2018: One “Hell”
of a Purgatory


Presciently, an article appearing a few years earlier had set the stage for 2018:

(Byrnes September 16, 2014)

… First, manufacturing no longer derives its importance primarily from employing large numbers of people ... automated machines and robots execute much of it.

Second, the idea … that innovation can happen in one place (say, Silicon Valley) while manufacturing happens in another (such as China) is not broadly sustainable …

Manufacturing will make its most essential economic contribution as an incubator of innovation: the place where new ideas become new products.

In the traditional model, discoveries in science lead to technology, and then technology, lead to new product ideas, and those new product ideas then force manufacturing adaptation and support, after which the manufactured goods are distributed for sale. This paradigm has become largely obsolete in both practice and theory. Nowadays, rather, in the most advanced industries and firms, it’s all considered to be one holistic problem of innovation.

Mastering this broad-based and multidisciplinary capability establishes a competitive advantage in innovation that matters.

Before continuing with this theme, though, it is helpful to take note of other things that Tesla needed to be concerned about, things that siphoned off much of its financial resources if nothing else. Some concerns were imposed from without—mostly by government regulators and competitors—while others were created from within proactively as a matter of strategy.

Key Technomics terms in this chapter include:

Define each of the following terms individually,
and then relate the two terms shown in pairs:

Capability and competitive advantage

Facility capacity and facility size

Bargaining power and value-chain appropriability

Outsourcing and make-buy

Peanut butter and jelly … and bread

Side Bets and Distractions

The word “corporate” connotes a level of management and an approach to developing a portfolio of businesses. There, diversification optimizes the pros and cons of risk and return. In the modern era, a corporate portfolio should be centered on a common set of competencies and capabilities. There, technologies are first-and-foremost, and then come human competencies and organization-wide capabilities. This idea is consistent in the engineering and management disciplines (Betz 1993). Sometimes, however, it is difficult for a nontechnical person to see what “technology” underpins a given corporation’s product lines, especially across a line of business, across divisions, that is to say, that compete in seemingly different industries. The simplistic word “battery” helps illustrate.


One way to assess technological progress on a macrolevel is to monitor patents. While a crude measure in many respects, understanding battery limitations leaped back and forth from making reasonable market expectations, to assessing the business models somewhat caught in the middle. Concerning lithium and the main combatants:

(Lienart, and White January 18, 2018).

… GM was issued 661 U.S. patents on battery technology from 2010 through 2015 … trailing only Toyota’s 762 battery patents among global automakers.

… GM’s strategy to reduce battery cost is not tied to a single improvement such as a change in battery chemistry, but rather a series of continuous enhancements in battery technology and packaging …

“There’s a lot of stuff that we choose not to patent because we don’t want to make it visible” before the new technology goes into production.

This line of thinking, illustrated above, reflected a significant commitment to battery production, but one that was not predictable. The following words have clear connections to concepts like technology S-curves and technological discontinuities and from there, technology standards and dominant designs:

(Alton February 21, 2018)

“… when lithium-ion batteries emerged on the market, they quickly became the dominant model. The energy density of lithium-ion batteries more than double the standard nickel-cadmium equivalent, with potential for even higher energy densities ...

… organizations will continue focusing on iterative improvements to the standard lithium-ion battery model. Until enough investors start to stake riskier projects and invest in potentially game-changing breakthroughs, we’ll remain in this temporary valley of advancement.

The first excerpt alludes to the crudeness of measuring progress merely by counting patents. The latter, probably without realizing it, alludes to the dynamics of technology S-curves and so forth (Chapter 1). From a high level of analysis, that is, a crude macro view, the so-called battery of individual electrochemical cells hadn’t changed much since its original invention well over a century earlier. Everything done to them since was incremental compared to technologies such as fuel cells, photovoltaics, and ultracapacitors.

This is only one interpretation, as similar observations could be made at both higher and lower levels of analysis. Flexibility is an advantage of the S-curve technique.

An example was the shift in the early 1990s from nickel-cadmium to lithium. Even at that time, the energy density of lithium technology was twice that of NiCad, with clear room for improvement on its S-curve. The basic construction was also simpler and could be stored for longer periods of time. But lithium technology was relatively fragile, for example, the circuitry needed protection. Then, of course, there was the fire hazard that simply did not exist with other technologies. Toxicity perhaps (cadmium, lead, acids) but not fire.

Advancements in one battery parameter (energy density, recharging time, recharging cycle limits, size, weight, and, of course, cost) can injure progress (or even cause regression) in another parameter, which had always been a frustrating characteristic of making better batteries. There simply was no perfect battery, or at least there was no perfect one-size-fits-all solution. They each needed to be designed with specific operating environments and the demands of particular applications in mind. As such, there were always reports and rumors of better batteries being developed in the lab stage, touting their natural potentials but almost always, with the disappointing caveat that they faced scaleup and other commercialization problems that, about as often, were unique to specific applications and markets.

This history did not abate right up to the fielding of the first truly mass-market EVs such as the Model 3 and the Bolt. The “big technological breakthrough” was always in the future and indeed always seemed to be right around the corner—so much the case that eventually one was forced to doubt that there was any such thing as a “breakthrough” at all. For example,

(Mims March 18, 2018)

… The next wave of batteries, long in the pipeline, is ready for commercialization … As this technology becomes widespread, makers of electric vehicles and home storage batteries will be able to knock thousands of dollars off their prices over the next five to 10 years ...

… [But] There is a limit to how far lithium-ion batteries can take us; surprisingly, it’s about twice their current capacity. The small, single-digit percentage improvements we see year after year typically are due to improvements in how they are made … What’s coming is a more fundamental change to the materials that make up a battery …

Well, let’s hope so, because stories like that seemed apropos to many preceding decades, word-for-word. For the time being, anyway, that article went on to detail the replacement of graphite with silicon as the basic material in lithium battery anodes, with many times more “room” for ions. True to form, there were caveats: “The trick is, silicon brings with it countless technical challenges. For instance, a pure silicon anode will soak up so many lithium ions that it gets ‘pulverized’ after a single charge” (Mims 2018). The article then noted that the nanotechnology was proprietary, but several new, young firms were pursuing it, with predictions of up to 40 percent more energy storage. Factoring in things like a space trade-off, EVs might see a 30 percent range increase.

The strategist should muse, “at what point, if ever, should I abandon my existing technology that seems exhausted, and commit to one like this with greater natural potential?”

