


@ActionMapping annotation2nd
@AfterRenderCompletion annotation
@Around advice annotation
@Aspect annotation
@Autowired annotation2nd3rd4th
@Before annotation2nd
@BeforeClass JUnit annotation
@Column annotation
@Component annotation
@Configurable annotation
@Constraint annotation
@ContextConfiguration annotation
@Controller annotation2nd3rd
@Controller Spring Portlet MVC annotation
@Controller type-level annotation
@Deprecated built-in Java annotation
@Deprecated Java element
@Entity annotation
@EventMapping annotation
@ExceptionHandler annotation
@GeneratedValue annotation
@HandlerInterceptor annotation
@Id annotation
@InitBinder annotation2nd
@InitBinder method2nd3rd
@Inject annotation
@ManagedBean annotation
@ModelAttribute annotation2nd
@NotEmpty annotation
@NotEmpty constraint
@ProcessAction annotation2nd3rd4th
@ProcessEvent annotation
@Qualifier annotation2nd
@RenderMapping annotation3rd
  and method signatures
  identifying render methods with
@RenderMode annotation2nd3rd4th
@Repository annotation2nd
@RequestMapping annotation
  annotation and portlet lifecycle phases
  identifying render and action methods
  options for
@Resource annotation2nd3rd
@ResourceMapping annotation
@Service annotation
@SessionAttributes annotation2nd
@Size annotation
@Size constraint
@Target annotation
@Transactional annotated methods
@Transactional annotation2nd
@Unique annotation2nd
@Unique constraint
@Valid annotation2nd
@XmlRootElement class-level annotation
*Util utility classes
/ element
$ syntax
$/dwr/interface directory
$contextPath/dwr/interface directory
$javascript_folder variable
-1 value
2_column.tpl file
2-column-layouttpl folder


<a> element, HTML
AbstractController class6th
  caching portlet content
  rendering portlet even when minimized
  specifying whether PortletSession property is required
  synchronizing request processing
AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver class
AbstractHandlerMapping class
  default handlers
  handler interceptors
  handler mapping chains
AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests class
Access Permission Setting subtab
action attribute2nd3rd4th
action methods
  with @ActionMapping annotation
  with @RequestMapping annotation
action parameters
action request2nd
action URLs
ActionFilter interface2nd3rd4th
ActionRequest argument2nd
ActionRequest interface2nd3rd
ActionRequest object2nd
ActionRequest parameter
actionRequest variable
ActionRequest.ACTION_NAME parameter2nd
ActionResponse interface2nd3rd4th5th
ActionResponse object, responding to actions using
actionResponse variable
Actions button2nd3rd
actions, names of
action-scoped request attributes
actionScopedRequestAttributes option2nd3rd6th7th
  scope of
  use case for
actionStatus attribute2nd
<actionURL> tag2nd8th9th13th
  adding private render parameters to
  escaping XML in generated
    action name
    portlet mode
    window state
  storing in variable
actionURL tag
ACTIVE column2nd
Active Reverse Ajax
activeReverseAjaxEnabled initialization parameter
Add Book form2nd
Add Book hyperlink, Book Catalog portlet2nd3rd
Add Book tab, Book Catalog portlet2nd3rd
Add button
Add Category panel
Add Folder option
add JavaScript and CSS to the portal page function
Add New Group form
Add New Portal button
Add Permission button
Add Portlet button
Add Portlet option
Add Producer button
Add Producer form
Add to Page check box
addAnnotatedClass method2nd
addBook action method
addBook function2nd
  BookCatalogAjaxBean object
  MyAjaxBean object2nd
addBook method2nd3rd4th
AddBookController class2nd3rd
AddBookController handler2nd3rd4th
AddBookControllerTest class
AddBookControllerTestContext class2nd
