Promoting Clean Technology: Theory

17.0 Introduction

Since the 1960s, environmental economists have made the case for a switch away from command-and-control (CAC) regulation toward incentive-based (IB) approaches. Their response to the question “How can we do better?”: “We can achieve the same pollution-reduction goals at much lower cost.” The previous chapter illustrated how, slowly, through a series of increasingly complex policy experiments, the cap-and-trade idea in particular has taken hold. Today, this concept has achieved broad acceptance, and IB approaches dominate new regulatory initiatives across the planet. To attack global warming, global carbon trading—under a shrinking cap—has become a fact of life in Europe, has been implemented on the east and west coasts of the United States, and is on the table in China and Korea.

While IB advocates prescribed better regulatory design for our environmental problems, a more fundamental criticism has been leveled at any regulatory approach to pollution control, including both CAC and IB. As discussed at the end of Chapter 14, regulation faces three generic problems: (1) rapid economic growth, (2) rising marginal costs of control (the “easy” point and stationary sources are already controlled), and (3) leakage (pollution regulated in one medium squeezing out elsewhere). As a result, regulation alone, even when incentive-based, may not be sufficient to achieve environmental goals.

Moreover, we have seen that regulation is highly susceptible to political influence due to its information-intensive nature. Thus, industry spends tens of millions of dollars to influence and defuse the process and yet still finds itself saddled with burdensome and seemingly irrational regulatory requirements mandated by a frustrated Congress. At the same time, environmentalists charge that the actual regulations have no teeth and are enforced only erratically. As one observer puts it, “the classical sense of law is lost in sliding scales of targets and goals, accepted tolerances and negotiated exceptions, discretionary enforcement and discretionary compliance.”1

As indicated in Chapter 14, the regulatory approach taken over the last 45 years has made a difference. Pollution levels are well below what they would have been in the absence of regulation, although relative to the initial goal of a “clean and safe” environment, the results have been disappointing. Nevertheless, the widespread perception is that the effectiveness of the regulatory approach is limited by the complexity of the issues at stake and the related opportunities available for political influence. In addition, there is no doubt that the regulatory approach, with its associated need for detailed bureaucratic decision-making, has been costly.

Finally, with climate change, “environmental protection” has suddenly become a civilizational challenge. The scale of the energy transformation that will be needed to hold global warming to the low end is staggering. As noted in the introduction, many economists believe that by 2050, the developed countries will need to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants by 80 percent or more—effectively, a rewiring of the entire planet with clean energy over the next four decades. To meet this challenge, simply mandating that private companies in rich countries cut their emissions to get under a shrinking national cap is inadequate. Without complementary government initiatives supporting the rapid development and diffusion of clean energy alternatives, the private sector simply would be unable to deliver the needed cuts at acceptable costs.

Given these factors, recent economic thinking has focused on the development of clean technologies as a critical complementary strategy to regulation. Rather than relying solely on controlling pollutants at the “end of the pipe,” advocates of this approach argue that government should promote the use of technologies that reduce polluting inputs and processes in the first place.

Waste reduction in manufacturing, recycling of wastes, low-input agriculture, energy and water efficiency, renewable resource use, and renewable energy production are often cited as candidates for governmental promotion on environmental grounds. Collectively, they may be referred to as clean technologies (CTs).

However, this simple formulation begs at least three questions: (1) How can we identify a clean technology? (2) If the technology is so clearly superior, why isn’t the market adopting it in the first place? (3) If the market is failing to develop the CT rapidly, how can the government successfully “pick winners” and promote certain types of technologies over others? This chapter explores in more detail the theory of clean technology, focusing on these three questions, and it ends with two case studies: alternative agriculture and recycling. Chapter 18 concludes the CT discussion with a comprehensive look at the dominant technology challenge of our time: a rapid global transition to clean energy.

17.1 Path Dependence and Clean Technology

In 1977, just as I was entering college, an early and influential book arguing for a clean technology approach to energy hit the bookshelves. Soft Energy Paths: Towards a Durable Peace, was written by American physicist Amory Lovins. Lovins viewed the United States as being at a crossroads from which two paths diverged. The first was the road then being followed—a society based on the promotion and production of cheap electricity, via an increased reliance on coal, oil, and nuclear power. Lovins labeled this the “hard” path. By contrast, the “soft” path involved a conscious governmental effort to redirect the economy toward efficient use of energy and the promotion of renewable energy technologies, especially solar power.

Because the soft path depends on decentralized power production and greater reliance on locally available resources, it promised many social benefits: “A soft path simultaneously offers jobs for the unemployed, capital for businesspeople, environmental protection for conservationists, enhanced national security for the military, opportunities for small business to innovate and for big business to recycle itself.”2 But, best of all, according to Lovins, it was cheaper.

