<language> element
Language-ext_pt_BR.properties file
Language-ext.properties file
layout templates
layouts, of pages
layouttpl folder
leasing, WSRP registrations
Let’s Go Home link, Book Catalog portlet
lib directory
libraries, form tag
library attribute
  of portlet filters
    generating content based on portlet mode
    GenericPortlet class
    Portlet interface
    vs. servlets
  User Registration portlet2nd
<lifecycle> element
lifecycle interfaces, portlet request objects and
Liferay Plugins SDK5th
  developing portals with
    configuring Plugins SDK
    page layout templates, 2nd
    portal themes
Liferay Portal12th13th14th15th16th17th
  adding portlets to pages
  configuring server settings for
    setting authentication mechanism
    specifying default user associations
  creating public portal page in
  features specific to
  registering users with
  roles and permissions in
Liferay Portal installation2nd3rd4th5th
Liferay Portal platform2nd
  installing MySQL database and HeidiSQL client
  portal databases
Liferay Portal portal
Liferay Portal server2nd3rd
Liferay Portal themes
Liferay Portal wiki
LIFERAY_HOME/tomcat-6.0.26/bin directory
liferay.portal.home property2nd3rd4th
liferay-display.xml file
liferay-plugin-package.properties file
liferay-portlet.xml file2nd3rd4th
liferay-portlet-app element
Lifetime Supplied option
<link> element
<link> tag
list method
<listener> element
listeners, URL generation
load property
localization, using resource bundles
  changing locales using built-in portlets
  implementing portlets to support
locally registering, remote portlets
LocalValidatorFactoryBean class2nd
Location portlet
locations attribute
locations, changing using built-in portlets
logged-in user
Logger method
LoggingAspect aspect
logic, request-handling
logMessage method
Long Java type
Long type
long-lived connections, Comet
LongNumberPropertyEditor property
Look and Feel subtab
lowest order value


main method
Make It Public (Everyone Can Access) check box
Manage Entries tab
Manage Pages option
Manage Portlets option
Manage Portlets screen
managed beans
manager membership2nd
manager role
mappedHandlerClasses properties
mappedHandlers property
mappings property
mapRow method
Markup interface
markup types2nd
mashup portlet
match attribute
Maven tool
maxActive attribute
maxIdle attribute
Maximum Number of Books to Show preference
maxNumOfBooks preference
maxWaitAfterWrite initialization parameter
memberships, groups and
Message Boards portlet
Message class
Message object
<message> tag
MessageSource bean
messageSource bean
messageSource interface
messageSource property
MessageSourceAware interface
messageText element
<meta> element
metadata-driven approach
method attribute
method level
method parameter
method signatures
method-level @RequestMapping annotation
  content generation
  mapping requests using @RequestMapping
    annotation and portlet lifecycle phases
    identifying render and action methods
    options for
  related to public render parameters
MimeResponse interface2nd
MimeResponse.EXPIRATION_CACHE property
<mime-type> element
mock objects, unit testing with
MockActionResponse object
MockBookService class
MockRenderResponse instance
MockRenderResponse object
model attributes
  accessing exception as
  identifying using @ModelAttribute
    creating command objects
    reusing model attributes
Model object
ModelAndView constructor
ModelAndView object2nd3rd
modifiedBy audit field
modifiedDate audit field
mvn clean install command
My Consumer WSRP consumer
My Hello World portlet
My Home Page portal page
My Pages option
My Producer provider
My Producer WSRP producer
my_breadcrumbs.png file
MyAbstractHelloWorldController class
myaction attribute2nd3rd4th
myaction parameter2nd3rd
myaction private render parameter
myaction request parameter2nd3rd4th
MyActionRequestWrapper class
MyAjaxBean object2nd3rd
MyAjaxBean.js file
myAttr attribute
myBookISBN variable
myBookService id
myCustomRecentBookIsbnParamName render parameter
MyDispatcherPortlet class
myExceptionView view name
MyHandlerInterceptor class
myparam request parameter
myportaldb database2nd3rd
myPortletUrl portlet
MyRenderRequestWrapper class
MySQL database3rd5th
  and HeidiSQL client, installing
  configuring Liferay Portal platform with
MyUniqueConstraintValidator class
MyUrlGenerationListener class
MyValidator class
myValidator class