addBookForm.jsp page2nd
AddBookValidator class
addFile method
Additional Files page
addOnLoad function
addScript method, ScriptSession object
addScriptSession method2nd
Administrator role2nd3rd4th
Administrator user
afterRenderCompletion method
afterRenderRequestComplete method
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
  and inter-portlet communication
    using Comet feature
    using JavaScript functions
  basics of
    Ajax requests
    downloading binary content using
    retrieving servlet response to update content of
    that display date and time
  resource URLs and caching
  rich user interfaces
    for Book Catalog portlet
    simplified Ajax
  securing requests
    date/time portlet security requirements and solutions
    portal server-specific APIs
  support for
    in Dojo Toolkit
    in Portlet 2.0
ajax function, jQuery object
Ajax in portlets, benefits of using
Ajax request
<allow> subelement
allowDuplicateParameters property
annotatedClasses property
annotation type parameter
AnnotationConfiguration class2nd
<annotation-driven> element2nd
annotation-driven transaction management
AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter class
AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver class
announcement feature
Announcements portlet
anonymous users2nd
Ant buildfile, unit testing with
ant deploy command2nd
Ant tool
  JAR files
AOP (aspect-oriented programming), support in Spring framework
AOP framework
Apache Commons FileUpload library
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
  container-runtime options
    portlet and portlet application
  discovering portlet environment using Portlet-Context object
    changing locales using built-in portlets
    implementing portlets to support
    designing for
    portal server features and limitations
  portal server-specific
  portlet modes
    and markup types
    portal-managed and portlet-managed
  portlet request objects
    and lifecycle interfaces
    handling portal server-specific requests using PortalContext object
    PortletRequest, constants
    PortletRequest, methods
  portlet response objects
    adding custom JavaScript language, and CSS files to portal page
    choosing appropriate phase for action
    encoding URLs, with encodeURL method
    generating content, using RenderResponse object
    responding to actions, using ActionResponse object
  PortletURLGenerationListener interface
  programmatic security
  requirements for Book Catalog portlet
  retrieving portlet configuration, using PortletConfig object
  Spring Portlet MVC framework
  storing user-specific data in portlet session
    and content caching
    obtaining session attributes, using PortletSessionUtil class
    portlet session scopes
    PortletSession object
    sharing session data across portlet applications
    similarities between HttpSession and PortletSession objects
  uploading files
  window states
  wrapper classes
app.server.dir property
app.server.lib.portal.dir property
app.server.portal.dir property
appAttr attribute
appendData method, ScriptBuffer object
application contexts
  DI and
    XML files
Application Programming Interfaces.
    See APIs.
APPLICATION_SCOPE attribute2nd3rd4th
APPLICATION_SCOPE scope, PortletSession interface
APPLICATION_SCOPE session attributes2nd
applications, undeploying
AspectJ annotations, and AOP support in Spring framework
<aspectj-autoproxy> element
aspect-oriented programming.
    See AOP.
associations, specifying default user
associative array
asynchronous Ajax request
asynchronous HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
    See Ajax.
