List of Tables

Chapter 2. The portlet lifecycle

Table 2.1. Request-processing phases in portlet

Table 2.2. Portlet modes and the content generated in those modes

Table 2.3. JSPs used by the User Registration portlet

Chapter 3. Portlet 2.0 API—portlet objects and container-runtime options

Table 3.1. Portlet lifecycle interfaces

Table 3.2. Methods defined in the PortletRequest interface

Table 3.3. Portlet response types

Table 3.4. Request-processing phases suited for handling a particular portlet action

Table 3.5. Comparing MARKUP_HEAD_ELEMENT support in different portal servers

Table 3.6. Important PortletContext methods

Table 3.7. Important PortletConfig methods

Table 3.8. Portlet container-runtime options

Table 3.9. Container-runtime options support in different portal servers

Table 3.10. Availability of request attribute “x” (from figure 3.9) on different portal servers

Chapter 4. Portlet 2.0 API—caching, security, and localization

Table 4.1. Effect of expiration caching on the behavior of the Book Catalog portlet

Chapter 5. Building your own portal

Table 5.1. Properties defined in the custom properties file

Chapter 6. Using the portlet tag library

Table 6.1. Scripting variables defined by the <defineObjects> tag

Chapter 8. Annotation-driven development with Spring

Table 8.1. Default beans registered for annotated controllers

Chapter 9. Integrating portlets with databases

Table 9.1. Columns defined in the BOOK_TBL table

Table 9.2. Columns defined in the TOC_TBL table

Chapter 10. Personalizing portlets

Table 10.1. PortletPreferences methods

Table 10.2. Book Catalog preferences

Chapter 11. Communicating with other portlets

Table 11.1. Inter-portlet communication mechanisms and their preferred uses

Table 11.2. Classification of information received by a portlet

Chapter 12. Ajaxing portlets

Table 12.1. XMLHttpRequest phases

Table 12.2. Resource cacheability description

Table 12.3. Java and JavaScript libraries that enable Ajax development

Chapter 13. Reusable logic with portlet filters

Table 13.1. Filter interfaces defined in Portlet 2.0

Table 13.2. Filter methods

Chapter 14. Portlet bridges

Table 14.1. Advantages and disadvantages of using the iFrame portlet

Chapter 15. Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)

Table 15.1. Web service interfaces implemented by WSRP producers

Table 15.2. Options displayed when the Actions button is clicked

Table 15.3. Behavior of locally registered remote portlets

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