Chapter 13. Minor changes to simplify code

This chapter covers

  • Optional parameters
  • Named arguments
  • Streamlining ref parameters in COM
  • Embedding COM primary interop assemblies
  • Calling named indexers declared in COM
  • Generic variance for interfaces and delegates
  • Changes in locking and field-like events

Just as in previous versions, C# 4 has a few minor features that don’t merit individual chapters to themselves. In fact, there’s only one really big feature in C# 4—dynamic typing—which we’ll cover in the next chapter. The changes we’ll cover here just make C# that little bit more pleasant to work with, particularly if you work with COM on a regular basis. These features generally make code clearer, remove drudgery from COM calls, or simplify deployment.

Will any of those make your heart race with excitement? It’s unlikely. They’re nice features all the same, and some of them may be widely applicable. Let’s start by looking at how we call methods.

13.1. Optional parameters and named arguments

These are perhaps the Batman and Robin[1] features of C# 4. They’re distinct, but usually seen together. I’m going to keep them apart for the moment so we can examine each in turn, but then we’ll use them together for some more interesting examples.

1 Or Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci if you’re feeling more highly cultured.


Parameters and Arguments

This section obviously talks about parameters and arguments a lot. In casual conversation, the two terms are often used interchangeably, but I’m going to use them in line with their formal definitions. Just to remind you, a parameter (also known as a formal parameter) is the variable that’s part of the method or indexer declaration. An argument is an expression used when calling the method or indexer. So, for example, consider this snippet:


void Foo(int x, int y)
// Do something with x and y
int a = 10;
Foo(a, 20);

Here the parameters are x and y, and the arguments are a and 20.

We’ll start by looking at optional parameters.

13.1.1. Optional parameters

Visual Basic has had optional parameters for ages, and they’ve been in the CLR from .NET 1.0. The concept is as obvious as it sounds: some parameters are optional, so their values don’t have to be explicitly specified by the caller. Any parameter that hasn’t been specified as an argument by the caller is given a default value.


Optional parameters are usually used when there are several values required for an operation, where the same values are used a lot of the time. For example, suppose you wanted to read a text file; you might want to provide a method that allows the caller to specify the name of the file and the encoding to use. The encoding is almost always UTF-8, though, so it’s nice to be able to use that automatically if it’s all you need.

Historically the idiomatic way of allowing this in C# has been to use method overloading: declare one method with all the possible parameters, and others that call that method, passing in default values where appropriate. For instance, you might create methods like this:

This works fine for a single parameter, but it becomes trickier when there are multiple options. Each extra option doubles the number of possible overloads, and if two of them are of the same type, you can have problems due to trying to declare multiple methods with the same signature. Often the same set of overloads is also required for multiple parameter types. For example, the XmlReader.Create() method can create an XmlReader from a Stream, a TextReader, or a string—but it also provides the option of specifying an XmlReaderSettings and other arguments. Due to this duplication, there are 12 overloads for the method. This could be significantly reduced with optional parameters. Let’s see how it’s done.

Declaring Optional Parameters and Omitting Them When Supplying Arguments

Making a parameter optional is as simple as supplying a default value for it, using what looks like a variable initializer. Figure 13.1 shows a method with three parameters: two are optional, one is required.

Figure 13.1. Declaring optional parameters

All the method does is print out the arguments, but that’s enough to see what’s going on. The following listing gives the full code and calls the method three times, specifying a different number of arguments for each call.

Listing 13.1. Declaring a method with optional parameters and calling

The optional parameters are the ones with default values specified . If the caller doesn’t specify y, its initial value will be 20, and likewise z has a default value of 30. The first call explicitly specifies all the arguments; the remaining calls ( and ) omit one or two arguments respectively, so the default values are used. When there’s one argument missing, the compiler assumes that the final parameter has been omitted—then the penultimate one, and so on. The output is therefore

x=1 y=2 z=3
x=1 y=2 z=30
x=1 y=20 z=30

Note that although the compiler could use some clever analysis of the types of the optional parameters and the arguments to work out what’s been left out, it doesn’t: it assumes that you’re supplying arguments in the same order as the parameters.[2] This means that the following code is invalid:

2 Unless you’re using named arguments, of course—we’ll learn about those soon.

This tries to call the TwoOptionalParameters method specifying a string for the first argument. There’s no overload with a first parameter that’s convertible from a string, so the compiler issues an error. This is a good thing—overload resolution is tricky enough (particularly when generic type inference gets involved) without the compiler trying all kinds of different permutations to find something you might be trying to call. If you want to omit the value for one optional parameter but specify a later one, you need to use named arguments.

Restrictions on Optional Parameters

There are a few rules for optional parameters. All optional parameters must come after required parameters. The exception to this is a parameter array (as declared with the params modifier), which still has to come at the end of a parameter list, but can come after optional parameters. A parameter array can’t be declared as an optional parameter—if the caller doesn’t specify any values for it, an empty array will be used instead. Optional parameters can’t have ref or out modifiers either.

An optional parameter can be of any type, but there are restrictions on the default value specified. You can always use constants: numeric and string literals, null, const members, enum members, and the default(T) operator. Additionally, for value types, you can call the parameterless constructor, although this is equivalent to using the default (...) operator anyway. There has to be an implicit conversion from the specified value to the parameter type, but this must not be a user-defined conversion. Table 13.1 shows some examples of valid parameter lists.

Table 13.1. Valid method parameter lists using optional parameters



Foo(int x, int y = 10) Numeric literal used for default value
Foo(decimal x = 10) Implicit built-in conversion from int to decimal
Foo(string name = "default") String literal used for default value
Foo(DateTime dt = new DateTime()) Zero value of DateTime
Foo(DateTime dt = default(DateTime)) Alternative syntax for the zero value
Foo<T>(T value = default(T)) Default value operator works with type parameters
Foo(int? x = null) Nullable conversion
Foo(int x, int y = 10, params int[] z) Parameter array after optional parameters

By contrast, table 13.2 shows some invalid parameter lists and explains why they’re not allowed.

Table 13.2. Invalid method parameter lists using optional parameters

Declaration (invalid)


Foo(int x = 0, int y) Required non-params parameter optional parameter
Foo(DateTime dt = DateTime.Now) Default values must be constants
Foo(XName name = "default") Conversion from string to XName is user-defined
Foo(params string[] names = null) Parameter arrays can’t be optional
Foo(ref string name = "default") ref/out parameters can‘t be optional

The fact that the default value has to be constant is a pain in two different ways. One of them is familiar from a slightly different context, as we’ll see now.

Versioning and Optional Parameters

The restrictions on default values for optional parameters may remind you of the restrictions on const fields or attribute values, and they behave very similarly. In both cases, when the compiler references the value, it copies it directly into the output. The generated IL acts exactly as if your original source code had contained the default value. This means if you ever change the default value without recompiling everything that references it, the old callers will still be using the old default value. To make this concrete, imagine this set of steps:

  1. Create a class library (Library.dll) with a class like this:
    public class LibraryDemo
    public static void PrintValue(int value = 10)
  2. Create a console application (Application.exe) that references the class library:
    public class Program
    static void Main()
  3. Run the application—it’ll print 10, predictably.
  4. Change the declaration of PrintValue as follows, then recompile just the class library:
    public static void PrintValue(int value = 20)
  5. Rerun the application—it’ll still print 10. The value has been compiled directly into the executable.
  6. Recompile the application and rerun it—this time it’ll print 20.

This versioning issue can cause bugs that are hard to track down, because all the code looks correct. Essentially, you’re restricted to using genuine constants that should never change as default values for optional parameters.[3] There’s one benefit of this setup: it gives the caller a guarantee that the value it knew about at compile-time is the one that’ll be used. Developers may feel more comfortable with that than with a dynamically computed value, or one that depends on the version of the library used at execution time.

3 Or you could just accept that you’ll need to recompile everything if you change the value. In many contexts that’s a reasonable tradeoff.