asynchronous request phases
asynchronous request processing
atomicity key feature
AuditAspect class
AuditFields class2nd3rd
authentication, setting mechanism for
Author Name field
authorNameSearchField attribute
AUTHORS column
auto.deploy.dir property
auto-detects view
autoregistration, classpath scanning feature and
autowiring features
Available portlet list


B2E (business-to-employee) applications2nd
backgrounds, changing color of
basename attribute
basenames property
base-package attribute
BasicDataSource class2nd
<batchtest> element
bean converter2nd
  providing support for annotations configuring
  scope of defined in XML files
  Spring framework, accessing from non-Spring objects
  validating with JSR2nd
    configuring with Spring Portlet MVC framework
    custom constraints
before advice method
before method
beginTransaction method
behavior, preferences
benefits of using Ajax in portlets
binary content, downloading using portlets
BindingResult object2nd3rd4th
<body> element2nd
book argument
Book bean
book catalog
Book Catalog portlet home page2nd
Book Catalog-Rich Portlet
book catalogs
book category preference
Book classes2nd3rd
book command object
Book Java object
book JavaScript object
book model attribute2nd3rd
Book Name field
Book object2nd3rd
Book Portal administrator2nd3rd4th
Book Portal organization
Book Portal page
book property
BOOK_ID column
book_id column
BOOK_TBL table2nd
BookAddedEvent class2nd
BookAddedEvent event2nd
BookAddedEvent object
bookAddedEvent portlet event
bookCatalog attribute
bookCatalog portlet2nd3rd
BookCatalogAjaxBean object2nd3rd
BookCatalogContextListener class2nd
BookCatalogPortlet class2nd3rd
BookCatalogPrefsValidator class
BookCatalogService class
bookCatalogTest-portlet.xml file
BookDao interface2nd
bookList.jsp page
book-portal-theme folder
book-portal-theme project
BookService beans2nd3rd
BookService class2nd3rd4th
BookService interface
BookService methods2nd
BookServiceImpl class2nd
BookServlet servlet2nd3rd
bookTitle text field
BookUser roles2nd3rd
boolean isReadOnly method
BorderContainer layout widget2nd
breadcrumbs image, changing default
browser’s Refresh button
build directory2nd3rd4th
build target2nd3rd file file
build.xml file
buildSessionFactory method
built-in Announcement portlet
built-in controllers
  AbstractController class
    caching portlet content
    rendering portlet even when minimized
    specifying whether PortletSession property is required
    synchronizing request processing
  Controller interface
  ParameterizableViewController controller
  PortletModeNameViewController controller
  PortletWrappingController controller
built-in Document Library portlet
built-in handler mappings
  AbstractHandlerMapping class
    default handlers
    handler interceptors
    handler mapping chains
  developing Book Catalog portlet
  ParameterHandlerMapping implementation
  PortletModeHandlerMapping implementation
  PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping implementation
built-in Message Boards portlet
built-in portlets
  changing locales using
  impact of using
built-in services, reusing
built-in SimpleSessionStatus object
Businesses portlet
business-to-employee applications.
    See B2E.
byId function


<c:forEach> tag
cache parameter, ajax function
CACHE_SCOPE property
cacheability attribute2nd
cacheLevelFull cacheability value
cacheLevelPage cacheability value
cacheLevelPortlet cacheability value
<cache-scope> element
cacheSeconds property
Calendar built-in portlet
Cascading Style Sheets.
    See CSS.
Catalog portal page2nd3rd
Catalog tab, Book Catalog portlet2nd3rd
categories variable
categories, Liferay Portal 6.x
category object
category preference attribute
Category-level permissions
CE (Community Edition)
center partition, BorderContainer layout widget
chaining filters
  handler mapping
change window title function
CharArrayWriter class
CharResponseWrapper class
class attribute2nd
class element
class files, generated
classpath-scanning features2nd3rd4th5th
clean target2nd
code, setting compliance for Eclipse IDE
coding step
colors, of portal page background
CometProcessor interface
command objects2nd
commandName attribute
commons-dbcp 1.3
commons-pool 1.5.5
  inter-portlet vs. inter-servlet
  inter-portlet, and Ajax.
    See also inter-portlet communication.