As mentioned previously but one level of analysis up, equally interesting were advancements in solid-state battery technology, where the traditional liquid electrolyte was replaced by a solid (i.e., a different meaning than many people will recall from earlier days of vacuum tubes and consumer electronics, “transistor radios,” etc.) Continuing:

(Eisenstein January 1, 2018)

… Solid state technology is expected to make big leaps … packing in at least twice the power in a given size of battery … [the] energy density … that could more than double again.

That would let an automaker halve the size of its battery pack for the same range—or deliver at least double the distance between charges. Or they could strike a balance ...

The new technology … replaces the liquid electrolyte … with ceramic materials. That’s yet another plus because the liquid in lithium-ion cells is as flammable as gasoline.

That sounds too good to be true, which is correct for strategic purposes because a capital commitment would need time and deep pockets. “[T]the technology works in the lab. Now they must ensure they can mass produce the batteries and then show they can survive … the new formulation probably won’t be in widespread use until the middle of the coming decade” (Eisenstein 2018). Thus, some major players were named, along with a few relative startups in various forms of collaboration: BMW, Toyota, Mazda, and Panasonic (already making Tesla batteries). Altogether, then, if a firm wanted to make EVs, waiting around for the perfect battery was likely a fool’s errand.

In short, and working backward through the logic built to this point.

If mass markets are the target, low unit costs are imperative.

That goes hand-in-hand with mass production.

This points to finding and exploiting (not the same) economies of scale.

Economies of scale usually incur large capital investments in either large facilities or high-tech production equipment, and often both.

The real issue in modern times, though, is capacity correctly measured as a rate of production, not a measure of facility size per se.

Capital commitments are risky to the extent that there is “asset specificity” in the property, plant and equipment involved.

These risks can be reduced once technology standards have been (practically) established and dominant designs (formal/institutional or de facto) look to be dependable.

Timing (of technological discontinuities), not just time-to-market (of specific products) is critical when making commitments to technology (product and/or production).

First-mover advantage (the preclusion of effective competitive reactions) and cost of capital is at stake, as are the competitive advantage(s) they imply (especially in combination).

By early 2018, market share in the early mass market phase was already taking shape with the Bolt and the Model 3—both based on lithium ion though Musk, of course, always bragged that Tesla’s technology was leading edge. Either way, “first-mover advantage” was by no means guaranteed by time-to-market, and “fast-followers” might prove the wisest in the long run, but strategies that postponed entry very much longer would likely miss the change to participate favorably in the development of network externalities and a dominant design, not just brute market share. The story was one for the ages and still anything but fait accompli for Tesla or anyone else. At any rate and probably for the reminder of the decade, any commercializeable battery EV needed to be designed around lithium.

Highly conveniently for Tesla and most others, at about that time the logistical situation concerning lithium constraints reversed itself. The world had plenty of lithium it now seemed, though extraction technologies varied (somewhat analogous to the way crude oil might be extracted from shale, sand, undersea, etc.) and the global infrastructure would need much expansion for EVs alone. It is difficult to overstate the implications of this relief for battery suppliers and EV designers alike, and the EV movement on the whole, though the media seemed to understate it except in narrow commodities trading news markets.

Specifically as it concerned Tesla, related was its commitment to lithium battery technology not only in its vehicle designs but again, in massive, capital-intense but asset-specific facility commitments like the enormous Gigafactory. Now GM’s decision to outsource batteries to LG Chem (discussed previously) stands in a different light, as do other supply chain decisions made by the major manufacturers. Moreover, back a bit into 2017, consider:

(Shane November 20, 2017)

“Whoever controls the lithium supply chain will control the future of the electric vehicle space … There’s a global battery arms race” …

… China produces about two-thirds of the global supply of batteries for electric vehicles … building about half of the 20 or more battery mega-factories currently in the works …

And it’s not just lithium that China’s locking down.

Cobalt, another metal used to make electric vehicle batteries, is even scarcer.

Cobalt was an even more a costly ingredient for some EV batteries. Shortages were predicted to occur by 2020, which was not far away in terms of the needed exploration, extraction, and supply chain development:

(Nelson December 18, 2017)

[Cobalt,] … mined as a by-product of copper and nickel, is a crucial element in the lithium-ion batteries that power everything from electric cars to Apple products …

The metal’s popularity is inherently problematic ... two-thirds of the world’s cobalt is in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Political instability and reports of child labor … have seen some mining companies leave the country.

Other nations were being courted for exploration and sourcing by as many as 100 companies globally, up from only 30 in 2015 (Rodriguez 2018). First, though, an ironic condition of oversupply would likely happen for a few years before shortages became serious. The commodity price for cobalt thus was becoming volatile, since commodity prices are highly sensitive to such news. In conditions like this, volume buyers (like Tesla and/or its suppliers) often embark on “hedging” procurement strategies; for example, locking in good prices in return for guaranteed large volume purchases. This is proper financial management, but it stresses the importance of any EV design commitments.

Exhibit 5.1 Bargaining power of buyers and suppliers

These two forces round out the five forces. They are usually discussed separately because the perspective of the firm “in the middle” varies up-or-down the chain, but to save space they will be considered together because economically, they are the inverse of each other. In other words, one firm’s buyer is the other firm’s supplier, and so forth. Table 5.1 is constructed to evaluate the bargaining power of a given firm’s buyers, but to evaluate the same firm’s suppliers, one only needs to invert the logic.

Table 5.1 Components of bargaining power

Suppliers have less bargaining power with immediate downstream buyers, that is, threat to latent structural
profitability increases when …

buyers have the option of backward integration: that is, the buyer may somehow become its own supplier through in-house production, or acquisition of an existing supplier

demand drops: for example, a supplier firm’s technology is perceived to soon become obsolescent

a supplier is more important to the seller than the other way around, sometimes due to the number of options each player has

the buyer’s information moves closer to being perfect information, especially about the seller’s costs (e.g., in cost-plus contracts that require transparency)

customer switching costs are lowered by competitive actions that make changing suppliers easy, convenient, and less costly

The word “buyers” refers to firms, not job titles, but the latter is not altogether incorrect. For the most part, the analysis concentrates on firm-to-firm interfaces. Also, the focus is on the immediate, downstream buyer, whether that customer is another business (B2B) or the final consumer (B2C). Of course, the final seller–consumer effect should be expected to ripple back throughout the supply chain, and vice versa for suppliers.

These forces determine which firms “appropriate” portions of a chain’s profitability.

