Chapter 6. Implementing iterators the easy way

This chapter covers

  • Implementing iterators in C# 1
  • Iterator blocks in C# 2
  • Sample iterator usage
  • Iterators as coroutines

The iterator pattern is an example of a behavioral pattern—a design pattern that simplifies communication between objects. It’s one of the simplest patterns to understand, and incredibly easy to use. In essence, it allows you to access all the elements in a sequence of items without caring about what kind of sequence it is—an array, a list, a linked list, or none of the above. This can be effective for building a data pipeline, where an item of data enters the pipeline and goes through a number of different transformations or filters before coming out at the other end. Indeed, this is one of the core patterns of LINQ, as we’ll see in part 3.

In .NET, the iterator pattern is encapsulated by the IEnumerator and IEnumerable interfaces and their generic equivalents. (The naming is unfortunate—the pattern is normally called iteration to avoid getting confused with other meanings of the word enumeration. I’ve used iterator and iterable throughout this chapter.) If a type implements IEnumerable, that means it can be iterated over; calling the GetEnumerator method will return the IEnumerator implementation, which is the iterator itself. You can think of the iterator as being like a database cursor: a position within the sequence. The iterator can only move forward within the sequence, and there can be many iterators operating on the same sequence at the same time.

As a language, C# 1 has built-in support for consuming iterators using the foreach statement. This makes it easy to iterate over collections—easier than using a straight for loop—and is nicely expressive. The foreach statement compiles down to calls to the GetEnumerator and MoveNext methods and the Current property, with support for disposing the iterator afterward if IDisposable has been implemented. It’s a small but useful piece of syntactic sugar.

In C# 1, though, implementing an iterator is a relatively difficult task. C# 2 makes this much simpler, which can sometimes lead to the iterator pattern being worth implementing in cases where otherwise it would’ve caused more work than it saved.

In this chapter we’ll look at what’s required to implement an iterator and the support given by C# 2. After we’ve looked at the syntax in detail, we’ll examine a few examples from the real world, including an exciting (if slightly off-the-wall) use of the iteration syntax in a concurrency library from Microsoft. I’ve held off on providing the examples until the end of the description, because there isn’t very much to learn—and the examples will be a lot clearer when you can understand what the code is doing. If you really want to read the examples first, they’re in sections 6.3 and 6.4.

If you just want a teaser, think about the last time you iterated over the lines in a file. Assuming you didn’t want to load the whole file in one go with File.ReadAllLines, you probably ended up using a slightly ugly while loop. Wouldn’t foreach have been nicer? If only there were some way we could lazily iterate over lines in a file as if they were just another collection...

As in other chapters, let’s start off by looking at what life was like before C# 2. We’ll implement an iterator the hard way.

6.1. C# 1: the pain of handwritten iterators

We’ve already seen one example of an iterator implementation in section 3.4.3 when we looked at what happens when you iterate over a generic collection. In some ways that was harder than a real C# 1 iterator implementation would’ve been, because we implemented the generic interfaces as well—but it was also easier in other ways because it wasn’t actually iterating over anything useful.

To put the C# 2 features into context, we’ll first implement an iterator that’s about as simple as it can be while still providing real functionality. Suppose we wanted a new type of collection based on a circular buffer. We’ll implement IEnumerable so that users of our new class can easily iterate over all the values in the collection. We’ll ignore the guts of the collection here and just concentrate on the iteration side. Our collection will store its values in an array (object[]—no generics here!), and the collection will have the interesting feature that you can set its logical starting point—so if the array had five elements, you could set the start point to 2, and expect elements 2, 3, 4, 0, and then 1 to be returned. Although I won’t show the full circular buffer code here, it’s in the downloadable code.

To make the class easy to demonstrate, we’ll provide both the values and the starting point in the constructor. So, we should be able to write code such as listing 6.1 in order to iterate over the collection.

Listing 6.1. Code using the (as yet unimplemented) new collection type
object[] values = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
IterationSample collection = new IterationSample(values, 3);
foreach (object x in collection)
Console.WriteLine (x);

Running listing 6.1 should (eventually) produce output of “d”, “e”, “a”, “b”, and finally “c” because we specified a starting point of 3. Now that we know what we need to achieve, let’s look at the skeleton of the class as shown in the following listing.

Listing 6.2. Skeleton of the new collection type, with no iterator implementation
using System;
using System.Collections;

public class IterationSample : IEnumerable
object[] values;
int startingPoint;

public IterationSample(object[] values, int startingPoint)
this.values = values;
this.startingPoint = startingPoint;

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();

As you can see, we haven’t implemented GetEnumerator yet, but the rest of the code is ready to go. So, how do we go about writing the GetEnumerator code? The first thing to understand is that we need to store some state somewhere. One important aspect of the iterator pattern is that we don’t return all of the data in one go—the client just asks for one element at a time. That means we need to keep track of how far we’ve already gone through our array. The stateful nature of iterators will be important when we look at what the C# 2 compiler does for us, so keep a close eye on the state required in this example.

