Appendix A: Array Functions

Function Summary
array_change_key_case Allows you to duplicate an array and change all keys to upper or lowercase
array_chunk Allows you to split an array into chunks of a specified size.
array_column Added in PHP 5.5. Return the values from a single “column” in a multi-dimensional array.
array_count_values Returns a count of each distinct value in the array
array_diff_assoc Returns key-value pairs from two different arrays, that exist only in the second array.
array_diff_key Similar to array_diff_assoc(), except that it only takes keys into account.
array_diff_uassoc Identical to array_diff_assoc(), except that a user-defined callback function is used for the comparisons.
array_diff_ukey Identical to array_diff_key(), except that, like array_diff_uassoc(), a user-defined callback is used for the comparison.
array_diff Returns values that exist in a second array, but not in the first. Keys are ignored.
array_fill Create a new array with any number of elements, using the same value for each.
array_filter Allows you to filter an array, removing elements you don’t want, based on a callback function.
array_flip Returns a new array with the array key-value pairs flipped around, making the values the keys and vice-versa.
array_intersect_assoc Similar to array_diff_assoc(), except that it returns those key-value pairs that are matched in both arrays.
array_intersect_key As array_diff_assoc(), except that it returns an array of key-value pairs, where there keys are matched in both arrays.
array_intersect_uassoc Identical to array_intersect_assoc(), however it uses a callback to determine matches for values.
array_intersect_ukey Identical to array_intersect_key(), however, like array_intersect_uassoc(), it uses a callback to determine the matches.
array_intersect Returns values that exist only in both arrays passed as arguments.
array_key_exists Checks if the given key exists in an array
array_keys Returns an array containing the keys of the given array
array_map Given two or more arrays, array_map() will pass the nth value of each array as an argument to a callback.
array_merge_recursive Merges two or more arrays recursively, this means that the nth child array is merged with its sibling.
array_merge Merge one or more single-dimension array.
array_multisort Mimics SQL ORDER BY functionality using multiple arrays for the “columns”.
array_pad Using a specified value, pad an array so that it meets the required length.
array_product Calculate the product of an array (that is, multiple each number by the next, by the next, and so forth).
array_rand Retrieve a random value from the array.
array_reduce Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function.
array_replace Replaces elements from passed arrays into the first array
array_replace_recursive Replaces elements from passed arrays into the first array recursively
array_reverse Reverse the elements in an array and return it.
array_search Searches an array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if found, otherwise, false.
array_slice Return a portion of an array
array_splice Replace a portion of an array with another array.
array_sum Return the sum of all the values in the array.
array_udiff_assoc Return the difference between two arrays using a callback function. Differences are based on key-value pairs.
array_udiff_uassoc Similar to array_udiff_assoc() except a different callback is used for keys and for values.
array_udiff Return the difference between two arrays using a callback. Differences are based on values only.
array_uintersect_assoc Return the common elements of two arrays using a callback to compare the values. Differences are based on key-value pairs.
array_uintersect_uassoc Identical to array_uintersect_assoc() however it uses a callback for both the key and the value comparisons.
array_uintersect Identical to array_uintersect_assoc() except that it only does comparisons based on the values.
array_unique Returns an array with all duplicate values removed.
array_values Returns all values of an array as an enumerative array.
array_walk Apply a callback function to each key-value pair in an array.
compact Will create an array using the variable names passed in, from the current scope.
count/sizeof Returns the number of elements in an array (not recursive).
current Returns the current element in an array, leaving the internal pointer alone.
each Returns the current element of an array, and moves the internal pointer to the next. Convenient shortcut for current() and next().
end Move an arrays internal pointer to the last element
extract Create variables for each value of the array in the current scope using the key as the variable name. Only keys whose names are valid variable identifiers are extracted (i.e. non-numeric).
in_array Checks if a value exists in an array (not recursive).
key Returns the key for the current array position
next Advance the internal array pointer of an array by one, and return that value
pos Alias for current().
prev Rewind the internal array pointer of an array by one, and return that value
range Create a new array containing a range of values, i.e. 0-9 or A-Z.
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