Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents




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1. Laying the foundation

Chapter 1. Some Flex with your Java?

1.1. A whirlwind tour of Flex

1.1.1. MXML and ActionScript

1.1.2. The Flex SDK

1.1.3. Flash Player 10

1.2. Creating an application in Flex

1.3. Finding the right tools and patterns

1.3.1. Building a Flex interface

1.3.2. Integrating with web services

1.3.3. Integration with BlazeDS, logging, and messaging

1.3.4. Securing Flex applications

1.3.5. Creating custom Flex controls with Degrafa

1.3.6. Desktop 2.0 with Adobe AIR

1.3.7. Flex and Grails

1.4. Summary

Chapter 2. Beginning with Java

2.1. Working with AppFuse

2.2. Generating the application structure with Maven

2.2.1. Download and install the JDK

2.2.2. Download and install MySQL

2.2.3. Download and install Maven

2.2.4. Create a Maven multimodule project

2.2.5. Maven provides a buildable project

2.2.6. Running the FlexBugs web application

2.3. Build the model objects

2.4. Build the DAOs

2.5. Build the services

2.6. Wiring things together with Spring

2.7. Constructing the web tier

2.7.1. Building Struts 2 action classes

2.7.2. Editing the issue menu item

2.7.3. Adding JSP resources

2.7.4. Adding property resources

2.7.5. Configuring the struts.xml

2.7.6. Configuring Hibernate

2.8. Summary

Chapter 3. Getting rich with Flex

3.1. Generating the application structure

3.2. Configuring the flex-bugs-ria module

3.3. Configure Maven for the flex-bugs-web module

3.4. Adding a wrapper for our SWF

3.5. “Hello World!” in Flex

3.6. Developing the FlexBugs application

3.6.1. Introducing ViewStack

3.6.2. HeaderView

3.6.3. FooterView

3.6.4. Master view

3.6.5. Detail view

3.6.6. Comments view

3.7. Laying out the components

3.8. Creating a pop-up component

3.9. The finished application

3.10. Summary

Chapter 4. Connecting to web services

4.1. Model View Presenter

4.2. Web services in Flex

4.3. Dispatching and handling events

4.3.1. Creating a custom event

4.3.2. Event dispatching

4.4. Creating Issue and Comment transfer objects

4.5. Enhancing the master view

4.5.1. Creating a Presenter for the master view

4.5.2. Creating an Issue Model

4.5.3. Updating the master view

4.6. Enhancing the detail view

4.6.1. Creating a DetailPresenter

4.6.2. Updating the IssueModel

4.6.3. Updating the detail view

4.7. Enhancing the comments view

4.7.1. Creating a comments presenter

4.7.2. Creating a comment model

4.7.3. CommentView

4.8. Adding a pop-up form for editing comments

4.8.1. Updating the CommentPresenter

4.8.2. Updating the CommentModel

4.8.3. Creating the pop-up component

4.8.4. Updating CommentsListView

4.9. Summary

2. BlazeDS remoting

Chapter 5. BlazeDS remoting and logging

5.1. Introducing BlazeDS

5.2. Getting BlazeDS

5.3. Building a BlazeDS configuration Maven module

5.3.1. Configuring BlazeDS

5.4. Exposing Java services to Flex remoting

5.4.1. Web module configuration updates

5.4.2. Expose AMF remoting destinations

5.5. Connecting to Java with BlazeDS

5.6. Logging

5.6.1. BlazeDS logging

5.6.2. Built-in BlazeDS benchmarking

5.7. Summary

Chapter 6. Flex messaging

6.1. Setting up BlazeDS for messaging

6.1.1. Modifying the services-config.xml

6.1.2. Updating the webapp server-side module

6.2. Modifying the client for messaging

6.2.1. Creating a ChannelSetFactory

6.2.2. Changing the IssueModel

6.3. Summary

3. The joys of Flex on Java

Chapter 7. Securing and personalizing your application

7.1. Authentication

7.1.1. Modifying the ChannelSetFactory

7.1.2. Creating a UserEvent

7.1.3. Creating a login panel

7.1.4. Creating a login Presenter

7.1.5. Creating a login manager

7.1.6. Updating the header

7.1.7. Enabling security for Flex

7.2. Authorization

7.2.1. Flex Spring Security primer

7.2.2. Spring Integration Security

7.2.3. @Secured annotations

7.2.4. Overriding default security settings

7.2.5. Updating IssueModel and CommentModel

7.3. Personalization

7.3.1. Adding the UserService to the LoginModel

7.3.2. Updating the LoginPresenter

7.3.3. Updating the DetailPresenter and CommentsListPresenter

7.4. Summary

Chapter 8. Charting with Degrafa

8.1. Drawing in Flex

8.2. Common Degrafa concepts

8.3. Creating a pie chart for fun and profit

8.3.1. New custom event

8.3.2. PieChart component

8.3.3. PieChartSlice

8.3.4. Custom ItemRenderer

8.3.5. Presenter for the PieChart

8.3.6. Model for the PieChart

8.4. Adding your pie chart to the application

8.4.1. Updating the GraphView

8.4.2. Creating a Presenter for the GraphView

8.4.3. Creating the graph model

8.5. Beyond the example

8.6. Summary

Chapter 9. Desktop 2.0 with AIR

9.1. Creating a common library

9.1.1. Creating an SWC project

9.1.2. Extracting common classes

9.1.3. Extracting a MainCanvas

9.2. Creating the AIR application

9.3. Packaging the AIR application

9.3.1. Creating a project to package the AIR app

9.3.2. Generating a certificate

9.3.3. Adding icons

9.3.4. Adding the AIR configuration

9.3.5. Configuring the package build

9.4. Distributing the AIR application

9.4.1. Assembly configuration

9.4.2. Updating the build

9.4.3. Creating a download badge

9.5. Summary

Chapter 10. Testing your Flex application

10.1. Unit testing and TDD

10.2. Updating the project

10.3. Testing the Presenter

10.3.1. Testing refresh issues

10.3.2. Issues result event test

10.3.3. Testing issue removed

10.3.4. Remove issue result test

10.4. Testing the View

10.4.1. Testing the issues set property

10.4.2. Testing resetIssueGrid function

10.4.3. Testing refresh issues button click

10.4.4. Testing DataGrid item select

10.5. Testing the Model

10.5.1. Mocking and RemoteObject

10.5.2. Testing getIssues

10.5.3. Testing get single issue

10.6. Continuous integration with Hudson

10.6.1. Downloading and installing Hudson

10.6.2. Configuring Hudson

10.6.3. Configuring a Hudson job

10.7. Summary

Chapter 11. Flex on Grails

11.1. Why Groovy and Grails?

11.2. Downloading and installing Grails

11.3. Creating the Grails application

11.3.1. Create the Contact domain model

11.3.2. Create the ContactService

11.3.3. Bootstrap sample data

11.4. Getting rich with Flex

11.4.1. Installing the Flex plugin

11.4.2. Creating the domain classes in Flex

11.4.3. Creating the Flex application

11.4.4. Adding the RemoteService

11.4.5. Putting it all together

11.5. Install the Grails JMS and ActiveMQ plugins

11.6. Add the ActiveMQ Spring bean

11.7. Subscribe the Flex client to the Grails JMS service

11.7.1. Update the services-config.xml

11.7.2. Modifying the ContactService

11.7.3. Update the Main.mxml

11.8. Summary


List of Figures

List of Listings

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