So, where should this state live? Suppose we tried to put it in the IterationSample class itself, making that implement IEnumerator as well as IEnumerable. At first sight, this looks like a good plan—after all, the data is in the right place, including the starting point. Our GetEnumerator method could just return this. But there’s a big problem with this approach—if GetEnumerator is called several times, several independent iterators should be returned. For instance, we should be able to use two foreach statements, one inside another, to get all possible pairs of values. The two iterators need to be independent—which suggests we need to create a new object each time GetEnumerator is called. We could still implement the functionality directly within IterationSample, but then we’d have a class that didn’t have a single clear responsibility—it would be pretty confusing.

Instead, let’s create another class to implement the iterator itself. We’ll use the fact that in C# a nested type has access to its enclosing type’s private members, which means we can just store a reference to the parent IterationSample, along with the state of how far we’ve gone so far. This is shown in the following listing.

Listing 6.3. Nested class implementing the collection’s iterator

What a lot of code to perform such a simple task! We remember the original collection of values we’re iterating over and keep track of where we’d be in a simple zero-based array . To return an element, we offset that index by the starting point . In keeping with the interface, we consider our iterator to start logically before the first element , so the client will have to call MoveNext before using the Current property for the first time. The conditional increment at makes the test at simple and correct even if MoveNext is called again after it’s first reported that no more data is available. To reset the iterator, we set our logical position back to before the first element .

Most of the logic involved is fairly straightforward, although there’s lots of room for off-by-one errors; my first implementation failed its unit tests for precisely that reason. The good news is that it works, and that we only need to implement IEnumerable in IterationSample to complete the example:

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new IterationSampleIterator(this);

I won’t reproduce the combined code here, but it’s available on the book’s website, including listing 6.1, which now has the expected output.

It’s worth bearing in mind that this is a relatively simple example—there’s not a lot of state to keep track of, and no attempt to check whether the collection has changed between iterations. With such a large burden involved to implement a simple iterator, we shouldn’t be surprised at the rarity of implementing the pattern in C# 1. Developers were generally happy to use foreach on the collections provided by the framework, but more direct (and collection-specific) access when it came to their own collections.

So, about 40 lines of code to implement the iterator in C# 1. Let’s see if C# 2 can do any better.

6.2. C# 2: simple iterators with yield statements

I’ve always been the kind of person who likes to stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve in order to open a present as soon as Christmas Day arrives. In the same way, I’d find it almost impossible to wait any significant amount of time before showing you how neat the solution is in C# 2.

6.2.1. Introducing iterator blocks and yield return

This chapter wouldn’t exist if C# 2 didn’t have a powerful feature that cuts down the amount of code you have to write to implement iterators. In some other topics the amount of code has only been reduced slightly, or has just made something more elegant. In this case, though, the amount of code required is reduced massively. Listing 6.4 shows the complete implementation of the GetEnumerator method in C# 2.

Listing 6.4. Iterating through the sample collection with C# 2 and yield return
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
for (int index = 0; index < values.Length; index++)
yield return values[(index + startingPoint) % values.Length];

Four lines of implementation, two of which are just braces. To be clear, that replaces the whole of the IterationSampleIterator class. Completely. At least in the source code... Later on we’ll see what the compiler has done behind our back, and some of the quirks of the implementation it’s provided, but for the moment let’s look at the source code we’ve used.

The method looks perfectly normal until you see the use of yield return. That’s what tells the C# compiler that this isn’t a normal method but one implemented with an iterator block. The method is declared to return an IEnumerator, and you can only use iterator blocks to implement methods[1] that have a return type of IEnumerable, IEnumerator, or one of the generic equivalents. The yield type of the iterator block is object if the declared return type of the method is a nongeneric interface, or the type argument of the generic interface otherwise. For instance, a method declared to return IEnumerable<string> would have a yield type of string.

1 Or properties, as we’ll see later on. You can’t use an iterator block in an anonymous method, though.

No normal return statements are allowed within iterator blocks—only yield return. All yield return statements in the block must try to return a value compatible with the yield type of the block. To use our previous example, you couldn’t write yield return 1; in a method declared to return IEnumerable<string>.


Restrictions on Yield Return

There are a few further restrictions on yield statements. You can’t use yield return inside a try block if it has any catch blocks, and you can’t use either yield return or yield break (which we’ll come to shortly) in a finally block. That doesn’t mean you can’t use try/ catch or try/finally blocks inside iterators—it just restricts what you can do in them.[2]

2 If you want to know more about why these restrictions exist, Eric Lippert has a whole series of blog posts about these and other design decisions involving iterators: see


The big idea that you need to get your head around when it comes to iterator blocks is that although you’ve written a method that looks like it executes sequentially, what you’ve actually asked the compiler to do is create a state machine for you. This is necessary for exactly the same reason we had to put so much effort into implementing the iterator in C# 1—the caller only wants to see one element at a time, so we need to keep track of what we were doing when we last returned a value.