From a theoretical point of view, government efforts to influence the direction of technological progress can be justified by what economists call path dependence.3 This theory maintains that current production technologies—for example, U.S. reliance on private automobiles for urban transportation—represent only one possible path of development. A potentially cost-competitive alternative in this case might be mass transit, which is dominant in many European and Japanese cities.

The path a society chooses depends on a variety of factors, including the relative political strength of the conflicting interests, chance historical circumstance, and course consumer preferences and relative production costs. In the auto example, the U.S. government’s decision to construct the interstate highway system beginning after World War II, which in turn promoted suburban development, provided the decisive advantage to private transport.

However, once a path has been chosen, other paths are closed off; this happens for three reasons. First, infrastructure and research and development (R&D) investments are increasingly directed toward supporting the chosen technology and diverted from the competing path. Second, the chosen technology is able to exploit economies of scale to consolidate its cost advantage. Third, complementary technologies that are tailored to the chosen path develop, further disadvantaging the competing path. In the transportation example, this would include the sprawling retail and housing patterns of U.S. cities, which now virtually require a private vehicle for access.

Path dependence theory suggests that once a path is chosen, there is no easy way to switch tracks. However, in retrospect, we can see that technological choices have social consequences—the adoption of private transport, for example, has borne a substantial environmental cost. Thus, the role of government is to try to influence the current market-driven process of technological development toward a path consistent with a sustainable future. Note that this theory assumes that governments in modern capitalist societies already necessarily play a major role in shaping technological change through infrastructure decisions and subsidy policies; the key here is to ensure that the role is a positive one.

Lovins’s original argument—that government should actively promote a shift to a clean energy economy—developed intellectual force over the ensuing decades, and as global climate change moved to center stage, has begun to shape U.S. policy. Under the Obama administration, as part of the 2009 stimulus bill, many of the policy tools explored in this chapter—R&D spending, infrastructure investment, commercialization subsidies, technology-forcing regulation—were greatly expanded in an effort to build a “Green Economy.” Behind all these initiatives lies a theory of path-dependent economic development.4

17.2 Clean Technology Defined

For the purposes of this book, a clean technology has three characteristics:

  1. It generates services of similar quality to existing technologies.
  2. It has minimum long-run private marginal costs comparable to existing technologies.
  3. It is environmentally less destructive than existing technologies.
  1. CTs provide comparable-quality services. Judging the quality can be a difficult task. For example, in sunny climates, a cost-saving and convenient way to preheat water for a dishwasher is to install a 50-gallon drum, painted black, on the roof. However, early attempts to market such a simple and cost-effective technology foundered on consumer resistance—the barrels looked ugly to most people. On the other hand, some consumers were proud to have an energy-saving barrel on their roof.5 Judgments about “similar quality” are necessarily subjective. Nevertheless, a governmental decision to promote a certain technology over another requires some judgment about the relative quality of service. Bad choices will ultimately be rejected by consumers, leading to failure of the CT policy.
  2. CTs are cost-competitive on a market basis. Cost comparisons between technologies should be made on the basis of long-run private marginal costs, including taxes and regulatory costs. Why not include external social costs in the comparison? A comparison of private plus social costs does indeed provide the true measure of which technology is theoretically “efficient.” However, if CTs cannot compete on the basis of private costs, then they will not be adopted, regardless of government efforts to promote them.

    For example, consider photovoltaic (PV) cells that produce solar electricity. On the environmental scale, PVs clearly pass the CT screen. Yet, if PV prices cannot be brought down to levels competitive in the private market within a few years’ time achieving so-called grid parity without subsidies, their use will not spread rapidly, regardless of governmental efforts to promote them. Clean technologies must be competitive in the marketplace to succeed.

    What is meant by long-run marginal costs? Simply the cost of producing an additional unit once the technology is mature. CTs can be divided into two categories, based on whether they are achieving the high-volume production needed to reach the long-run minimum marginal cost. Late-stage CTs are cost-competitive with existing technologies at current production levels. Examples would include the installation of housing insulation or low-flow showerheads, the on-farm adoption of less-chemical-intensive pest control, or “housekeeping” measures by manufacturing firms to reduce the generation of hazardous waste. While late-stage CTs are by definition currently cost-competitive, they may still experience economies of scale through marketing.

    Early-stage CTs, by contrast, require additional R&D or high-production volumes to achieve minimum long-run costs. Examples include start-up recycling operations, photovoltaic or solar thermal electricity production, and the manufacture of the next-generation energy-efficient consumer durables such as cars, refrigerators, lights, and air conditioners.

    Figure 17.1 illustrates an estimated long-run average cost curve for electricity produced by wind power. Wind electricity costs started out at more than $0.25/kWh in the early 1980s. By 2017, with global wind capacity at more than 400,000 megawatts, the price had fallen to less than $0.04/kWh. At favorable sites, wind has now become competitive with the cheapest new fossil-fuel plants.

