Tesla through 2015: Something Old and Something New


When Tesla first appeared, the “EV industry” was already both very new and very old. Electric autos had been around since the beginning of the automotive era, but the new version seemed more promising than previous efforts mostly due to technological advancements (mostly in lithium-based electrochemical “batteries”). One might also view it as an industry within an industry, a new one within an old mature one based on a revolutionary technology (compared to the standard internal combustion paradigm). From a pre-introduction period to introduction (Volume I), industry-wide average profitability was clearly negative, and sustained firm-specific (quarterly or annual) profit was really out of the question.

At the time, a disproportionately large amount of impetus was being generated by just one company, Tesla, and just one founder-visionary, Elon Musk. This was still a time when the industry could and would be shaped by clear and individual strategic action, not faceless economic forces constraining change in traditional, almost deterministic ways. In a way, Tesla would become an economic force unto itself, sometimes rather eccentrically challenging many old rules and creating new ones of its own making.

Key Techonomics Terms in this chapter include:

Profitability and profit

Economic profit and accounting profit

Economic forces and threat of entry

Barrier to entry and economy of scale

Capital (as money, as equipment, as property) and capital expenditure

Some Essentials

A main point of this series is this: accounting profit and economic profitability are not the same thing.

Economic profitability is first and foremost an enduring or “structural” characteristic of an industry at large; accounting profit, in contrast, “the bottom line” on a firm’s income statement, is a calculation, and is the result of specific managerial decisions over any time period in question, usually short. Sustained positive accounting profits should reflect an organization’s capabilities as they match up against the specific economic forces that structure an industry, in which case, one may speak of the sustained profitability of the firm as well.

Economic profit is measured as economic value-added (EVA). If a firm stands at the top of an industry in this way, this reflects a competitive advantage. See Volumes I and II.

Consider not only the following accomplishment, but also the context of its timing:

(Tepper June 8, 2017)

The most valuable car company in America … has never turned a profit… Yet thanks to a 65% jump in its stock price this year … Tesla now sports a market capitalization of $59 billion, versus $52 billion for General Motors and $44 billion for Ford.

But now comes the hard part. Musk & Co. are about to start production of the highly anticipated Model 3, Tesla’s first stab at a truly mass marketed car …

… investors will have to pay a high price to find out. Tesla’s price-to-sales ratio is six times higher than GM’s, and it doesn’t have a price-earnings metric since it won’t make a profit anytime soon.

The words “most valuable” are important. The value of a firm can be calculated in several ways for several different purposes (Bierman and Schmidt 2006), but often the term refers to total market capitalization, or “market cap” for short. This expression and ideas like corporate value pop up frequently, but their face value interpretations should not be taken for granted.

Market cap in business jargon is generally calculated as the number of shares of common stock that have been sold, times the price of each share at any specific point in time. Think of it as what the owners of common stock have actually ponied up out of their own pockets, plus-or-minus the vicissitudes of market ups and downs in the meantime, that is, capital appreciation. Unless qualified, this is what the media means by market cap when used in reference to what the company is “worth,” its “total value,” and so forth. Market cap means the total investment in stock as the market has determined—the “market value” of equity at any one point in time.

In contrast, the “book value” of equity is what is available for distribution to shareholders, basically total assets minus total liabilities, preferred stock, and intangible assets. (Book value was introduced in Volume II in another context, but otherwise is not important to the present point.) That said, market cap does not include things that can be important depending on the conversation; here, the most important being capital that has been borrowed by selling corporate bonds, called debt. That is considered capital too, in the sense that it is money borrowed from external investors, to be used in the expectation of it being invested profitably and later all of it returned “with interest” quite literally.

To mention another term now, then, a corporation’s “capital structure” refers to the total amount of equity and debt a firm is obliged to put to good use, where the term us used mainly for the purpose of managing the optimal balance (e.g., the “leverage”) between the two (Volume II). Capital structure and leverage become important in the Tesla story as it plays out especially in the later years, but more generally are more internal, management matters.

Debt is just that—debt, whereas equity or stock represents real, actual ownership of the corporation with all the rights due to private property possession.

Tesla Motors Inc. and the Roadster

The Tesla story begins around 1990 when Elon Musk was not the central figure, or any figure in the mix for that matter (Baer 2014). Around that time a friendly collaboration of Silicon Valley engineers—mainly Malcom Smith and Martin Eberhard—had worked on consumer gadgets and related mobility concepts. Soon another friend, named Marc Tarpenning, joined Eberhard. These latter two fellows and good friends did most of the “heavy lifting” during the earliest times.

During the late 1990s, the founders-to-be successfully marketed an electronic book, eventually selling the company for 187 million U.S. dollars (Baer 2014). Encouraged by their entrepreneurial success, they wanted to start another company. A little analysis convinced them that electric vehicles (EVs) had a viable future. With a little looking around they discovered a firm called ACPropulsion, which was doing work in California, being enervated by that state’s clean air mandates in the automotive industry (Baer 2014). ACPropulsion already had a vehicle called the “tzero,” which had impressive acceleration and controllability. It was enough for them to develop a business plan and to invest in the technology—but not in ACPropulsion itself.