In a perfect world, the firm-specific value-added would be compensated equitably, if not necessarily equally. One might wonder, then, in all that contracting where do the revenues—and where do the profits, which is not the same thing—wind up. One only needs to examine the “cost of goods sold” on an income statement to imaging the ripple effect this has all along the chain. It becomes important to also speculate whether at all points, the profits fairly align with the “value added” of each participant.

For example, we saw that the battery costs about one-third the overall cost of an EV. Well actually, no—we did not see that. We read from media accounts that the battery accounted for one-third of the price of the vehicle; we did not see that the cost of the battery is one-third of the cost of a vehicle. Any inference about the allocation of production costs throughout the supply chain would be just that—an inference.

In a perfect world, perfect contracting agents and perfect accountants using perfect accounting systems should be able to figure this out and write perfectly fair contracts. The world is far from perfect, of course, and purchasing/contracting is a critically value-adding business function. Still, perfect appropriation of economic value-added is rarely accomplished in supply chains—or anywhere else.

Vertical Integration

In a broad economic sense, vertical integration includes all contractual relationships among firms “up and down” in a multitier supply chain (Sako 1994; Tirole 1990; Williamson 1996). It’s a matter of degree, where it plays out meaningfully in the nature of the contracts. It’s the contracts that are really “integrated.” A firm is more vertically integrated if its contractual relations are tighter and vice versa. Generally speaking, the longer the time frame covered by a contract, the more tightly integrated the parties are. This is because with a longer contracting period comes many other considerations that make contracting complicated and risky. Managing the risk alone demands coordination and some degree of transparency, which, of course, in turn creates risks that include the loss of proprietary information. Altogether, vertical integration is tight to the extent and in the way buyers and suppliers work closely and frequently with each other, ­usually by contracts.


There is no economic term for the opposite of vertical integration, but terms like outsourcing are heard. If a firm insources some product or service, it is doing or making it for itself, and it is vertically integrated that way. This is irrespective of facility location, even globally. If a firm outsources that product or service, that is a lesser degree of vertical integration, but there is still usually a contractual relationship.

An enduring conundrum is where a firm should determine the boundary between its own internal value chain (Porter 1985) and its business environment. This is what separates full-time employment and “in-sourcing” to more arm’s length contractual relationships and “outsourcing.” This is perhaps the first and foremost supply chain consideration—where to “draw” the legal, that is, contractually defined boundary of the organization. Each contractual decision is called a make-buy decision. A supply chain strategy is one that considers each of a firm’s make-buy decisions as part of a scheme that looks at the entire supply chain as one, big, value-adding economic unit—that is, a single organization in a very real economic sense.

See Table 5.2. As the reader considers the pros and cons of outsourcing, think not only in terms of the boundaries of the organization to be determined, but more inclusively. Imagine how a micro-decision with one immediate supplier might change very much if two or more levels, up and down the chain were strategized as a competitive whole.

Table 5.2 Outsourcing and in-sourcing: pros and cons

Outsource (Buy)

In-source (Make)

Managers can otherwise take care of the core business and internal capability where there is competitive advantage.

Takes longer but can create and/or protect an organization’s core competence and competitive advantage.

Even small suppliers can offer economies of scale and learning that the buyer does not have sales volumes to achieve.

May lower production and/or operation costs through lower contracting/transaction costs

Over time there is potential for merger or acquisition and internal development of a strategic competency.

Sometimes this is the only practical option, especially if technologies are new or state-of-the-art.

Methods such as just-in-time can practically eliminate logistics delays and costs.

In some ways reduces the risk of moral hazard as it relates to contracting risks.

Production may already be operating at full effective capacity and expansion is problematic.

The buyer may have underutilized capacity going to waste or worse, hurting production cost economics.

Maintaining multiple sources is a way to manage the risk of losing one (sole) supplier for any reason.

Just as buyers sometimes are not suppliers’ best friends at contract time, suppliers might collude.

Supplier may hold a key patent and/or prefer to protect a trade secret unavailable any other way (in time).

Customer/consumer may demand highest possible quality or related advancements that have strategic potential for growth.

Some businesses such as in “networks” depend on soft, relationship-related benefits of outsourcing.

Putting all eggs in one basket (one sole supplier) is risky under the best business conditions.

Some firms partially insource and partial outsource as way to control overall transaction costs.

There may be labor issues that take precedence—for example, continued insourcing saves company jobs.

The open market is a stern disciplinarian even if the buyer firm never twists arms at contracting time.

Highly integrated systems require engineers and others to share sensitive information.

Outsourcing for commodity items is quickly done and at low transaction costs and overall risks.

The stock market, stockholders, and most stakeholders reward managerial for simple growth.

Stored Power

The word “battery” implies human competencies in the science of electrochemistry, and broad organizational capabilities in products that include both EV batteries and things like Tesla’s Powerwall. More arguable was whether the marriage of the science of photovoltaics and solar panels was synergistic with the science of electrochemistry and batteries. It would make sense if viewed from the “product” end, since solar tiles were limited unless the solar energy could be stored in another product like the Powerwall.

The point is to draw the distinction between a product market, and an organization as a set of competencies and capabilities.

To illustrate, it does well to overall media accounts during 2017 and 2018. To start:

(Kharpal May 10, 2017)

Tesla … will begin taking orders for its solar roof tiles …to be rolled out in the U.S. this year …

Tesla has been branching out beyond just its electric cars to other sustainable energy products. It acquired SolarCity last year, another company founded by Musk, which focused on solar power and energy storage. Tesla makes a product called Powerwall as well as commercial solar panels.

“The goal is to have … solar roofs that look better than normal roof, generate electricity, last longer, have better insulation and actually have a cost, an installed cost that is less than a normal roof plus the cost of electricity.”

That same day, and respect to production realities:

(Bomey May 10, 2017)

… “pilot manufacturing” would begin at its Fremont, Calif., [EV] factory in the second quarter.

Soon after that, the company will move production to a plant in Buffalo, N.Y., where it is collaborating with Panasonic on manufacturing [EV batteries] …

The product, which Tesla will offer through its SolarCity division, will be a no-brainer for homeowners, Musk has said …

“Solar and batteries go together like peanut butter and jelly,” Musk said in October.

Perhaps, but about a week later:

(No author May 19, 2017)

.. for many, installing solar panels is too costly and inconvenient for the benefits. A new development out of Australia could change that …

… The non-toxic panels can then be installed for about … 69 cents per square foot. That’s significantly cheaper than Tesla’s Solar Roof project, which costs $21.85 per square foot.