    Graphical illustration of Long-Run Costs of Wind Power.

    FIGURE 17.1 Long-Run Costs of Wind Power (estimated $2015)

    Source: Author’s calculations

    Per-unit costs fall for three reasons. First, as the firms invest in R&D and gain experience, they generate new and lower cost methods of organization and production. Second, as the market size increases, firms can take advantage of economies of scale: lower cost production arising from the ability to use specialized machinery and personnel at high volumes. Third, as complementary industries and markets develop, input costs fall.6

    As drawn, the average cost curve eventually flattens out as opportunities for technological advancement and specialization are exhausted. This portion of the curve is the minimum long-run average cost, and because the average is constant, marginal cost as well. This long-run cost, to the degree it can be estimated, should be the baseline for a comparison between two technologies, for example, wind- and coal-powered electricity.

    The history of cost forecasting is replete with major disasters, such as the famous prediction that nuclear power would one day be “too cheap to meter.” Thus, credible forecasts stay as far as possible from scenarios relying on unproven or speculative technologies and depend instead on the expected costs of implementing known production methods within a relatively short time frame.

  3. CTs are environmentally superior. Point 3 in the definition of clean technology ensures that it is indeed clean, which is in fact more difficult to establish than it appears. First, it is necessary to account, at least in a rough way, for all of the major environmental impacts of a technology: in manufacturing, use, and disposal. This kind of cradle-to-grave approach is known as life-cycle analysis. A second problem arises because different technologies have various types of environmental impacts. This leads to an adding-up problem, in which the superiority of one technology over the other may not be clear-cut.

The “diaper wars” debate illustrates both the life cycle and adding-up problems. Each year, American babies use about 17 billion disposable diapers made of paper and plastic. These diapers, which account for between 1 percent and 2 percent of material entering the solid waste stream, ultimately wind up in landfills or incinerators. Green entrepreneurs saw an opportunity and argued that cloth diapers, provided through diaper services, offered a clean alternative—comparable in quality of service (including convenience) and price and better for the environment. With consumer demand spurred by this “green” marketing claim, the diaper service business was booming. However, as a counter to the solid waste concern, Procter & Gamble (maker of Pampers and Luvs) sponsored a study and related PR campaign, which maintained that reusable cloth diapers generate substantially more water pollution in the washing process than throwaways do in manufacturing. In response, the National Association of Diaper Services sponsored its own research, which undertook a life-cycle analysis of the environmental impact of the two products. The authors of this study found that, in general, liquid effluent from the manufacturing process was less harmful for cotton than for disposable diapers and that the overall water pollution advantage of disposables did not hold for cotton diapers laundered commercially.

At this point, it appears that cotton diapers have an edge in areas with solid waste problems, and overall in terms of manufacturing effluents, although disposables may be preferable in areas where municipal water treatment facilities are overloaded or inadequate. However, the scientific details have not mattered much in the marketplace. Thanks in some large measure to P&G’s ad campaign, cloth diaper services lost their environmental luster and have been virtually eliminated as a competitive threat.7

Life-cycle accounting of environmental impacts is an emerging science that, in certain cases, is capable of identifying the relative pollution impact of different technologies with more or less precision. However, as the diaper case illustrates, a given technology need not dominate another in all pollution areas, and depending on how the life cycle boundaries are drawn, conflicting results may arise. At this point, a policy commitment to support one technology over another must often rely on “common-sense” judgments. This in turn means that “close calls,” similarly to cloth diapers, should not be considered candidates for governmental promotion as clean technologies.

A natural way to solve the adding-up problem and compare two technologies is to monetize and total the expected life-cycle environmental damages from each source. Such a value could be used to compare the social costs of the two technologies, as is done in Table 17.1 for electricity generation from coal and solar power. Note that the clean technology, photovoltaics (PVs), does impose some externality costs on society. However, the pollution generated in the manufacture of PVs does substantially less damage than that arising from the burning of coal. By monetizing damages in this way, a CT’s environmental superiority can be judged. However, as discussed in point 2 earlier, adding environmental damages should not be part of an assessment of a CT’s cost competitiveness. Clean technologies will rapidly diffuse only if consumers face market prices that are comparable to those of dirty alternatives.

TABLE 17.1 Private and Social Costs of Electricity Production (Cents/KWh)

Source: Levelized private costs are from U.S. EIA (2013); coal externality costs are from Muller et al. (2011) and Epstein et al. (2011); and PV externality cost is from Ottinger (1990).