compile target2nd
Compiler option
complete information received
compliance, setting for Eclipse IDE
<component-plugin> element
component-scan element
concatenation string, adding parameters to portlet URLs with
concurrency, issues in saving preferences
conf/server.xml file
Configuration class
Configuration option2nd
Configuration permission
configuring step
confirmSave function
connecting to database2nd
Connection object
<Connector> element, server.xml file
consistency key feature
constraints, custom
ConstraintViolation object
Consumers tab
consumers, registering with WSRP producers
<container-runtime> element
container-runtime options2nd
    scope of
    use case for
  portlet and portlet application
  generation methods
content caching
content package
Content-disposition HTTP header
ContentPane layout widget
contextConfigLocation parameter
Control Panel2nd3rd4th5th6th
controller classes2nd
Controller interface2nd3rd4th
    AbstractController class
    Controller interface
    ParameterizableViewController controller
    PortletModeNameViewController controller
    PortletWrappingController controller
  identifying with @Controller annotation
<convert> elements
converter attribute
copyCurrentRenderParameters attribute2nd
core business
Create Account option
create command2nd
Create Database option
<create> element
createdBy audit field
createdDate audit field
createQuery method
createRenderURL method2nd
createResourceURL method
creator attribute
cross-cutting concerns2nd
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  JavaScript language and, including necessary in portal page
  URLs for remote files
css directory
CSS elements
CSS selectors
Current list
custom Book Portal theme
custom_common.css file
custom.css file
<custom-portlet-mode> subelement
<custom-window-state> subelement


DaoFactory class
DAOs (data access objects)
data access layer
data sources, defining
  in application context XML file
Database driver
database tables
  Book Catalog portlet
    BOOK_TBL table
    TOC_TBL table
  Liferay Portal platform
    permissions information in PERMISSION_table
    role information in ROLE_table
    user information in USER_table
database.url property
datasource bean2nd3rd
DataSource class2nd
dataSource property2nd
Date object, JavaScript
Date/Time portlet2nd3rd
DateTimePortlet class2nd3rd
DateTimeServlet servlet2nd
decodeAttributeName method
default action
default attribute
default handlers
DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping class
defaultEmail parameter2nd
defaultErrorView name
defaultErrorView property
defaultHandler property2nd3rd4th
<default-namespace> element2nd
defaultValue element
defaultViewName view
Define Permissions option
<defineObjects> tag
  making portlet objects available with
  using in Book Catalog portlet
defineObjects tag
Delete Node option
Delete option
DELETE request, HTTP
depends attribute
deploy directory
deployment descriptors
  of portlets
    configuring PreferencesValidator interface in
    defining events in
    defining multiple portlets in
    setting public render parameters in
  of web applications
  Wicket web application
<description> subelement
designing, for portability
  data access layer
  request-handling logic
  service layer
destroy method2nd3rd
destroy-method attribute
development environments
  configuring Eclipse IDE
    creating new server profile
    for JDK 5.0 or later
    setting source and generated class file compliance
    specifying installation directory of Tomcat server
  project structure
DI (dependency injection), and application context
  e-commerce example
  web application contexts
diffs directory
Dijit library
Direct Web Remoting.
    See DWR.
directories, specifying for Tomcat server
discussion forums, settings for displaying
dispatch events to portlets function
DispatcherPortlet class2nd3rd
Display Date option
Display Order option
Distribution Scope drop-down list
div element, HTML
<div> tag2nd3rd
div tag2nd
DLLocalServiceUtil class
Document Library portlet
document object
Document Object Model.
    See DOM.
doDispatch method
doEdit method2nd
doFilter method2nd3rd
doGet method2nd
doHeaders method2nd3rd
doHelp method2nd
Dojo parser
Dojo Toolkit, simplified Ajax with
  adding widgets to JSP page
  Ajax support in Dojo Toolkit
  including necessary JavaScript language and CSS
Dojo, iFrame proxy
dojo.js file
dojoType attribute
dojox directory
DOM (Document Object Model)
doSomething method2nd3rd
dot (.) Java bean
doView method2nd3rd
download files function
Download link, Book Catalog portlet
downloading binary content, using portlets
doXXXX methods2nd
driverClass property
DWR (Direct Web Remoting)2nd5th
  integration options for
  simplified Ajax with
    configuring DWR library
    including necessary JavaScript files
  support for Comet feature in
<dwr> element
dwr.util.getValue function
dwr.xml file2nd3rd
DwrServlet object2nd3rd
dynamic content


Eclipse IDE
    creating new server profile
    for JDK 5.0 or later
    setting source and generated class file compliance
    specifying installation directory of Tomcat server
  project structure
Eclipse projects
e-commerce, example of DI and
Edit Layout option
EDIT mode2nd3rd
Edit Navigation option
Edit option2nd
Edit Permission Setting tab
Edit Portal’s Config option
EDIT portlet mode2nd3rd4th
Edit Registration option2nd
editBook action method
EditBookController class2nd
EditBookController handler2nd
EE (Enterprise Edition)
encodeURL method
  encoding URLs with
  PortletResponse object
encoding, URLs
engine.js file2nd
Enterprise Edition.