Their enthusiasm was partly based on advancements in lithium-ion battery technology. Lead acid batteries had been standard automotive technology for most of its history, but simply did not have the natural potential to become the basis of an EV paradigm. Other battery technologies were also under research for years, but all had their challenges.

A problem with perceptions was that EVs were something of a joke (McGrath 1996). Very literally they were often compared to glorified golf carts and the like, at least by the average mainstream consumer. But technology enthusiasts were highly interested as were people concerned about the natural environment. Still, it was difficult to envision a viable—that is, profitable—market for vehicles, which at the time were so pricey and underperforming in terms of range—how far a vehicle can travel on one “fill-up” or here, one recharging.

Range means how far a vehicle can travel on one “fill-up” or here, one recharging. The explanation is a little technical but not hard to understand. “Energy density” is a technical term about batteries that readily translates into vehicle range. Energy density is about the electrochemically active materials in a battery, and their ability to deliver energy. Early EVs had poor ranges for a variety of reasons, but none was more important than the energy density of the battery’s type. For present purposes, lithium is one type, and the basic element of concern. Also critical was that recharging early-generation EVs took hours (depending on the type and the voltage at the source,) if not overnight.

Dominating U.S. auto-manufacturing for decades were the traditional, Detroit-based giants that saw that their technology competencies were based on the internal combustion engine; they were glad to outsource such things as vehicle electronics. Electronics had a fabulous future in autos as they did in just about everything else. That might allow entry, but the real ambition of the Tesla Motors partners was to produce entire EVs, starting with a small two-seat car and pushing the frontiers out from there.

The company was incorporated on July 1, 2003 and named Tesla Motors, after the famous electrical genius of the 19th century. Incorporation is a legal term for a business where initially shares of ownership as percentages are distributed among the founder-owners. Later, numbers of shares can be distributed among employees and a select group of private investors, called a “privately held” corporation. It can get more complicated than that—especially if venture capitalists get involved—but the point is that basic incorporation does not confer the right to sell shares on an open market (e.g., a stock exchange). The corporation is not yet publicly owned or publicly traded.

An early EV concept and a prototype was ready around 2004. It wasn’t especially state of the art and was highly optimized for its purpose—if there was any kind of “breakthrough” about it, it was a novel combination of technologies. Media statements were good, though, and said things like “At one end of the spectrum, the Tesla Roadster has higher efficiency and lower total emissions than the best of the most efficient cars,” and “At the other end of the spectrum, the Tesla Roadster accelerates at least as well as the best sports cars, but it’s six times as efficient and produces one tenth of the pollution” (Baer 2014).

The Tesla team realized that it could not develop a car “from scratch” by itself—it would have to retrofit an existing car to its vision. After a search, the founders decided to build on the Lotus Elise, a small sports car. Lotus was a well-established design innovator in racing, at least in Europe. The basic Elise chassis had served similar purposes by other European and Asian car developers, so there was precedent for success. Their business terms were attractive to Tesla, and their organization was already suited to consulting with Tesla. Lotus was used to doing the kind of things that Tesla needed. This and other key relationships would be the focus of Tesla’s first vice president of vehicle development, Ian Wright, only the third member of the formal team.

With that, the timely availability of minimally performing batteries, and a technology license with ACPropulsion, the car design became clearer. At that point the main problem became financing, a very significant hurdle. The year 2004 was largely dominated by solving that need. Tesla had accomplished some financing from personal contacts and small venture capitalists, but what they really needed was a major investor who shared their dream. The team was familiar with a man named Elon Musk, already famous in other circles as being the founder of SpaceX.

Musk was a visionary and long-term thinker yet acted aggressively in the present. After personal introductions, discussions, offers, and due diligence, Musk agreed to join the Tesla effort. Musk was particularly concerned about the natural environment and believed that EVs could play an important role in any real resolution to climate change. Like the founders, Musk shared their conviction that any such effect could only be achieved by large-scale commercial success, not symbolic niche efforts. Musk led a round of raising 7.5 million U.S. dollars and became the Chairman of the Board (COB).

Thus, at the outset he held two important roles: Chairman and major/majority investor.

Tesla’s first real product and basis for business was called the Roadster, released in 2008. It came in for high praise from sources such as Car and Driver, beginning a legacy of generally adoring press that would last for years. With some trouble about safety and reliability issues along the way, Tesla would enjoy a good public reputation as it concerns product technology.

Making a car from scratch was more difficult than imagined, and even using an existing chassis was not straightforward. Because Tesla aimed at an entirely new kind of a car, the powertrain, battery configuration, and others would necessitate modifications to the chassis. The existing partnership with ACPropulsion would thus prove fortunate, though in another sense Tesla passed the chance for deep internal, tacit learning about building a whole car, which, after all, was their real ambition.

But at the time, that task would have been overwhelming for a team that had never produced anything but an electronic notebook.

Lotus took the task seriously, if for no other reason to protect its image as a developer of racing autos. An advantage they held was to not be too integrated with existing suppliers, that is, not to get too “locked in” to business relationships that might hurt contractual flexibility and creativity. For the most part they maintained a policy of sourcing along the lines of immediate technical superiority.