When the compiler encounters an iterator block, it creates a nested type for the state machine. This type remembers exactly where we are within the block and the values of local variables (including parameters). The generated class is somewhat similar to the longhand implementation we wrote earlier, in that it keeps all the necessary state as instance variables. Let’s think about what this state machine has to do in order to implement the iterator:

  • It has to have some initial state.
  • Whenever MoveNext is called, it has to execute code from the GetEnumerator method until we’re ready to provide the next value (in other words, until we hit a yield return statement).
  • When the Current property is used, it has to return the last value we yielded.
  • It has to know when we’ve finished yielding values so that MoveNext can return false.

The second point in this list is the tricky one, because it always needs to restart the code from the point it had previously reached. Keeping track of the local variables (as they appear in the method) isn’t too hard—they’re just represented by instance variables in the state machine. The restarting aspect is trickier, but the good news is that unless you’re writing a C# compiler yourself, you needn’t care about how it’s achieved: the result from a black box point of view is that it just works. You can write perfectly normal code within the iterator block and the compiler is responsible for making sure that the flow of execution is exactly as it would be in any other method; the difference is that a yield return statement appears to only temporarily exit the method—you could think of it as being paused, effectively.

Next we’ll examine the flow of execution in more detail, and in a more visual way.

6.2.2. Visualizing an iterator’s workflow

It may help to think about how iterators execute in terms of a sequence diagram (see Rather than drawing the diagram by hand, listing 6.5 prints it out for us. The iterator itself just provides a sequence of numbers (0, 1, 2, -1) and then finishes. The interesting part isn’t the numbers provided so much as the flow of the code.

Listing 6.5. Showing the sequence of calls between an iterator and its caller
static readonly string Padding = new string(' ', 30);

static IEnumerable<int> CreateEnumerable()
Console.WriteLine("{0}Start of CreateEnumerable()", Padding);

for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}About to yield {1}", Padding, i);
yield return i;
Console.WriteLine("{0}After yield", Padding);
Console.WriteLine("{0}Yielding final value", Padding);
yield return -1;

Console.WriteLine("{0}End of CreateEnumerable()", Padding);
IEnumerable<int> iterable = CreateEnumerable();
IEnumerator<int> iterator = iterable.GetEnumerator();
Console.WriteLine("Starting to iterate");
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Calling MoveNext()...");
bool result = iterator.MoveNext();
Console.WriteLine("... MoveNext result={0}", result);
if (!result)
Console.WriteLine("Fetching Current...");
Console.WriteLine("... Current result={0}", iterator.Current);

Listing 6.5 isn’t pretty, particularly around the iteration side of things. In the normal course of events we’d just use a foreach loop, but to show exactly what’s happening when, I had to break the use of the iterator out into pieces. This code broadly does what foreach does, although foreach also calls Dispose at the end. This is important for iterator blocks, as we’ll explore shortly. As you can see, there’s no difference in the syntax within the iterator method even though this time we’re returning IEnumerable<int> instead of IEnumerator<int>. Usually you’ll only want to return IEnumerator<T> in order to implement IEnumerable<T>; if you want to just yield a sequence from a method, return IEnumerable<T> instead.

Here’s the output from listing 6.5:

Starting to iterate
Calling MoveNext()...
Start of CreateEnumerable()
About to yield 0
... MoveNext result=True
Fetching Current...
... Current result=0
Calling MoveNext()...
After yield
About to yield 1
... MoveNext result=True
Fetching Current...
... Current result=1
Calling MoveNext()...
After yield
About to yield 2
... MoveNext result=True
Fetching Current...
... Current result=2
Calling MoveNext()...
After yield
Yielding final value
... MoveNext result=True
Fetching Current...
... Current result=-1
Calling MoveNext()...
End of CreateEnumerable()
... MoveNext result=False

There are various important things to note from this output:

  • None of the code we wrote in CreateEnumerable is called until the first call to MoveNext.
  • Calling MoveNext is where all the work gets done; fetching Current doesn’t run any of our code.
  • The code stops executing at yield return and picks up again just afterward at the next call to MoveNext.
  • We can have multiple yield return statements in different places in the method.
  • The code doesn’t end at the last yield return—instead, the call to MoveNext that causes us to reach the end of the method is the one that returns false.

The first point is particularly important, because it means you can’t use an iterator block for any code that has to be executed immediately when the method is called—such as argument validation. If you put normal checking into a method implemented with an iterator block, it won’t behave nicely. You’ll almost certainly fall foul of this at some point—it’s an extremely common error, and hard to understand until you think about what the iterator block is doing. We’ll see the solution to the problem in section 6.3.7.

There are two things we haven’t seen yet—an alternative way of halting the iteration, and how finally blocks work in this somewhat odd form of execution. Let’s take a look at them now.

6.2.3. Advanced iterator execution flow

In normal methods, the return statement has two effects. First, it supplies the value the caller sees as the return value. Second, it terminates the execution of the method, executing any appropriate finally blocks on the way out. We’ve seen that the yield return statement temporarily exits the method, but only until MoveNext is called again, and we haven’t examined the behavior of finally blocks at all yet. How can we really stop the method, and what happens to all of those finally blocks? We’ll start with a fairly simple construct—the yield break statement.

Ending an Iterator With Yield Break

You can always find a way to make a method have a single exit point, and many people work hard to achieve this.[3] The same techniques can be applied in iterator blocks. But should you wish to have an early out, the yield break statement is your friend. This effectively terminates the iterator, making the current call to MoveNext return false.