name attribute2nd
<name> element2nd3rd4th
name element
Name text field
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate class
<namespace> tag6th
  GlassFish server
  Jetspeed portal
  Liferay Portal portal
  portlet class
namespaces, values of
Navigation Management window
.net value
New Server dialog box
no information received
no-argument constructor


object type parameter
object-oriented terms
onreadystatechange event listener
open method2nd
OpenPortal Portlet Container
OpenPortal WSRP consumer creation screen
OpenPortal WSRP producer portlet
openSession method2nd
OpenSSO user interface
openStream method
optional attribute
optional value element
Order portlet
order property2nd
OrderDAO application object2nd
OrderDAOIntf attribute2nd
OrderDAOIntf interface2nd
orderDAOIntf property
OrderHandler application object
OrderHandler class2nd
OrderService class2nd
OrderService object2nd
org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol protocol
org.portletfaces.bridge.BridgeEventHandler interface
org.springframework.web.portlet.Dispatcher-Portlet class
org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc.Controller interface2nd
Organizations option2nd3rd
Organizations window
Outband options
out-of-band registration, examples of
<outputScript> tag
<outputStylesheet> tag
overriding database


P3PUserInfos nested class
Page Creation wizard
Page Layout option2nd
page layout templates
Pages subtab
<param> element
<param> tags2nd3rd4th
ParameterizableViewController controller
parameterizedView.jsp JSP page
parameterMap properties
parameterName property2nd
params elements2nd
parse function
password property
path attribute
PATH environment variable
Permission Setting tab
  in Liferay Portal 6.x
  setting for portal pages
    for displaying book catalog
    for displaying discussion forums
  setting for portlets
    for displaying book catalog
    for displaying discussion forums
permissions information, in PERMISSION_table
Permissions tab
Permissions table
persistent stores, saving preferences to
  introduction to
  options in EDIT mode
    adding support for
    writing render method for
    defining in portlet.xml file
    retrieving, 2nd
  requirements for Book Catalog portlet
phases, choosing appropriate for action
plain text response
pluggable user interface components
Plugins SDK directory structure
plus sign (+) button
pointcut expression
POJO-based development
polling, real-time portlets using
Popular Java Books
portal administrator2nd
portal databases
  configuring Liferay Portal platform with MySQL database
  Liferay Portal platform database tables
    permissions information in PERMISSION_table
    role information in ROLE_table
    user information in USER_table
portal server2nd3rd
portal server-specific2nd3rd
Portal Setting tab
portal_normal.vm file
PortalAdministrator role2nd
PortalContext object2nd
portal-ext.properties file2nd
<portal-managed> element
portal-managed portlet2nd
PortalService implementations
PortalService interface
portal-service.jar JAR file
Portlet 2.0, support for Ajax in
  sending resource request using resource URL
  serving resources2nd
portlet API2nd
portlet applications4th5th
  container-runtime options
  sharing session data across
portlet bridges2nd3rd
  description of
  iFrame portlets
  JSF portlets
  Wicket portlets
portlet configuration, retrieving using PortletConfig object
portlet container2nd
portlet content2nd
portlet deployment descriptors2nd
<portlet> element2nd3rd4th
portlet environment, discovering using Portlet-Context object
portlet events2nd
  advantages and disadvantages of
    defining events that portlet can process
    implementing EventPortlet interface
    defining events in portlet deployment descriptor
    setting events for publishing
  support in Spring Portlet MVC interface
portlet filters
  converting text to hyperlinks with
  filter chaining
  interface methods
  setting portlet title with
  types of
  using with Book Catalog portlet
  validating requests with
portlet handles
portlet icon
Portlet interface7th8th
  destroy method
  init method
  portlet class implements
  processAction method
  render method
Portlet Management interface
<portlet mode name>
portlet modes
portlet namespace
portlet objects, making available with <defineObjects> tag
portlet request objects
  and lifecycle interfaces
  handling portal server-specific requests using PortalContext object
  PortletRequest constants
  PortletRequest methods
portlet request-processing lifecycle
portlet requests, retrieving preferences from
portlet response objects
  adding custom JavaScript and CSS files to portal page
    portal server-specific configuration
  choosing appropriate phase for action
  encoding URLs with encodeURL method
  generating content using RenderResponse object
  responding to actions using ActionResponse object
portlet sessions, storing user-specific data in8th
  and content caching
  obtaining session attributes using PortletSessionUtil class
  portlet session scopes
  PortletSession object
  sharing session data across portlet applications
  similarities between HttpSession and Portlet-Session objects
portlet tag library
portlet titles, setting with portlet filters
portlet URLs
<portlet_name> element
PORTLET_SCOPE session attributes2nd3rd
portlet.title.addBookForm property
portlet.title.default property