Original Roadster design proposals were disappointing (Baer 2014). It seemed as if the designers were stuck on the then-existing image of EVs rather than envision a “real” car with a real market. A legendary design consultant and personal acquaintance named Bill Moogridge was contacted, but here was a person that had never designed a car. Nevertheless, in a few days’ time he used universal design principles to come up with a basic concept. It was futuristic enough but still exhibited classic and appealing design features. After a second round of design requests, the final winner was, not too ironically, from Lotus.

In November 2004, a prototype or “mule” was ready (Baer 2014.) The mule was an ungainly looking Elise, without any body panels but with the hardware and software componentry of an EV. Tests were successful and observers were astonished at its acceleration. As far as they were concerned, “proof of concept” was demonstrated. Led by Elon Musk and additional equity partnering, another 13 million U.S. dollars was raised.

By 2006 it seemed time to embark on a public relations and marketing effort (Baer 2014). On July 19, a star-studded event was pulled off in a hangar in Santa Monica, California. The event was reminiscent of the way new cars are lavishly revealed at auto shows. Movie stars and celebrities attended, and some got test rides. Despite some mechanical troubles, the general reaction was one of amazement. Within a few weeks, Tesla had 127 orders for Roadsters, priced at 100,000 U.S. dollars. Deliveries were scheduled for the summer of 2007.

Tesla made sure the word was spread outside the circles of auto purists and technology geeks. Positive press appeared in the New York Times, Fortune, Wired, and the Washington Post. The plan was to begin first deliveries of the Roadster in 2006 and continue scaling up production until “profitability” was reached in 2008—a sensitive word that will resonate throughout this story. The Roadster was not ready for first delivery until 2008, beginning with a problem with production, which would plague Tesla for years to come. Low cost and headcount across the system was a major goal, but quickly Tesla found itself managing hundreds of components rather than just the most value-adding and came to employ 140 people. The situation also surpassed the experience of the principals who were more accustomed to the compartmentalized Silicon Valley network way of doing things.

It is axiomatic that skillsets at the apex of a startup generally evolve, and “professional managers” eventually take over.

A new CEO was in place in November 2007 who assured that first Roadster deliveries would begin in the spring of 2008. Sure enough, production began in March that year. Boasting that the Roadster was the only true zero-emissions vehicle in actual production at the time, the next announced goal was to be producing 100 per month about a year hence, in early 2009. However, the new CEO lasted only until October 2008, when Elon Musk essentially took over the company—starting by firing about a quarter of Tesla employees.

By that time Musk himself had invested about 55 million U.S. dollars of his own capital, and Tesla was on the verge of collapse by 2008 due to operational cost overruns (Vance, 2012), Fortunately, Musk was able to bail himself out in early 2009 with the sale of another earlier venture of his, Everdream, for 120 million U.S. dollars. We can stop counting Musk’s roles now, or perhaps boil them all down to one—boss.

Initial Public Offering and the Model S

By May 2009, Tesla had recalled 75 percent of the Roadsters sold since March 2008. At least the problem had nothing to do with the electric drivetrain; the problem was with loose bolts that affected handling. Customers were disappointed, which was softened by Tesla’s decision to send repair technicians to customers’ homes to fix the bolts. Still, some of the glimmer was off the rose, made worse by several high-profile celebrities announcing their displeasure. Still, Tesla was ready to make perhaps the biggest move in any firm’s existence—to make the transition to becoming publicly owned and traded. This event is called IPO, an initial public offering of stock ownership. The move would give Tesla access to a theoretically unlimited pool of capital, but would also expose the company to public scrutiny by fiduciaries who had good reasons for concern.

The aspiration is not difficult to understand, though. A great deal of capital would be needed to develop and field their first car past the Roadster. This would be Model S—a key strategic move not only in its own right, but where it would eventually stand in the evolution of Tesla products. However, these two key elements of an overall strategy—one technological and one financial—were not always in perfect sync, and other elements of an overall strategy could not help but suffer in the meantime.

Let’s set the stage at the time Tesla “went public” in 2010.

Commercialized EVs

Three viable autos were already becoming consumer realities, not just auto-show amusements (BusinessWeek 2010):

General Motors:

Model: Chevy Volt

Technology: Plug-in (Battery-Gasoline) Hybrid (BHEV)

Battery: Lithium-ion

Range: 40 miles in battery mode; 350+ miles on a tank of gasoline, overall 37 mpg

Price: 40,000 U.S. dollars

Availability: 2010

Years to Develop: 4


Model: Leaf

Technology: All-battery-electric (BEV)

Battery: Lithium-ion

Range: 100 miles per charge

Price: 32,500 U.S. dollars

Availability: 2010

Years to Develop: 4


Model: Prius (PHEV variant of the successful hybrid)

Technology: Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV)

Battery: Lithium-ion

Range: 15 miles before gas-electric kicks in

Price: 25,000 US Dollars

Availability: 2012

Years to Develop: 4

There were 27 other hybrid models already on the market, including hybrid versions of the BMW 7 series, Mercedes S-class, and Lexus LS. Further out still, examples included: a Porsche Cayenne S hybrid SUV (67,700 U.S. dollars); a Lexus CT 200h compact, due early 2011 (32,000 U.S. dollars); a hybrid Volkswagen Touareg SUV in 2010; and a hybrid VW Jetta in 2012. Also, there were expectations raised by Ford, Honda (fuel-cell, expensive), Toyota, Mazda, and virtually all other major manufacturers. Longer out were cars from Jaguar and Volvo. Also, BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes-Benz were introducing ultra-efficient diesel engines.