Rooftop Solar PV Conventional Coal
Private costs 14.4 10.1
Externality costs 0.00–0.002 04–18
Total costs 14.40–14.42 14.10–28.10

This section has provided a working definition of clean technology. We have found that both small- and large-scale technologies can qualify; there is no up-front bias toward “small is beautiful.” However, all of the clean technology candidates discussed in this chapter—PVs and other renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, diaper services (in some areas), recycling, waste reduction, and alternative agriculture—achieve their environmental advantage by being relatively labor-intensive and/or relying to a greater extent on locally produced resources. As discussed in Chapter 6, these features can sometimes generate higher local employment levels.

17.3 If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?

The first objection raised to the clean technology approach is this: if these technologies are close to commercial development, generate a quality of service and have long-run production costs comparable to existing technologies, and are environmentally superior, why aren’t private entrepreneurs developing them in the first place? In other words, if CT advocates are so smart, why aren’t they rich?

The first response is that, in some cases, they are. For example, tens of thousands of American farmers have adopted various forms of low-input farming; recycling has emerged as an economic form of waste disposal in many communities; service corporations that identify cost-effective energy savings for firms and households are growing rapidly. Thus, market forces do provide some support for clean technologies. Yet, the market share for many of these CTs, while growing, remains tiny.

A variety of obstacles can discourage the market deployment of environmentally superior, cost-effective technologies. Table 17.2 provides a summary. The principal market obstacle is the lack of a substantial profit advantage for CTs. There is little incentive for private firms to undertake the marketing efforts necessary to overcome marketplace barriers to rapid diffusion: poor information, thin resale markets, poor access to capital, and high discount rates.

TABLE 17.2 Obstacles to the Rapid Diffusion of Clean Technologies

Market Obstacles Government Obstacles
  1. Lack of profit advantage to overcome:
    • Poor information
    • Thin resale markets
    • Limited access to capital
    • High discount rates
  1. Subsidy policies favoring dirty technologies
  2. Failure of regulation to internalize all externalities

A second substantial barrier arises from current governmental policy: subsidies tilted in favor of existing competitor technologies. These subsidies range from R&D funding to price supports to tax credits to efforts on behalf of industry by state and federal agency personnel. Finally, of course, market prices for the competitor technology fail to reflect externality costs.


Simply because CTs are potentially cost-competitive does not mean they are more profitable than existing technologies. Entrepreneurs tend to introduce products to fill a “market niche” and provide at least temporary monopoly profits: think smart phones. Clean technologies, by contrast, generally are not offering a new product; rather, they go head-to-head with an existing, well-established technology in a mature industry. Thus, they must enter an already competitive field, where only normal profits can be expected. The only clear-cut advantage CTs have is in their environmental impact. While this may provide some marketing leverage, it generally will not guarantee high profitability.

Under normal market circumstances, new technologies often take substantial time to develop a widespread following. This is due to consumers’ lack of knowledge (again, imperfect information) about the advantages of the new technology as well as to differences in consumer needs. The transition to any new technology requires a marketing commitment to overcome this lack of information. Marketing expenses are sunk costs, those that cannot be recovered if an investment fails. The higher the sunk costs associated with an investment, the riskier it becomes.

Clean technologies face particularly high sunk costs (and thus high risk) because they do not “market themselves” by offering a service consumers do not already have. Instead, CTs need to woo consumers from the use of the existing technology. While CTs offer comparable services, they also tend to require users to learn new consumption habits. This requires a big investment in marketing, which cannot be recovered if the business fails.

Moreover, existing firms do not take inroads into their markets lightly. Witness, for example, Procter & Gamble’s massive public relations effort to convince consumers that the disposable diaper is not environmentally inferior to cotton. This type of counter-marketing campaign from powerful incumbent firms can make large-scale entry into a CT market even riskier or can deter it entirely.

As we saw in the case of marketable permits, imperfect information also generates a thin market problem. For example, a homeowner may be reluctant to shoulder the high up-front costs of outfitting his or her home with energy- and money-saving LED light bulbs because most prospective home buyers know little about them. Thus, she would probably not be able to recoup her initial investment if she decided to sell the house within a few years. Thin markets for durable technologies (those with resale value) tend to dampen the rate of adoption.

Access to capital is a problem for both small- and large-scale technologies. Small-scale CTs often entail an initial up-front investment, which is compensated for by lower operating costs. Returning to our homeowner, a bank might extend her a home improvement loan to purchase energy-efficient light bulbs, although such loans are certainly not common; however, the interest rate charged would be much higher than that a utility faces when it borrows several hundred million dollars to build a new power plant. The bank would justify its differential lending practices on the basis of increased transaction costs associated with small loans and, perhaps, increased risk.

At the other extreme, clean technologies with major scale economies—for example, solar electric power—require large amounts of capital for R&D, production, marketing, and service efforts. They also need a pool of specialized human capital—management and technical expertise familiar with the market. In the solar field, the “natural” organizations with access to this kind of capital and expertise are the large corporations in the energy and utility fields. Why, by and large, do these companies ignore clean technologies?