portlet.title.help property
portlet.title.preferences property
portlet.xml file4th5th6th7th8th
  defining preferences in
  defining support for custom portlet modes in
<portlet-app> element2nd3rd4th5th
PortletApplicationContextUtils class
portletAttr attribute2nd
<portlet-class> element2nd
portlet-column-first CSS class
PortletConfig interface
PortletConfig method
PortletConfig object2nd3rd
portletConfig object
portletConfig variable
PortletContext interface2nd3rd
PortletContext mirrors
PortletContext object2nd3rd4th5th
PortletFileUpload class2nd
PortletFilter interface
<portlet-info> element
Portlet-level permission
portlet-managed portlet modes
portletMode attribute
PortletMode class
<portlet-mode> element2nd3rd4th5th
<portletMode> portlet mode
PortletModeHandlerMapping bean2nd3rd4th5th
PortletModeHandlerMapping implementation
portletModeMap property2nd
PortletModeNameViewController controller
PortletMultipartResolver bean, uploading files using
<portlet-name> element2nd3rd4th
<portlet-preferences> element2nd
PortletPreferences objects
portletPreferences scripting variable
portletPreferences variable
portletPreferencesValues variable2nd3rd
PortletRequest constants
PortletRequest interface2nd3rd4th5th
PortletRequest methods2nd3rd
PortletRequest object
PortletRequest.USER_INFO constant
PortletResponse interface2nd
PortletResponse object2nd
  adding to pages, in Liferay Portal 6.x
    portlets that display date and time
    retrieving servlet response to update portlet content
  behavior of
    changing locales using
    Document Library and Book Catalog
    impact of using
  class, Hello World
  combining databases and
  components of, handling requests using
  container-runtime options
  content of, retrieving servlet response to update
  creating portal pages and adding to
    importing into GateIn Portal server
    programmatically securing
  deployment descriptors
  description of
    container-runtime options
    creating JSPs to display portlet content
    deployment descriptor
    dispatching portlet requests
    initialization parameters
    internationalization and localization
    Portlet API objects
  development environment
    configuring Eclipse IDE
    project structure
  downloading binary content using
  exposing Book Catalog web application
  generating content based on portlet mode
    defining support for portlet modes
    writing content generation methods
  Hello World2nd
    adding to portal page
    controller class
    JSP page
    Liferay Portal 6.x
    portlet class
    portlet deployment descriptor
    portlet settings
    resource bundle
    web application context
    web application deployment descriptor
    with Ant tool
    with Maven tool
implementing to support localizing
PortletSession attributes2nd
PortletSession interface8th9th
  advantages and disadvantages of
  defining multiple portlets
  storing and retrieving information from
    caching and inter-portlet communication
    choosing which information to communicate
PortletSession object3rd
  and methods provided by
  HttpSession object, similarities between
  usage in Book Catalog portlet
PortletSession property, specifying whether required
portletSession variable2nd
PortletSession-based communication
portletSessionScope variable2nd
PortletSessionUtil class, obtaining session attributes using
PortletTitleFilter filter
PortletURL method
PortletURL object
PortletWrappingController controller
portlet-xhtml directory
POST method, HTTP2nd3rd
POST request, HTTP
postRenderHandle method
PowerUser role
pref1 preference attribute2nd
pref2 preference attribute
prefBook key
prefBookISBN preference2nd
prefCategory request parameter
<preference> element
<preference-name> element
  defining in portlet.xml file
    from portlet request
    obtaining preferences in portlet class and JSP pages
    to persistent store
    with PortletPreferences object
    before setting in PortletPreferences object
    handling ValidatorException exception
    with PreferencesValidator interface
Preferences dialog box
PreferencesValidator classes2nd3rd
<preferences-validator> subelement
preference-validation logic
Preferred Book ISBN Number preference
Preferred Category preference
prefix property
preHandle method
preHandleAction method
PreparedStatement objects2nd
PreparedStatementSetter interface
preRenderHandle method
preventCache property
PrintWriter object2nd3rd4th5th
private constructor
Private Pages option
private render parameters2nd
<private-session-attributes> element
proceed method
ProceedingJoinPoint object
process events function
processAction method2nd
processAddedBookEvent method
processEvent method2nd3rd4th5th
Producers hyperlink
Producers tab
producers, WSRP
Profile object
ProfileBean object
ProfileBean.js file
profiles, server
programmatic security2nd
project element
Properties tab
properties, adding to URLs using <property> tag
property element
<property> tag2nd
PropertyColumn<Book> class
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bean
proxy JavaScript object
public page
Public Pages option
Public Pages tab
public portal pages2nd
public render parameters2nd
  advantages and disadvantages of
  methods related to
  setting and retrieving
public static void method
public-render-parameter element
<public-render-parameter> elements2nd
publishing, setting events for
PUT request, HTTP