Of course, this also means you can’t use any values that can’t be expressed as constants anyway—you can’t create a method with a default value of “the current time,” for example.

Making Defaults More Flexible with Nullity

Fortunately, there’s a way round this. Essentially you introduce a magic value to represent the default, and then replace that magic value with the real default within the method itself. If the phrase magic value bothers you, I’m not surprised—except we’re going to use null for the magic value, which already represents the absence of a normal value. If the parameter type would normally be a value type, we simply make it the corresponding nullable value type, at which point we can still specify that the default value is null.

As an example of this, let’s look at a similar situation to the one I used to introduce the whole topic: allowing the caller to supply an appropriate text encoding to a method, but defaulting to UTF-8. We can’t specify the default encoding as Encoding. UTF8 as that’s not a constant value, but we can treat a null parameter value as “use the default.” To demonstrate how we can handle value types, we’ll make the method append a timestamp to a text file with a message. We’ll default the encoding to UTF-8 and the timestamp to the current time. Listing 13.2 shows the complete code and a few examples of using it.

Listing 13.2. Using null default values to handle nonconstant situations

Listing 13.2 shows a few nice features of this approach. First, we’ve solved the versioning problem. The default values for the optional parameters are null , but the effective values are “the UTF-8 encoding” and “the current date and time.” Neither of these could be expressed as constants, and should we ever wish to change the effective default—for example to use the current UTC time instead of the local time—we could do so without having to recompile everything that called AppendTimestamp. Of course, changing the effective default changes the behavior of the method—you need to take the same sort of care over this as you would with any other code change. At this point, you (as the library author) are in charge of the versioning story—you’re taking responsibility for not breaking clients, effectively. At least it’s more familiar territory: you know that all callers will experience the same behavior, regardless of recompilation.

We’ve also introduced an extra level of flexibility. Not only do optional parameters mean we can make the calls shorter, but having a specific “use the default” value means that should we ever wish to, we can explicitly make a call allowing the method to choose the appropriate value. At the moment, this is the only way we know to specify the timestamp explicitly without also providing an encoding , but that’ll change when we look at named arguments.

The optional parameter values are simple to deal with thanks to the null coalescing operator . I’ve used separate variables for the sake of printed formatting, but in real code you’d probably use the same expressions directly in the calls to the StreamWriter constructor and the WriteLine method.

There are two downsides to this approach: first, it means that if a caller accidentally passes in null due to a bug, it’ll get the default value instead of an exception. In cases where you’re using a nullable value type and callers will either explicitly use null or have a non-nullable argument, that’s not much of a problem—but for reference types it could be an issue.

On a related note, it requires that you don’t want to use null as a “real” value.[4] There are occasions where you want null to mean null—and if you don’t want that to be the default value, you’ll have to find a different constant or just leave the parameter as a required one. But in other cases where there isn’t an obvious constant value that’ll clearly always be the right default, I’d recommend this approach to optional parameters as one that’s easy to follow consistently and removes some of the normal difficulties.

4 We almost need a second null-like special value, meaning “please use the default value for this parameter”—and allow that special value to be supplied either automatically for missing arguments or explicitly in the argument list. I’m sure this would cause dozens of problems, but it’s an interesting thought experiment.

We’ll need to look at how optional parameters affect overload resolution, but it makes sense to wait until we’ve seen how named arguments work. Speaking of which...

13.1.2. Named arguments

The basic idea of named arguments is that when you specify an argument value, you can also specify the name of the parameter it’s supplying the value for. The compiler then makes sure that there is a parameter of the right name, and uses the value for that parameter. Even on its own, this can increase readability in some cases. In reality, named arguments are most useful in cases where optional parameters are also likely to appear, but we’ll look at the simple situation first.


Indexers, Optional Parameters, and Named Arguments

You can use optional parameters and named arguments with indexers as well as methods. But this is only useful for indexers with more than one parameter: you can’t access an indexer without specifying at least one argument anyway. Given this limitation, I don’t expect to see the feature used much with indexers, and I haven’t demonstrated it in the book. It works exactly as you’d expect it to, though.


I’m sure we’ve all seen code that looks something like this:

MessageBox.Show("Please do not press this button again", // text
"Ouch!"); // title

I’ve actually chosen a pretty tame example; it can get a lot worse when there are loads of arguments, especially if a lot of them are the same type. But this is still realistic: even with just two parameters, I’d find myself guessing which argument meant what based on the text when reading this code, unless it had comments like the ones I have here. There’s a problem though: comments can lie about the code they describe. Nothing is checking them at all. Named arguments ask the compiler to help.


All we need to do to the previous example is prefix each argument with the name of the corresponding parameter and a colon:

MessageBox.Show(text: "Please do not press this button again",
caption: "Ouch!");

Admittedly we now don’t get to choose the name we find most meaningful (I prefer title to caption) but at least we’ll know if we get something wrong. Of course, the most common way in which we could get something wrong here is to get the arguments the wrong way around. Without named arguments, this would be a problem: we’d end up with the pieces of text switched in the message box. With named arguments, the ordering becomes largely irrelevant. We can rewrite the previous code like this:

MessageBox.Show(caption: "Ouch!",
text: "Please do not press this button again");

We’d still have the right text in the right place, because the compiler would work out what we meant based on the names. For another example, look at the StreamWriter constructor call we used in listing 13.2. The second argument is just true—what does this mean? Is it going to force a stream flush after every write? Include a byte order mark? Append to an existing file instead of creating a new one? Here’s the equivalent call using named arguments:

new StreamWriter(path: filename,
append: true,
encoding: realEncoding)

In both of the examples, we’ve seen how named arguments effectively attach semantic meaning to values. In the never-ending quest to make our code communicate better with humans as well as computers, this is a definite step forward. I’m not suggesting that named arguments should be used when the meaning is already obvious, of course. Like all features, it should be used with discretion and thought.


Named Arguments with out and ref

If you want to specify the name of an argument for a ref or out parameter, you put the ref or out modifier after the name, and before the argument. So using int.TryParse as an example, you might have code like this:

int number;
bool success = int.TryParse("10", result: out number);


To explore some other aspects of the syntax, the following listing shows a method with three integer parameters, just like the one we used to start looking at optional parameters.

Listing 13.3. Simple examples of using named arguments

The output is the same for each call in listing 13.3: x=1, y=2, z=3. We’ve effectively made the same method call in five different ways. It’s worth noting that there are no tricks in the method declaration : you can use named arguments with any method that has parameters. First we call the method in the normal way, without using any new features . This is a sort of control point to make sure that the other calls really are equivalent. We then make two calls to the method using just named arguments . The second of these calls reverses the order of the arguments, but the result is still the same, because the arguments are matched up with the parameters by name, not position. Finally there are two calls using a mixture of named arguments and positional arguments . A positional argument is one that isn’t named—so every argument in valid C# 3 code is a positional argument from the point of view of C# 4. Figure 13.2 shows how the final line of code works.

Figure 13.2. Positional and named arguments in the same call

All named arguments have to come after positional arguments—you can’t switch between the styles. Positional arguments always refer to the corresponding parameter in the method declaration—you can’t make positional arguments skip a parameter by specifying it later with a named argument. This means that these method calls would both be invalid:

  • Dump(z: 3, 1, y: 2)—Positional arguments must come before named ones.
  • Dump(2, x: 1, z: 3)x has already been specified by the first positional argument, so we can’t specify it again with a named argument.

Now, although in this particular case the method calls have been equivalent, that’s not always the case. Let’s look at why reordering arguments might change behavior.

Argument Evaluation Order

We’re used to C# evaluating its arguments in the order they’re specified—which, until C# 4, has always been the order in which the parameters have been declared too. In C# 4, only the first part is still true: the arguments are still evaluated in the order they’re written, even if that’s not the same as the order in which they’re declared as parameters. This matters if evaluating the arguments has side effects. It’s usually worth trying to avoid having side effects in arguments, but there are cases where it can make the code clearer. A more realistic rule is to try to avoid side effects that might interfere with each other. For the sake of demonstrating execution order, we’ll break both of these rules. Please don’t treat this as a recommendation that you do the same thing.

