List of Figures

Chapter 1. Some Flex with your Java?

Figure 1.1. Comparing a Java applet DataGrid (left) to a Flex Advanced DataGrid

Figure 1.2. Flow visualization chart

Figure 1.3. The folder structure for our “Hello World!” application is formatted for the Maven build convention.

Figure 1.4. A simple Flex application

Figure 1.5. The FlexBugs sample Flex application

Chapter 2. Beginning with Java

Figure 2.1. Verify that Java is set up correctly by checking the version

Figure 2.2. Using the MySQL commands to log into the database instance and create the flexbugs database

Figure 2.3. The generated top-level Maven project

Figure 2.4. A fully dressed up Maven site project

Figure 2.5. Generated module structure using the appfuse-basic-struts archetype

Figure 2.6. AppFuse default application

Figure 2.7. The issues list page with the integrated Issues menu button

Chapter 3. Getting rich with Flex

Figure 3.1. Our “Hello World!” application

Figure 3.2. A mockup of the FlexBugs application

Figure 3.3. How the ViewStack works

Figure 3.4. Folder structure for view components

Figure 3.5. The header view added.

Figure 3.6. Layout for the application

Figure 3.7. Pop up for editing comments

Figure 3.8. The finished application

Chapter 4. Connecting to web services

Figure 4.1. The relationship between the Model, View, and Presenter

Figure 4.2. Wireframe of pop up for editing comments

Chapter 5. BlazeDS remoting and logging

Figure 5.1. The BlazeDS architecture

Figure 5.2. Comparing performances of various methods of transferring data from the server side to the client

Figure 5.3. BlazeDS libraries and their dependencies

Figure 5.4. BlazeDS configuration module project structure

Figure 5.5. Console log of BlazeDS events

Figure 5.6. BlazeDS MessagePerfomanceInfo in action

Chapter 6. Flex messaging

Figure 6.1. Simple polling

Figure 6.2. Trying out the messaging using two browsers

Chapter 7. Securing and personalizing your application

Figure 7.1. Logging in to the application

Figure 7.2. The login panel in action

Figure 7.3. Error when trying to execute a method without authorization

Figure 7.4. Add new comment defaults Author to currently logged in user

Chapter 8. Charting with Degrafa

Figure 8.1. Relationship of Degrafa components

Figure 8.2. Mock-up of the Graph View

Figure 8.3. The finished GraphView

Figure 8.4. More examples of visualization components created with Degrafa

Figure 8.5. A Growl like component for Flex

Figure 8.6. Autodesk’s Project Dragonfly interactive home design software

Chapter 9. Desktop 2.0 with AIR

Figure 9.1. High-level view of desired architecture

Figure 9.2. The icon for the application

Figure 9.3. Installing the AIR application

Figure 9.4. Choosing where to install the application

Figure 9.5. The finished AIR application

Figure 9.6. The install badge in action

Chapter 10. Testing your Flex application

Figure 10.1. TDD workflow

Figure 10.2. Hudson start screen

Figure 10.3. The Hudson management selection screen

Figure 10.4. Hudson configuration screen

Figure 10.5. Maven automatic installation selection

Figure 10.6. Maven local installation

Figure 10.7. Hudson email notification

Figure 10.8. Hudson job configuration start screen

Figure 10.9. Source code management section

Figure 10.10. The build instructions and email notification settings

Chapter 11. Flex on Grails

Figure 11.1. The sample application

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