
abstract 475

abstract classes 340, 457, 473

abstract data 8

abstract data type 194

abstraction 10

access permission 229

access specifiers 340, 341

actual and formal arguments 154

address operator 35

advantages of inheritance 340

advantages of OOP 15

AI and expert systems 17


allocation of memory 288

ampersand 401

anonymous objects 258, 283, 298

another class type 321


applications with constructors 260

array of pointers 457, 469

array 79, 428, 430, 431, 434

arrow 193

arrow operator 407

ASCII character 32

assembly language 445

assignment 108

assignment operator 333

associate left-to-right 108

associate right-to-left 108


base class 341, 346, 412

basic data type 76, 86, 321

binary operators 336

binding in C++ 457, 458, 459, 475

BIT fields 56

bool 126

break 136

buffering 23

bugs 152

byte code 17


C and C++ I/O functions 36

C increment operator ++ 1

C++ 15

CAD/CAM software 17

call by address 158

call by reference 158

call by value 158

callee functions 158

caller 158

calling constructors and destructors 258, 276

calling function 171

calling methods 276

char type 195

characteristics of constructors and destructors 260

characters 86

Charm ++ 15

cin 118

class 194, 223, 341

class instantiation 195

class member access operator 333

class pointers 406

classes 77, 189, 254

client/server programming 17

clrscr( ) 118


code duplication 153, 171

code reusability 153

comma in place of curly braces 76, 119

comma operator 76, 117

common constructor 340

compile 205

compiler 351, 367

compound class 360

concrete classes 491

conditional 108

conditional constructor 278

conditional operator 332

console I/O 48

const 238

const keyword 103, 169, 255

constant pointer 76, 105

constant variable 169

constants 76, 78, 103

constraint on increment and decrement operators 302, 312

constream 307

constructor 263, 269, 345, 351, 355

constructor and destructor with static members 258, 295

constructors and destructors 258, 259

constructors and virtual functions 457, 487

constructors with arguments 258, 264

constructors with default arguments 258, 269

containership 379

continue 136, 138

control statements 119

conversion from basic data type to user 336

conversion from class type to basic data type 323, 336

conversion from one class type to another class type 325, 337

conversion routine 333, 336

copy constructors 258, 271

cout 118

custom built I/O objects 68


data abstraction 10

data hiding 11, 189

data member 9, 273

data structure 8

data types in C++ 76, 86

debug 152

decision-making statements 125, 126

default 138

default arguments 152, 166, 269

default constructor 260, 261, 348

deference operator 399

definition of a function 154

delegation 15, 379

delete 114, 442, 443, 449, 452

delete operator 290

dereferencing 110

derived class 341, 346, 412

derived data type 76, 88

derived type 86

destination stream 21

destructor 258, 274, 351, 355, 449

destructor and virtual functions 457, 490

disadvantages of inheritance 340

dissimilar data types 254

divide-and-conquer technique 153

dos.h 440

dot 193

dot operator 195, 407, 409

double slash 117

do-while 138, 148

dummy CPU 17

dynamic 458, 459

dynamic binding 13, 469, 475, 491

dynamic construction 298

dynamic destruction 298

dynamic initialization 76, 84

dynamic initialization using constructors 258, 286

dynamic objects 452

dynamic operators and constructors 258, 288


empty classes 244

encapsulation 11, 189

enum keyword 103

escape sequence 64

evolution of C++ 1

explicit call 265

external functions 6

extraction operator 25, 336


far 441

far pointers 439, 440

flags without BIT field 59

flexible language 17

formatted and unformatted data 25

formatted console I/O operations 48

formatted input and output 48


FP_OFF ( ) 440

FP_SEG( ) 440

free( ) 114

friend 229

friend class 237, 352

friend function 189, 313, 314, 316, 318, 319, 335, 352

friends 350

function call 154, 156

function call delimiter/operator 333

function declarator 156

function definition 156

function inline 203

function overloading 152, 173

function prototype 154, 155, 166

functions 79


garbage memory 404

genericity 15

global variable 222, 255

goto 4, 136


has a relationship 15, 379

heap 443

hexadecimal format 35

hierarchical inheritance 340, 353

huge 441

hybrid inheritance 340, 353


identifiers 76, 79

if 126

if-else-if 138

implicit call 260, 265

implicit type conversion 102

implicit typecasting 99

inbuilt data types 102

independent objects 14

indirect recursion 249

indirection operator 399, 409

information 86

inheritance 11, 340, 352

inline function 152, 171, 189, 199, 204, 205

input/output functions 20

input and output in C++ 499

input stream 25

inputting default arguments 152, 170

insertion operator 25, 334

instruction 171

interface 11

internal conversion 178

internet programming 17

iomanip.h 60, 65

ios 24

ios class 48

iostream library 20

iostream.h 24


istream 24

item 201


Java 15

Java compiler 17

jump statements 4

JVM 17


key concepts of object-oriented programming 7

keyword struct 91

keyword class or struct 291

keywords 76, 78, 79, 254


LValues and RValues 152, 163

late 469

late binding 458

left-hand operand 314, 318

library functions 20, 152

literal constant 103

local variable 222

local vs global object 258, 297

long 97

loop statement 119

loops in C/C++ 125, 142


machine code 17

macros of C 172

main( ) as a constructor and destructor 258, 290

main( ) function in C and C++ 152

malloc( ) 446

manipulator with one parameter 65, 66

manipulators 48, 60

member function 14, 189, 199, 203, 255, 313, 341, 345, 346

member functions of istream class 44

member operator 332

memory address 171

