Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About this Book

About the Authors

About the Title

About the Cover Illustration

1. Understanding Tuscany and SCA

Chapter 1. Introducing Tuscany and SCA

1.1. The big picture

1.1.1. The basics of SCA

1.1.2. Tuscany’s Java runtime for SCA

1.2. Designing a sample composite application

1.2.1. The travel-booking application

1.2.2. SCA components, services, and references

1.2.3. A user scenario demonstrating service interactions

1.3. Implementing a composite application

1.3.1. A jump-start to building and running your first SCA component

1.3.2. Defining more complex components

1.3.3. Creating component implementations

1.3.4. Wiring components to form a composite application

1.3.5. Deploying a composite application using contributions

1.4. Working with other SOA technologies

1.4.1. API wrapping

1.4.2. Using SCA implementations

1.4.3. Using SCA remote bindings

1.4.4. Tuscany and an Enterprise Service Bus

1.5. Summary

Chapter 2. Using SCA components

2.1. Implementing an SCA component

2.1.1. Choosing an implementation type

2.1.2. Configuring SCA components using component definitions

2.1.3. Discovering or defining the component type

2.2. Using components to provide services

2.2.1. Defining services

2.2.2. Interface definition in SCA

2.2.3. Configuring services in component definitions

2.2.4. Local and remotable interfaces

2.2.5. Bidirectional interfaces and callbacks

2.2.6. Conversational interfaces

2.3. Connecting components using references and wires

2.3.1. Defining references

2.3.2. Wiring references to services

2.3.3. Wire elements

2.3.4. Automatic wiring

2.3.5. Reference multiplicity

2.3.6. Wiring with different multiplicities

2.4. Configuring components using properties

2.4.1. Defining properties

2.4.2. Configuring values for properties

2.4.3. Using complex types for properties

2.5. Enabling communication flexibility using bindings

2.5.1. Configuring bindings for services and references

2.5.2. The default binding

2.5.3. Domains, bindings, and wiring

2.6. Summary

Chapter 3. SCA composite applications

3.1. Running a composite application in a single process

3.1.1. Preparing the contributions

3.1.2. Writing the launcher

3.1.3. Running the launcher

3.2. Understanding the SCA domain

3.2.1. The domain as a contribution repository

3.2.2. The domain as a naming and visibility boundary

3.2.3. The domain as an execution environment

3.2.4. Using a single execution node with a local domain

3.2.5. Distributed execution within a domain

3.3. Running a distributed composite application

3.3.1. Creating an SCA domain

3.3.2. Installing contributions into the domain

3.3.3. Deploying composites for execution

3.3.4. Assigning composites to execution nodes

3.3.5. Creating and starting execution nodes

3.3.6. Running the domain manager from a saved configuration

3.4. Using SCA composites as application building blocks

3.4.1. Different ways of using SCA composites

3.4.2. Using composites as component implementations

3.4.3. Including composites in other composites

3.4.4. Composite reuse in action

3.5. Summary

2. Using Tuscany

Chapter 4. Service interaction patterns

4.1. Understanding the range of SCA service interaction patterns

4.2. Remote interaction

4.2.1. Configuring remote interaction

4.2.2. Exploiting remote interaction

4.3. Local interaction

4.3.1. Configuring local interaction

4.3.2. Exploiting local interaction

4.4. Request response interaction

4.4.1. Configuring request response interaction

4.4.2. Exploiting request response interaction

4.5. One-way interaction

4.5.1. Configuring one-way interaction

4.5.2. Exploiting one-way interaction

4.6. Callback interaction

4.6.1. Configuring callback interaction

4.6.2. Exploiting callback interaction

4.7. Conversational interaction

4.7.1. Configuring conversational interaction

4.7.2. Exploiting conversational interaction

4.8. Summary

Chapter 5. Implementing components using the Java language

5.1. Defining a Java component implementation

5.2. Using SCA annotations in Java implementations

5.3. Services and references with Java interfaces

5.3.1. Identifying local and remote services

5.3.2. Implicit and explicit definition of component interfaces

5.3.3. Interface compatibility and mapping

5.3.4. Transforming messages between interfaces

5.3.5. Pass-by-reference and pass-by-value

5.4. Java component services

5.4.1. The @Service annotation

5.4.2. Alternatives to the @Service annotation

5.5. Java component references

5.5.1. The @Reference annotation and reference injection

5.5.2. Reference naming

5.5.3. Reference multiplicity

5.6. Java component properties

5.6.1. The @Property annotation and property injection

5.6.2. Property naming

5.6.3. Property types

5.6.4. Property value multiplicity

5.7. Java component instance creation and scope

5.7.1. Stateless, composite, and conversational scopes

5.7.2. Interacting with component instance creation and destruction

5.8. Making callbacks

5.8.1. The credit card security callback scenario