3 I personally find that the hoops you have to jump through to achieve this often make the code much harder to read than just having multiple return points, especially as try/finally is available for cleanup and you need to account for the possibility of exceptions occurring anyway. The point is that it can be done.

Listing 6.6 demonstrates this by counting up to 100 but stopping early if it runs out of time. This also demonstrates the use of a method parameter in an iterator block,[4] and proves that the name of the method is irrelevant.

4 Note that methods taking ref or out parameters can’t be implemented with iterator blocks.

Listing 6.6. Demonstration of yield break

Typically when you run listing 6.6, you’ll see about seven lines of output. The foreach loop terminates perfectly normally—as far as it’s concerned, the iterator has just run out of elements to iterate over. The yield break statement behaves much like a return statement in a normal method.

So far, so simple. There’s one last aspect of execution flow to explore: how and when finally blocks are executed.

Execution of Finally Blocks

We’re used to finally blocks executing whenever we leave the relevant scope. Iterator blocks don’t behave quite like normal methods, though—as we’ve seen, a yield return statement effectively pauses the method rather than exiting it. Following that logic, we wouldn’t expect any finally blocks to be executed at that point—and they aren’t.

But appropriate finally blocks are executed when a yield break statement is hit, just as you’d expect them to be when returning from a normal method.[5] The most common use of finally in an iterator block is to dispose of resources, typically with a convenient using statement. We’ll see a real-world example of this in section 6.3.6, but for now we’re just trying to see how and when finally blocks are executed. The following listing shows this in action—it’s the same code as listing 6.6, but with a finally block. The changes are shown in bold.

5 They also work as normal when execution leaves the relevant scope without reaching either a yield return or a yield break statement. I’m only focusing on the behavior of the two yield statements here because that’s where the flow of execution is new and different.

Listing 6.7. Demonstration of yield break working with try/finally

The finally block in listing 6.7 is executed whether the iterator block finishes by counting to 100, or whether it has to stop due to the time limit being reached. (It would also execute if the code threw an exception.) But there are other ways we might try to avoid the finally block from being called... Let’s try to be sneaky.

We’ve seen that code in the iterator block is only executed when MoveNext is called. So what happens if we never call MoveNext? Or if we call it a few times and then stop? Let’s consider changing the calling part of listing 6.7 to this:

DateTime stop = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2);
foreach (int i in CountWithTimeLimit(stop))
Console.WriteLine ("Received {0}", i);
if (i > 3)

Here we’re not stopping early in the iterator code—we’re stopping early in the code using the iterator. The output is perhaps surprising:

Received 1
Received 2
Received 3
Received 4

Here, code is being executed after the return statement in the foreach loop. That doesn’t normally happen unless a finally block is involved—and in this case there are two! We already know about the finally block in the iterator method, but the question is what’s causing it to be executed. I gave a hint to this earlier on—foreach calls Dispose on the iterator returned by GetEnumerator, in its own finally block (just like the using statement). When you call Dispose on an iterator created with an iterator block before it’s finished iterating, the state machine executes any finally blocks that are in the scope of where the code is currently “paused.” That’s a complicated and somewhat detailed explanation, but the result is simpler to express: so long as callers use a foreach loop, finally works within iterator blocks in the way you want it to.

We can prove easily that it’s the call to Dispose that triggers this by using the iterator manually:

DateTime stop = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(2);
IEnumerable<int> iterable = CountWithTimeLimit(stop);
IEnumerator<int> iterator = iterable.GetEnumerator();

Console.WriteLine ("Received {0}", iterator.Current);

Console.WriteLine ("Received {0}", iterator.Current);

This time the stopping line is never printed. If you add a call to Dispose explicitly, you’ll see the extra line in the output again. It’s relatively rare that you’ll want to terminate an iterator before it’s finished, and it’s relatively rare that you’ll be iterating manually instead of using foreach, but if you do, remember to wrap the iterator in a using statement.

We’ve now covered most of the behavior of iterator blocks, but before we end this section it’s worth considering a few oddities to do with the current Microsoft implementation.

6.2.4. Quirks in the implementation

If you compile iterator blocks with the Microsoft C# 2 compiler and look at the resulting IL in either ildasm or Reflector, you’ll see the nested type that the compiler has generated for us behind the scenes. In my case when compiling our (evolved) first iterator block example, it was called IterationSample.<GetEnumerator>d__0 (where the angle brackets make it an unspeakable name—nothing to do with generics). I won’t go through exactly what’s generated in detail here, but it’s worth looking at it in Reflector to get a feel for what’s going on, preferably with the language specification next to you, open at section 10.14: the specification defines different states the type can be in, and this description makes the generated code easier to follow. The bulk of the work is performed in MoveNext, which is generally a big switch statement.

Fortunately, as developers we don’t need to care much about the hoops the compiler has to jump through. But there are a few quirks about the implementation that are worth knowing about:

  • Before MoveNext is called for the first time, the Current property will always return the default value for the yield type of the iterator.
  • After MoveNext has returned false, the Current property will always return the final value yielded.
  • Reset always throws an exception instead of resetting like our manual implementation did. This is required behavior, laid down in the specification.
  • The nested class always implements both the generic and nongeneric form of IEnumerator (and the generic and nongeneric IEnumerable where appropriate).

