List of Tables

Table 3.1     Program Parts Illustrated

Table 3.2     Characters for Writing Java Programs

Table 3.3     Escape Characters

Table 3.4     Keywords in Java

Table 3.5     Keywords Reserved for Future Use

Table 3.6     Keywords which are Value Defined

Table 3.7     Length and Range of Numeric Data Types

Table 3.8     Relational Operators

Table 3.9     Logical Operators

Table 3.10   Bit-Wise Operators

Table 3.11   Shift Operators

Table 3.12   Shortcut Assignment Operators

Table 3.13   Special Operators

Table 3.14   Assignment Compatibility

Table 3.15   Methods for Converting Real to Integer

Table 6.1     Methods Summary: Class Math

Table 8.1     Initialization by System-Supplied Constructor

Table 9.1     Method Summary: Class Byte

Table 9.2     Methods from Class Character

Table 9.3     Summary of Methods from Class Float

Table 10.1   Summary of Methods of Class String

Table 10.2   Method Summary: Class StringBuffer

Table 10.3   Methods from Class Vector

Table 11.1   Format Specifier

Table 11.2   Methods from Class BufferedReader

Table 11.3   Constructor Summary: StringTokenizer

Table 11.4   Method Summary: StringTokenizer

Table 11.5   Constructor Summary: Class Scanner

Table 11.6   Method Summary: Class Scanner

Table 12.1   Access Control

Table 12.2   Access Control in Single File Programs

Table 13.1   Summary of Constructors Class Color

Table 13.2   Summary of Methods Class Color

Table 13.3   Summary of Methods Class Graphics

Table 14.1   English and Indian Names of Planets

Table 14.2   English and Indian Names of Signs

Table 14.3   Class Random: Method Summary

Table 14.4   Method Summary: Class Date

Table 14.5   Summary of Fields from Class Calendar

Table 14.6   Summary of Methods from Class Calendar

Table 14.7   Summary of Methods from Class GregorianCalendar

Table 15.1   Access Specification in any Java Program

Table 15.2   Method Summary: Class Enum

Table 15.3   Forming Identifiers

Table 15.4   Method Summary: Class Runtime

Table 15.5   Method Summary: Class Arrays Simplified

Table 15.6   Constructor Summary: Class BitSet

Table 15.7   Method Summary: Class BitSet

Table 16.1   Method Summary: Class Object

Table 17.1   Summary of Methods: Class File

Table 18.1   Thread Priority Constants

Table 18.2   Constructor Summary: Class Timer

Table 18.3   Method Summary: Class Timer

Table 18.4   Methods Summary: Class TimerTask

Table 18.5   Constructor Summary: Class Thread

Table 18.6   Methods Summary: Class Thread

Table 19.1   Selected Sub-Classes of Class Exception

Table 19.2   Summary of Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

Table 19.3   Summary of Errors

Table 20.1   Comparison of Applet and Application

Table 20.2   Sample Fonts Size and Style

Table 20.3   Equally Tempered Scale

Table 20.4   Applet Tag Attributes

Table 20.5   JAR Command Options

Table 20.6   HTML Tags

Table 20.7   Method Summary: Class Applet

Table 21.1   Methods Summary: Interface MouseListener

Table 21.2   Methods Summary: Interface MouseMotionListener

Table 21.3   Virtual Key Code Constants

Table 21.4   Interface Summary: Package java.awt.event

Table 21.5   Class Summary: Package java.awt.event

Table 22.1   Creating a Border with BorderFactory

Table 22.2   Class Summary: Javax.swing

Table 23.1   Collection Framework: General-Purpose Implementations

Table 23.2   Method Summary: Collection Interface

Table 23.3   Method Summary: Interface List

Table 23.4   Constructor Summary: ArrayList

Table 23.5   Method Summary: ArrayList

Table 23.6   Constructor Summary: LinkedList

Table 23.7   Method Summary: LinkedList

Table 23.8   Method Summary: Interface Set

Table 23.9   Constructor Summary: Class TreeSet

Table 23.10 Method Summary: Class TreeSet

Table 23.11 Constructor Summary: HashSet

Table 23.12 Method Summary: HashSet

Table 23.13 Method Summary: Interface Map

Table 23.14 Constructor Summary: HashMap

Table 23.15 Method Summary: HashMap

Table 23.16 Constructor Summary: TreeMap

Table 23.17 Method Summary: TreeMap

Table 23.18 Constructor Summary: Hashtable

Table 23.19 Method Summary: HashTable

Table 23.20 Method Summary: Class Collections

Table 24.1   Constructor Summary: Class BufferedImage

Table 24.2   Method Summary: Class BufferedImage

Table 25.1   Keywords of C++ not Supported by Java

Table 25.2   Keywords of Java which are not Present in C++

Table B.1     Keywords in Java

Table B.2     Keywords in Java reserved for future use

Table B.3     Keywords in Java for which values are defined

Table C.1     Operators precedence

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