As we learned in Chapter 8, private discount rates are often higher than those socially appropriate for environmental investments. High discount rates mean that profits made in the future are less valuable than profits earned today. And, as was stressed earlier, because CTs compete with mature, conventional technologies, a major investment in CTs is not likely to be a profit center in the near term—say, a decade or more. Yet, a 20 percent before-tax rate of return, a common requirement in many U.S. industries, implies roughly a 5-year payback on any investment.

This central fact has kept interest in solar and other early renewables on the back burner for most large energy and utility corporations; few have interest in R&D investments with long-term payoffs. In addition, these tend to be the very firms with a strong vested interest in the status quo. Why develop products that will compete with already profitable electricity and fuel sales? European and Japanese businesses, facing higher conventional fuel prices, are naturally more interested in energy CTs.

In the absence of commitments to technologies such as solar electricity by large firms, small firms enter to serve niche markets. However, neither substantial R&D nor economies of scale in production can be achieved by these firms. Thus, costs remain high, and the market widens only slowly.

Finally, consumers also appear to require high rates of return for investments in durable CTs. Observed discount rates of 50–100 percent are not uncommon for the purchase of energy-efficient air conditioners, refrigerators, or light bulbs. This unwillingness to commit funds to highly profitable investments reflects a combination of poor information, restricted access to capital, risk aversion, and thin resale markets.


In addition to market barriers, CTs are often disadvantaged by government action in the form of direct or indirect subsidies to highly polluting competitors. Consider agriculture, for example. As you may have learned in an introductory economics course, due to the high variability in agricultural prices, the government has historically provided farmers with a guaranteed price floor. If the market price falls below the price floor, say $2.80 per bushel for corn, the government makes up the difference. However, as illustrated in Figure 17.2, the price floor also guarantees an excess supply of corn (qd to qs) that the government must stockpile. One consequence of the surplus production is, of course, greater pesticide use.

Graphical illustration of the Impact of Agricultural Subsidies.

FIGURE 17.2 The Impact of Agricultural Subsidies

In addition, subsidy programs can directly penalize cleaner agricultural practices. Until recently, price supports were primarily available for a limited number of crops, and these crops (coincidentally?) were very high users of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, the subsidy payments for a given year were based on past yields of the crop in question, effectively tying farmers to the production of subsidy crops. A farmer desiring to adopt a CT based on diversification into less-chemical-intensive crops and crop rotation as a method of fertilization and weed, pest, and erosion control thus might find herself doubly damned. Not only would she lose her subsidy this year, but also subsidies for any future program crops she grew would also be reduced.

While farm subsidies provide a very visible example, most CTs face competitor technologies that receive important governmental aid, either direct or indirect. As we discussed in the previous chapter, for example, solid waste disposal is often paid for through lump-sum tax payments, not by unit pricing. This provides a subsidy for large garbage producers, disadvantaging recycling. Chapter 18 focuses on subsidies for polluting technologies in the energy field.

This section has provided a look at both market and government obstacles to clean technology adoptions. We now consider how government policymakers can in fact select and promote CTs in the most cost-effective manner.

17.4 Picking the Winning Path

Recently, a prominent government critic was on the radio. He made the argument that many of the environmental problems in the western United States could be directly traced to bad government decisions reflecting industry’s influence: subsidies for ranchers leading to overgrazing; subsidies for timber companies leading to clear-cuts; subsidies for mining companies leading to water contamination and the destruction of wilderness areas; and radiation leaks and releases from nuclear facilities owned, leased, or subsidized by the government.

There are two responses to these governmental efforts at industrial promotion. One is to despair of government’s ability to rationally intervene in economic affairs. Traditional conservatives would adopt this position and argue that, despite possible market obstacles to the rapid adoption of clean technology, the only thing government should do is to level the playing field by eliminating all subsidies.

Progressives adopt an alternative response. While acknowledging government failures, they argue that a blanket call for the elimination of subsidies is naive. The challenge is to recognize the limitations of government intervention and, taking this into account, implement policies to promote CTs.

How can bureaucratic errors and political influence be minimized in this process? A three-step procedure should be followed.

  1. Level the playing field. To the extent possible, subsidies for dirty technologies should be eliminated, and their external costs should be internalized, preferably through IB regulation. “Leveling the playing field” by reducing subsidies and internalizing social costs may provide clean technologies with the edge needed to succeed.
  2. Promote only clear environmental winners. Given the uncertainty associated with assessing the actual environmental impacts of different technologies, only CTs with a clear environmental advantage should be considered for promotion.
  3. Tie subsidies to least-cost performance. When the government does decide to actively promote a technology, subsidies should be directed only to projects that either are already cost-effective or promise to deliver cost-effective services within a relatively short period of time, say a decade or less. Subsidies to the latter category should be conditioned on observable cost reductions. In sum, government planners should focus attention on least-cost technology options, subject to an environmental screen.