Failing to implement Reset is reasonable—the compiler can’t work out what you’d need to do in order to reset the iterator, or even whether it’s feasible. Arguably Reset shouldn’t have been in the IEnumerator interface to start with, and I can’t remember the last time I called it. Many collections don’t support it, so callers can’t generally rely on it anyway.

Implementing extra interfaces does no harm either. It’s interesting that if your method returns IEnumerable, you end up with one class implementing five interfaces (including IDisposable). The language specification explains it in detail, but the upshot is that as a developer you don’t need to worry. The fact that it implements both IEnumerable and IEnumerator is slightly unusual—the compiler goes to some pains to make sure that the behavior is correct whatever you do with it, but also manages to create a single instance of the nested type in the common case where you just iterate through the collection in the same thread that created it.

The behavior of Current is odd—in particular, keeping hold of the last item after supposedly moving off it could keep it from being garbage collected. It’s possible that this may be fixed in a later release of the C# compiler, though it’s unlikely, as it could break existing code.[6] Strictly speaking, it’s correct from the point of view of the C# 2 language specification—the behavior of the Current property is undefined in this situation. It’d be nicer, though, if it implemented the property in the way that the framework documentation suggests, throwing exceptions at appropriate times.

6 The Microsoft C# compilers shipping with .NET 3.5 and 4 behave in the same way.

So, there are a few tiny drawbacks from using the autogenerated code, but sensible callers won’t have any problems—and let’s face it, we’ve saved a lot of code in order to come up with the implementation. This means it makes sense to use iterators more widely than we might’ve done in C# 1. Our next section provides some sample code so you can check your understanding of iterator blocks and see how they’re useful in real life rather than in theoretical scenarios.

6.3. Real-life iterator examples

Have you ever written some code that’s really simple in itself but makes your project much neater? It happens to me every so often, and it usually makes me happier than it probably ought to—enough to get strange looks from colleagues, anyway. That sort of childlike delight is particularly strong when it comes to using a new language feature in a way that’s clearly nicer and not just doing it for the sake of playing with new toys.

Even after using iterators for a few years now, I still come across situations where a solution presents itself using iterator blocks, and the resulting code is brief, clean, and easy to understand. In this section I’ll share three such scenarios with you.

6.3.1. Iterating over the dates in a timetable

While working on a project involving timetables, I came across a few loops, all of which started like this:

for (DateTime day = timetable.StartDate;
day <= timetable.EndDate;
day = day.AddDays(1))

I was working on this area of code a lot, and I always hated that loop, but it was only when I was reading the code out loud to another developer as pseudo-code that I realized I was missing a trick. I said something like, “For each day within the timetable.” In retrospect, it’s obvious that what I really wanted was a foreach loop. (This may have been obvious to you from the start—apologies if this is the case. Fortunately I can’t see you looking smug.) The loop is much nicer when rewritten as

foreach (DateTime day in timetable.DateRange)

In C# 1, I might’ve looked at that as a fond dream but not bothered implementing it: we’ve seen how messy it is to implement an iterator by hand, and the end result only made a few for loops neater in this case. In C# 2, though, it was easy. Within the class representing the timetable, I simply added a property:

public IEnumerable<DateTime> DateRange
for (DateTime day = StartDate;
day <= EndDate;
day = day.AddDays(1))
yield return day;

This has just moved the original loop into the timetable class, but that’s okay—it’s much nicer for it to be encapsulated there, in a property that just loops through the days, yielding them one at a time, than to be in business code that was dealing with those days. If I ever wanted to make it more complex (skipping weekends and public holidays, for instance), I could do it in one place and reap the rewards everywhere.

This one small change made a massive improvement to the readability of the code base. As it happens, I stopped refactoring at that point in the commercial code. I did think about introducing a Range<T> type to represent a general-purpose range, but as I only needed it in this one situation, it didn’t make sense to expend any more effort on the problem. It turns out that was a wise move. In the first edition of this book, I created just such a type—but it had some shortcomings that were hard to address in a book-friendly manner. I redesigned it significantly for my utility library, but I still have a few misgivings. Types like this often sound simpler than they really are, and soon you end up with a corner case to be handled at every turn. The details of the difficulties I encountered don’t really belong in this book—they’re more points about general design than C#—but they’re interesting in their own right, so I’ve written them up as an article on the book’s website (see

The next example is one of my favourites—it demonstrates everything I love about iterator blocks.