    See EE.
entry elements
error property
errorMap property2nd3rd
Errors object
<errors> tag
escapeXML attribute
escapeXml container-runtime option2nd
ETAG field
Event object
event-based inter-portlet communication
<event-definition> element
EventFilter interface
EventPortlet interface2nd
eventRequest variable2nd3rd
EventResponse interface2nd3rd
EventResponse objects2nd3rd4th
eventResponse variable
exception class, mapping to view based on
  accessing exception as model attribute
  exception mappings
  handler mappings
  handler-exception-resolver chain
exception mappings
exceptionAttribute property
exceptionMappings property
exceptionMsg render parameter
exceptions, handling
  during request handling
  mapping to view based on exception class
  with @ExceptionHandler annotation
exclude-filter subelement
ExoContainer object
Expiration Date option
expiration-based caching
  configuring support
  portlet behavior
Export/Import subtab
eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language files.
    See XHTML.
Extensible Markup Language files.
    See XML.
ExternalContext’s redirect method2nd


<f:ajax> tag
faces-config.xml file
fadeIn function
fadeOut function
<field> elements
fields, hidden form
file JavaScript object
FILE_NAME column
FileItem object
FileItemStream object
fileName property
  generated class, setting compliance for Eclipse IDE
  remote, CSS and JavaScript
    Apache Commons FileUpload library
    PortletMultipartResolver bean
fileset element
FileUpload library2nd
filter chaining
<filter> element
filterActionURL method
FilterChain object2nd3rd
<filter-class> element
FilterConfig object2nd3rd
<filter-mapping> element2nd3rd
filterMappingUrlPattern parameter
<filter-name> element
filterRenderURL method
filterResourceURL method
filters, portlet.
    See portlet filters.
firstName field
forEach JSTL tag
form field values, obtaining in portlet class
  GlassFish server
  Jetspeed portal
  Liferay Portal portal
form fields, hidden
<form> tag2nd
form tag library
Forums portal page
forward method


gadgets, defined
GateIn Portal server
  Book Portal web portal
    creating portal pages and adding portlets
    custom portlets
    removing default home page
    setting up
    users, 2nd
  user interface
generate markup content function
generateUrls method2nd
GenericPortlet class2nd3rd4th
GET method, HTTP2nd
GET request, HTTP2nd3rd
getAttribute method2nd
getAttributeNames() method
getBooks function
getBooks methods2nd3rd4th5th6th
getBooksByCategories method
getCommandObject method
getContainerRuntimeOptions method
getCurrentSession method2nd
getElementId method
getETag method
getEvent method
getFailedKeys method
getHomePage method
getInitParameter method2nd3rd4th
getInitParameter(String name) method
getInstance method2nd
getItemIterator method
getItemIterator(ActionRequest) method
getLocale method2nd3rd
getMessage method
getMimeType method
getNamedDispatcher method
getNamedDispatcher(String name)
getNamespace method
getParameter method2nd
getParameter(String name)
getParameterMap method
getParameterValue method
getParameterValues method2nd
getParameterValues(String name)
getPortalContext method
getPortalInfo method2nd3rd
getPortletConfig method2nd
getPortletContext method
getPortletMode method2nd3rd
getPortletName method
getPortletOutputStream method
getPortletSession method
getPreferences method2nd3rd
getPrivateParameterMap method
getProcessingEventQNames method
getProperties method
getProperty method2nd
getPropertyPath method
getPublicParameterMap method2nd
getPublicRenderParameterNames method
getPublishingEventQNames method
getReader methods
getRecentBook JavaScript function2nd
getRecentBook method
getRemoteUser method2nd
getRequest method
getRequestDispatcher(String path)
getResourceBundle method2nd
getResourceBundle(java.util.Locale) method
getResourceID method
getSessionFactory method
getString methods
getSupportedLocales method
getSupportedPortletModes method2nd3rd
getSupportedWindowStates method2nd
getTarget method
getUserPrincipal method
