly large brush with a soft edge.

    Use these options when creating a new dodge and burn layer.
    Our new dodge and burn layer is also a kind of mask.

    Figure 7-75. Our new dodge and burn layer is also a kind of mask.

  4. Move the brush gently back and forth over the parts of the bird’s body that are too dark. This simply makes the appropriate places on the layer brighter (Figure 7-75). You can also use the Burn tool to darken parts of the layer (i.e., darken the image selectively).

Hiding all other layers shows the exact form of the area the new layer will affect. Our layer displays no areas below 50% gray (i.e., we didn’t darken our image at all), and the lighter areas brighten the image in the appropriate places. Figure 7-77 shows the finished image.

Original image

Figure 7-76. Original image

Finished, dodged image

Figure 7-77. Finished, dodged image

Instead of using the and tools, you can also use black and white soft brushes with low opacity to selectively brighten or darken specific image areas.

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