6.3.2. Iterating over lines in a file

I mentioned this in the introduction to the chapter because it’s such a common task. I dread to think how often I’ve written code like this:

using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(filename))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
// Do something with line

We have four separate concepts here:

  • How to obtain a TextReader
  • Managing the lifetime of the TextReader
  • Iterating over the lines returned by TextReader.ReadLine
  • Doing something with each of those lines

Only the first and last of these are generally specific to the situation—the lifetime management and the mechanism for iterating are just boilerplate code. (At least the lifetime management is simple in C#. Thank goodness for using statements !) There are two ways we could improve things. We could use a delegate—we could write a utility method that would take a reader and a delegate as parameters, call the delegate for each line in the file, and close the reader at the end. That’s often used as an example of closures and delegates—but there’s an alternative that I find more elegant, and which fits in much better with LINQ. Instead of passing our logic into a method as a delegate, we can use an iterator to return a single line at a time from the file, so we can use the normal foreach loop.

You can achieve this using a whole type implementing IEnumerable<string> (I have a LineReader class in my MiscUtil library for this purpose) but a standalone method in another class will work fine, too. It’s really simple, as the next listing proves.

Listing 6.8. Looping over the lines in a file using an iterator block
static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string filename)
using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(filename))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
yield return line;
foreach (string line in ReadLines("test.txt"))

The body of the method is pretty exactly what we had before—except that what we’re doing with the line is yielding it to the caller when it iterates over the collection. As before, we open the file, read a line at a time, and then close the reader when we’ve finished... although the concept of “when we’ve finished” is more interesting in this case than with a using statement in a normal method, where the flow control is more obvious.

This is why it’s important that the foreach loop dispose of the iterator—because that’s what makes sure the reader gets cleaned up. The using statement in the iterator method is acting as a try/finally block; that finally block will execute if either we get to the end of the file or we call Dispose on the IEnumerator<string> when we’re part of the way through. It’d be possible for calling code to abuse the IEnumerator <string> returned by ReadLines(...).GetEnumerator() and end up with a resource leak, but that’s usually the case with IDisposable—if you don’t call Dispose, you may leak resources. It’s rarely a problem though, as foreach does the right thing. It’s important to be aware of this potential abuse—if you relied upon some sort of try/ finally block in an iterator to grant some permission and then remove it again later, that really would be a security hole.

This method encapsulates the first three of the four concepts I listed earlier—but it’s a bit restrictive. It’s reasonable to lump together the lifetime management and iteration aspects, but what if we want to read text from a network stream instead? Or if we want to use an encoding other than UTF-8? We need to put the first part back in control of the caller. The most obvious approach would be to change the method signature to accept a TextReader, like this:

static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(TextReader reader)

This is a bad idea, though. We want to take ownership of the reader so that we can clean it up conveniently for the caller—but that means we have to clean it up, so long as the caller uses us sensibly. The problem is, if something happens before the first call to MoveNext(), we’re never going to have any chance to clean up: none of our code will run. The IEnumerable<string> itself isn’t disposable, and yet it would’ve stored this piece of state which required disposal. Another problem would occur if GetEnumerator() were called twice: that ought to generate two independent iterators, but they’d both be using the same reader. We could mitigate this somewhat by changing the return type to IEnumerator<string>, but that would mean the result couldn’t be used in a foreach loop, and we still wouldn’t get to run any cleanup code if we never got as far as the first MoveNext() call. Fortunately, there’s a way around this.

Just as our code doesn’t get to run immediately, we don’t need the reader immediately. What we need is a way of getting the reader when we need it. We could use an interface to represent the idea of “I can provide a TextReader when you want one,” but the idea of a single method interface should usually make you reach for a delegate. We’re going to cheat slightly, by introducing a delegate that’s part of .NET 3.5. It’s actually overloaded by different numbers of type parameters, but we only need one:

public delegate TResult Func<TResult>()

As you can see, this delegate has no parameters, but returns a result of the same type as the type parameter. It’s a classic provider or factory signature. In this case, we want to get a TextReader, so we’ll use Func<TextReader>. The changes to the method are simple:

static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(Func<TextReader> provider)
using (TextReader reader = provider())
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
yield return line;

Now the resource is only acquired just before we actually need it—and by that point, we’re in the context of IDisposable so we can release the resource at the appropriate time. Furthermore, if GetEnumerator() is called multiple times on the returned value, each call will result in an independent TextReader being created.

We can easily use anonymous methods to add overloads to open files, optionally specifying an encoding:

static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string filename)
return ReadLines(filename, Encoding.UTF8);

static IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string filename, Encoding encoding)
return ReadLines(delegate {
return new StreamReader(filename,encoding);

This single example uses generics, an anonymous method (which captures parameters), and an iterator block. All that’s missing is nullable value types and you’d have the full house of C# 2’s major features. I’ve used this code on a number of occasions, and it’s always much cleaner than the cumbersome code we started off with.

As a final example, let’s get a first taste of LINQ—even though we’ll only use C# 2.

6.3.3. Filtering items lazily using an iterator block and a predicate

Even though we haven’t started to look at LINQ properly yet, I’m sure you have some idea of what it’s about: it allows you to query data in a simple and powerful way, across multiple data sources such as in-memory collections and databases. C# 2 doesn’t have any of the language integration for query expressions, nor the lambda expressions and extension methods that can make it so concise, but we can still achieve some of the same effects.