Market and Regulatory Environment

In 2010, California law required the largest automakers to have low- or no-emissions cars in their fleets by 2012, and the Obama administration’s fuel economy standards raised fleet averages to 35.5 mpg by 2016, a 40 percent increase. Outside California and the West Coast, which followed it generally, there was a similar movement in the northeast corridor, Washington–Boston, but regulatory efforts and future proposals were more fragmented state-to-state.

Also worth noting is that the East Coast power grid was much more hydrocarbon-based traditionally, with closer access to plenty of coal, and the West Coast was already better suited to future hopes for a solar-based grid. In between the two main coasts for the most part but especially near the Gulf coast, a revolution in oil exploration (fracking and horizontal drilling) was already revolutionizing Big Oil and America’s dependence on oil imports. At the time, low gasoline prices were an impediment (some calculations said that 6 U.S. dollars/gallon would make EVs viable), but of course could not last forever. Consumers continued to say that main impediments were sticker price, limited range, and lack of recharging infrastructure.

J.D. Power projected that in nine years, battery EVs like the Leaf would sell about 100,000 units in the United States and 1.3 million units globally, about 1.8 percent of the 71 million cars expected to be sold. About 3.9 million hybrids and plug-in hybrids would be sold worldwide in 2020, or a total electric and hybrid market of about 7 percent. In contrast, Bloomberg projected that plug-in cars such as the Leaf and the Volt could make up 9 percent of U.S. sales by 2020 and 22 percent by 2030. Another poll found that only one-fifth of drivers would consider buying an electric car, and about half wouldn’t be willing to pay more for either an EV or the associated infrastructure.

Battery Technology

Many kinds of promising batteries were under development in the “lab” stage, but few were commercialized due to cost and/or technological obstacles—often, a version of the “scale-up problem.” By comparison, the cost of lithium-ion technology was dropping rapidly and dependably. For example, Elon Musk predicted that the cost of operating battery-run vehicles would drop from around 1,000 U.S. dollars per kilowatt-hour (a standard metric of battery performance along with energy density) to less than 350 U.S. dollars by mid-decade.

Most owners would charge at home about 80 percent of the time, where charging an electric car with a standard 120-volt outlet could take up to 18 hours. Installation of a 240-volt outlet could bring this down to several hours but installation could cost from 300 to 1,800 U.S. dollars. Around 13,000 public chargers were expected to be installed by the end of 2011, mostly concentrated in the most viable regional markets.

Tesla’s IPO and Further Developments

Tesla “went public” in 2010 with a 100 million U.S. dollars IPO, and the public response to the stock offering was enthusiastic. However, owning stock brings voting rights and the proportional power of voting constituencies, something that Musk would have to deal with on every level. Now some of the most influential purse strings became different, and “Wall Street” became a major actor. Owning stock brings voting rights and the proportional power of voting constituencies, something that Musk would have to deal with.

Aside from improvements to the Roadster, Tesla realized that it was not the future of EVs or the company. Pioneer markets and technophiles would never, even en masse, alone constitute long-term socioeconomic change. They needed a successor to the Roadster and a viable stepping-stone toward building a mass-market EV. The response was the Model S. When it was announced as early as June 2008, the price point was 60,000 U.S. dollars—still a great deal of money for an underperforming mass-market consumer car. Still, that was only about half of what the Roadster was priced at. In one sense the move was necessary; but in another the Model S would likely cannibalize some Roadster sales, as there really was no other immediate competition for such vehicles.

There was probably no other clear path to the future of the technology than to field some stepping stones of Tesla’s own. In this way, the future might be proactively created.

A prototype Model S was unveiled in March 2009—the first production cars were not delivered to customers until the middle of 2012 at a price of 106,000 U.S. dollars. Tesla followers of all stripes started getting used to this pattern, but now the company was publicly owned.

This “public” was of another kind and it wasn’t just following the technology, but was also “following the money.” This group of stakeholders showed remarkable patience.

The company was extremely ambitious in the first place, so ambitious it simply was not surprising that the company’s amazing goals were only partially reached by announced deadlines, which were equally ambitious. Also, experts knew that these time frames were not unusual for the industry, where three to four years normally passed between a first prototype and initial production. Still, Tesla’s estimation by Wall Street continued to soar.

In June, the following article appeared:

(Linn June 5, 2010)

When rival automakers Toyota and GM decided in the early 1980s to build cars together at the Northern California NUMMI auto plant, many questioned whether the unusual arrangement would work out.

Nearly 30 years later, and only a month after Toyota followed GM’s footsteps in abandoning the NUMMI plant, Toyota has made another surprise decision: A $50 million investment in a small startup called Tesla, which plans to make electric cars at the NUMMI plant …

For Tesla, the deal … offers another measure of legitimacy as it begins the transition from offering a very expensive car on a very small scale to catering to a broader market...