getUserRoles(long userId) method
getValue method2nd3rd
getWebApplicationContext method
getWindowID method
getWindowState method
getWriter method2nd
  RenderResponse object
  RenderResponseWrapper object
GlassFish project, with OpenPortal portlet container
GlassFish server
GlassFish Server v3.0.1 portal server2nd3rd
global attribute
<GlobalNamingResources> element
Gmail portlet
Gmail web application
greetingMessage, preference2nd
Greetings Message personalization option
Group ID
Group Management tab
Guest role2nd3rd
Guest users2nd


<h:body> tag
<h:head> tag
<h:inputText> tag
<h:outputScript> tag2nd
<h:outputStylesheet> tag2nd
handleActionRequest method2nd
handleActionRequestInternal method
handleAs property
handleEventRequest method
handler interceptors
handler mappings
handleRenderRequest method2nd3rd
handleRenderRequestInternal method
HandlerExceptionResolver bean
handler-exception-resolver chain
HandlerExceptionResolver interface
HandlerMapping beans2nd3rd
HandlerMapping interface2nd3rd
  built-in mappings
    AbstractHandlerMapping class
    developing Book Catalog portlet
    ParameterHandlerMapping implementation
    PortletModeHandlerMapping implementation
    PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping implementation
    implementing and configuring
    processing requests using
  mapping chains
  mapping requests, to using @RequestMapping
    annotation and portlet lifecycle phases
    identifying render and action methods
    options for
hasErrors method
HEAD element
<head> element2nd3rd
HEAD request, HTTP
<HEAD> tag
HeidiSQL client, MySQL database and installing
Hello World examples, portlets
  adding to portal page
  Liferay Portal 6.x
  portlet class
  portlet settings
  resource bundle
  with Ant tool
  with Maven tool
Hello World message
Hello World portlet
  controller class
  JSP page
  portlet deployment descriptor
  web application context
  web application deployment descriptor
helloWorld portlet
helloWorld view name
HelloWorldController class2nd3rd
HelloWorldController portlet
helloWorldMessage request attribute
HelloWorldPortlet class2nd
HELP portlet mode2nd
Hibernate framework
Hibernate ORM framework, interaction with databases
  connecting to database
  mapping classes to relational database tables
  using Spring framework with
Hibernate Query Language.
    See HQL.
Hibernate Session
HibernateBookDao class
hidden form fields
high latency
Home class
Home hyperlink
home pages4th
  Book Portal2nd
  removing default
Home portal page
home.jsp page2nd3rd4th5th
HQL (Hibernate Query Language)
href attribute
HSQLDB database2nd3rd
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)2nd3rd
HTML code
HTML combo box
<html> element2nd
HTML elements
html method
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)2nd
HTTP protocol2nd
HTTP request parameters
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
HttpServletRequest interface
HttpServletRequest object2nd
HttpServletResponse object2nd
HttpSession class2nd
HttpSession object2nd3rd
HyperlinkFilter class
hyperlinks, converting text to with portlet filters
Hypertext Markup Language.
    See HTML.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.
    See HTTPS.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
    See HTTP.


<i> tag
IBM’s WebSphere Portal
id attribute2nd
id element
<identifier> element
IDEs (integrated development environments)
  project structure
<iframe> HTML element
iFrame portlets
iFrame proxy
<iframe> tag
iFrame-based portlet
images directory
images, breadcrumbs
Import Applications button
Inband option
in-band registration, examples of
<include> elements
include method
include-filter subelement
In-Demand Book Apps web application
init method2nd3rd4th5th6th
initialization parameters
initialize method
<init-param> element2nd3rd
innerHTML property2nd3rd
<input> tag
InputStream type
Install More Portlets button
installation directories, of Tomcat server
installing, Liferay Portal 6.x
<instanceable> element2nd
int Java type
integrated development environments.