First we’ll create a relatively harmless example, introducing a method that logs its input and returns it—a sort of logging echo. We’ll use the return values of three calls to this to call the Dump method (which isn’t shown, as it hasn’t changed). Listing 13.4 shows two calls to Dump that result in slightly different output.

Listing 13.4. Logging argument evaluation
static int Log(int value)
Console.WriteLine("Log: {0}", value);
return value;
Dump(x: Log(1), y: Log(2), z: Log(3));
Dump(z: Log(3), x: Log(1), y: Log(2));

The results of running listing 13.4 show what happens:

Log: 1
Log: 2
Log: 3
x=1 y=2 z=3
Log: 3
Log: 1
Log: 2
x=1 y=2 z=3

In both cases, the parameters in the Dump method are still 1, 2, and 3, in that order. But we can see that although they were evaluated in that order in the first call (which was equivalent to just using positional arguments), the second call evaluated the value used for the z parameter first. We can make the effect even more significant by using side effects that change the results of the argument evaluation, as shown in the following listing, again using the same Dump method.

Listing 13.5. Abusing argument evaluation order
int i = 0;
Dump(x: ++i, y: ++i, z: ++i);
i = 0;
Dump(z: ++i, x: ++i, y: ++i);

The results of listing 13.5 may be best expressed in terms of the blood spatter pattern at a murder scene, after someone maintaining code like this has gone after the original author with an axe. Yes, technically speaking the last line prints out x=2 y=3 z=1 but I’m sure you see what I’m getting at. Just say “no” to code like this. By all means, reorder your arguments for the sake of readability: you may think that laying out a call to MessageBox.Show with the title coming above the text in the code itself reflects the onscreen layout more closely, for example. If you want to rely on a particular evaluation order for the arguments, though, introduce some local variables to execute the relevant code in separate statements. The compiler won’t care either way—it’ll follow the rules of the spec—but this reduces the risk of a “harmless refactoring” that inadvertently introduces a subtle bug.

To return to cheerier matters, let’s combine the two features (optional parameters and named arguments) and see how much tidier the code can be.

13.1.3. Putting the two together

The two features work in tandem with no extra effort required on your part. It’s not uncommon to have a bunch of parameters where there are obvious defaults, but where it’s hard to predict which ones a caller will want to specify explicitly. Figure 13.3 shows just about every combination: a required parameter, two optional parameters, a positional argument, a named argument, and a missing argument for an optional parameter.

Figure 13.3. Mixing named arguments and optional parameters

Going back to an earlier example, in listing 13.2 we wanted to append a timestamp to a file using the default encoding of UTF-8, but with a particular timestamp. Back then we just used null for the encoding argument, but now we can write the same code more simply, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 13.6. Combining named and optional arguments

In this fairly simple situation, the benefit isn’t particularly huge, but in cases where you want to omit three or four arguments but specify the final one, it’s a real blessing.

We’ve seen how optional parameters reduce the need for huge long lists of overloads, but one specific pattern where this is worth mentioning is with respect to immutability.

Immutability and Object Initialization

One aspect of C# 4 that disappoints me somewhat is that it hasn’t done much explicitly to make immutability easier. Immutable types are a core part of functional programming, and C# has been gradually supporting the functional style more and more... except for immutability. Object and collection initializers make it easy to work with mutable types, but immutable types have been left out in the cold. (Automatically implemented properties fall into this category too.) Fortunately, though they’re not particularly designed to aid immutability, named arguments and optional parameters allow you to write object initializer–like code that just calls a constructor or other factory method. For instance, suppose we were creating a Message class, which required a from address, a to address, and a body, with the subject and attachment being optional. (We’ll stick with single recipients in order to keep the example as simple as possible.) We could create a mutable type with appropriate writable properties, and construct instances like this:

Message message = new Message {
From = "[email protected]",
To = "[email protected]",
Body = "Hope you like the second edition",
Subject = "A quick message"

That has two problems: first, it doesn’t enforce the required data to be provided. We could force those to be supplied to the constructor, but then (before C# 4) it wouldn’t be obvious which argument meant what:

Message message = new Message(
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"Hope you like the second edition")
Subject = "A quick message"

The second problem is that this initialization pattern simply doesn’t work for immutable types. The compiler has to call a property setter after it has initialized the object. But we can use optional parameters and named arguments to come up with something that has the nice features of the first form (only specifying what you’re interested in and supplying names) without losing the validation of which aspects of the message are required or the benefits of immutability. The following listing shows a possible constructor signature and the construction step for the same message as before.

Listing 13.7. Constructing an immutable message using C# 4

I really like this in terms of readability and general cleanliness. You don’t need hundreds of constructor overloads to choose from, just one with some of the parameters being optional. The same syntax will also work with static creation methods, unlike object initializers. The only downside is that it really relies on your code being consumed by a language that supports optional parameters and named arguments; otherwise callers will be forced to write ugly code to specify values for all the optional parameters. Obviously there’s more to immutability than getting values to the initialization code, but this is a welcome step in the right direction nonetheless.

There are a couple of final points to make around these features before we move on to COM, both around the details of how the compiler handles our code and the difficulty of good API design.

Overload Resolution

Clearly both named arguments and optional parameters affect how the compiler resolves overloads—if there are multiple method signatures available with the same name, which should it pick? Optional parameters can increase the number of applicable methods (if some methods have more parameters than the number of specified arguments) and named arguments can decrease the number of applicable methods (by ruling out methods that don’t have the appropriate parameter names).

For the most part, the changes are intuitive: to check whether any particular method is applicable, the compiler tries to build a list of the arguments it would pass in, using the positional arguments in order, then matching the named arguments up with the remaining parameters. If a required parameter hasn’t been specified or if a named argument doesn’t match any remaining parameters, the method isn’t applicable. The specification gives more detail around this in section 7.5.3, but there are two situations I’d like to draw particular attention to.

First, if two methods are both applicable and one of them has been given all of its arguments explicitly whereas the other uses an optional parameter filled in with a default value, the method that doesn’t use any default values will win. But this doesn’t extend to just comparing the number of default values used—it’s a strict “does it use default values or not” divide. For example, consider the following:

In the first call , both methods are applicable because of their optional parameters. But the compiler can’t work out which one you meant to call: it’ll raise an error. In the second call , both methods are still applicable, but the first overload is used because it can be applied without using any default values, whereas the second overload uses the default value for y. For both the third and fourth calls, only the second overload is applicable. The third call names the y argument, and the fourth call has two arguments; both of these mean the first overload isn’t applicable.


Overloads and Inheritance Don’t Always Mix Nicely

All of this is assuming that the compiler has gone as far as finding multiple overloads to choose between. If some methods are declared in a base type, but there are applicable methods in a more derived type, the latter will win. This has always been the case, and it can cause some surprising results (see but now optional parameters mean there may be more applicable methods than you’d expect.

I advise you to avoid overloading a base class method within a derived class unless you get a huge benefit.


The second point is that sometimes named arguments can be an alternative to casting in order to help the compiler resolve overloads. Sometimes a call can be ambiguous because the arguments can be converted to the parameter types in two different methods, but neither method is better than the other in all respects. For instance, consider the following method signatures and a call:

Both methods are applicable, and neither is better than the other. There are two ways to resolve this, assuming you can’t change the method names to make them unambiguous that way. (That’s my preferred approach. Make each method name more informative and specific, and the general readability of the code can go up.) You can either cast one of the arguments explicitly, or use named arguments to resolve the ambiguity:

Of course this only works if the parameters have different names in the different methods—but it’s a handy trick to know. Sometimes the cast will give more readable code; sometimes the name will. It’s just an extra weapon in the fight for clear code. It does have a downside, along with named arguments in general: it’s another thing to be careful about when you change a method.