5.8.2. Creating a bidirectional interface with the @Callback annotation

5.8.3. The service programming model for callbacks

5.8.4. The client programming model for callbacks

5.8.5. Getting the callback proxy from the request context

5.8.6. Using callable references to provide callback flexibility

5.8.7. Using a callback ID to identify a specific callback

5.8.8. Redirecting the callback to another service

5.9. Holding conversations

5.9.1. Defining and controlling conversations in Java implementations

5.9.2. Starting, using, and stopping conversations using annotations

5.9.3. Controlling conversations using the SCA Java API

5.10. Passing SCA service references

5.10.1. A service reference–passing scenario

5.10.2. Retrieving service references

5.10.3. Passing a service reference to another component

5.10.4. Making a call via a service reference

5.11. Handling errors

5.11.1. Business exceptions

5.11.2. SCA runtime exceptions

5.12. Summary

Chapter 6. Implementing components using other technologies

6.1. Implementing components using Spring

6.1.1. Using Spring services and references without SCA tags

6.1.2. Using Spring services and references with SCA tags

6.1.3. Setting Spring properties

6.1.4. Using other SCA Java annotations

6.1.5. Finding the Spring application context

6.2. Implementing components using BPEL

6.2.1. The structure of a BPEL process document

6.2.2. BPEL in Tuscany and SCA

6.2.3. Mapping WS-BPEL partner links to SCA services

6.2.4. Mapping WS-BPEL partner links to SCA references

6.2.5. Handling errors

6.2.6. Limitations of implementation.bpel in Tuscany 1.x

6.3. Implementing components using scripts

6.3.1. BSF-based script implementations in Tuscany and SCA

6.3.2. Defining interfaces for script-based SCA services and references

6.3.3. Mapping between SCA services and scripts

6.3.4. Mapping between SCA references and scripts

6.3.5. Mapping between SCA properties and scripts

6.3.6. Handling errors

6.4. Summary

Chapter 7. Connecting components using bindings

7.1. Introduction to SCA bindings

7.1.1. Using SCA bindings on an SCA service

7.1.2. Using SCA bindings on an SCA reference

7.2. Demonstrating SCA bindings

7.2.1. Overview of the currency converter

7.2.2. Overview of the Notification service

7.3. Connecting component services with

7.4. Connecting component services with web services

7.4.1. Exposing an SCA service as a web service

7.4.2. Accessing a web service using the SCA Web Services binding

7.4.3. Configuration options for the SCA Web Services binding

7.5. Connecting component services with CORBA

7.5.1. Exposing an SCA service as a CORBA service

7.5.2. Accessing a CORBA service using the SCA CORBA binding

7.5.3. Configuration options for the SCA CORBA binding

7.6. Connecting component services with RMI

7.6.1. Exposing an SCA service as an RMI service

7.6.2. Accessing an RMI service using the SCA RMI binding

7.6.3. Configuration options for the SCA RMI binding

7.7. Connecting component services with JMS

7.7.1. Exposing an SCA service using JMS

7.7.2. Accessing a JMS service using the SCA JMS service binding

7.7.3. Configuration options for the SCA JMS binding

7.8. Connecting to EJBs

7.8.1. Exposing an SCA service as an EJB

7.8.2. Accessing an EJB using the SCA EJB binding

7.8.3. Configuration options for the SCA EJB binding

7.9. Summary

Chapter 8. Web clients and Web 2.0

8.1. Servlets as SCA component implementations

8.1.1. Creating the currency converter user interface using a servlet

8.2. Writing web component implementations using JSPs

8.2.1. Exposing the currency converter using a JSP

8.3. HTML pages as SCA component implementations

8.3.1. Using an HTML page for the TuscanySCATours user interface

8.4. Exposing file system resources

8.4.1. Exposing the TuscanySCATours help pages

8.5. Exposing component services as Atom and RSS feeds

8.5.1. Exposing the TuscanySCATours blog as an Atom feed

8.5.2. Extending the TuscanySCATours blog with an RSS feed

8.6. Referencing Atom and RSS feeds

8.6.1. Logging the TuscanySCATours blog Atom feed

8.6.2. Logging the TuscanySCATours blog RSS feed

8.7. Summary

Chapter 9. Data representation and transformation

9.1. Data exchange between SCA components

9.1.1. Using WSDL to describe the CreditCardPayment interface

9.1.2. Using WSDL in an SCA composite

9.2. Representing data within component implementations

9.2.1. Passing data to component references using JAXB objects

9.2.2. Accepting data in component services as SDO objects

9.3. Describing data contracts within SCA compositions

9.3.1. Specifying contracts on the component type

9.3.2. Specifying contracts on component services and references

9.3.3. Providing contract configuration to bindings

9.4. Data transformations

9.4.1. Converting the data coming from the browser from JSON to JAXB

9.4.2. Converting from JAXB to AXIOM in order to send a SOAP request

9.4.3. Converting from AXIOM to SDO

9.5. The Tuscany databinding framework

9.6. Summary

Chapter 10. Defining and applying policy