“No other renewable energy solution can be manufactured as quickly … The low cost and speed at which this technology can be deployed is exciting.”

That wasn’t the only development in solar panel technologies, of course, but it did have an additional relevance to something else discussed previously:

(Paul September 28, 2017)

… construction has started on building the world’s biggest battery to help keep the lights on in Australia’s most wind-dependent state.

Tesla … won a bid in July to build a 129 megawatt hour (MWh) battery and the state is counting on it to be ready … when electricity demand begins to peak …

… the battery … should cost around $750 to $950 per kilowatt, or up to $95 million … the cost to Tesla would be “$50 million or more” if it failed to deliver the project on time …

Before long:

(Williams November 22, 2017)

Tesla power packs have now been fully installed on a site near a wind farm north of Adelaide and will be tested to ensure the battery meets standards laid down by the energy market operator …

Musk is building the world’s largest lithium-ion battery system to help the state avert crippling electricity blackouts ... The futurist chief executive made a bet on Twitter in March that he could install a 100-megawatt storage facility within 100 days or it would be free, and the clock started ticking … when the contract was signed.

Musk’s promise was kept on time, leaving Tesla in a good position in one of the world’s largest and most promising markets for products within its capabilities. In the context of managing innovation, those three words—markets, products, and capabilities—go together like peanut butter and jelly—and bread. That metaphor is meant to be whimsical, but at the same time makes one of the most important points in the book.

Managing technological innovation means managing a three-part challenge of managing markets, technological competencies, and organizational capabilities.

However, in other ways the SolarCity business seemed lacking and in need of attention if its global reputation for customer service was deemed important. The problem was not unlike that which also developed in EV “stores,” but seemed more severe:

(Matousek June 26, 2018)

… Between its electric vehicles, home charging units, solar panels, and home batteries, [Tesla] offers customers the opportunity to buy into an integrated system of products ...

But for … its Powerwall home battery and solar roof … the company has left its customers and salespeople wondering when the products will arrive ...

…The Powerwall is an important point of differentiation for Tesla, as most of its competitors in the solar panel production business don’t make home batteries …

Tesla’s solar roof … is a major selling point for the company. It was designed to be more aesthetically pleasing than typical solar panels and more durable.

Here was a capability where Tesla was evidently lacking—end-to-end supply chain management, despite Musk’s boasts of vertical integration at the factory.

The Tesla Semi

In a story that was first announced during 2017, its importance seemed to grow into 2018:

(Sparks April 28, 2017)

… Up until now, all that was known about Tesla Semi is that it would be unveiled in September, and that … the semi would “deliver a substantial reduction in the cost of cargo transport, while increasing safety and making it really fun to operate” …

… Tesla said last October it is now including sensors in all of its ­vehicles that will eventually enable them to drive autonomously Opens a New Window—even without a driver in the vehicle.

… the market for semis is large enough to represent a revenue ­opportunity in excess of $100 billion annually for Tesla.

A few months later:

(Vartabedian August 24, 2017)

… That audacious effort could open a potentially lucrative new market …

Or it could prove an expensive distraction. Musk in July warned that the company is bracing for “manufacturing hell” as it accelerates production of its new Model 3 sedan …

… Musk may well have found a sweet spot … 30 percent of U.S. trucking jobs are regional trips of 100 to 200 miles.

Not as early as September, but in November observers were wowed at an event where not only the Semi was unveiled, but out of its trailer sprung a new Roadster with a 600-mile range, by far the longest of any available battery EV:

(Sage November 17, 2017a)

… Some analysts fear the truck will be an expensive distraction for Tesla, which is burning cash, has never posted an annual profit, and is in self-described “manufacturing hell” starting up production of the $35,000 Model 3 sedan …

Tesla would need to invest substantially to create a factory for those trucks. The company is currently spending about $1 billion per quarter, largely to set up the Model 3 factory, and is contemplating a factory in China to build cars.

On the same day, some of the “specs” became known:

(No author November 17, 2017)

  1. Range of 500 miles at max capacity and highway speed …
  2. Sports-car-like performance that leaves diesel trucks in the dust …
  3. Solar-powered “Megachargers” are coming …
  4. Better safety with enhanced Autopilot and jackknife prevention …
  5. Easier driving thanks to the driver sitting in the center …
  6. A reliability guarantee … 1 million miles before its first break down …
  7. More cost-efficient than diesel trucks—and, in convoys, it even beats rail …
  8. Available in 2019 … [but] 2020 is probably the earliest we can expect.

As the story continued, it became apparent that Tesla’s opportunities would not go uncontested. But before reading the following excerpt, recall that while fuel cells had always suffered size limitations, they had already been fielded in larger vehicles such as urban buses. Then again, urban buses do not voyage far from their motor pools and refueling points:

(Rocco January 30, 2018a)

Nikola Motor Company … plans to build a $1 billion plant in
Arizona …

The plant will become one of the largest manufacturing facilities dedicated to next-generation semi-trucks ... Navistar and Volkswagen are also working on electric medium-duty trucks.

Nikola … is developing two electric semi-trucks powered by hydrogen fuel cells and has received pre-orders for more than 8,000 big rigs.

In a few months:

(Rocco May 3, 2018b)

… Anheuser-Busch … has placed an order for up to 800 hydrogen-powered semi trucks made by Nikola Motor, which is competing against Tesla ...

The Nikola trucks will be able to travel from 500 to 1,200 miles on one hydrogen fuel tank … The tanks can be refilled in 20 minutes.

Nikola said it expects to have more than 700 hydrogen stations in the U.S. and Canada by 2028…

… The company has now booked nearly $9 billion in pre-orders.

And from the global incumbency:

(Rosevar June 28, 2018)

Daimler … said that two big-truck operators, Penske Truck Leasing and NFI Industries, have agreed to begin using two all-new electric Freightliner trucks in a pilot program …

… as of right now at least, Tesla doesn’t appear to have made any effort to finish [its] Semi’s development and begin production ...

And given its all-out effort to get production of its compact sedan up to speed, it seems unlikely that Tesla’s engineers have had much bandwidth to work on the Semi.

Time and again, and on behalf mostly of investment communities, the media refocused attention to on the Model 3 as the urgency of most pressing business concern. Should Tesla diminish as a viable business investment, its leadership of all stakeholder groups would fade proportionately and perhaps fatally.


