Every programming language supports functions in two categories: (1) user-defined functions, and (2) language-supplied functions (also known as library functions). To begin with, let us start with user-defined functions.

6.1 Functions in Java

In most object-oriented languages, either functions belong to a class or they do not belong to any particular class (free or global). In Java, every function must be a part of some class. There is no concept of free or global function.

Functions are small pieces of code doing a particular task. Functions are called methods in Java. Hence, the name of the topic should have been “methods in Java”.

So far, we have not introduced objects. Hence, you may not appreciate the significance of keyword static at this stage. For the time being, let us assume that it is just a syntax requirement.

Let us study a simple method convert which converts amount in rupees and paise into paise.

Problem: Write a function convert() to convert rupees and paise into paise.

Solution: See Program 6.1.


PROGRAM 6.1 Conversion to Paise


 class method2


  public static void main(String args[])

    { int rupees=3;

      int paise =25;

      int total;

      total = convert(rupees,paise);

      System.out.println(“Total paise = “ + total);


  public static int convert(int x, int y)

    { int temp;

      temp = x*100 + y;

      return temp;



The following output is obtained on running Program 6.1.



 Total paise = 325

6.1.1 Syntax of methods

A method has a header line and a body.

The header line consists of

  • optional access specifier
  • return type
  • method name
  • optional parameter list

The body consists of a block. Block means zero or more statement within curly brackets. If the return type is anything other than void, the last statement must be return statement.

Please note that access specifier (like public or private) is optional. Also, methods may not have any parameters.

6.2 Recursive Functions

Like most programming languages, functions can call themselves. This technique is called recursion. There are both advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Let us first see a common example.

Problem: Write a function factorial using recursive technique.

Solution: See Program 6.2.


PROGRAM 6.2 Introducing Recursion


 //     demonstrates recursion

 class factor5

 {  static int factorial ( int number)

      { System.out.println(“parameter value = “ + number);

        if (number<=1) return 1 ;


              return number*factorial(number -1);


    public static void main(String args[])

      { int number = 8 ;

        int result;

        // it is assumed that number is >= 2 result = factorial( number );


        System.out.println(“number=” + number);

        System.out.println(“The factorial is : “ + result);



The following output is obtained on running Program 6.2.



 parameter value = 8

 parameter value = 7

 parameter value = 6

 parameter value = 5

 parameter value = 4

 parameter value = 3

 parameter value = 2

 parameter value = 1



 The factorial is : 40320

Advantages of recursion: If you see the aforementioned code, there is only one critical line.

 number*factorial(number -1);

It does the task of finding the factorial. It means that the code written is small and crisp (in most of the cases). Many data structures are recursive in nature. Their handling becomes easy using recursion. The tree structure is the most common example. There are two interesting programs ahead in the text which emphasize the advantage of recursion. One is listing all the files in a directory. Another builds and displays a binary search tree.

Disadvantages of recursion: If a code is not written carefully, there is a chance that program goes in a loop. Recursive methods normally require more memory and possibly more time too.

When to use recursion: As a rule of thumb, recursion should be used if we are dealing with algorithms which are recursive in nature or data structures which are recursive in definition (e.g. tree).

When not to use recursion: Recursion should not be used when we can code without it without any difficulty. Hence, factorial is not a good case for recursion.

6.3 Parameter Passing

Right from our school days, we know that most of the functions have parameters. Consider method sin(x). Here x is the parameter. The method calculates the value of sine of x. In this sense, parameter x is an input to the method.

The basic method of passing parameters in Java is pass-by-value. It means that if the method modifies the parameter, its effect will not remain after the method is over. It may be noted that in other languages like Pascal and C/C++, parameters can be passed in two different ways (pass-by-value and pass-by-reference).

Passing of parameters can be divided into two sections: (1) passing parameters of simple or primitive type (like int and char), and (2) passing parameters aggregate of type (like objects or arrays).