The Silent Horror of Changing Names

In the past, parameter names haven’t mattered much if you’ve only been using C#. Other languages may have cared, but in C# the only times that parameter names were important were when you were looking at IntelliSense and when you were looking at the method code itself. Now, the parameter names of a method are effectively part of the API even if you’re only using C#. If you change them at a later date, code can break—anything that was using a named argument to refer to one of your parameters will fail to compile if you decide to change it. This may not be much of an issue if your code is only consumed by itself anyway, but if you’re writing a public API, be aware that changing a parameter name is a big deal. It always has been really, but if everything calling the code was written in C#, we’ve been able to ignore that until now.

Renaming parameters is bad; switching the names around is worse. That way the calling code may still compile, but with a different meaning. A particularly evil form of this is to override a method and switch the parameter names in the overridden version. The compiler will always look at the deepest override it knows about, based on the static type of the expression used as the target of the method call. You don’t want to get into a situation where calling the same method implementation with the same argument list results in different behavior based on the static type of a variable.


Named arguments and optional parameters are possibly two of the simplest-sounding features of C# 4—and yet they still have a fair amount of complexity, as we’ve seen. The basic ideas are easily expressed and understood—and the good news is that most of the time that’s all you need to care about. You can take advantage of optional parameters to reduce the number of overloads you write, and named arguments can make code much more readable when several easily confusable arguments are used.

The trickiest bit is probably deciding which default values to use, bearing in mind potential versioning issues. Likewise it’s now more obvious than before that parameter names matter, and you need to be careful when overriding existing methods, to avoid being evil to your callers.

Speaking of evil, let’s move on to the new features relating to COM. I’m only kidding... mostly, anyway.

13.2. Improvements for COM interoperability

I readily admit to being far from a COM expert. When I tried to use it before .NET came along, I always ran into issues that were no doubt partially caused by my lack of knowledge and partially caused by the components I was working with being poorly designed or implemented. The overall impression of COM as a sort of black magic has lingered, though. I’ve been reliably informed that there’s a lot to like about it, but unfortunately I haven’t found myself going back to learn it in detail—and there seems to be a lot of detail to study.


This Section is Microsoft-Specific

The changes for COM interoperability won’t make sense for all C# compilers, and a compiler can still be deemed compliant with the specification without implementing these features.


.NET has made COM somewhat friendlier in general, but until now there have been distinct advantages to using it from Visual Basic instead of C#. The playing field has been leveled significantly by C# 4, as we’ll see in this section. For the sake of familiarity, I’m going to use Word for the example in this chapter, and Excel in the next chapter. There’s nothing Office-specific about the new features, though; you should find the experience of working with COM to be nicer in C# 4 whatever you’re doing.

13.2.1. The horrors of automating Word before C# 4

Our example is going to be simple—it’s just going to start Word, create a document with a single paragraph of text, save it, and then exit. Sounds easy, right? If only that were so. Listing 13.8 shows the code required before C# 4.

Listing 13.8. Creating and saving a document in C# 3

Each step in this code sounds simple: first we create an instance of the COM type and make it visible using an object initializer expression; then we create and fill in a new document . The mechanism for inserting some text into a document isn’t quite as straightforward as we might expect, but it’s worth remembering that a Word document can have a fairly complex structure: this isn’t as bad as it might be. A couple of the method calls here have optional by-reference parameters; we’re not interested in them, so we pass a local variable by reference with a value of Type.Missing. If you’ve ever done any COM work before, you’re probably very familiar with this pattern.

Next comes the really nasty bit: saving the document . Yes, the SaveAs method really does have 16 parameters, of which we’re only using 2. Even those 2 need to be passed by reference, which means creating local variables for them. In terms of readability, this is a complete nightmare. Don’t worry—we’ll soon sort it out.

Finally we close the document and the application . Aside from the fact that both calls have three optional parameters that we don’t care about, there’s nothing interesting here.

Let’s start off by using the features we’ve already seen in this chapter—they can cut the example down significantly on their own.

13.2.2. The revenge of optional parameters and named arguments

First things first: let’s get rid of all those arguments corresponding to optional parameters we’re not interested in. That also means we don’t need the missing variable. That still leaves us with 2 parameters out of a possible 16 for the SaveAs method. At the moment it’s obvious which is which based on the local variable names—but what if we have them the wrong way around? All the parameters are weakly typed, so we’re really going on guesswork. We can easily give the arguments names to clarify the call. If we wanted to use one of the later parameters we’d have to specify the name anyway, just to skip the ones we’re not interested in.

The following listing shows the code—it looks a lot cleaner already.

Listing 13.9. Automating Word using normal C# 4 features
Application app = new Application { Visible = true };
Document doc = app.ActiveDocument;
Paragraph para = doc.Paragraphs.Add();
para.Range.Text = "Thank goodness for C# 4";

object filename = "demo.doc";
object format = WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument97;
doc.SaveAs(FileName: ref filename, FileFormat: ref format);


That’s much better—although it’s still ugly to have to create local variables for the SaveAs arguments we are specifying. Also, if you’ve been reading carefully, you may be concerned about the optional parameters we’ve removed. They were ref parameters—but optional—which isn’t a combination C# supports normally. What’s going on?

13.2.3. When is a ref parameter not a ref parameter?

C# normally takes a pretty strict line on ref parameters. You have to mark the argument with ref as well as the parameter, to show that you understand what’s going on; that your variable may have its value changed by the method you’re calling. That’s all fine in normal code, but COM APIs often use ref parameters for almost everything for perceived performance reasons. They usually don’t actually modify the variable you pass in. Passing arguments by reference is slightly painful in C#. Not only do you have to specify the ref modifier, you also must have a variable. You can’t just pass values by reference.

In C# 4 the compiler makes this a lot easier by letting you pass an argument by value into a COM method, even if it’s for a ref parameter. Consider a call like this, where argument might happen to be a variable of type string, but the parameter is declared as ref object:


The compiler emits code which is equivalent to this:

object tmp = argument;
comObject.SomeMethod(ref tmp);

Note that any changes made by SomeMethod are discarded, so the call really does behave as if you were passing argument by value. This same process is used for optional ref parameters: each involves a local variable initialized to Type.Missing and passed by reference into the COM method. If you decompile the slimlined C# code, you’ll see that the IL emitted is actually pretty bulky with all of those extra variables.

We can now apply the finishing touches to our Word example, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 13.10. Passing arguments by value in COM methods

As you can see, the final result is much cleaner code than we started with. With an API like Word, you still need to work through a somewhat bewildering set of methods, properties, and events in the core types such as Application and Document, but at least your code will be a lot easier to read.

There’s one final aspect to the COM support we need to look at in terms of changes to the source code involved, before we see the deployment improvements available.

13.2.4. Calling named indexers

Several aspects of C# 4 involve providing support for features that Visual Basic has enjoyed for a long time—and this is another one. The CLR, COM, and Visual Basic all permit nondefault properties with parameters—named indexers in C# terms. Until version 4, C# has not only forbidden you to declare your own named indexers—it hasn’t provided a way of accessing them using property syntax either. The only indexer you can use from C# is the one declared as the default property for the type. This hasn’t been a great issue for .NET components written in Visual Basic, as named indexers are generally discouraged. But COM components such as those for Office use them more heavily. C# 4 allows you to call named indexers in a more natural fashion, but you still can’t declare them for your own C# types.


Terminology Clashes Again

I’ve used the term indexer throughout this section to describe what in VB terms would be known as a parameterized property. The CLI specification calls it an indexed property. Whatever the terminology, it’s declared as a property in the IL, and it has parameters. The normal indexer (as far as C# is concerned) is defined by the default member (or default property) for the type—for example, the default member of StringBuilder is the Chars property (which has an Int32 parameter). When I talk about named indexers here, I’m talking about ones that aren’t the default for the type, so you have to refer to them by name.