A related concern was that Tesla was drawing closer to no longer being eligible for the 7,500 U.S. dollar tax credit that U.S. buyers of EVs could take. Each automaker was allowed to sell 200,000 EVs before its limit was exhausted. The present rates meant that Tesla would meet that total by the middle of 2018. As Tesla approached its limit, however, newer entrants still had plenty of room before reaching 200,000, and the tax credit applied to all-battery electrics and hybrids. However, the limit was to become renegotiated in Congress, without final resolution as of this writing.

Conversely, there was plenty of effort both public and private to promote EVs and greener autos in general. Naturally, California led most efforts, and sometimes opposed the Trump administration overtly:

(Roberts June 27, 2018)

… California and a coalition of 16 other states (and DC) … 140 million people and 40 percent of the US auto market … are suing the Trump administration over its plan to freeze fuel economy standards.

… If EPA does freeze the standards … California has a longtime exemption under the Clean Air Act, which allows it, and states that choose to join it, to set its own standards …

But if [the EPA] fails, automakers will face the very nightmare they tried to avoid under Obama: a nation with two sets of standards, effectively two separate markets.

With that irony, the “law of unintended consequences” comes to mind. Regardless, the article also discussed subsidies of over 1 billion U.S. dollars proposed across several states for recharging infrastructure, which triggered battles over existing prohibitions on public utilities from owning chargers—and related, the fairness of rate-based remuneration of the subsidies: “consumer advocate groups often object to this, saying that such investments only benefit a relatively narrow and affluent class of
EV owners” (Roberts 2018).

On the global scene, a major development happened about mid-year:

(Stanway July 10, 2018)

Shanghai will accelerate efforts to cancel restrictions on foreign investment in the auto manufacturing sector, a government official said on Wednesday, a day after Tesla … said it would build a wholly owned auto plant in the city.

Earlier this year, China said it would scrap foreign ownership caps for companies making fully electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles in 2018 and all automotive ventures by 2022.

… the city government was engaged in preparations to support the Tesla project, set to be Shanghai’s biggest foreign-invested project.

At the time, that article stood in stark contrast to China’s ongoing intransigence about similar policies that had become acute bones of contention in the ongoing trade war.

Enemies on Wall Street

Musk’s personal relationship with Wall Street was growing not only contentious, but potentially felonious. Certainly Elon Musk was well aware of the business, financial, and technology risks he had been taking, but he also seemed to be taking some of the naysayers personally, at least the ones that materially threatened Tesla’s financial position:

(Scipioni November 15, 2017)

Elon Musk said he wished Tesla … were a private company because short sellers are “jerks who want us to die” …

“I wish we could be private with Tesla,” he said. “It actually makes us less efficient to be a public company” …

“Obviously this is not being valued as a car company, it’s being valued on Musk ... he’s the reason people own the stock.”

Short-selling is the traditional practice of “borrowing” stock (electronically) and then selling it in the expectation that its price will go down. Then the stock is repurchased later at the lower price. The logic is simply the reverse of buying stock in the expectation that it will go up. Though the intuitive appeal seems odd at first, it is completely legal and not unusual. This story would blow up and conflate with related issues in 2018.

Musk’s Other Ventures

Not under the Tesla’ corporate umbrella but distracting as well were other of Musk’s personal involvements such as SpaceX and The Boring Company. (The latter was a tunneling company, one that was proposed to revolutionize urban auto commutes and intercity travel.) These concerns did not consume Tesla Inc.’s investment capital and resources, until one considered Musk himself to be key intellectual capital with the same hours in a day to spare as anyone else. Regardless of the legal distinctions, investors had reason to take pause. As the last months of 2017 passed, concerns like the following were heard well into 2018:

(Randall November 2, 2017)

There will be no $35,000 Teslas in 2017.

… [the] Gigafactory is the heart of the problem. The reallocation of resources … may be contributing to delays for Autopilot, the Solar Roof, the Tesla Semi, and the Tesla Network.

“Tesla’s cash burn is astounding, and time is ticking … They have some pretty urgent things to deal with, and we just don’t have any visibility right now.”

As if all that was not enough for any one corporation to manage, the main issue was still to be solved, next.

Back to Basics: Scaling Up for Mass Production

Back in October 2017, Musk had first tweeted that the company was in “production hell,” and before long the words became both famous and infamous (No author, “Tesla,” October 7, 2017). At that time the Model S was still having ramp-up problems, but the infamy to come applied largely to the Model 3. That’s not all Tesla had to worry about.

By going straight from niche markets to the mass market and mass production, Tesla had awakened the massive global auto incumbency. This is not to say that nothing had been going on internally within the traditional players, it is just to say that their signals became obvious, certainly by intent. It became a concern whether all players were creating a ruinous condition of overcapacity.

Nascent industries are typically “fragmented” either by market segmentation or technological variety (often, incompatibility). Unless a firm strategizes to truly “differentiate” early, markets converge and technologies standardize, compelling cost-driven strategies.

It could be argued that fears about an overcapacity condition were based on assumptions that pertain best to an industry that is in its mature phase or at least, sometime beyond the appearance of critical dominant designs. The EV competitive domain was neither, it was still in the emergence phase. A true mass market is one that isn’t just large but more importantly is relatively homogenous in the demand characteristics of the typical consumer. Globally, this means universal price sensitivity (high price elasticity) and the universal expectation that product quality (in the form of reliability) is already high.

That much was already known and basically true about “advanced” countries. In contrast, recall that India was subsidizing the development of a national champion to develop a 15,500 U.S. dollar EV, where there was no interest (bidding) shown by the global incumbents—in the nation with the second-highest population in the world. And so on in all countries where there are lots of cars, awful environmental records, and economic struggle. China was a story all its own, but that accentuates the point.

Next, maturity implies that product substitutability is very high—that is, performance / price ratios of products available to consumers are similar/comparable, because if for no other reason, designs are compatible and network externalities exist.

This was far from true. In short, the “global” EV market was not ready to be served by “global” EV products. Regardless of large production and supply chain capacities, the global market was still fragmented not by demand characteristics, but by technological constraints that all came down to batteries. “Range anxiety” was still persistent, and sticker price spoke for itself—still in the luxury category. But the industry “dinosaurs” were moving in with massive financial, production, and supply chain capabilities, some creating their own supply chains along the way. Developing autos of any kind from scratch takes years, and some incumbents no doubt had been quietly pursuing fast-follower strategies of their own. So it is not surprising that most of the global giants had made eye-popping announcements about entry into the EV domain, a few almost immediately and others a few years off.

Traditional forces that determine industry profitability were starting to congeal. The industry was growing up if still not growing much. But technology issues were not going away, since performance/price was still not quite “there.”