    See IDEs.
integration, options for DWR library
interceptors property
interceptors, handler
  implementing and configuring
  processing requests using
InternalResourceViewResolver bean2nd3rd
International Standard Book Number.
    See ISBN.
internationalization, using resource bundles
inter-portlet, communication2nd4th9th18th
  and Ajax
    using Comet feature
    using JavaScript functions
  need for
  portlet events
    advantages and disadvantages of
    support in Spring Portlet MVC interface
  PortletSession interface
    advantages and disadvantages of
    defining multiple portlets
    storing and retrieving information from
  public render parameters
    advantages and disadvantages of
    methods related to
    setting and retrieving
inter-portlet, communication scenarios
Inventory portlet
IoC (Inversion of Control)
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)2nd
ISBN fields
ISBN value
isbnNumber parameter2nd3rd
isbnNumber property
isbnNumber request parameter
isFormField method
isMarkupValid method
isMultipartContent(ActionRequest) method
isPortletModeAllowed method2nd
isUniqueISBN method2nd
isUserInRole method2nd3rd
isValid method
isWindowStateAllowed method2nd


JAR (Java Archive) files
Java class
Java Database Connectivity.
    See JDBC.
Java Development Kit.
    See JDK.
Java EE container
Java EE environment
Java Naming and Directory Interface.
    See JNDI.
Java Persistence API.
    See JPA.
Java portlet technology
Java SE2nd
Java Specification Request.
    See JSR.
Java Transaction API.
    See JTA.
JAVA_HOME environment variable2nd object
java.lang.Long type
java.nio package
java.sql.Statement object
java.util.Map objects2nd3rd4th
java.util.ResourceBundle class
java.util.ResourceBundle object
JavaBean-style attribute
javascript attribute
JavaScript files
  adding as part of portal theme
  URLs for remote
JavaScript functions, inter-portlet communication
JavaScript libraries
JavaServer Faces.
    See JSF.
JavaServer Pages.
    See JSPs.
javax.naming.InitialContext object
javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory interface
javax.portlet.action parameter2nd3rd
javax.portlet.Action request parameter
javax.portlet.action request parameter
javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttributes2nd3rd4th render parameter
javax.portlet.escapeXml container-runtime option
javax.portlet.EventPortlet interface2nd
javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.<portletMode> initialization parameter
javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.view initialization parameter
javax.portlet.GenericPortlet class
javax.portlet.p.XX?myAttr format
javax.portlet.Portlet interface2nd
javax.portlet.PortletConfig object
javax.portlet.RenderResponse object
javax.portlet.ResourceServingPortlet interface
javax.sql.DataSource bean2nd3rd
javax.validation.Validator interface2nd
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) module
  database connections
  defining data source
  service interface and implementation classes2nd
jdbc/myportalDB data source
JdbcBookDao class2nd3rd
JdbcTemplate class2nd3rd4th
JDK (Java Development Kit) 5.0
jee schema
Jetspeed 2.2 portal server2nd3rd
Jetspeed portal
Jetspeed-2.2.1 portal server
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)
<jndi-lookup> element2nd3rd
jndi-name attribute
JPA (Java Persistence API)
jQuery library
jQuery object
jQuery selector
jquery.js file
JRE Definition wizard page
JRE option
JRE Type page
js directory
JSF (JavaServer Faces), Book Catalog web application
  developing using JSF
  exposing as portlet using JSF portlet bridge
  project structure
  requirements of
JSONP (JSON with Padding)
JSR (Java Specification Request)2nd
  configuring with Spring Portlet MVC framework
  custom constraints
JTA (Java Transaction API)
JTA transaction manager
<junit> element

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