We’ll use Word for the example again, this time showing the different meanings for words. The _Application type in Word defines an indexer called SynonymInfo with a declaration like this:

SynonymInfo SynonymInfo[string Word,
ref object LanguageId = Type.Missing]

That’s not valid C# syntax, because you can’t declare a named indexer—but hopefully it’s obvious what it means. The name of the indexer is SynonymInfo. It returns a reference to a SynonymInfo object and has two parameters, one of which is optional. (The fact that the name of the indexer and the name of the return type are the same in this case is entirely coincidental.) The SynonymInfo can be used to find meanings for the word and synonyms for each meaning. The following listing shows three different ways of using the indexer to display the number of meanings for three different words.

Listing 13.11. Displaying synonym counts using a named indexer

Even without named indexers, the previous features we’ve seen would’ve helped alleviate the pain of ; we could’ve called app.get_SynonymInfo("better") and taken advantage of optional parameters, for example. But you can see from and that the indexer syntax looks less awkward than the get_ call. You could argue that this should be a method call anyway, or that there should be a parameterless SynonymInfo property that returns a collection with an appropriate default indexer. That’s one case of the general argument given by the C# designers for not implementing full support for named indexers, including declaring them within C#. But the point is that it already is an indexer in Word, so it’s nice to be able to use it that way.[5] uses the implicit ref parameter feature from section 13.2.3, and omits the optional parameter and names the remaining argument just for kicks.

5 It might’ve been more interesting to display the actual meanings—but that leads to interop problems that aren’t relevant to this chapter. See the book’s website for more details.

There’s one slight twist to optional parameters and indexers: if all of the parameters are optional, and you don’t want to specify any arguments, you have to omit the square brackets. So instead of writing foo.Indexer[] you’d just use foo.Indexer. All of this applies both for getting from the indexer and setting to it.

So far, so good—but writing the code is only part of the battle. You usually need to be able to deploy it onto other machines as well. Again, C# 4 makes this task easier.

13.2.5. Linking primary interop assemblies

When you build against a COM type, you use an assembly generated for the component library. Usually you use a primary interop assembly or PIA, which is the canonical interop assembly for a COM library, signed by the publisher. You can generate these using the Type Library Importer tool (tlbimp) for your own COM libraries. PIAs make life easier in terms of having one true way of accessing the COM types, but they’re a pain in other ways. They can be quite large, and the whole PIA needs to be present even if you’re only using a small subset of the functionality. Also, you need to have the same version of the PIA on the deployment machine as the one you compiled against. This can be awkward in situations where licensing issues prevent you from redistributing the PIA itself, relying on the right version being installed already. If there are a number of versions available but they all expose the functionality you need, you might have to ship different versions of your code to make the references work.

C# 4 allows a very different approach. Instead of referencing a PIA like any other assembly, you can link it. In Visual Studio 2010 this is an option in the properties of the assembly reference, as shown in figure 13.4.

Figure 13.4. Linking PIAs in Visual Studio 2010

Command line fans can use the /l (or /link) option instead of /r (or /reference) to link instead of reference:

csc /l:PathToPIA.dll MyCode.cs

When you link a PIA, the compiler embeds just the bits it needs from the PIA directly into your own assembly. It only takes the types it needs, and only the members within those types. For example, the compiler creates these types for the code we’ve written in this chapter:

namespace Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
[ComImport, TypeIdentifier, CompilerGenerated, Guid("...")]
public interface _Application

[ComImport, TypeIdentifier, CompilerGenerated, Guid("...")]
public interface _Document

[ComImport, CompilerGenerated, TypeIdentifier, Guid("...")]
public interface Application : _Application

[ComImport, Guid("..."), TypeIdentifier, CompilerGenerated]
public interface Document : _Document

[ComImport, TypeIdentifier, CompilerGenerated, Guid("...")]
public interface Documents : IEnumerable

[TypeIdentifier("...", "WdSaveFormat"), CompilerGenerated]
public enum WdSaveFormat

And if you look in the _Application interface, it looks like this:

[ComImport, TypeIdentifier, CompilerGenerated, Guid("...")]
public interface _Application
void_VtblGap 1_4();
Documents Documents { [...] get; }
Document ActiveDocument { [...] get; }

I’ve omitted the GUIDs and the property attributes here just for the sake of space, but you can always use Reflector to look at the embedded types. These are just interfaces and enums—there’s no implementation. Whereas a normal PIA has a CoClass representing the actual implementation (but proxying everything to the real COM type of course), when the compiler needs to create an instance of a COM type via a linked PIA, it creates the instance using the GUID associated with the type. For example, the line in our Word demo that creates an instance of Application is translated into this code when linking is enabled:[6]

6 Well, nearly. The object initializer makes it slightly more complicated because the compiler uses an extra temporary variable.

Application application = (Application) Activator.CreateInstance(
Type.GetTypeFromCLSID (new Guid("...")));

Figure 13.5 shows how this works at execution time.

Figure 13.5. Comparing referencing and linking

There are various benefits to embedding type libraries:

  • Deployment is easier: the original PIA isn’t needed, so you don’t have to rely on the right version being present already or ship the PIA yourself.
  • Versioning is simpler: so long as you only use members from the version of the COM library that’s actually installed, it doesn’t matter if you compile against an earlier or later PIA.
  • Variants are treated as dynamic types, reducing the amount of casting required.

Don’t worry about the last point for now—I need to explain dynamic typing before it’ll make much sense. All will be revealed in the next chapter.

As you can see, Microsoft has really taken COM interoperability seriously for C# 4, making the whole development process less painful. Of course the degree of pain has always been variable depending on the COM library you’re developing against—some will benefit more than others from the new features.

Our next feature is entirely separate from COM, named arguments, and optional parameters, but again it eases development a bit.

13.3. Generic variance for interfaces and delegates

You may remember that in chapter 3 I mentioned that the CLR had some support for variance in generic types, but that C# hadn’t exposed that support yet. That’s changed with C# 4. C# has gained the syntax required to declare generic variance, and the compiler now knows about the possible conversions for interfaces and delegates.

This isn’t a life-changing feature—it’s more a case of flattening some speed bumps you may have hit occasionally. It doesn’t even remove all the bumps; there are various limitations, mostly in the name of keeping generics absolutely type-safe. But it’s still a nice feature to have up your sleeve.

Just in case you need a reminder of what variance is all about, let’s start with a recap of the two basic forms it comes in.

13.3.1. Types of variance: covariance and contravariance

In essence, variance is about being able to use an object of one type as if it were another, in a type-safe way. We’re used to variance in terms of normal inheritance: if a method has a declared return type of Stream, you can return a MemoryStream from the implementation, for example. Generic variance is the same concept, but applied to generics—where it becomes a bit more complicated. The variance is applied to the type parameters within the interfaces and delegate types. That’s the bit you need to concentrate on.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether you remember the terminology I’m going to use in this section. It’ll be useful while you’re reading the chapter, but you’re unlikely to find yourself needing it in conversation. The concepts are far more important.

There are two types of variance: covariance and contravariance. They’re essentially the same idea, but used in the context of values moving in different directions. We’ll start with covariance, which is generally easier to understand.

Covariance: Values Coming Out of An Api

Covariance is all about values being returned from an operation back to the caller. Let’s imagine a very simple generic interface representing the factory pattern. It has a single method, CreateInstance, which will return an instance of the appropriate type. Here’s the code:

interface IFactory<T>
T CreateInstance();

Now, T only occurs once in the interface (aside from the name). It’s only used as the return value—it’s the output of the method. That means it makes sense to be able to treat a factory of a specific type as a factory of a more general type. To put it in real-world terms, you can think of a pizza factory as a food factory.

Contravariance: Values Going into An API

Contravariance is the opposite way around. It’s about values being passed into the API by the caller: the API is consuming the values instead of producing them. Let’s imagine another simple interface—one that can pretty-print a particular document type to the console. Again, there’s just one method, this time called Print:

interface IPrettyPrinter<T>
void Print(T document);

This time T only occurs in the input positions in the interface, as a parameter. To put this into concrete terms again, if we had an implementation of IPrettyPrinter <SourceCode>, we should be able to use it as an IPrettyPrinter<CSharpCode>.