Pressures from Wall Street would soon cause serious fissures among all stakeholders. Elon Musk had made two daring promises: one, to become profitable (in his own words) by the end of 2018; second, to accomplish this feat largely on the back of making 5,000 Model 3s per week, a number that would grow additionally from there. This was as important to satisfying customers with reservations, as it was to investors waiting on an entirely different line of their own. Tesla was “burning capital” at a rate of about 1 billion U.S. dollars per quarter and investors were still waiting for a positive return on their investments.

The media was abuzz with news about Tesla and its predicaments. During January–February 2018:

(Hull January 3, 2018)

The company now expects to assemble 5,000 Model 3s a week by the end of June, delaying plans to reach that milestone by another three months. Tesla didn’t come close to achieving an earlier forecast that it would manufacture that many of the sedans a week by the end of 2017…

“The big question is how much longer are people willing to wait? … Every quarter that passes brings on more competition in terms of other vehicles being introduced.”


(No author February 6, 2018)

… [there were] only 1,550 [Model 3] deliveries in the fourth quarter, far below the 4,100 vehicles expected.

… revenue from the highly anticipated vehicle has yet to hit Tesla’s bottom line.

… new projects requiring high upfront investment include the recently unveiled Tesla Semi to the upcoming Model Y SUV and a factory in China. Tesla said in November that Tesla was “well capitalized” for the delayed Model 3 production schedule.

(Rocco February 7, 2018c)

… Musk blamed “production hell” as the company pushed its timeline to the second quarter … its assembly plant … and its battery factory … contributed to the production delays.

… Tesla said its 102,807 total deliveries in 2017 set a new annual record for the upstart company.

Tesla anticipates stronger revenue growth in 2018 compared to last year, adding that quarterly operating income is on pace to turn positive sometime during the current fiscal year.

During March–April, Musk startled onlookers by saying that the company had gone bankrupt—as an April Fool’s joke. Like many such jokes this was not so funny, at least not on Wall Street. Within days Musk promised that Tesla would not have to borrow any more capital that year, and in fact would begin to show a steady positive cash flow beginning in the third quarter. Cash flow is not profit, but it’s a promising step toward it. Still:

(Higgins, and Pulliam March 15, 2018)

… Meeting the goal of 5,000 Model 3s a week by the end of June is critical to generating enough cash to sustain operations without having to raise more capital …

“Some big investors are losing patience … They are less excited about it than they were a year ago.”

The stock has fallen about 14 percent since around the time it began production of the Model 3 nine months ago.

In other words, Tesla’s market cap was no longer tops in the U.S. auto business. Again:

(Moffat, and Ferro March 29, 2018)

Tesla Inc. will probably report next week that it missed Model 3 production targets for the first quarter, a growing number of analysts predict.

… the electric-car maker averaged about 800 of the sedans a week in the first quarter, with the weekly run rate now approaching about 1,100 …

“It’s going to be worse before it gets better… They’re probably going to miss their Model 3 number in terms of what the Street is at. I don’t think it’s going to be a surprise to investors.”

(Krishner April 3, 2018a)

… [Tesla] made just under 9,800 Model 3s from January through March. That’s four times what it made in the fourth quarter. But it’s still only a fraction of the 20,000 per month that CEO Elon Musk promised …

… [share prices] have fallen nearly 15 percent since the start of the year ...

Tesla says it made just under 35,000 vehicles total in the quarter including the Models S and X. That’s a 40 percent increase from last year’s fourth quarter.

It was not difficult to sense signs of stakeholder stress concerning how Tesla might best be spending its attention and related resources, which were getting more precious all the timehence, costlier capital itself, a bellwether for an EVA miss.

(Sage April 11, 2018b)

Tesla is … accepting preliminary bids for supplier contracts on the Model Y …

… Tesla is pushing ahead on plans to build a new vehicle even as it struggles to produce the Model 3, which launched in July …

With a new car model, automakers normally choose parts suppliers two to two-and-a-half years before the start of production ...

… Any major Model Y program would likely require a new facility, although low volume of the Model Y could be built on the existing Model 3 line.

On the other hand, that article misses the idea that the Y would be the first derivative of the Model 3 as a platform. A main point of a design platform is to enable economies of scale and scope, which the new model would ostensibly begin exploiting. With that perspective:

(Hawkins April 13, 2018)

… Tesla has blamed … the company’s Gigafactory for the delays … Musk also admits it was Tesla’s over-reliance on robots ...

It’s a fairly stunning admission from the man who previously likened his company’s massive factory to an “alien dreadnought.”

“The competitive strength of Tesla long-term is not going to be the car, it’s going to be the factory … We’re going to productize the factory.”

... “We got complacent about some of the things we felt were our core technology.”

It is impossible to deduce from these accounts whether solving the Model 3 problems now would prevent Tesla from experiencing the same problems for the Model Y, and on for other platform derivatives. If so, that would be an immediate economy of scope. For the competitive strength of the company to become the “productization” of the factory—Musk’s own word—these things should all work in concert, or at least not exacerbate each other. Short of better operational data, unfortunately, these important strategic points must remain hypothetical.

Tesla’s production rate of Model 3s was then about 2,500 per week, half the target that was said to be necessary for profitability on the car and hopefully Tesla in turn. The Economist said that Tesla would need as much as 3 billion U.S. dollars soon (Barrabi 2018a.) “Tesla shares are down more than 20 percent since March 1 on concern over the company’s ability to raise production levels … Moody’s Investors Service … lowered the company’s corporate debt rating further into junk territory last week” (Barrabi 2018b). Junk bonds are very costly to the issuer by definition. Tesla’s access to capital was one thing, but what the issue really amounted to was the cost of (the) capital raised. It is a serious threat to making positive capital project returns and overall corporate earnings.

On the global front, it became increasingly evident that most EV players were not embarking on a go-it-alone strategy, though some of the major moves were instigated by government policy in China concerning that giant market alone. That and the trade war were beginning to affect fortunes at all levels. Tesla’s specific situation notwithstanding, Wall Street especially hates uncertainty with a passion.

Musk began personally overseeing production at the Freemont plant. Progress happened but sometimes in fits and starts, at times alternating between planned stoppages, unplanned stoppages, and maximum effort: “Musk has said the planned stoppages are intended to give the company time to perform upgrades that will help it reach a goal of building 6,000 vehicles per week by the end of June ... all Model 3 production would begin working around the clock” (Sage 2018).