<qname> element2nd3rd4th
query method


README.TXT file2nd
<read-only> element
read-only option
readyState property, XMLHttpRequest object
real-time portlets
  DWR library integration options
  using Comet feature
    scalability problem and solution
    support for in DWR library
  using polling
receiver portlet
Recent Book page
recentBookIsbn attribute2nd
recentBookIsbn name
recentBookIsbn render parameter
recentBookIsbn session attribute
Recently Added Book portlets2nd3rd4th5th
RecentlyAddedBookPortlet class2nd
recentlyAddedBookPortletNamespace attribute
recentPortletHome.jsp page
redirect user to a different page function
ref subelement
reference data
Refresh hyperlink2nd3rd4th
Refresh Search Results
region attribute
registerCustomEditor method
registered users
  defining default groups and memberships for
  to book catalogs
registerUser method2nd3rd4th5th
registration handle
Registration interface
Registration Property Descriptions section
registration requirements
Registration Type combo box
Regular Organization
Regular Roles
relational database tables, mapping classes to
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource implementation
remote files, CSS and JavaScript URLs for
Remote Portlet combo box
remote portlets
  definition of
  locally registering
<remoteable> element
Remove link, Book Catalog portlet
removeAttribute method
removeBook methods2nd3rd4th5th
removePublicRenderParameter method
render methods2nd3rd4th8th15th
  BookCatalogPortlet class
  DateTimePortlet class
  identifying using @RequestMapping
  identifying with @RenderMapping
    and method signatures
    options for
  writing for EDIT portlet mode
render parameters
  adding private to <actionURL> tag
    advantages and disadvantages of
    methods related to
    setting and retrieving
Render portlet
render URLs
RENDER_PART constant
RenderFilter interface2nd3rd4th
renderForm method2nd3rd4th
renderHeaders container-runtime option2nd
renderHelp method
rendering, portlets even when minimized
renderPrefs method2nd
RenderRequest argument
RenderRequest object2nd3rd4th5th6th
renderRequest variable2nd
RenderRequestWrapper object
RenderResponse argument
RenderResponse interface
RenderResponse object2nd3rd5th6th7th9th
  generating content using
  getWriter method
  setTitle method
renderResponse variable2nd
<renderURL> tag2nd3rd4th5th6th
renderURL tag
renderWhenMinimized property
replacements list
reqParamName initialization parameter2nd
request attribute
request handling
request objects, portlet
  and lifecycle interfaces
  handling portal server-specific requests using PortalContext object
  PortletRequest constants
  PortletRequest methods
request processing
  in Spring Portlet MVC framework
  using handler interceptors
request types
request variable
request-handling logic
request-handling method
RequestMapping annotation
request-processing methods
RequestProcessor class
requestScope JSP implicit variable
require function
required element
requireSession property
Reset hyperlink
Reset links
reset method
resetPreference method
resolveException methods
resource bundles2nd
<Resource> element
resource identifier
resource requests, sending using resource URL
<resource-bundle> element2nd3rd
<resource-bundle-name> element
ResourceFilter interface
<ResourceLink> elements
ResourceRequest interface
ResourceRequest object2nd
resourceRequest variable
ResourceResponse interface
ResourceResponse object2nd3rd
resourceResponse variable
    with ResourceServingPortlet interface
    with Spring Portlet MVC
resources directory
ResourceServingPortlet interface2nd3rd4th5th6th
ResourceURL method
ResourceURL object2nd
<resourceURL> tag2nd3rd4th
resourceURL tag2nd
response data, from servlet
response objects, portlet
  adding custom JavaScript language and CSS files to portal page
  choosing appropriate phase for action
  encoding URLs with encodeURL method
  generating content using RenderResponse object
  responding to actions using ActionResponse object
responseData attribute
responseMessage attribute
responseText method, XMLHttpRequest object
responseXML method, XMLHttpRequest object
ResultSet object2nd3rd4th
role information, in ROLE_table
_ROLE table
ROLE_table, role information in
<role-link> element
RoleLocalServiceUtil class
<role-mapper> element
<role-name> element
root web application contexts2nd
RowMapper callback interface
RowMapper interface
RSS built-in portlet
RSS feed portlet