This least-cost approach is consistent with path dependence theory; the government is looking for environmentally friendly “infant” industries that need only time-limited support to attain a sufficiently large scale to be self-supporting. The rationale for government subsidies under path dependence theory is to jump-start an industry for its environmental benefit, not provide indefinite promotion efforts. Least-cost planning of this type thus achieves two goals. First, government’s objective is to speed up, not replace, the market process of adoption of CTs. Market forces will naturally spread technologies with a greater profit advantage faster. The faster the technology spreads, the greater the environmental benefits society reaps. Second, by using a least-cost approach, bureaucrats can avoid making expensive commitments to technological white elephants.

A good example of government “picking losers” has been the support of nuclear fusion. Fusion is an approach to energy production based on fusing two atomic nuclei together. By contrast, commercial reactors today generate power through fission, the splitting apart of particles. The government commitment to fusion research began in 1952, spurred on by the scientific cold war with Russia. Today, after at least six decades of federal funding in the hundreds of millions per year, fusion is nowhere near commercialization.8

Why do such subsidies persist? A steady flow of federal dollars created a “fusion community”—physicists and engineers at university and federal labs and bureaucrats in the Departments of Defense and Energy. This community cultivated ties with key members of Congress and relied on concerns about national security to maintain funding. This is a general story: subsidies, once instituted, create “communities” that organize to protect the subsidies, and they can thus take on a life of their own.

In contrast to the open-ended support of fusion, path dependence theory suggests that a CT program can and should focus on technologies with a clear environmental advantage that will stand on their own relatively quickly. Government can then make only time-limited or performance-based commitments to the technology and thus avoid the development of vested political interests attached to a particular technology. Fusion would have neither passed an environmental screen nor survived subsidies conditioned on rapid cost reductions.

Following a least-cost strategy ensures that policy concentrates on “picking the low-hanging fruit.” Doing this gets more environmental protection for a lower investment with less risk and a lowered probability of prolonged government involvement.

17.5 Promoting Early-Stage Clean Technologies

It is useful to divide clean technologies into early- and late-stage groupings, as the market obstacles they face are somewhat different. Early-stage technologies need policy assistance to ramp up production to high volumes before they can be cost-competitive. Late-stage technologies, by contrast, have already achieved high enough production levels to lower their costs, and they have reached cost parity with dirty technologies. The barriers these late-stage technologies face are primarily a function of imperfect information: consumers must “learn” to adopt these alternatives and capitalists to finance them.

The primary barrier facing early-stage CTs is achieving high-volume production. As illustrated in Figure 17.1, this lowers per unit costs through R&D, learning by doing, and scale economies. The key policy issue is to provide some incentive for existing or new firms to enter these markets. This section discusses four policies to encourage such interest: (1) R&D funding, (2) technology-forcing standards, (3) infrastructure investment, and (4) producer subsidies.


In general, economists argue that basic R&D funding will be undersupplied in a free market because R&D has many characteristics of a public good. The spillover effects of fundamental technological breakthroughs are large, and so, even with patent protection, private parties can’t capture the full benefits of privately funded research. For these reasons, the private sector will underinvest in R&D. Therefore, federal and state governments provide funding for R&D in the sciences and engineering. Some of this funding is channeled through the Departments of Energy and Agriculture, the EPA, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. In the United States, the Department of Defense is the major funder of basic R&D.

The rationale for funding CT research is also spillover benefits: the environmental advantages associated with adopting a new technology path. However, in the United States, in the decade prior to 2008, “dirty” industry in energy production and agriculture continued to pull in the bulk of federal R&D money. For example, the Department of Energy (DOE) spending on fossil-fuel R&D was consistently at least twice the level for renewables, and both were fairly low. Annual DOE renewable R&D spending was on the order of $300 million, about the cost of two F-22 fighter planes.9 In the late 2000s, a change from conservative to progressive politics in Washington, the massive global recession fueling stimulus spending, and the passage of new-energy legislation all led to large increases in government R&D expenditures for clean energy technology—increases in the billions of dollars per year. However, spending leveled off and began to decline post 2012. More details on energy R&D specifically are provided in Chapter 18.


Beyond the carrots of R&D funding and producer subsidies, government policymakers can also employ sticks. The primary tool here is to provide access to the market subject to meeting a technology-forcing standard. In contrast to policies for small-scale CTs, such as building energy codes for lighting efficiency, technology-forcing standards set a deadline for firms to deliver technology that is not yet marketed.