As April turned into May, the corporate world was stunned as Tesla shareholders voted on a proposal to oust Musk as chairman (Barrabi 2018). At the June meeting of stockholders, the ouster coup was rebuffed. However, the whole affair was a wakeup call for many, and a shock to others. The “media narrative” changed, and Musk’s relationship with it began to disintegrate ground that had already become shaky. Snips like these could be considered quite snarky: “On Tesla’s recent quarterly results conference call … Tesla was making it difficult for even ‘believers’ to own the company’s stock. Musk responded that investors worried about volatility should steer clear of Tesla’s shares” (No author, “Tesla,” 2018).

It was perhaps a sign of the overall stress in the situation that strong but contradictory opinions emerged from equally strong stakeholders. In the span of a few weeks:

(Barrabi May 1, 2018)

“Although … one person, could provide an effective leadership for Tesla at the early stage, now in this much more highly competitive and rapidly changing technology industry, it is more and more difficult to oversee Tesla’s business” [a spokesperson for stockholders] wrote …

Tesla’s board of directors … supported Musk “… the Company’s success to date would not have been possible if the Board was led by another director … In light of the significant future opportunities for growth and the careful execution needed … the Board believes that the Company is still best served by Mr. Musk continuing to serve as Chairman.”

Then again:

(Lovelace May 14, 2018)

Buy and hold billionaire Ron Baron on Monday defended his investment in Tesla, saying he doesn’t care that he hasn’t made very much money from the electric-car maker yet.

“I think we’re going to make 20 times our money because the opportunity is so enormous,” [he said,] “people say, ‘gee, they’re spending a lot of cash.’ of course, they’re spending a lot of cash. They’re building factories.”

If an investor waits until something is successful then, “it’s too late. Then you’re going to pay a high price,” said Baron … “what we try to do is buy when that development is taking place.”

About 10 days later:

(Taylor, and Sage May 25, 2018)

Tesla Inc. has flown six planes full of robots and equipment from Europe to California in an unusual, high-stakes effort to speed up battery production for its Model 3 electric sedan …

… the move underscores … Musk’s urgency to get a grip on manufacturing problems that have hobbled the launch of the high-volume Model 3 and pushed Tesla’s finances deep into the red…

Musk said in early May he planned to rid the company of “barnacles”—contractors and subcontractors—saying Tesla’s reliance on them had become “out of control.”

Another worrisome forecast came from Goldman Sachs, which said that Tesla would need to raise another 10 billion U.S. dollars in the upcoming two years just to maintain the solvency needed to survive. As May turned to June, Goldman Sachs’ pessimism was echoed:

(Higgins, and Pulliam June 28, 2018)

… His executives pushed back, warning it wasn’t feasible because the design of the car wasn’t yet locked into place, the robots and tooling needed to be ordered, and time was needed to work out inevitable kinks in the complicated assembly process …

Mr. Musk concedes he relied too much on automation. “You really want to get the process nailed down and then automate, as opposed to assuming you know what the process will be, then automating that.”

Goldman Sachs’ pessimism was echoed by similar investment institutions:

(Linnane June 21, 2018)

… Oppenheimer clients are deeply divided on Tesla … with bulls and bears focused most acutely on whether the company can execute its technology-driven innovation strategy in a “capital intensive, durable goods, safety-constrained end-market” …

The bulls argue that Tesla’s recent progress in meeting production goals … is a key benchmark … The bear case is that production inefficiencies are hampering its ability to generate sufficient and sustainable cash flow … Bulls believe Tesla will enjoy strong demand for its cars given a loyal customer base … Bears note the growing competition from traditional car makers.

Never far from that key word profitability (italics added):

(Linnane July 3, 2018)

… Tesla Inc. shares slid 7 percent Tuesday to bring their two-day loss to more than 9 percent, as analysts … questioned whether the achievement of a key production goal is sustainable …

… the key issue for the Model 3 is not production but profitability. Tesla said it still expects to be profitable and cash flow positive in the third and fourth quarters, but “we believe that even if Tesla does hit these targets, it will likely be due to one-time austerity … factors ... and will not resolve the fundamental controversy of long-term Model 3 profitability.”

As June turned into July and despite all distractions, Tesla did indeed but, with much unusual effort, manage to produce 5,000 Model 3s in a week. Still, observers were relentless:

(Sage, and Rodriguez July 1, 2018)

… The 5,000th car … was ready to go around 5 a.m. … [but] It was not clear if Tesla could maintain that level of production for a longer period of time…

… Musk spurred on workers, built a new assembly line in a huge tent outside the main factory, and fanned expectations … tweeting pictures of … parts and robots over the final days …

Steady progress has enthused others …and Tesla’s market value is [once again] close to that of General Motors Co.

The next day:

(Krishner July 2, 2018b)

… The Model 3, which starts at $35,000, is the key to turning Tesla from a niche maker of expensive electric cars to a profitable, mass-market automaker. The company badly needs cash … to post a net profit and positive cash flow in the third and fourth quarters. The company has had only two profitable quarters in its 15-year history.

And inevitably:

(Poletti July 2, 2018)

Tesla has to become profitable, and fast.

… Musk has largely failed to live up to deadlines, and has largely proven that he will forego financial security in pursuit of his larger ambitions. For investors, belatedly living up to a promise Monday is not enough, and none should be doing a victory lap until we actually see black ink in the second half of this year.

Finally, or at least for the moment:

(Linnane July 3, 2018)

[Tesla] reported on Monday that it delivered 40,740 vehicles in the second quarter, “another significant miss vs. consensus of 48,874 and JPM’s 56,600 (Tesla deliveries also fell short in 1Q18, 4Q17, and 3Q17—ever since the Model 3 entered production),” JP Morgan [said].

On the other hand, Tesla was still delivering EVs that consumers loved—at least their traditional base—if not making the leap to the mass market very successfully just yet:

(No author July 2, 2018)

While Tesla’s …production and Model 3 deliveries are only just now catching up to where they were supposed to be six months ago, this doesn’t mean the electric-car company isn’t growing rapidly. On the contrary, the Model 3 pushed Tesla’s vehicle deliveries to a record high …

… the automaker needs to deliver vehicles in higher volumes to achieve meaningful enough economies of scale to become profitable. But by the looks of the rapid growth Tesla demonstrated in Q2, the company may be on the verge of achieving this scale.

To be precise, what needed to be “achieved” in the true operational sense, in order to best exploit latent economies of scale, was a facility capacity correctly measured as a rate—like 5,000 per week—and not a crude measure of size like “footprint.”