Save button
Save link, Book Catalog portlet
save method2nd
savePreferences method2nd3rd4th
sayHello method
scalability, problem and solution
schema-based approach
scopes, portlet session
script DOM element
<script> element2nd
script element
script session listener
script session manager
<script> tag2nd
ScriptBuffer object
scripts, Ant tool
ScriptSession object
ScriptSessionManager object
scriptSessions variable
search portlet mode
search type preference, personalizing behavior based on
searchBooks method2nd
SearchCriteria object
searchNames list
searchProfile method, ProfileBean object
searchType preference
secure attribute
securing, custom portlets
Select Permission button
send events to other portlets function
send method2nd
sender portlet
sendRedirect(String location) method
Serializable interface
Server category
server.xml files2nd
serveResource method2nd3rd
server-specific APIs, portals
Service Description (interface)
service implementation classes
service interface classes
service layer
service method2nd
service-oriented architecture.
    See SOA.
services and DAOs
serving, resources
  with ResourceServingPortlet interface
  with Spring Portlet MVC
Servlet 3.0, asynchronous request processing
Servlet interface
ServletContext attributes2nd3rd4th
ServletContext listeners
ServletContext mirror
ServletContext object2nd
servletDefaultSessionScope container-runtime option2nd
<servlet-mapping> element
session attributes, obtaining using PortletSessionUtil class
session data, sharing across portlet applications
session JSP variable
Session Manager window
Session object
session variable
session.shared.attributes property2nd
SessionFactory interface
sessionScope JSP implicit object
SessionStatus object2nd
set expiration timestamp function
set render parameters function
set window state and portlet mode function
setActiveReverseAjax function
setAttribute method2nd3rd4th5th
<setBundle> tag
setBundle tag
setCacheability method, ResourceURL object
setComplete method
setCurrentDateTime JavaScript function2nd
setDisallowedFields method
setETag method
setEvent methods
setExpirationTime method
setMessageSource method
setNextPossiblePortletModes method
setNotifyServerOnPageUnload function
setOrderService method2nd
setParameter method
setParameter(...) method
setPortletMode method2nd3rd
setProperty method2nd
setRenderParameter method2nd3rd4th5th
setResourceID method, ResourceURL object
setScope method
setSecure method, PortletURL class
Settings option
Settings page
setTitle method2nd
setUp method
setUseCachedContent method
setValue method2nd3rd
setValues method2nd3rd
showAddBookForm method2nd3rd
showBooks method2nd
showBooksController handler2nd
showBookUpdateMsg function2nd3rd
showDateTime method
showEditBookForm method
showHomePage render method
showPrefs method
showPrint render method
showPrintableCatalog method
showRecentBook method
showSearchResult method
showSomething method2nd3rd
Sign In built-in portlet
SimpleMappingExceptionResolver bean
SimpleMappingExceptionResolver maps
simplified Ajax
  with Dojo Toolkit
    adding widgets to JSP page
    Ajax support
    including necessary JavaScript language
  with DWR library
    including necessary JavaScript files
  with jQuery library
SOA (service-oriented architecture)2nd
SomeController class2nd3rd
SomeController handler2nd3rd
SomeObject model attribute
Soria theme
soria.css file
source code, compliance setting for Eclipse IDE
Spring AOP framework
Spring form tag library
Spring framework
  accessing Spring beans from non-Spring objects
  AOP support in
  transaction management support in
    defining transaction manager
    specifying transactional methods
  using with Hibernate ORM framework
    AnnotationSessionFactoryBean bean
Spring IoC container
Spring JDBC classes
Spring JDBC module
Spring Portlet MVC annotations
Spring Portlet MVC concepts
Spring Portlet MVC controllers2nd
Spring Portlet MVC Date/Time Portlet
Spring Portlet MVC framework
Spring Portlet MVC framework
Spring Portlet MVC framework
    classpath scanning feature and autoregistration
    configuring beans
    dependency injection
    developing Book Catalog portlet using
    handling exceptions with @ExceptionHandler
    identifying action methods with @ActionMapping
    identifying controllers with @Controller
    identifying model attributes using @ModelAttribute
    identifying render methods with @RenderMapping
    mapping requests to handlers and methods using @RequestMapping
    overview of
    passing request parameters using @RequestParam
    WebDataBinder object
  application context XML file
  built-in controllers
    AbstractController class
    Controller interface
    ParameterizableViewController controller
    PortletModeNameViewController controller
    PortletWrappingController controller
  built-in handler mappings
    AbstractHandlerMapping class
    developing Book Catalog portlet
    ParameterHandlerMapping implementation
    PortletModeHandlerMapping implementation
    PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping implementation
  configuring JSR2nd
  DI and application context
    e-commerce example
    web application contexts
  DispatcherPortlet class
  external JavaScript and CSS files
  form tag library
  handler interceptors
    implementing and configuring
    processing requests using
  handling exceptions
    during request handling
    mapping to view based on exception class
  Hello World portlet
    controller class
    JSP page
    portlet deployment descriptor
    web application context
    web application deployment descriptor
  localizing content
  reasons for using
  request processing in
  TestContext framework of, unit testing with
  unit testing
    with Ant buildfile
    with mock objects
    with Spring TestContext framework
  uploading files using PortletMultipartResolver bean
  validating forms
    validating beans with JSR, 2nd
    with Spring Validation API
  web application context
Spring Portlet MVC-based portlets
Spring TestContext framework
Spring Web MVC framework
Spring-based applications
spring-context schema
Spring-specific JAR files
SQL statements
src directory
startBookUpdateThread method
  BookCatalogAjaxBean object
StateAwareResponse interface2nd3rd
Statement object2nd
states, window
store method2nd
strategy element
streaming-based portal
string concatenation, adding parameters to portlet URLs with
String element2nd
String getValue method
String Java type
String object2nd
String parameter
String type
String values2nd3rd
Struts Action
style attribute
submit forms function
success parameter, ajax function
support, defining for portlet modes
<supported-processing-event> element
<supported-public-render-parameter> element
<supported-publishing-event> element
<supports> element2nd
synchronizeOnSession property
synchronizing request processing