What was then reported as something of a coup for Toyota—getting them access to Tesla technology and entrepreneurial verve—was obviously unappreciative of Tesla’s potential to learn from Toyota as well. One observer said, “for Toyota it doesn’t really matter if this particular experiment works or not … For Tesla, it’s obviously more important.” Said another more prophetically, “It’s very easy [for Tesla] to make one-off vehicles and handcraft them and charge a lot of money for them, vs. manufacturing them in huge volumes” (Linn 2010.) That would soon be eclipsed by what Musk apparently had in mind, which would bear little resemblance to the original GM–Toyota experience.

Before long, two things stood out about the refitted Fremont facility (Vance 2012). One was that it was highly robotized, a harbinger of the future of manufacturing industries across the board. More specifically to Tesla’s strategy, lithium-ion battery packs were also assembled in the car manufacturing plant. It was unusual for EV manufacturers to be that vertically integrated, producing batteries and entire vehicles in the same plant. Most auto producers outsourced battery production completely. Later, Tesla would produce batteries in the Nevada Gigafactory, decoupling battery and vehicle production but still maintaining vertical integration in the organizational sense—which is what it really means in terms of strategy.

The year 2011 began in the media at least, as a more sophisticated discussion as EVs became more mainstream and that kind of consumer experience began to accumulate and take shape. That is, the technophile and the wealthy environmentalist groups were still around and vocal, but the more populous mass-market voice began to emerge. The legitimacy this helped develop in turn helped develop attitudes about ideas that previously would have been quickly dismissed as, well, nutty. As examples beyond the Leaf, Volt, and Prius noted earlier, the menu offered by manufacturers became broader:

(Eisenstein January 12, 2011a)

… they’re hedging their bets, investing into … diesel, compressed natural gas and even hydrogen [fuel cells] that could increase the appeal of alternative power …

… how much of the market will convert to … plug-ins and pure battery-electric vehicles, is a subject of fierce debate. “It depends on a variety of factors,” including fuel costs, government regulations, subsidies, technical advances and especially customer acceptance.

There were clear overtones of true globalization developing, not just “export–import” business:

(Carney 2010)

  • Ford Focus Electric … about the same driving range as the Nissan Leaf...
  • Ford Transit Connect …minivan... aimed at commercial customers … 80-mile range …
  • Mitsubishi I-MiEV … less than $30,000 …the least expensive battery electric..
  • Honda Fit EV … 2012 … the same 100-mile range as most …
  • Tesla Roadster … has a six-figure price tag, so most buyers are wealthy consumers... helping to establish the Tesla brand name as the company plots more mainstream models.
  • Fisker … Like the Volt, backs up its battery. Like the Roadster, an exclusive price tag …
  • Think … from Norway… plans to sell the City in the U.S. in 2011 …
  • GEM … neighborhood electric vehicles …(starting at $7,500) … an appealing option.

And for the moment:

(Eisenstein 2011b)

… The options coming to market are broad, … [with] big SUVs, including the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Mercedes-Benz ML350 … There will be mainstream offerings, such as the Toyota RAV-4 Electric, and products from aggressive start-ups, such as Tesla’s new Model S sedan.

The Model S will aim to overcome one of the biggest drawbacks of battery power, offering buyers a choice of a base Model S with a range of 160-miles, or optional 230- or 300-mile battery packs, the latter adding $20,000 to the price tag.

Also and importantly, “field intelligence” reports like the following became more common, showing signs of an actual sequential displacement of one kind of consumer for another:

(Zax May 2, 2011)

… the average Volt driver is going 1,000 miles between gasoline fill-ups. And for the most part, Nissan Leaf owners are perfectly happy to do without the gas tank altogether …

… Volt owners are getting savvier about maximizing battery use and minimizing use of the car’s gasoline-powered “range extender” …

… the Volt gets the equivalent of 93 mpg on electricity alone, 37 mpg when the gasoline engine is running, and 60 mpg for combined battery-gasoline power. The Leaf gets a combined EPA rating of 99 miles per gallon equivalent.

The competitive domain (Narayanan 2000) was not only expanding, but also morphing in character. In traditional economic terms, the argument was whether EVs were part of the global auto “industry,” or whether EVs had become a new industry unto itself.

It is not an entirely academic argument, because analyses of things like “entry barriers” and “substitution” had clear and dramatic practical implications for strategy.

Exhibit 1.1 Five economic forces and the threat of entry

The Five Forces That Determine Industry Profitability

An enduring framework for analyzing industry profitability is Michael Por- ter’s (1980) five forces framework. Each of “the five” economic forces is an economic composite of more precise forces. This approach is backed by a cen- tury of empirical data and is about as powerful as economics gets. Business managers have much to gain from this wisdom, where applying it in business practice vies toward greater profitability as well as more profits. It is by exam- ining the economic structure of an industry whereby its inherent profitability can be determined both in rough size and its locus/source. It is important to bear in mind that five forces analysis complements the ILC model (Volume I).

The five forces are: (1) the intensity of industry rivalry; (2) the threat of entry; (3) the threat of substitution; (4) the bargaining power of buyers; and the (5) bargaining power of suppliers (Porter 1980). As an industry’s economic structure evolves, it is largely because of the way these five forces evolve. It is being able to foresee evolutionary change where dramatic decisions are in the offing. In the remainder of this insert, the first force will be summarized. As the discussions proceed, the other four will be addressed.

