About the Authors

JEREMY ANDERSON is a software developer for Pillar Technology Group, an Agile consulting firm in the Michigan and Ohio Valley region. He is a self-proclaimed autodidact, constantly tinkering with cutting edge technologies such as Groovy, Grails, and Flex. He’s been developing web-based applications on the JVM in one shape or another for over five years. When he’s not sitting behind a keyboard hacking away at code, you can usually find him out on the single-track on his bike or sometimes even on foot. He sometimes has time to update his blog http://blog.code-adept.com.

BJ ALLMON is a software developer for Pillar Technology Group. He enjoys participating in local user groups and conferences and becoming a more seasoned software practitioner. When he is not dabbling in software development he can be found spending time with his family of six and playing the six-string.

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