TabContainer layout widget
tables, Liferay Portal platform
tag library
  <actionURL> tag
    adding private render parameters to
    escaping XML in generated
    specifying action name
    specifying portlet mode
    specifying window state
    storing in variable
  <defineObjects> tag
    making portlet objects available with
    using in Book Catalog portlet
  <namespace> tag
  <param> tag
  <property> tag, adding properties to URLs using
  <renderURL> tag
  <resourceURL> tag
  using to build Book Catalog portlet
taglib directive2nd
tags, form tag library
<td> tag
templates, page layout
test directory
testBook method
TestContext framework, of Spring Portlet MVC framework
text value
text, converting to hyperlinks
text/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml markup2nd
themes folder
themes, for portals
  adding JavaScript files as part of
  changing background color of portal page
  changing default breadcrumbs image
  deploying and setting
Timeouts tab
TITLE column
title.properties file
titles, portlet
TOC (table of contents)2nd3rd4th
TOC files2nd
TOC_FILE column
TOC_ID column
TOC_TBL tables2nd3rd4th
ToCFile object2nd
tocFile property
Tomcat server, installation directories
TOMCAT_HOME/conf/context.xml file
TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml file
TOMCAT_HOME/lib directory2nd
TOMCAT_HOME/lib/ext directory
tomcat-6.x directory
toString method
transaction management, support in Spring framework
  defining transaction manager
  specifying transactional methods
transaction manager, defining
transactional methods, specifying
transaction-manager attribute2nd
try-catch blocks2nd
type conversion
type parameter, ajax function
type-level @RequestMapping annotation2nd3rd
types element