Invariance: Values Going Both Ways

So if covariance applies when values only come out of an API, and contravariance applies when values only go into the API, what happens when a value goes both ways? In short: nothing. That type would be invariant. Here’s an interface representing a type that can serialize and deserialize a data type:

interface IStorage<T>
byte[] Serialize(T value);
T Deserialize(byte[] data);

This time, if we have an instance of IStorage<T> for a particular type T, we can’t treat it as an implementation of the interface for either a more or less specific type. If we tried to use it in a covariant way (for example, using an IStorage<Customer> as an IStorage<Person>), we might make a call to Serialize with an object that it can’t handle. Similarly if we tried to use it in a contravariant way, we might get an unexpected type out when we deserialized some data.

If it helps, you can think invariance as being like ref parameters: to pass a variable by reference, it has to be exactly the same type as the parameter itself, because the value goes into the method and effectively comes out again too.

13.3.2. Using variance in interfaces

C# 4 allows you to specify in the declaration of a generic interface or delegate that a type parameter can be used covariantly by using the out modifier, or contravariantly using the in modifier. Once the type has been declared, the relevant types of conversion are available implicitly. This works exactly the same way in both interfaces and delegates, but I’ll show them separately for clarity. Let’s start with interfaces, as they may be a bit more familiar—and we’ve used them already to describe variance.


Variant Conversions are Reference Conversions

Any conversion using variance or covariance is a reference conversion, which means that the same reference is returned after the conversion. It doesn’t create a new object; it just treats the existing reference as if it matched the target type. This is the same as casting between reference types in a hierarchy: if you cast a Stream to MemoryStream (or use the implicit conversion the other way) there’s still just one object.

The nature of these conversions introduces some limitations, as we’ll see later, but it means they’re efficient, and makes the behavior easier to understand in terms of object identity.


This time we’ll use familiar interfaces to demonstrate the ideas, with some simple user-defined types for the type arguments.

Expressing Variance with In and Out

There are two interfaces that demonstrate variance particularly effectively: IEnumerable<T> is covariant in T, and IComparer<T> is contravariant in T. Here are their new type declarations in .NET 4:

public interface IEnumerable<out T>
public interface IComparer<in T>

It’s easy enough to remember—if a type parameter is only used for output, you can use out; if it’s only used for input, you can use in. The compiler doesn’t know whether you can remember which form is called covariance and which is called contravariance!

Unfortunately the framework doesn’t contain many inheritance hierarchies that would help us demonstrate variance particularly clearly, so I’ll fall back to the standard object-oriented example of shapes. The downloadable source code includes the definitions for IShape, Circle, and Square, which are fairly obvious. The interface exposes properties for the bounding box of the shape and its area. I’m going to use two lists a lot in the following examples, so I’ll show their construction code just for reference:

List<Circle> circles = new List<Circle>
new Circle(new Point(0, 0), 15),
new Circle(new Point(10, 5), 20),

List<Square> squares = new List<Square>
new Square(new Point(5, 10), 5),
new Square(new Point(-10, 0), 2)

The only important point concerns the types of the variables—they’re declared as List<Circle> and List<Square> rather than List<IShape>. This can often be useful—if we were to access the list of circles elsewhere, we might want to get at circle-specific members without having to cast, for example. The actual values involved in the construction code are entirely irrelevant; I’ll use the names circles and squares elsewhere to refer to the same lists, but without duplicating the code.[7]

7 In the full source code solution, these are exposed as properties on the static Shapes class, but in the snippets version I’ve included the construction code where it’s needed, so you can tweak it easily if you want to.

Using Interface Covariance

To demonstrate covariance, we’ll try to build a list of shapes from a list of circles and a list of squares. The following listing shows two different approaches, neither of which would’ve worked in C# 3.

Listing 13.12. Building a list of general shapes from lists of circles and squares

Effectively, listing 13.12 shows covariance in four places, each converting a sequence of circles or squares into a sequence of general shapes, as far as the type system is concerned. First we create a new List<IShape> and call AddRange to add the circle and square lists to it . (We could’ve passed one of them into the constructor instead, then just called AddRange once.) The parameter for List<T>.AddRange is of type IEnumerable<T>, so in this case we’re treating each list as an IEnumerable <IShape>—something that wouldn’t have been possible before. AddRange could have been written as a generic method with its own type parameter, but it wasn’t—doing this would’ve made some optimizations hard or impossible.

Another way of creating a list that contains the data in two existing sequences is to use LINQ . We can’t directly call circles.Concat(squares), as it would confuse the type inference mechanism, but by specifying the type argument explicitly, all is well. Both circles and squares are implicitly converted to IEnumerable<IShape> via covariance. This conversion isn’t actually changing the value—just how the compiler treats the value. It isn’t building a separate copy, which is the important point. Covariance is particularly important in LINQ to Objects, as so much of the API is expressed in terms of IEnumerable<T>—contravariance isn’t as important, as fewer of the types involved are contravariant.

In C# 3 there would certainly have been other ways to approach the same problem. We could’ve built List<IShape> instances instead of List<Circle> and List<Square> for the original shapes; we could’ve used the LINQ Cast operator to convert the specific lists to more general ones; we could’ve written our own list class with a generic AddRange method. None of these would’ve been as convenient or as efficient as the alternatives offered here.

Using Interface Contravariance

We’ll use the same shape types to demonstrate contravariance. This time we’ll only use the list of circles, but a comparer that’s able to compare any two shapes by just comparing the areas. We couldn’t do this before C# 4 because an IComparer<IShape> couldn’t be used as an IComparer<Circle>, but the following listing shows contravariance coming to the rescue.

Listing 13.13. Sorting circles using a general-purpose comparer and contravariance

There’s nothing complicated here. Our AreaComparer class is about as simple as an implementation of IComparer<T> can be; it doesn’t need any state, for example. There’d normally be some null handling in the Compare method, but that’s not necessary to demonstrate variance.

Once we have an IComparer<IShape>, we’re using it to sort a list of circles . The argument to circles.Sort needs to be an IComparer<Circle>, but contravariance allows us to convert our comparer implicitly. It’s as simple as that.


Surprise, Surprise

If someone had presented you with this code as if it were C# 3, you might’ve looked at it and expected it to work. It seems obvious that it should be able to work, and this is a common feeling; the invariance in C# 2 and 3 often is an unwelcome surprise. The new abilities of C# 4 in this area aren’t introducing new concepts you’d never have thought of before; they just allow you more flexibility.


These have both been simple examples using single-method interfaces, but the same principles apply for more complex APIs. Of course, the more complex the interface is, the more likely that a type parameter will be used for both input and output, which would make it invariant. We’ll come back to some tricky examples later, but first we’ll look at delegates.

13.3.3. Using variance in delegates

Now that we’ve seen how to use variance with interfaces, applying the same knowledge to delegates is easy. We’ll use some familiar types again:

delegate T Func<out T>()
delegate void Action<in T>(T obj)

These are really equivalent to the IFactory<T> and IPrettyPrinter<T> interfaces we started off with. Using lambda expressions, we can demonstrate both of these easily, and even chain the two together. The following listing shows an example using our shape types.

Listing 13.14. Using variance with simple Func<T> and Action<T> delegates

Hopefully by now the code will need little explanation. Our square factory always produces a square at the same position, with sides of length 10. Covariance allows us to treat a square factory as a general shape factory with no fuss. We then create a general-purpose action that prints out the area of whatever shape is given to it. This time we use a contravariant conversion to treat the action as one that can be applied to any square . Finally, we feed the square action with the result of calling the square factory, and the shape action with the result of calling the shape factory. Both print 100, as we’d expect.

Of course we’ve only used delegates with a single type parameter here. What happens if we use delegates or interfaces with multiple type parameters? What about type arguments that are themselves generic delegate types? Well, it can all get quite complicated.