Perhaps, the best-known technology-forcing standards are the Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE, standards. In 1975, Congress mandated that car companies had to achieve an average of 18 miles per gallon by the 1978 model year and 27.5 miles per gallon by the model year 1985. Stiff fines were to be levied on corporations that failed to comply, although a 1-year “carryover” was permitted. Firms that exceeded the standard in 1 year could credit the excess miles per gallon (mpg) savings for the next year.

From the viewpoint of increasing the mileage of passenger cars, the CAFE policy was a success. Average fleet mileage did increase to around 28 mpg by 1987. However, over the next two decades, the fleet-wide fuel economy actually declined. The reason? The CAFE standards had an unintended consequence: encouraging car companies to shift production to SUVs. SUVs—considered in 1975 to be light trucks, not cars—were exempt from CAFE mileage standards. As a result, the effectiveness of the CAFE system fell apart beginning in the mid-1990s. As detailed further in Chapter 18, after a long political battle, and motivated by both global warming and energy-security concerns, the CAFE standards were finally increased again by President Obama in 2009. Automakers are required to boost the fuel efficiency of their fleet (including SUVs this time) to 35.5 mpg by 2016 and to 54.5 mpg by 2025. The new CAFE standards are expected to save consumers an average of $3,000, by cutting oil consumption by 1.8 billion barrels for the vehicles sold between 2012 and 2016. This is more oil than that the United States imports in a year from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Libya, and Nigeria combined.10

A second important example of a technology-forcing regulation is a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). During the 2000s, many states passed an RPS, requiring utilities to purchase a set percentage, say 15 percent, by a set date, say 2015, of electric power from qualifying renewable power sources. Utilities failing to achieve that percentage would face fines and other penalties. An RPS does not specify what type of renewable power must be purchased. Rather, it sets up a competition between the different renewables to see which ones will win. An RPS is an unparalleled tool for building the markets that support economies of scale and learning by doing, thus driving down renewable costs. This kind of “demand-pull” policy provides confidence to investors.

A final example of technology-forcing regulation is appliance energy-efficiency standards, which were pioneered in California for refrigerators beginning in the 1970s. Federal standards were introduced in 1988. Between 1978 and 1995, energy consumption standards for new refrigerators dropped by more than half, from 1,500 to 700 kWh, and the annual cost to a consumer for running a refrigerator also fell by more than $65.11

From a theoretical perspective, sufficiently high pollution taxes can always achieve the same result as technology-forcing standards. Any inefficiencies are reduced due to greater consumer and manufacturer flexibility. However, as in many other cases, technology-forcing standards appear to be easier to legislate than do high taxes.


A third tool available to government to influence the adoption of CTs is perhaps the most powerful. As we noted in the introduction to this chapter, the overwhelming dominance of the automobile in American life has much to do with the government-funded interstate highway system. Infrastructure investment, whether roads, pipelines, dams, or electric lines, has major long-run impacts on both local economic development and environmental quality. An additional new role for government is early-stage investment in the smart grid. The smart grid relies on information technology to reduce waste, and this avoids the need for additional supply.


Another approach to encouraging commercial development is to provide subsidies to producers—tax credits, loans or loan guarantees, grants, or purchase guarantees. One form of purchase guarantee is a price preference. Many state governments will pay a premium of up to 5 percent or 10 percent for recycled products. Government procurement contracts are another way of providing infant CT industries with guaranteed markets.

Loan guarantees are provided by the government to promising start-up firms to help them access capital from private sources. If the firms succeed and pay back their loans, there is no cost to the government. If the firm goes bankrupt, then the government pays the loan back to the bank. In 2011, a high-profile solar firm, Solyndra, was driven out of business and defaulted on a $500 million loan guarantee, generating a political firestorm. But, loan guarantee programs are in fact designed to support a portfolio of risky investments: some companies will succeed, and some will fail. In the DOE program that funded Solyndra (actually initiated under President Bush), 33 loan guarantees were provided and only 4 defaulted on the loans. On net, the goverment actually earned $5 billion in interest from the loan guarantees.12 We will look more closely at subsidy issues in our discussion of energy policy in the next chapter.

This section has looked at government polices designed for early-stage clean technologies: helping them scale up production and achieve economies of scale and learning by achieving the goal of reaching cost parity with existing dirty technologies. Once this goal has been achieved, however, the battle is not yet won. Consumers must be persuaded to give up old habits and make the switch.

17.6 Promoting Late-Stage Clean Technologies

Consumer and business resistance to late-stage CTs reflects a natural inclination to stick with “what works,” rather than adopt an unknown and possibly risky alternative. As we have seen, the relatively low-profit advantage of many CTs discourages private sector marketing initiatives to overcome this resistance. Government policy should therefore be directed at providing information to consumers and reducing perceived risks of adoption. Informational barriers can be dealt with through (1) product labeling and certification requirements, (2) flexible design standards, (3) the reorientation of utility regulation, and (4) technical assistance programs. A program of (5) subsidies for consumers also can attack the information problem as well as compensate for higher capital costs.