memory dynamically 114

memory management operators 76, 114

memory variable 88

message passing 13, 158

modular programming 7, 153

monolithic programming 4

multilevel inheritance 340, 353

multipath inheritance 340, 353, 365

multiple constructors 267

multiple conversion routines 336

multiple inheritance 25, 340, 353, 358


near 441

near pointers 439

nested derivation 352

nested for loops 125, 144

network programming 17

new 114, 442, 449, 452

new and delete operators 288

new operator 290

non-static objects 274

null character 288, 430


object 407, 427, 451

object as a class member 340

object code 17

object locator 163

object slicing 457, 484, 486

object-oriented DBMS 17

object-oriented languages 15

object-oriented platform 20

object-oriented programming 7

object-oriented technology 2, 17

objects 189, 226, 341

office automation software 17

one argument constructor 288

one argument constructor and operator function 302, 333

operator 78, 110, 161, 401

operator ( ) function 310

operator keyword 466

operator overloading 303

operator return type 302, 310

operators in C and C++ 76, 106

operators new and delete 260

ostream 24

output devices 20

output stream 27

overloaded constructor 286

overloaded operators 305, 336

overloading 246

overloading binary operators 302, 313

overloading binary operators using friend function 314

overloading binary operators using member function 313

overloading constructors 258, 266

overloading member function 189, 340

overloading operators 332

overloading stream operators 302, 334

overloading unary operators 307

overloading with friend function 302, 318

override 350


parameterized constructors 264

parts of C++ program 76, 77

parts of function 152, 154

passing arguments 152, 158

pointer 105, 388, 398, 404, 422

pointer of base class 460

pointer to derived class objects 457, 461

pointer to member operator 332

pointer variables 286

pointers and inheritance 340

polymorphism 12, 173, 303, 457, 469, 491

portability 17

postfix 424

postfix or prefix operation 312

precautions with function overloading 152, 181

precedence of operators in C++ 76, 108

pre-defined streams 22

preprocessor directive 153

preprocessor symbols 332

principles of function overloading 152, 176

private 194, 197, 254

private constructors and destructors 258, 285

private function 202

private inheritance 340, 346, 347

private members 341, 346

procedure oriented languages 3

procedures or subroutines 3

program execution before main( ) 258, 293

programming paradigms 4

promotion 102

propagandized 391

protected 198

protected data 340, 347

prototype of operator functions 305

public 194, 197, 254

public keyword 196

public member function 346

public members 346

pure virtual functions 457, 471


qualifier and nested classes 258, 280

qualifier classes and inheritance 340


recursion 298

recursive constructor 258, 291

recursive member function 189

reference variable 111, 164

referencing 110

referencing (&) and dereferencing (*) operators 76

releasing memory 288

return 204

return by reference 152, 164

return statement 154, 156

return( ) 136

returning more values by reference 152, 165

reusability 14, 391

right-hand operand 314, 318

rules for overloading operators 302, 331

rules for virtual functions 457

run-time 84

RValues (right values) 163


scope access 108

scope access operator 76, 113, 297, 332

scope of the statement 119

semi-colon 117

set_new_handler 446

short 97

signed 97

simple inheritance 340, 341, 352


single inheritance 340, 353, 354

single step 293

size of operator 332

sizeof( ) 114

smalltalk 15

source program 17

source stream 21

special character 78

stack 445

standard I/O objects 22

static 212, 218, 222, 458

static binding 491

static data member 296

static member functions 255

stepwise 293

stream classes 24

streambuf 25

streams in C++ 21

strlen( ) function 128

struct 194, 223

struct keyword 196

structure 77, 254, 385

structured programming 5

structures 189, 351

subscripting operator 333

subtraction of two objects 331

swapping messages 14

switch ( ) case 126, 136

symbolic constant 103

symbols 86

syntaxes of the language 77

system software 17


the break statement 125, 137

the const argument 152, 169

the const objects 258, 273

the continue statement 125, 137

the do-while loop 125, 148

the for loop 125

the goto statement 125, 136

the if-else statement 125, 128

the jump statement 125, 136

the keyword operator 302, 305

the nested if-else statement 125, 130

the nested switch( ) case statement 125, 141

the switch case statement 125, 138

the void data type 76

the while loop 125, 145

this 286, 449

this pointer 411

to downward 134

tokens 78

triangular number 292

two-argument constructor 288

typecasting 76

typecasting with cout statement 31

type conversion 302, 321

type modifiers 76, 97

typecast operator 99

typedef 223

types of inheritances 340

types of tokens 78


unary 108

unary ++ operator 307

unformatted console I/O operations 25

union 260, 350

union variable number 94

unsigned 97

usage of C++ 17

usage of OOP 17

user-defined data type 76, 91, 321

user-defined manipulators 63

user-defined output functions 48

user-defined type 86

variables 78

virtual 260, 366, 459

virtual base classes 340

virtual class 25

virtual destructors 457, 488, 489

virtual function 457, 459, 465, 466, 472, 473, 491

virtual functions in derived classes 457, 483

virtual keyword 460

void 203, 403

void data type 86

void operator 305

void pointers 402

vtable 483

while 138, 148

wild pointer 404

working of virtual functions 457, 475

wrapping around 76, 98


zero-argument constructor 288

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