13.3.4. Complex situations

Before I try to make your head spin, I should provide a little comfort. Although we’ll be doing some weird and wonderful things, the compiler will stop you from making mistakes. You may still get confused by the error messages if you’ve used several type parameters in funky ways, but once you have it compiling you should be safe. Complexity is possible in both the delegate and interface forms of variance, although the delegate version is usually more concise to work with. Let’s start off with a relatively simple example.


Simultaneous Covariance and Contravariance with Converter<TInput, TOutput>

The Converter<TInput, TOutput> delegate type has been around since .NET 2.0. It’s effectively Func<T, TResult> but with a clearer expected purpose. In .NET 4, this becomes Converter<in TInput, out TOutput>, which shows which type parameter has which kind of variance. The following listing shows a few combinations of variance using a simple converter.


Listing 13.15. Demonstrating covariance and contravariance with a single type

Listing 13.15 shows the variance conversions available on a delegate of type Converter<object, string>: a delegate that takes any object and produces a string. First we implement the delegate using a simple lambda expression that calls ToString . As it happens, we never actually call the delegate, so we could’ve just used a null reference, but I think it’s easier to think about variance if you can pin down a concrete action that would happen if you called it.

The next two lines are relatively straightforward, so long as you only concentrate on one type parameter at a time. The TInput type parameter is only used in an input position, so it makes sense that you can use it contravariantly, using a Converter <object, string> as a Converter<Button, string>. In other words, if you can pass any object reference into the converter, you can certainly hand it a Button reference. Likewise the TOutput type parameter is only used in an output position (the return type) so it makes sense to use that covariantly: if the converter always returns a string reference, you can safely use it where you only need to guarantee that it’ll return an object reference.

The final line is just a logical extension of this idea. It uses both contravariance and covariance in the same conversion, to end up with a converter that only accepts buttons and only declares that it’ll return an object reference. Note that you can’t convert this back to the original conversion type without a cast—we’ve essentially relaxed the guarantees at every point, and you can’t tighten them up again implicitly.

Let’s up the ante a little, and see just how complex things can get if you try hard enough.

Higher-Order Function Insanity

The really weird stuff starts happening when you combine variant types together. I’m not going to go into a lot of detail here—I just want you to appreciate the potential for complexity. Let’s look at four delegate declarations:

delegate Func<T> FuncFunc<out T>();
delegate void ActionAction<out T>(Action<T> action);
delegate void ActionFunc<in T>(Func<T> function);
delegate Action<T> FuncAction<in T>();

Each of these declarations is equivalent to nesting one of the standard delegates inside another. For example, FuncAction<T> is equivalent to Func<Action<T>>. Both represent a function that will return an Action which can be passed a T. But should this be covariant or contravariant? Well, the function is going to return something to do with T, so it sounds covariant—but that something then takes a T so it sounds contravariant. The answer is that the delegate is contravariant in T, which is why it’s declared with the in modifier.

As a quick rule of thumb, you can think of nested contravariance as reversing the previous variance, whereas covariance doesn’t—so whereas Action<Action<T>> is covariant in T, Action<Action<Action<T>>> is contravariant. Compare that with Func<T> variance, where you can write Func<Func<Func<...Func<T>...>>> with as many levels of nesting as you like and still get covariance.

Just to give a similar example using interfaces, let’s imagine we have something that can compare sequences. If it can compare two sequences of arbitrary objects, it can certainly compare two sequences of strings—but not vice versa. Converting this to code (without implementing the interface!), we can see this as

IComparer<IEnumerable<object>> objectsComparer = ...;
IComparer<IEnumerable<string>> stringsComparer = objectsComparer;

This conversion is legal: IEnumerable<string> is a “smaller” type than IEnumerable <object> due to the covariance of IEnumerable<T>; the contravariance of IComparer <T> then allows the conversion from a comparer of a “bigger” type to a comparer of a smaller type.

Of course we’ve only used delegates and interfaces with a single type parameter in this section—it can all apply to multiple type parameters too. Don’t worry, though: you’re unlikely to need this sort of brain-busting variance very often, and when you do you have the compiler to help you. I really just wanted to make you aware of the possibilities.

On the flip side, there are some things you may expect to be able to do, but which aren’t supported.

13.3.5. Restrictions and notes

The variance support provided by C# 4 is mostly limited by what’s provided by the CLR. It’d be hard for the language to support conversions that were prohibited by the underlying platform. This can lead to a few surprises.

No Variance for Type Parameters in Classes

Only interfaces and delegates can have variant type parameters. Even if you have a class that only uses the type parameter for input (or only uses it for output), you can’t specify the in or out modifiers. For example Comparer<T>, the common implementation of IComparer<T>, is invariant—there’s no conversion from Comparer<IShape> to Comparer<Circle>.

Aside from any implementation difficulties that this might’ve incurred, I’d say it makes a certain amount of sense conceptually. Interfaces represent a way of looking at an object from a particular perspective, whereas classes are more rooted in the object’s actual type. This argument is weakened somewhat by inheritance letting you treat an object as an instance of any of the classes in its inheritance hierarchy, admittedly. Either way, the CLR doesn’t allow it.

Variance Only Supports Reference Conversions

You can’t use variance between two arbitrary type arguments just because there’s a conversion between them. It has to be a reference conversion. Basically that limits it to conversions which operate on reference types and which don’t affect the binary representation of the reference. This is so that the CLR can know that operations will be type-safe without having to inject any actual conversion code anywhere. As I mentioned in section 13.3.2, variant conversions are themselves reference conversions, so there wouldn’t be anywhere for the extra code to go anyway.

In particular, this restriction prohibits any conversions of value types and user-defined conversions. For example, the following conversions are all invalid:

  • IEnumerable<int> to IEnumerable<object>—Boxing conversion
  • IEnumerable<short> to IEnumerable<int>—Value type conversion
  • IEnumerable<string> to IEnumerable<XName>—User-defined conversion

User-defined conversions aren’t likely to be a problem as they’re relatively rare, but you may find the restriction around value types a pain.

Out Parameters Aren’t Output Positions

This one came as a surprise to me, although it makes sense in retrospect. Consider a delegate with the following definition:

delegate bool TryParser<T>(string input, out T value)

You might expect that you could make T covariant—after all, it’s only used in an output position... or is it? The CLR doesn’t really know about out parameters. As far as it’s concerned, they’re just ref parameters with an [Out] attribute applied to them. C# attaches special meaning to the attribute in terms of definite assignment, but the CLR doesn’t. However, ref parameters mean data going both ways, so if you have a ref parameter of type T, that means T is invariant.

In fact, even if the CLR did support out parameters natively, it still wouldn’t be safe, because it can be used in an input position within the method itself: after you’ve written to the variable, you can read from it as well. It’d be okay if out parameters were treated as “copy value at return time,” but it essentially aliases the argument and parameter—which would cause problems if they weren’t exactly the same type. It’s slightly fiddly to demonstrate, but there’s an example on the book’s website.

Delegates and interfaces using out parameters are rare, so this may never affect you anyway, but it’s worth knowing about just in case.

Variance Has to Be Explicit

When I introduced the syntax for expressing variance—applying the in or out modifiers to type parameters—you may have wondered why we needed to bother at all. The compiler is able to check that whatever variance you try to apply is valid—so why doesn’t it just apply it automatically ?

It could do that—at least in many cases—but I’m glad it doesn’t. Normally you can add methods to an interface and only affect implementations rather than callers. But if you’ve declared that a type parameter is variant and you then want to add a method which breaks that variance, all the callers are affected too. I can see this causing a lot of confusion. Variance requires some thought about what you might want to do in the future, and forcing developers to explicitly include the modifier encourages them to plan carefully before committing to variance.

There’s less of an argument for this explicit nature when it comes to delegates: any change to the signature that would affect the variance would probably break existing uses anyway. But there’s a lot to be said for consistency—it would feel odd if you had to specify the variance in interfaces but not in delegate declarations.