Threat of Entry

Regardless of whether one speaks of the EV industry, the U.S. automobile industry, the global auto industry, or anything else for analytical convenience, it is important to keep in mind that this force addresses the threat of a potential firm entering an existing industry. We can say that once the Roadster was introduced and appeared to be a commercial success, the Tesla threat had already turned into a competitive reality, at least from the present point of view. Past that, in the context of the present discussion this force really applies to rumors and announcements of future EV competition as well as surprises yet to come. See Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Components of the threat of entry

The threat of entry, i.e. threat to latent structural profitability is high when …

there are few economies of scale and new competitors enter at low overall cost of capital

the pool of potential new entrants grows: for example, technology diffuses as appropriability wanes

learning effects are not steep or can be obviated—that is, “invented around”

the appropriability regime is weak: for example, patents are easy to copy without fear of infringement

brand name recognition is weak and technology legitimacy is low: for example, during Introduction

distribution channels are available, or new: for example, in introduction and early-growth phases

regulatory policies—it depends. Each regulation bears individual inspection, and “regulations” also come from standardization institutions public, quasi-public, and private.

trade barriers such as tariffs—it depends.

As it concerns industry-wide profitability, the threat of entry is a price-subduing force. Sometimes, say during a major growth spurt, prices rise to the point of making it lucrative for other firms to enter. A common mistake is to confuse the threat or possibility of entry, with actual entry. Once a firm enters a fray, it becomes a rival. Since the issue is assessing the profitability of the industry, the impact of the threat is how it affects pricing flexibility to the point where the profits of Rivals entices others to enter and compete.

The procedure is to assess, one at a time, each of the items above in terms of whether it poses a threat to the firm’s profitability, or an opportunity for exploiting it. These become inputs to a thorough SWOT analysis later, where strengths and weaknesses are also assessed.

The first item in the table is highlighted because it was so critical to the Tesla story. Inherent economies of scale in auto manufacturing is an enduring “barrier to entry.” From the standpoint of the auto incumbency, it was a defensible barrier to their existing profitability. From the standpoint of Tesla, it was something that had to be established, at very great cost, in order to be competitive in mass markets.

Beyond the IPO

By the end of 2012, Tesla had sold a total of only about 2,450 cars (Vance 2012); interesting, hardly a competitive threat. By late 2014, however, Tesla’s market cap was about 28 billion U.S. dollars (Baer 2014), about half of what it would be just a few years later and surpassing all other U.S. auto makers. Many people thought this portrayed a firm-specific “bubble.” That much was probably true, but present reality is not the issue in market valuation.

Stock prices reflect future expectations monetized in present terms. The present stock price reflects expectations of future earnings, calculated in net present value (NPV) terms.

Much concerning expectations, then, at about the same time another Tesla model was announced, a habit that became worrisome not only as a sign of product proliferation, but also a dilution of effort and capital as a financial one. The Model X SUV was promised for first deliveries in 2014, but this did not happen until late 2015. It was priced even higher than the Model S. Originally announced to be priced from 65,000 to 80,000 U.S. dollars, the Model X upon first delivery was priced at 132,000 U.S. dollars, about 5,000 U.S. dollars more than the Model S, but it was projected to have an impressive range of between 230 and 300 miles on a charge. However, early reports of vehicle reliability were bad and threatened the overall viability of the Model X. Tesla responded rapidly with improvements, and consumer loyalty to the still-emerging brand was resuscitated. Advancements in technologies related to basic performance were more important to the pioneer consumers than reliability issues that were quickly fixed anyway.

Tesla buyers were demonstrating remarkable loyalty, paradoxically to some observers, while the brand capital on Wall Street grew. Despite some agonizing problems in the present, they should not be reflected in the present stock price of a company unless it is felt that the company will not resolve them, at least not at a cost that could be considered strategically prohibitive—that is, a poor use of investment capital regardless of the efficacy of the fix.

Past performance, even the past quarter, should be irrelevant unless an investor feels that the same will repeat; not just as a matter of resolving a competence, but perhaps economically “structural,” intransigent.

“Brand capital” can be instrumental during bad times. Brand capital is difficult and time-consuming to build, and relatively easy to wreck. And then of course, brand capital does not always translate into hard investment capital. Conversely, while Tesla was developing star-like status on the Wall Street, the EV price was still a large impediment to achieving long-term goals, and that, of course, pointed more and more at cost management—specifically, production costs once a vehicle design is frozen (an engineering term that marks readiness for production go ahead).

It could be asserted that Tesla stock was in a bubble, though the overvaluation was difficult to measure. The “invisible hand” of a free capital market is said to be the best at resolving such measurement difficulties over the long term.

Meanwhile, consumers were being asked to pay roughly twice originally announced target prices. Was this becoming a permanent pattern? Also, by this time many of the major global auto makers were starting to catch on to the Tesla threat and respond with major announcements of their own. Non-U.S. car manufacturers would become especially problematic, and their home markets were more sensitive to environmental concerns. In fact, it was foreseen early that the largest market for EVs by far would be China.

