Overcome Stress and Negativity

To ignore the negative is irrational. To face it head-on—and help others do the same—with an activated and rationally optimistic mindset creates growth and progress. Positive broadcasters see all parts of their reality but choose to strategically focus on the parts that fuel positive growth.

In Part I, you learned how to leverage a positive mindset to spur success and positive change. But even the most optimistic among us are affected by stress and negativity—so how do we lead others in the face of rampant stress, outspoken negative people, or unavoidable bad news? The strategies and research in the following section address how to rethink stressful thoughts, deal effectively with negative people, and deliver bad news better. Applying these strategies can enable you not only to make it through stressful times but also grow as a result of them—strengthening your signal as a positive broadcaster.

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