10.1. An overview of policy within an SCA domain

10.2. The policy runtime

10.2.1. Policy interceptors

10.2.2. The interceptor interface

10.3. Using intents and policy sets for implementation policy

10.3.1. Adding implementation intents to the composite file

10.3.2. Choosing a policy set to satisfy the intent

10.4. Using intents and policy sets for interaction policy

10.4.1. Adding interaction intents to the composite file

10.4.2. Adding interaction intents to the component implementation

10.4.3. Choosing a policy set to satisfy the intent at the service

10.4.4. Choosing a policy set to satisfy the intent at the reference

10.4.5. Running the payment example with authentication enabled

10.5. Other features of the SCA Policy Framework

10.5.1. Dealing with policy sets directly

10.5.2. Profile intents

10.5.3. Intent qualification

10.5.4. Default intents

10.6. Tuscany intents and policy sets

10.7. Summary

3. Deploying Tuscany applications

Chapter 11. Running and embedding Tuscany

11.1. Understanding the Tuscany runtime environment

11.1.1. The SCA domain and Tuscany nodes

11.1.2. Tuscany node configuration

11.1.3. Hosting options for a Tuscany node

11.2. Running Tuscany standalone

11.3. Running Tuscany using APIs

11.4. Running Tuscany with web applications

11.4.1. Configuring WEB-INF/web.xml

11.4.2. Customizing class loading policy

11.4.3. Deploying Tuscany-enabled web applications

11.5. Configuring distributed nodes

11.5.1. Defining the contents of the domain code repository

11.5.2. Specifying the deployed composites

11.5.3. Defining the nodes in the execution cloud

11.5.4. Configuring bindings for the nodes in the execution cloud

11.6. Embedding Tuscany with a managed container

11.7. Summary

Chapter 12. A complete SCA application

12.1. Getting ready to run the application

12.2. Assembling the travel-booking application

12.2.1. The application user interface (fullapp-ui)

12.2.2. Coordinating the application (fullapp-coordination)

12.2.3. Partner services (fullapp-packagedtrip and bespoketrip)

12.2.4. Currency conversion (fullapp-currency)

12.2.5. Constructing trips (fullapp-shoppingcart)

12.2.6. Payment processing (payment and creditcard)

12.3. The travel-booking application in a distributed domain

12.4. Hints and tips for building composite applications

12.4.1. Prototyping and then filling out

12.4.2. Application organization

12.4.3. Developing contributions in a team

12.4.4. Testing contributions in a single VM

12.4.5. Top-down and bottom-up development

12.4.6. Recursive composition

12.4.7. SCA and versioning

12.5. Summary

4. Exploring the Tuscany runtime

Chapter 13. Tuscany runtime architecture

13.1. An overview of the Tuscany architecture

13.2. A structural perspective of the Tuscany architecture

13.2.1. Tuscany core functions

13.2.2. Tuscany runtime extension points and plugins

13.2.3. Defining extension points and plugins

13.3. A behavioral perspective of the Tuscany architecture

13.3.1. Starting and stopping the Tuscany runtime

13.3.2. Loading SCA applications

13.3.3. Building SCA composites

13.3.4. Augmenting the composite with runtime artifacts

13.3.5. Starting and stopping an SCA component

13.3.6. Invoking SCA references and services

13.4. Summary

Chapter 14. Extending Tuscany

14.1. The high-level view of developing a Tuscany extension

14.2. Developing a POJO implementation type

14.2.1. Add the implementation.pojo XML schema

14.2.2. Adding implementation.pojo XML processing

14.2.3. Determining the component type for implementation.pojo

14.2.4. Controlling implementation.pojo invocation and lifecycle

14.2.5. The end-to-end picture for the POJO implementation type

14.2.6. Packaging the POJO implementation type

14.3. Developing a new binding type

14.3.1. Adding the binding.echo XML schema

14.3.2. Adding the binding.echo XML processor

14.3.3. Controlling binding.echo invocation and lifecycle

14.3.4. The end-to-end picture for the Echo binding type

14.3.5. Packaging the echo binding type

14.4. Summary

Appendix A. Setting up

A.1. Installing Tuscany

A.1.1. Getting Tuscany’s prerequisites

A.1.2. Downloading and installing Tuscany

A.1.3. Testing the Tuscany installation

A.1.4. SCA samples provided with Tuscany

A.1.5. Setting up your Java IDE

A.2. Installing the examples for this book

A.2.1. Downloading the travel sample

A.2.2. Setting the TUSCANY_HOME environment variable

A.2.3. Testing the travel sample installation

A.2.4. Travel sample structure

A.2.5. Using a Java IDE with the travel sample

A.3. Interacting with the Tuscany project and community

A.4. Troubleshooting

Appendix B. What’s next?

B.1. Support for OASIS Open CSA SCA standards

B.2. OSGi enablement for the Tuscany runtime

B.3. Enhanced SCA domain and node support

B.4. Implementation of OSGi remote services with SCA

B.5. Running Tuscany in the cloud

Appendix C. OSOA SCA specification license

Appendix D. Travel sample license


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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