One of the core features of LINQ is filtering with the Where method. You provide a collection and a predicate, and the result is a lazily evaluated query that’ll yield only the items in the collection that match the predicate. This is a little like List<T>.FindAll, but it’s lazy and works with any IEnumerable<T>. One of the beautiful things about LINQ[7] is that the cleverness is in the design. It’s quite simple to implement LINQ to Objects—as we’ll prove now, at least for the Where method. Ironically even though most of the language features that make LINQ shine are part of C# 3, these are almost all about how you can access methods such as Where, rather than how they’re implemented. Listing 6.9 shows a full example, including simple argument validation, and uses the filter to display all the using directives in the source file that contains the sample code itself.

7 Or to be more precise, LINQ to Objects. LINQ providers for databases and the like are far more complex.

Listing 6.9. Implementing LINQ’s Where method using iterator blocks

As you can see, we’ve split the implementation up into two parts: argument validation, and the real business logic of filtering. This is slightly ugly, but entirely necessary for sensible error handling. Suppose we put everything in the same method—what would happen when we called Where<string>(null, null)? The answer is nothing... or at least, the desired exception wouldn’t be thrown. This is due to the lazy semantics of iterator blocks: none of the code in the body of the method runs until the first call to MoveNext(), as we saw in section 6.2.2. Typically you want to check the preconditions to the method eagerly—there’s no point in delaying the exception, and it just makes debugging harder. The standard workaround for this is to split the method in half, as we do in listing 6.9. First we check the arguments in a normal method, and then call the method implemented using an iterator block to lazily process the data as and when it’s requested .

The iterator block itself is mind-numbingly straightforward: for each item in the original collection, we test the predicate and yield the value if it matches. If it doesn’t match, we try the next item and so on until we find something that does match, or we run out of items. It’s straightforward—but a C# 1 implementation would’ve been much harder to follow (and couldn’t have been generic, of course).

The final piece of code to demonstrate the method in action uses our previous example to provide the data—in this case, the source code of the implementation. The predicate simply tests a line to see whether it begins with “using”—it could contain far more complicated logic, of course. I’ve created separate variables for the data and the predicate just to make the formatting clearer, but it could all have been written inline. It’s important to note the principal difference between this example and the equivalent that could’ve been achieved using File.ReadAllLines and Array.FindAll<string>: this implementation is entirely lazy and streaming. Only a single line from the source file is ever required in memory at a time. Of course, that wouldn’t matter in this particular case where the file is small—but if you imagine a multigigabyte log file, you can see the benefits of this approach.

I hope these examples have given you an inkling of why iterator blocks are so important—as well as perhaps a desire to hurry on and find out more about LINQ. Before that, I’d like to mess with your mind a bit, and introduce you to a thoroughly bizarre (but really neat) use of iterators.

6.4. Pseudo-synchronous code with the Concurrency and Coordination Runtime

The Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR) is a library developed by Microsoft to offer an alternative way of writing asynchronous code that’s amenable to complex coordination. At the time of this writing, it’s only available as part of the Microsoft Robotics Studio (see or the Microsoft CCR and DSS Toolkit (see Microsoft has been putting a lot of resources into concurrency in various projects, and the Parallel Extensions framework included in .NET 4 is probably the most important one for the majority of developers. But I wanted to use the CCR to show you how iterator blocks can change the whole execution model.[8] The sample code does actually work (against dummy services) but the ideas are more important than the details.

8 In .NET 4, you’d usually use Task.ContinueWith to achieve similar results in a slightly different way... or perhaps Reactive Extensions.

Suppose we’re writing a server that needs to handle lots of requests. As part of dealing with those requests, we need to first call a web service to fetch an authentication token, and then use that token to get data from two independent data sources (say a database and another web service). We then process that data and return the result. Each of the fetch stages could take a while—perhaps a few seconds. Normally we’d consider the simple synchronous route or the stock asynchronous approach. The synchronous version might look something like this:

HoldingsValue ComputeTotalStockValue(string user, string password)
Token token = AuthService.Check(user, password);
Holdings stocks = DbService.GetStockHoldings(token);
StockRates rates = StockService.GetRates(token);
return ProcessStocks(stocks, rates);

That’s easy to understand, but if each request takes two seconds, the whole operation will take six seconds and tie up a thread for the whole time it’s running. If we want to scale up to hundreds of thousands of requests running in parallel, we’re in trouble. Now let’s consider a fairly simple asynchronous version, which avoids tying up a thread when nothing’s happening[9] and uses parallel calls where possible:

9 Well, mostly—it might still be inefficient, as we’ll see in a moment.

void StartComputingTotalStockValue(string user, string password)
AuthService.BeginCheck(user, password, AfterAuthCheck, null);

void AfterAuthCheck(IAsyncResult result)
Token token = AuthService.EndCheck(result);
IAsyncResult holdingsAsync = DbService.BeginGetStockHoldings
(token, null, null);
StockService.BeginGetRates(token, AfterGetRates, holdingsAsync);

void AfterGetRates(IAsyncResult result)
IAsyncResult holdingsAsync = (IAsyncResult)result.AsyncState;
StockRates rates = StockService.EndGetRates(result);
Holdings stocks = DbService.EndGetStockHoldings(holdingsAsync);
OnRequestComplete(ProcessStocks(stocks, rates));

This is much harder to read and understand—and that’s only a simple version! The coordination of the two parallel calls is only achievable in a simple way because we don’t need to pass any other state around, and even so it’s not ideal. If the stock service call completes quickly, we’ll still block a thread pool thread waiting for the database call to complete. More importantly, it’s far from obvious what’s going on, because the code jumps between different methods.