6.3.1 Simple data types as parameters

Ordinary parameters are passed-by-value. This implies that when a method modifies it; the modified value will exist till the method is running. As soon as the method ends (returns), value of the parameter will be as earlier. In other words, copy of the parameter is passed. Hence, the original parameter value remains intact.

Let us try a simple program.

Problem: Write a program to show that the method clear() fails to clear an integer parameter.

Solution: See Program 6.3.


PROGRAM 6.3 Passing Parameters


 class para1

 { public static void main(String args[])

     { int marks = 95 ;


       System.out.println(“ before clear marks = “ + marks);


       System.out.println(“ after clear marks = “ + marks);


   public static void clear(int n)

     { n = 0;



The following output is obtained on running Program 6.3.




 before clear marks = 95

 after clear marks = 95

Figure 6.1 Pass-by-Value

Figure 6.1 Pass-by-Value

The principle of Program 6.3 can be shown in Figure 6.1.

Can you imagine what will happen if someone writes a method swap for swapping two integers? Program 6.3 tells us that such a method would simply fail. If we want to swap two integers, say m and n (or any simple variables for that matter), we should write the standard three line code in place of function swap. The code is as follows:

 temp = m;

 m=n ;

 n= temp;

6.3.2 Objects as parameters

So far we have seen simple data types as parameters. In Java, we can also pass objects as parameters. As mentioned earlier, there is only one way to pass parameters, that is pass-by-value. This is true. But in Java, objects are created with the help of object reference (something like a pointer in C/C++). Hence, when we pass objects as parameter, they effectively get passed by reference. Hence, changes made by a method are seen even after the method is over.

Java creates arrays and strings with the help operator new. Java treats them as objects. Therefore, passing arrays or strings also behaves in the same manner.

Let us write a small program and test how an array behaves when passed as a parameter.

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate the fact that when an array is passed as a parameter, it is passed by reference.

Solution: See Program 6.4.


PROGRAM 6.4 Array as Parameter


 class ref1

 { public static void main(String args[])

     { int A[]= { 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 };

       int i, n = 5 ;

       System.out.println(“before clear A[3] = “ +A[3]);


       System.out.println(“after clear A[3] = “ +A[3]);


   public static void clear(int X[],int n)

     { int i;


         X[i] =0;



The following output is obtained on running Program 6.4.



 before clear A[3] = 50

 after clear A[3] = 0

The principle of passing parameters by reference is shown in Figure 6.2.

6.4 Method swap

Swapping is a very common process in programming. It is needed in many applications. Sorting is a common example. Swapping means exchanging. Let us see what happens if we try to write method swap for swapping objects.

Earlier we had mentioned that ordinary variables cannot be swapped. But the previous example has shown that the contents of an object can change. It means that swapping of objects is possible. Let us try it in a program.

Figure 6.2 Pass-by-Reference

Figure 6.2 Pass-by-Reference

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate the method swap to exchange two objects.

Solution: See Program 6.5.


PROGRAM 6.5 Swapping Objects I


 class marks

 {       int a;


 class swap1

 { public static void main(String args[])

       {   marks ramesh,suresh;

           ramesh=new marks();

           suresh=new marks();




           System.out.println(“---> starts<---“);

           System.out.println(“Ramesh “ + ramesh.a );

           System.out.println(“Suresh “ + suresh.a );


   static void swap(marks X,marks Y)

   {   marks temp=new marks();






The following output is obtained on running Program 6.5.



 ---> starts<---

 Ramesh 90

 Suresh 80

We observe that the desired result “swapping of objects” is not obtained on running Program 6.5. To obtain the desired result, let us study Program 6.6.

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate method SWAP to swap the two objects.

Solution: See Program 6.6.


PROGRAM 6.6 Swapping Objects II


 class marks

 {        int a;


 class swap2

 {   public static void main(String args[])

        { marks ramesh,suresh;

          ramesh=new marks();

          suresh=new marks();




          System.out.println(“---> starts<---“);

          System.out.println(“Ramesh “ + ramesh.a );

          System.out.println(“Suresh “ + suresh.a );


     static void SWAP(marks X,marks Y)

      { marks temp=new marks();






The following output is obtained on running Program 6.6.