After a few weeks had passed, Musk had a moment to reflect on the whole experience. Here are a few illustrative words from a long and insightful interview:

(Randall July 13, 2018)

You don’t really know that you can actually handle a given rate unless you try to do it. So we successively hit limitations in general assembly, in paint, in body, in module production, pack production, logistics …

… There are parts of it that are completely automated … And then there are parts of it which are completely manual … Then there are parts that are partly automated and partly manual.

… You can only move as fast as the slowest thing in the system … Part of the problem is that the designing heads were naive about manufacturing.

These last words should be carved on many corporate tombstones.

On to an Anticlimactic Profit

The next few months were possibly the most sensational in Tesla’s short history. On Twitter, Musk announced that Tesla had secured the funding needed to take the corporation back to private ownership status. Doing so would liberate Musk himself in many ways, if nothing else, to run “his” company once again as he obviously preferred. Rumors immediately broke that this was done as much to frustrate and even injure the short-sellers that were hurting stock prices, since the news alone—or really the tweet alone—caused an immediate jump in the stock price.
The issue was quickly settled by Musk agreeing to pay a hefty fine and to be replaced as CEO. The irony was unmistakable. This was not the last of his public feud with the SEC, but more important news broke at about the same time.

Actually, there was “good news and bad news.” The good news concerned one announcement that might one day but only in retrospect, be seen as a true turning point in the history of the firm—for the third quarter of 2018 ending in October, Tesla announced its third-ever quarterly profit. The gravity of this concern was accentuated by the observation that Tesla had also become symbolic for hopes about the profitability of EVs in general, a phenomenon that would be received with great ambivalence among the other EV makers depending on their individual strategies. After all, some stakeholder groups were still hoping that Tesla would fail and just go away.

The bad news was that Tesla became accused of criminally overstating production forecasts for the Model 3 or in other words, misleading the expectations of stakeholders before and during the recent profitable quarter. Certainly, that fueled the cynics about Tesla’s profits and longer-term expectations who could assert that the recent earnings report was perhaps not technically phony, but something of an accounting canard.

As July turned into August:

(Smith, and Hajric August 3, 2018)

… [Musk] expects the company to generate positive free cash flow in the second half of this year, and become sustainably profitable for the first time … he expects to be able to use cash flow to repay around $900 million of convertible debt maturing early next year …

“Sustained positive free cash flow will depend heavily on improving manufacturing efficiency and maintaining discipline on capital spending,” [said an] analyst.

In sum, despite the potential for lucrative profits in high-end, niche markets already established, that was not the strategy and never was:

(Heisler November 16, 2018)

… one of the reasons why Tesla’s ability to ramp up Model 3 production has drawn so much scrutiny over the past few months is because Musk has a bad habit of making ambitious promises regarding production that often go unfulfilled … While the company can pull out all the stops and have an incredibly high production rate in any given week, history has shown that keeping such production levels consistent across many weeks is far more challenging.

It would take more than that one quarter’s results, and made on a more consistent and sustainable basis, before stakeholders would become convinced that even a few quarterly accounting profit announcements were evidence of long-term economic profitability.

On the very last day of 2018, Tesla had 3,000 Model 3s in inventory that were still waiting to be delivered to customers. This was important for several reasons, not just the usual customer satisfaction issue. First, a corporation’s annual taxes are based partly on inventory. Tesla did not have dealerships of course, so the inventory stayed with it. Hypothetically, if the value of each auto was 50,000, 3,000 of them amounts to a 150,000,000 taxable asset. Second, delays into 2018 could threaten buyers’ 7,500 U.S. dollar tax deduction for buying one, though that issue was still politically unclear going into 2019. Tesla had already run through its own limit of selling 200,000 EVs before its government support expired, though that was being reviewed for expansion. GM was also behind that effort, since it too had reached its 200,000 sales limit in 2018 as well (Shepardson January 2, 2019).

Signs of hope were: 61,394 Model 3s were produced in the fourth quarter, and about 1,000 per day were delivered. This quickly calculates to 5,000 per week, though there were anecdotal reports to the contrary. Still, in the year, 454,240 Teslas of all kinds were delivered, including 145,846 Model 3s and 99,394 of the Models S and X. But always lurking and becoming an urgent issue for the next annual report if not sooner:

(Assis January 2, 2019)

Tesla Inc. … is still basking in the afterglow of the profit reported for its latest quarter.

…The analysts … envision a virtuous cycle: as Tesla delivers steady cash flow, “a new group of investors will begin taking positions, helping drive shares higher …”

“The lead is theirs to squander,” said [an official] … And there’s “no limit to demand, (Tesla) can sell them as much as it can make them,” because … Teslas are a delight to drive.”

In a matter of a months that last quote would become seriously challenged, and a grave issue going forward. Tesla had never suffered a demand problem and indeed, it’s only marketing effort was its website and word-of-mouth—not counting media attention.

A few weeks later, Tesla announced that it would reduce the full-time workforce by 7 percent, needed to maintain its goals concerning profitability at scale. The fourth quarter of 2018 was expected to realize minimal profits, but going forward the company realized it needed to move from delivering the expensive versions of the Model 3 to less expensive models, still aiming at a price point of around $35,000 for mass marketability.


If creating and sustaining a competitive advantage is the golden fleece of strategic management, by no generally accepted measure could Tesla be said to be close by the end of 2018. Accounting profit is not economic profitability. Any assertion to the contrary would, at best and being kind, simply not understand what these terms mean.

One might say in the abstract that Musk about broke even—pun intended—on his promise to achieve “profitability” by the end of 2018. Earnings were small but positive for the last two quarters of 2018, but “real” profitability was now expected in Q219 and then, beyond. Investor patience was wearing thing, but progress was remarkable and there was good reason to hope.

It is possible for a firm to declare a quarterly profit or two by making a few choice decisions—some merely accounting decisions—with that short-term goal in mind, but the establishment of long term, demonstrated, superior profitability is the very mark and measure of sustainable competitive advantage (Porter 1980). Tesla would not be able to postpone that imperative forever. Still, in less than two decades Elon Musk and Tesla had accomplished some amazing things. No matter what might happen, it had already been of historical importance.


Define each of the following terms individually, and then relate the two terms shown in pairs:

Capability and competitive advantage

Facility capacity and facility size

Bargaining power and value-chain appropriability

Outsourcing and make-buy

Peanut butter and jelly … and bread

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