By now you may be asking yourself where iterators come into the picture. Well, the iterator blocks provided by C# 2 effectively allow you to pause current execution at certain points of the flow through the block, and then come back to the same place, with the same state. The clever folks designing the CCR realized that that’s exactly what’s needed for a continuation-passing style of coding. We need to tell the system that there are certain operations we need to perform—including starting other operations asynchronously—but that we’re then happy to wait until the asynchronous operations have finished before we continue. We do this by providing the CCR with an implementation of IEnumerator<ITask> (where ITask is an interface defined by the CCR). Here’s some code to achieve the same results using this style:

static IEnumerator<ITask> ComputeTotalStockValue(string user, string pass)
string token = null;
yield return Arbiter.Receive(false, AuthService.CcrCheck(user, pass),
delegate(string t) { token = t; });

IEnumerable<Holding> stocks = null;
IDictionary<string,decimal> rates = null;
yield return Arbiter.JoinedReceive(false,
delegate(IEnumerable<Holding> s, IDictionary<string,decimal> r)
{ stocks = s; rates = r; });

OnRequestComplete(ComputeTotal(stocks, rates));

Confused? I certainly was when I first saw it—but now I’m in awe of how neat it is. The CCR calls into our code (with a call to MoveNext on the iterator), and we execute until and including the first yield return statement. The CcrCheck method within AuthService kicks off an asynchronous request, and the CCR waits (without using a dedicated thread) until it has completed, calling the supplied delegate to handle the result. It then calls MoveNext again, and our method continues. This time we kick off two requests in parallel, and ask the CCR to call another delegate with the results of both operations when they’ve both finished. After that, MoveNext is called for a final time and we get to complete the request processing.

Although it’s obviously more complicated than the synchronous version, it’s still all in one method, it gets executed in the order written, and the method itself can hold the state (in the local variables, which become state in the extra type generated by the compiler). It’s fully asynchronous, using as few threads as it can get away with. I haven’t shown any error handling, but that’s also available in a sensible fashion that forces you to think about the issue at appropriate places.

I’ve deliberately not gone into the details of the Arbiter class, the ITask interface, and so forth here. I’m not trying to promote the CCR in this section, although it’s fascinating to read about and experiment with; I suspect that Parallel Extensions will have more impact on mainstream developers. The point has been to show that iterators can be used in radically different contexts that have little to do with traditional collections. At the heart of this use of them is the idea of a state machine: two of the tricky aspects of asynchronous development are handling state and effectively pausing until something interesting happens. Iterator blocks are a natural fit for both of these problems.

6.5. Summary

C# supports many patterns indirectly, in terms of it being feasible to implement them in C#. But relatively few patterns are directly supported in terms of language features being specifically targeted at a particular pattern. In C# 1, the iterator pattern was directly supported from the point of view of the calling code, but not from the perspective of the collection being iterated over. Writing a correct implementation of IEnumerable was time consuming and error-prone, without being interesting. In C# 2, the compiler does all the mundane work for you, building a state machine to cope with the call-back nature of iterators.

It should be noted that iterator blocks have one aspect in common with the anonymous methods we saw in chapter 5, even though the actual features are very different. In both cases, extra types may be generated, and a potentially complicated code transformation is applied to the original source. Compare this with C# 1, where most of the transformations for syntactic sugar (lock, using, and foreach being the most obvious examples) were straightforward. We’ll see this trend toward smarter compilation continuing with almost every aspect of C# 3.

I’ve shown you one piece of LINQ-related functionality in this chapter: filtering a collection. IEnumerable<T> is one of the most important types in LINQ, and if you ever want to write your own LINQ operators on top of LINQ to Objects,[10] you’ll be eternally grateful to the C# team for including iterator blocks in the language.

10 This is less daunting and more fun than it sounds. We’ll look at a few guidelines around this topic in chapter 12.

In addition to seeing some real-life examples of the use of iterators, we’ve looked at how one particular library has used them in a fairly radical way that has little to do with what comes to mind when we think about iteration over a collection. It’s worth bearing in mind that many languages have also looked at this sort of problem before—in computer science the term coroutine is applied to concepts of this nature. Different languages have historically supported them to a greater or lesser extent, with tricks being applicable to simulate them sometimes—for example, Simon Tatham has an excellent article on how even C can express coroutines if you’re willing to bend coding standards somewhat (see We’ve seen that C# 2 makes coroutines easy to write and use.

Having seen some major and sometimes mind-warping language changes focused around a few key features, our next chapter is a change of pace. It describes a number of small changes that make C# 2 more pleasant to work with than its predecessor, learning from the little niggles of the past to produce a language that has fewer rough edges, more scope for dealing with awkward backward-compatibility cases, and a better story around working with generated code. Each feature is relatively straightforward, but there are quite a few of them.

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