 ---> starts<---

 Ramesh 80

 Suresh 90

Now, the desired result is obtained. Please note that when we swap objects in a method we should swap all the fields of the objects individually. (Concept of fields will be clear when we discuss objects in Chapter 7.)

Let us summarize the process of swapping.

  1. If we want to swap two ordinary variables, do it just as it is done in any programming language, for example

       temp = a;

       a = b;

       b = temp;

    Simple code, no parameters no methods! If you want to swap p and q at some other place, write a similar (not same) code at that place.

  2. If we want to swap two objects, write and use method swap. That method should swap all fields individually as shown in Program 6.6.

6.5 In-built Methods or Library Methods

Java has defined many packages and classes for the use of the programmer. They contain highly useful methods. Since all of us are familiar with number crunching and mathematics, let us have a look at methods found in class Math. Table 6.1 summarizes the important methods from class Math.


Table 6.1 Methods Summary: Class Math

static double abs(double a) Returns the absolute value of a double value
static float abs(float a) Returns the absolute value of a float value
Static int abs(int a) Returns the absolute value of an int value
static long abs(long a) Returns the absolute value of a long value
static double acos(double a) Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range of 0.0 through pi
static double asin(double a) Returns the arc sine of an angle, in the range of –pi/2 through pi/2
static double atan(double a) Returns the arc tangent of an angle, in the range of –pi/2 through pi/2
static double atan2(double y, double x) Converts rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar (r, theta)
static double cbrt(double a) Returns the cube root of a double value
static double ceil(double a) Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer
static double cos(double a) Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle
static double cosh(double x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a double value
static double exp(double a) Returns Euler’s number e raised to the power of a double value
static double expm1(double x) Returns ex–1
static double floor(double a) Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer
static double hypot(double x, double y) Returns sqrt(x2 + y2) without intermediate overflow or underflow
static double IEEEremainder (double f1, double f2) Computes the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard
static double log(double a) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a double value
static double log10(double a) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a double value
static double log1p(double x) Returns the natural logarithm of the sum of the argument and 1
static double max(double a, double b) Returns the greater of two double values
static float max(float a, float b) Returns the greater of two float values
Static int max(int a, int b) Returns the greater of two int values
static long max(long a, long b) Returns the greater of two long values
static double min(double a, double b) Returns the smaller of two double values
static float min(float a, float b) Returns the smaller of two float values
Static int min(int a, int b) Returns the smaller of two int values
static long min(long a, long b) Returns the smaller of two long values
static double pow(double a, double b) Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument
static double random() Returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
static double rint(double a) Returns the double value that is closest in value to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer
static long round(double a) Returns the closest long to the argument
Static int round(float a) Returns the closest int to the argument
static double signum(double d) Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, and –1.0 if the argument is less than zero
static float signum(float f) Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0f if the argument is greater than zero, and –1.0f if the argument is less than zero
static double sin(double a) Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle
static double sinh(double x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a double value
static double sqrt(double a) Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value
static double tan(double a) Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle
static double tanh(double x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a double value
static double toDegrees(double angrad) Converts an angle measured in radians into an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees
static double toRadians(double angdeg) Converts an angle measured in degrees into an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians
static double ulp(double d) Returns the size of an ulp of the argument
static float ulp(float f) Returns the size of an ulp of the argument

Please note that Table 6.1 contains many transcendental functions. The functions which are not algebraic are called transcendental functions. These functions include exponential and trigonometric functions.

We will see a few methods in action in Section 6.6. Java provides many useful classes. These classes provide programmers with useful methods. These methods will be discussed as and when needed.

6.6 End of Chapter Programs

6.6.1 Method pow()

A story from a village goes as follows. A poor old man celebrated his hundredth birthday. All the villagers were thrilled with the idea that someone from their village could be so lucky. They contributed generously and presented a purse of Rs. 1000 to him. The old man said, “If I had got this gift at my birth, I would have been ‘Karodpati’ by now”.

Let us test whether what the old man thought is accurate or not with the help of a program.