Tesla’s forward supply chain concept was novel, controversial, and legally challenged in many states (Vance 2012). Rather than having traditional, independent dealerships to deal with, Tesla set up a chain of its own “stores” in areas popular to buyers of pricey items. By the end of the year, Tesla planned to have 34 stores worldwide. In a store, a Model S was available for viewing, but not for sale. There would be another display of the chassis and drive chain only because after all, that was the heart and soul of the EV concept from a hardware point of view. Everything else about the car was state of the art, and in some ways futuristic. Stores also had interactive touchscreen devices where prospective buyers could fashion a Model S to their own tastes and check pricing. This point-of-sale concept found pockets of acceptance and defiance, and in some places was outlawed to protect dealership jobs.

Salespersons were not on commission, because for one thing at that time Tesla was merely taking reservations for a Model S for a refundable down payment of 1,000 U.S. dollars (Vance 2012). The number of people making reservations became so remarkably large as to be a danger sign if Tesla failed to come through on production promises. It was impossible to know how many takers would demand refunds, when, and exactly why. Technically it was a gigantic accounting liability as well as being an equally gigantic asset.

Fortunately, after the Model S was released in 2013, it was awarded the prestigious Motor Trend Car of the Year. It quickly outsold other large luxury sedans made by Mercedes, BMW, and others. This was a remarkable milestone from every point of view, especially vehicle technology and design. This was not the repetition of the Model X introduction. Priced at a much-improved 50,000 U.S. dollars, the Model S was touted to travel 300 miles on a charge, demonstrating that EVs had made great progress in these two, foremost metrics of success—that is, performance and price. Standing apart from all the chaotic technological variety in the field, Tesla and the Model S especially were held up as major advancements during 2013 (Bullis 2013). Tesla maintained its brand loyalty, something that would become tested over and again:

(No author November 21, 2013)

Tesla Motors Inc … won a near-perfect score for its Model S electric car in an annual owner-satisfaction survey conducted by influential magazine Consumer Reports

The results offer a rare piece of good news for Tesla … after three cars caught fire in less than two months. This week, U.S. regulators launched a safety probe into the Model S.

“Owners of the Tesla Model S gave it the highest owner-satisfaction score Consumer Reports has seen in years: 99 out of 100,” the magazine said.

(Egan December 24, 2013)

[Tesla stock] soared 5% Tuesday morning after a federal safety agency reaffirmed the five-star safety rating of the electric car maker’s Model S despite recent fire incidents.

Tesla said its vehicles are five times less likely to suffer a fire than the average gasoline car and noted there haven’t been any serious injuries or deaths “for any reason ever, fire or otherwise, in a Model S.”

It is not true that being an early leader always confers a “first-mover advantage,” unless there are barriers created in the act of being first. Examples abound where “fast-followers” ruled in the end.

Still, it is an envious place to be, if not always a sustainably advantageous place:

(Bullis 7, 2013)

Tesla’s Model S is expensive (it ranges from $70,000 to over $100,000), but its range is 265 miles, more than triple that of Nissan’s Leaf (75 miles)... Tesla hopes to [build] a nationwide network of charging stations that can deliver 200 miles of charge in about half an hour …

... Even when you factor in … power plants that produce the electricity to power the cars … electric cars produce about 40 percent less carbon dioxide and ozone than conventional cars.

But … electric cars still are haunted by … high costs and less-than-optimal batteries.

Those few themes resonated time and again, as they had for over a century. At any rate, on most fronts, Tesla seemed to be the industry leader. Its own (with Panasonic) lithium-ion batteries were seen as design state-of-the art—including safety considerations—and to soon plummet in production cost. The Model 3 was already being envisaged, a leap ahead from even the Model S in being mainstream, as made evident by the expected price of 35,000 U.S. dollars. Its charging-station approach and technology were a good overall model for range extension, cost to consumers, and technological standardization—a factor that cannot be underestimated in its importance to survivability if not dominance.

Said the GM CEO, Tesla has “gone from being the quirky little media darling to being something that is definitely making people in the industry think” (Bullis 2013).

They Don’t Call It Capital-ism for Nothing

In the very middle of the decade, Musk hoped to be manufacturing 100 Model Ss a day. The year 2015 began like this:

(Tobak January 19, 2015)

… while the company gets an average of $100,000 plus per vehicle … it still can’t make a profit.

Musk recently said the company could be profitable today if not for its ambitious growth targets…

The truth is, Tesla faces several significant growth and profitability hurdles …

… it’s hard to imagine an all-electric car company going mainstream … Even if the demand for electric cars is there, you can bet the big guys will be all over it.

At that point another major announcement was made, in a fashion that was becoming characteristically Musk and Tesla. In a tweet sent on October 1, 2014, Musk teased Tesla followers by announcing, in effect, the Model D. The D stood for dual motor, which translated into sensational acceleration. Of course, all EVs had great acceleration anyway.

The D would also have some autopilot features, something that would dominate news in the automotive world before too much more time passed. An unveiling happened on October 9, receiving intense and widespread press coverage. Musk did the honors. However, the arguably premature release of the poorly named “autopilot” feature caused quite a headache and was possibly one of the true blunders Tesla made during this time. In a word, the word autopilot could be easily confused with the ideas behind words like “autonomous” and “driverless,” and confused public perception about a fatality. This was to be a period when the media, as the voice of the Wall Street investment community, made its concerns more clearly understood:

(No author January 27, 2015)

… Tesla will need to continue increasing the volume of cars they sell in order to gain economies of scale to lower their prices. The more cars Tesla produces, the less it will cost per vehicle for the fixed costs involved in manufacturing each car…

… but Tesla will need to find ways to reduce their variable costs as well, in order to reach a price point most consumers can afford, while still making profit on each sale... the company could be profitable today if not for its ambitious growth targets.