Beware of Breaking Changes

Whenever new conversions become available, there’s the risk of your current code breaking. For instance, if you rely on the results of the is or as operators not allowing for variance, your code will behave differently when running under .NET 4. Likewise there are cases where overload resolution will choose a different method due to there being more applicable options now. This is another reason for variance to be explicitly specified: it reduces the risk of breaking your code.

These situations should be quite rare, and the benefit from variance is more significant than the potential drawbacks. You do have unit tests to catch subtle changes, right? In all seriousness, the C# team takes code breakage very seriously, but sometimes there’s no way of introducing a new feature without breaking code.

Multicast Delegates and Variance Don’t Mix

Normally, generics make sure that unless you have casts involved, you won’t run into type-safety issues at execution time. Unfortunately, there’s a nasty situation with variant delegate types when it comes to combining them together. This is best demonstrated in code:

Func<string> stringFunc = () => "";
Func<object> objectFunc = () => new object();
Func<object> combined = objectFunc + stringFunc;

This compiles with no problem, because there’s a covariant reference conversion from an expression of type Func<string> to Func<object>. But the object itself is still a Func<string>—and the Delegate.Combine method that actually does the work requires its arguments to be the same type—otherwise it doesn’t know what type of delegate it’s meant to create. The preceding code will throw an ArgumentException at execution time.

This problem was found relatively late in the .NET 4 release cycle, but Microsoft is aware of it and there is hope that it may be fixed for the majority of cases in a future release. Until then, there’s a workaround: you can create a new delegate object of the correct type based on the variant one, and combine that with another delegate of the same type. For example, we can modify the preceding code slightly to make it work:

Func<string> stringFunc = () => "";
Func<object> defensiveCopy = new Func<object>(stringFunc);
Func<object> objectFunc = () => new object();
Func<object> combined = objectFunc + defensiveCopy;

Fortunately this is rarely an issue in my experience.

No Caller-Specified or Partial Variance

This is really a matter of interest and comparison rather than anything else, but it’s worth noting that C#’s variance is very different to Java’s system. Java’s generic variance manages to be extremely flexible by approaching it from the other side: instead of the type itself declaring the variance, code using the type can express the variance it needs.


Want to Know More?

This book isn’t about Java generics, but if this little teaser has piqued your interest, you may want to check out Angelika Langer’s Java Generics FAQ ( Be warned: it’s a huge and complex topic!


For example, the List<T> interface in Java is roughly equivalent to IList<T> in C#. It contains methods to both add items and fetch them, so clearly in C# it’s invariant—but in Java you can decorate the type at the calling code to explain what variance you want. The compiler then stops you from using the members that go against that variance. For example, the following code would be perfectly valid:

For the most part, I prefer generics in C# to Java, and type erasure in particular can be a pain in many cases. But I find this treatment of variance really interesting. I don’t expect to see anything similar in future versions of C#—so think carefully about how you can split your interfaces to allow for flexibility, but without introducing more complexity than is really warranted.

Just before I close the chapter, there are two almost trivial changes to cover—how the C# compiler handles lock statements and field-like events.

13.4. Teeny tiny changes to locking and field-like events

I don’t want to make too much of these changes: chances are they’ll never affect you. But if you’re ever looking at compiled code and wondering why it looks the way it does, it’s helpful to know what’s going on.

13.4.1. Robust locking

Let’s consider a simple piece of C# code that uses a lock. The details of what happens inside the block aren’t important, but I’ve included a single statement just for the sake of clarity:

lock (listLock)

Prior to C# 4—and including C# 4 if you’re targeting anything earlier than .NET 4—that would effectively be compiled into this code:

This is nearly okay—in particular, it avoids a couple of problems. We want to make sure that we release the same monitor we acquire, so first we copy the reference into a temporary local variable . This also means that the locking expression is only evaluated once. Next we acquire the lock before the try block. This is so that we don’t try to release the lock in the finally block if the thread is aborted without successfully acquiring it in the first place. That leads to a different problem: now if the thread is aborted after the lock is acquired but before we enter the try block, we won’t have released the lock. That could feasibly lead to a deadlock—another thread could be waiting eternally for this one to release the lock. Though the CLR has historically tried hard to stop this from happening, it’s not quite impossible.

What we want is some way of atomically acquiring the lock and knowing that it was acquired. Fortunately that’s exposed in .NET 4 via a new overload to Monitor.Enter, which the C# 4 compiler uses in this way:

Now the lock will be released if and only if we successfully acquired it in the first place, consistently. It should be noted that in some cases a deadlock isn’t the worst result (see occasionally it’s more dangerous for an application to continue at all than for it to simply halt. But it’d be ridiculous to rely on the deadlock condition; better to avoid aborting threads if at all possible. (Aborting the currently executing thread is somewhat better, as you’re in more control—this is what Response.Redirect does in ASP.NET, for example—but I’d still generally suggest finding better forms of flow control.)

There’s one last tweak to cover before we move on to the really big feature of C# 4.

13.4.2. Changes to field-like events

Finally, there are two changes to the way field-like events are implements in C# 4 that are worth mentioning briefly. They’re unlikely to affect you, although they’re potentially breaking changes. Just to recap, field-like events are events that are declared as if they’re fields, with no explicit add/remove blocks, like this:

public event EventHandler Click;

First, the way that thread safety is achieved has been changed: before C# 4, field-like events resulted in code that would lock on either this (for instance events) or the declaring type (for static events). As of C# 4, the compiler achieves thread-safe, atomic subscription and unsubscription using Interlocked.CompareExchange<T>. Unlike the previous change to the lock statement, this applies even when targeting earlier versions of the .NET framework.

Second, the meaning of the event’s name within the declaring class has changed. Previously, if you subscribed to (or unsubscribed from) the event within the class that contained the declaration—such as with Click += DefaultClickHandler;—that would go straight to the backing field, skipping the add/remove implementation completely. Now, it doesn’t—when you’re using += or -=, the name of the event refers to the event itself, not the backing field. When the name is used for any other purpose (typically assignment or invocation), it still refers directly to the backing field.

These are both sensible changes that make everything neater, although you probably wouldn’t have noticed them in daily use. Chris Burrows goes into the topic in detail in his blog; if you want to know more (see

13.5. Summary

This has been a bit of a pick-and-mix chapter, with various distinct areas. Having said that, COM greatly benefits from named arguments and optional parameters, so there’s some overlap between them.

I suspect it’ll take a while for C# developers to get the hang of how best to use the new features for parameters and arguments. Overloading still provides extra portability for languages that don’t support optional parameters, and named arguments may look strange in some situations until you get used to them. The benefits can be significant, though, as I demonstrated with the example of building instances of immutable types. You’ll need to take some care when assigning default values to optional parameters, but I hope that you’ll find the suggestion of using null as a “default default value” to be a useful and flexible one that effectively sidesteps some of the limitations and pitfalls you might otherwise encounter.

Working with COM has come a long way for C# 4. I still prefer to use purely managed solutions where they’re available, but at least the code calling into COM is a lot more readable now, as well as having a better deployment story. We haven’t seen all of the improvements to COM interop yet, as the dynamic typing features we’ll see in the next chapter impact on COM too, but even without taking that into account we’ve seen a short sample become a lot more pleasant just by applying a few simple steps.

Our last major topic was the generic variance now available for interfaces and delegates. Sometimes you may end up using variance without even knowing it, and I think most developers are more likely to use the variance declared in the framework interfaces and delegates rather than creating their own. I apologise if it occasionally became tricky, but it’s good to know just what’s out there. If it’s any consolation to you, C# team member Eric Lippert has publicly acknowledged in a blog post (see that higher-order functions make even his head hurt, so we’re in good company. Eric’s post is one in a long series about variance (see, which is as much as anything a dialogue about the design decisions involved. If you haven’t had enough of variance by now, it’s an excellent read.

For the sake of completeness we also took a quick peek at the changes to how the C# compiler handles locking and field-like events.

This chapter dealt with relatively small changes to C#. Chapter 14 deals with something far more fundamental: the ability to use C# in a dynamic manner.

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