Problem: Write a program to demonstrate the power of method pow() from class Math.

Solution: Assume that the villager in the aforementioned story deposited the money in a bank at 10% compound interest.

Normally, we use R for rate specified as percent. Then r is used as rate per unit and is calculated as R/100.

If one invests Re. 1 at rate r per unit, after N years he gets back (1 + r) raised to N.

Hence, method pow is handy in calculations.

See Program 6.7.


PROGRAM 6.7 Use of Method pow()


 class pow1


   public static void main(String args[])

     {   double deposit= 1000.00 ;

         double R = 10.0 ;

         double r = R /100.0 ;

         double amount=0;


         amount = deposit * Math.pow( (1.0+r) , 100);

         System.out.println(“The amount is : “ + (long)amount);



The following output is obtained on running Program 6.7.




 The amount is : 13780612

6.6.2 Method Math.atan2( )

The method atan() helps us getting arctan in the range –pi/2 to +pi/2. If we consider a problem of rectangular to polar coordinates, we want angle in all possible (four) coordinates. Hence, Java supplies an additional method atan2(). Let us check it in action.

Problem: Write a program to find an angle theta for a point with given x and y coordinates.

Solution: For simplicity, let us take a condition x = y. If the point is in the first quadrant, the angle should be pi/4. If the point is in the third quadrant, the angle should be 3*pi/4. Figure 6.3 illustrates the use of method atan() to find angle theta.

See Program 6.8.


PROGRAM 6.8 Method atan2()


 class pt1


   public static void main(String args[])

     {   double x1 = 1.0, y1=1.0 ;

         double x3 = -1.0,y3=-1.0 ;

         double theta1,theta3 ;

         double pi_by_4= Math.PI / 4.0;


         System.out.println(“pi_by_4 is : “ + pi_by_4);

         theta1 = Math.atan2( x1 , y1);

Figure 6.3 Method atan2()

Figure 6.3 Method atan2()

         System.out.println(“Theta1 is : “ + theta1);

         theta3 = Math.atan2( x3 , y3);

         System.out.println(“Theta3 is : “ + theta3);



If you run the program, you will get following output.




 pi_by_4 is : 0.7853981633974483

 Theta1 is : 0.7853981633974483

 Theta3 is : -2.356194490192345

Actually, method atan2 is developed (written) very carefully. It takes care of many special cases regarding the parameter values. Readers are requested to see the relevant documentation.


array as parameter, atan(), atan2(), class Math, objects as parameters, pass-by-reference, pass-by-value, pow(), recursion, swap


parameter passing Basic parameter passing in Java is call-by-value. All simple types are passed by call-by-value. However all aggregate types effectively get passed by “call-by-reference”.
static for local variables. Keyword static not allowed for local variables of any method.
void In Java if a method does not return any value, then it must be declared as void.
functions Every function in Java must be a member of some class. Java uses the term method for such member functions.

C++ Corner

In C++, it is possible to pass objects both by value or by reference. In Java basic data types are passed by value and aggregate data types are effectively passed by reference. In this sense, C++ is richer than Java.

In C++, a local variable of a function can be declared as static. It retains the value after the execution of that function is over. This is not allowed in Java.

Review Questions

  1. What is the difference between passing parameters by value and by reference?
  2. Which is the standard method of parameter passing supported in Java?
  3. If you pass an object or an array to a method, what is the effective method of parameter passing?
  4. Why method swap is not available for simple (in-built) data types?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of recursion?
  6. What are transcendental functions?


  1. Write a program to find first 20 prime numbers.
  2. Study any one random number generation algorithm and develop a function to return a pseudo-random number between 0 and n.
  3. Write a function to find the largest number from a given integer array.
  4. Develop a method to count the number of vowels in a given array of characters.
  5. Assume that a 4 bit binary number is stored in an array of characters. Write a program to print its value in decimal format.
  6. Develop a recursive method to find GCD of two integers.
  7. Develop a recursive method to compute the nth Fibonacci number. Is this technique suitable for this problem?
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