Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Examples

Advance Praise for Hello! Flex 4



About this book

About Hello! books

Chapter 1. Getting started

Why Flex 4?

Flex 4 overview

Flex vs. Ajax? Flex and Ajax?

Getting Flex 4 and Flash Builder 4

Beginning the workshop

Session 1. Hello! Flex

Key Points

Session 2. Dispatching and listening for events

Key points

Session 3. The Bindable annotation and data binding

Key points

Session 4. Flex application structure overview

Key points

Session 5. Spark, Halo, and Flex 4 namespaces

Key points

What’s next?

Chapter 2. ActionScript 3, XML, and E4X

Session 6. Variables, functions, types, and scope

Key points

Session 7. Objects, Arrays, Collections, and Looping

Key points

Session 8. Interfaces, casting, is, and as

Key points

Session 9. Inheritance

Key points

Session 10. E4X, XML, XMLList, and XMLListCollections

Key points

What’s next?

Chapter 3. Hello Spark: primitives, components, FXG and MXML graphics, and even video

Session 11. Spark primitives

Key points

Session 12. Simple Spark components

Key points

Session 13. Data-driven Spark components (Lists)

Key points

Session 14. FXG and MXML graphics—building a game

Key points

Session 15. Camera and video—a fake Twitter client

Key points

What’s next?

Chapter 4. Spark containers, view states, effects, and styling

Session 16. Spark containers and layouts

Key points

Session 17. View states

Key points

Session 18. Effects and animation

Key points

Session 19. CSS styling

Key points

Session 20. Peeking behind the MXML curtain

Key points

Session 21. The Spark component lifecycle

Key points

What’s next?

Chapter 5. Halo Flex 4: Using DataGrid, Navigator Containers, and Popups

Session 22. List and DataGrid

Key points

Session 23. TabNavigator, ViewStack, and Accordion

Key points

Session 24. and the PopupManager

Key points

What’s next?

Chapter 6. Building user-friendly forms using Flex formatters and validators

Session 25. Formatters and validators

Key points

Session 26. Real-world forms, formatters, and validators

Key points

What’s next?

Chapter 7. Cairngorm in Action: SocialStalkr (Twitter + Yahoo! Maps)

Creating the SocialStalkr project

Getting started with Twitter

Getting started with Yahoo! Maps


Cairngorm history and motivation

Downloading and installing Cairngorm 2.2.1

Cairngorm event sequence overview

Creating the main application

Creating the ModelLocator

Creating the control package

Creating CairngormUtils and ServiceUtils

Creating the TwitterDelegate

Creating the commands

Creating the visual components

Key points

What’s next?


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