A few months later, a highly related theme addressed capital expenditures, since large investments in plant and equipment would be needed to achieve the needed economies of scale and subsequently, true profitability and not merely profit:

(Rocco February 11, 2015)

… Operating expenses almost doubled year-over-year to $336.5 million.

Fourth-quarter gross margin came in at 27.4%, or 26.7% on an adjusted basis. Excluding emissions credits, gross margin was 22%...

Tesla said it believes the company can achieve a … gross margin of 30% for the Model S by the final quarter. Margins are expected to hit 26% overall in the current quarter.

… capital spending and operating expenses will continue to increase in 2015.

Gross margin is a metric that is important in auto manufacturing and is always reported on income statements in annual reports. It is not the same as profit, or earnings, not literally and figuratively that “bottom line,” but it comes close, and is gross sales revenues less operating costs.

The difference between gross margin and profit is, mostly, taxes and interest paid on debt. The latter is the major part of the difference between accounting profit and EVA:

(No author May 6, 2015)

… Tesla is posting record volume and says it is on track to deliver 55,000 vehicles this year, but investments in its network of fast-charging stations, and the development of its forthcoming Model X sport-utility vehicle and other future products widened losses …

… the company said the gross margin on its Model S sedan was on plan at 26% of revenue... Analysts closely watch gross margin because it shows the company’s efficiency as it reaches higher levels of production and scale.

Managing capital-as-money and capital-as-equipment were not distinct financial and operational problems, respectively, but in strategic terms were just two major parts of one overall problem—EVA and true competitive advantage (Volume 1).

Consciously or coincidentally, the author of the following article used the word “capabilities” in a correct and meaningful way:

(Keith August 18, 2015)

… Tesla’s path to profitability relies on … the accumulation of production experience [and to] realize economies of scale in manufacturing, driving down battery and vehicle costs...

… if battery costs do not come down as planned, vehicle costs will remain high and sales low, slowing … further battery cost reductions. By investing aggressively in battery production capacity, R&D, and fast-charging availability, Tesla is building the capabilities that it hopes will keep these feedbacks turning in the right direction.

The words “and to” were inserted in the above article to make clearer that the accumulation of experience does not lead to an economy of scale. Accumulation of experience achieves a “learning effect” as well as greater efficiencies as depicted by a declining average unit cost curve, but these are not economy of scale (Volume II).

After that, one could almost predict the following article a few months later. It was becoming more obvious that a total system would be needed not only at the Freemont plant and the Gigafactory, and not only between those two systematically, but all along supply chains to include recharging infrastructures:

(McLaughlin August 14, 2015)

… Tesla isn’t just building cars; it is also building a vertically integrated supply chain and a proprietary recharging network … greater investment is required by Tesla to build these multiple businesses simultaneously …

Tesla’s path to profitability relies on harnessing the … feedbacks to bring down battery costs rapidly and grow the global market for electric vehicles. Growth in Tesla sales will accelerate the accumulation of production experience, [and to] realize economies of scale in manufacturing.

Production and supply chain skills would vie with product development skills to be the core value-adding capability across the company. This is what the ILC (Volume 1) would predict, assuming a strategy aimed at mass-markets.


This chapter covered events from Tesla’s beginnings in the late 1990s, though to incorporation, IPO, and a little beyond. The year 2010 was particularly pivotal in the life of Tesla as it is for any company that goes public. The event gave Tesla access to a virtually unlimited amount of Wall Street capital, but of course exposed the fiduciaries to endless public scrutiny and in the present case, media attention. Wall Street specifically, though not all investor groups across the board, shows a strong bias toward the short-term and really, quarterly earnings reports and annual results. Corporate strategists are compelled to think in longer terms, if for no other reason that capital investments usually take several years to even begin generating revenue, no less a return on the principle fully remunerated at last.

During this period, Tesla commercialized the Roadster and the Model S, aligned strategically with the company’s initial incorporation and then the IPO, respectively. In retrospect, one could argue whether the Roadster was a “real car” for a valid market, or a prototype fielded experimentally to gain experience for greater ambitions in global, mass markets. Even then, the Model S was a great advancement past the Roadster but still, most marketable to technophiles and wealthy enthusiasts.

To reach mass markets, vehicle range had to improve, and sticker price had to come down. There was no other path to profitability.

This rendition of the century-long electric auto story was taking on the shape of a real global industry, not just an exciting product class, and not only for pioneer markets. However, from any business proposition, overall profitability was still problematic, and that was the expectation (or lack of it) that drove investor interest and Wall Street capitalization. Fortunately for the company, the Tesla investment community was prepared to postpone profits for a while longer, and the founders stuck to the original vision. Corporate strategy was plainly becoming key to success, not just technological innovation. Still, the major obstacles were technological.


Define each of the following terms individually, and then compare and contrast them in the pairs shown:

Profitability and profit

Economic profit and accounting profit

Economic forces and threat of entry

Barrier to entry and economy of scale

Capital (as money, as equipment, as property) and capital expenditure

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