UIs (user interfaces)
undeploying, applications
Uniform Resource Locators.
    See URLs.
unit testing
  with Ant buildfile
  with mock objects
  with Spring TestContext framework
unqualified name
update method
Update Service Description
UpdateSender object2nd
UpdateSender thread2nd
upload files function
uploadFolder initialization parameter2nd
uploadFolder portlet2nd3rd4th
uploading files
  Apache Commons FileUpload library
  using PortletMultipartResolver bean
uploadToc action method
uploadTOC method
uploadToc method2nd
uploadTocActionUrl variable
uploadToCFile function
uploadTocFile method2nd3rd
url element
url parameter, ajax function
url property2nd3rd
Use Default Compliance Settings check box
User ID
user information, in USER_table
user interfaces.
    See UIs.
User Repository
User role2nd
_USER table
USER_INFO constant
user.login.id user attribute
UserACL class
<user-attribute> elements
user-defined metadata
<username> element
username property
userRegistration portlet
UserRegistrationPortlet class
userRoles list
users, groups
user-specific data, storing in portlet session
  and content caching
  obtaining session attributes, using PortletSessionUtil class
  portlet session scopes
  PortletSession object
  sharing session data across portlet applications
  similarities between HttpSession and Portlet-Session objects
util.js file
UtilityFilter class


validate method2nd3rd4th5th
validateIsbn method
validation-based caching
ValidationMessages.properties file
Validator class
Validator interface2nd
validator property
ValidatorException class2nd
ValidatorException exception
value attribute
value element2nd3rd
<value> elements2nd3rd
valueChangeListener attribute
  form field, obtaining in portlet class
  of namespaces
    accessing namespaced request parameters
    accessing request parameters with or without
<value-type> element
variables, storing <actionURL> tag in
VIEW mode2nd3rd4th5th6th
View Page Properties button
View Pages button
View permission
VIEW portlet mode
ViewModeController handler
ViewRendererServlet configuration2nd3rd
ViewRendererServlet servlet
viewRendererUrl initialization parameter
ViewRenderServlet servlet
ViewResolver bean2nd3rd4th
ViewResolver interface2nd3rd4th
void action method
void reset method
void setValue method
void store() method


WAR containing
WAR file2nd3rd
warningMsg attribute
Weather portlet
web application contexts2nd3rd
  XML files
    scope of beans defined in
web applications, deployment descriptor
web pages, Wicket
Web Services for Remote Portlets.
    See WSRP.
web.xml file2nd3rd
WebApplication class2nd
WebApplication object
WebApplicationContext object2nd
webapps directory
WebBindingInitializer object
webBindingInitializer property
WebClipping portlet
WebDataBinder initialization2nd3rd
WebDataBinder instances2nd3rd
WEB-INF directory
WEB-INF/jsp directory
WEB-INF/jsp/edit.jsp JSP page
WEB-INF/jsp/parameterizedView.jsp page
WEB-INF/lib directory2nd3rd
WebPage class2nd
WebSphere Portal2nd3rd
web-xhtml directory
  id attribute
  id value
Wicket portlets, Book Catalog web application
  deployment descriptor
  developing using Wicket portlets
  portlet deployment descriptor
  project structure
  requirements of
wicketFilterPath initialization parameter
WicketPortlet class2nd
window states
  portlet, and markup types
windowState attribute
<window-state> element
WindowState object
work request parameter
wrapper classes
WSRP (Web Services for Remote Portlets)
  Liferay Portal platform
  remote portlets
    definition of
    locally registering
WSRP option2nd
WSRP portlet
WSRP specifications2nd
wsrp-portlet servlet


xhrArgs object
xhrGet function
XHTML (eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language) files
xhtml directory
XMLHttpRequest object2nd3rd4th5th
XMLHttpRequest phases
XyzDAO class

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