The simplest policy step is to require product labeling. For example, the EPA has developed a standard method for testing the miles per gallon that automobiles can achieve and requires firms to publicly report this information. Similar energy-efficiency reporting is required for consumer durables such as refrigerators and air conditioners, and most recently computers, under the EPA’s Energy Star program. This list could be expanded to lamps, motors, and other durables. Product labeling requirements provide consumers with ready access to information on the environmental consequences of their purchases.

Poll results indicate that many people are willing to pay a small premium for environmentally friendly products. During the 1990s, niche markets for recycled paper, organic agricultural products, and even “green” electric power began to develop. To speed up the process, the U.S. government issued regulations governing the use of marketing terms such as recyclable and organic.

In Germany and Canada, the government went further and issued “environmentally friendly” certifications for whole products. In the United States, by contrast, the trend has been for nongovernmental third-party organizations to act as product certifiers. For example, Green Seal is the major nonprofit organization working to develop this kind of private labeling scheme. The program has taken a while to get under way due to the complexity of identifying “clean” products in a life-cycle framework. Green Seal’s approach has been to identify the “major” environmental impacts of a given product and then publish a draft standard for review and comment by affected industries. Green Seal has developed certification standards for several dozen products, including tissue and writing paper, re-refined engine oil, compact fluorescent lighting, and water-efficient fixtures. (Question: Have you ever seen the Green Seal on a product you bought? If not, why do you think you haven’t?)

Another important private labeling initiative is run by a nongovernmental, international organization called the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The FSC develops different certification standards for each region and country of the world and then certifies lumber products as meeting certain minimum environmental standards. The FSC achieved a major victory, when Home Depot became the first major U.S. hardware chain to agree to sell certified lumber.13


Product labeling programs leave some choice in consumer hands. However, in markets where complex purchases are made infrequently, consumers have a hard time judging the relative merits of available technologies. Here, flexible design standards, requiring a minimum level of environmental performance, can be introduced. The most well-known example of a design standard is a building code; many local governments have established energy-efficiency requirements for new homes.

The purchase price for an energy-efficient house is typically more than that for a leaky alternative. Because consumers are reluctant to absorb larger loans, and because banks are hesitant to make them, people naturally opt for the energy-inefficient choice. However, the savings in monthly heating bills from energy efficiency will quickly cover the initial up-front expense, and homeowners will save money in the long run. Thus, from an economic point of view, banks should provide and consumers should shoulder larger loans for an energy-efficient house.

However, neither banks nor consumers are particularly well equipped to evaluate energy cost-saving opportunities on a case-by-case basis. By mandating minimum design standards, government closes off the option of the leaky alternative. The risk to all parties for opting for the CT is thus reduced. Banks will soon learn that, due to lower utility bills, they can offer higher loans on new houses, and all parties, including the environment, are better off in the long run. Energy-efficiency requirements are included in many local building codes. In addition, federal law now requires banks to offer lower rate, energy-efficiency mortgages, although this regulation is not well known.

Design standards have also been required for lighting, appliances, and electric motors, as a way to promote adoption of these CTs. Design standards provide a “free lunch” when the product’s quality is quite generally perceived to be comparable to the conventional technology and its long-run private cost is less. In this case, government is simply mandating the choice that most people would make on their own if given the information. However, design standards become more costly if individual opinion differs substantially as to the CT’s quality or if its cost rises above that of the conventional technology. Nevertheless, even in this case, design standards may still be justifiable as a cost-effective way to control pollution.


Another approach to the marketing problem facing late-stage CTs is to have the technologies marketed by large firms and provide lower cost access to both financial and human capital. In the energy field, many states have restructured their regulation of utilities so that the firms can earn a profit on energy conservation. Until recently, utilities had no incentive to promote efficiency—every kilowatt saved was a reduction in their revenue. However, the new regulations recognize that energy saved is also energy freed up for other uses. Thus, investments in energy efficiency are increasingly treated as investments in new generating plants, on which firms are allowed to make a normal profit.

The last few years have seen an increasing level of utility marketing for energy-efficiency efforts. For example, your local utility might retrofit your house’s water heater, give you a low-flow showerhead and some pipe and outlet insulation, and conduct an energy audit, all free upon request. Utilities have also been involved in rebate programs for light bulbs and appliances and “refrigerator roundups” where the utility buys up and then junks ancient energy-hog refrigerators. These services are paid for through higher electricity bills. From both an economic and an environmental viewpoint, these are all good investments, because by freeing up electricity, they allow the utility to avoid building expensive, polluting power plants.


A fourth approach to marketing late-stage CTs is a direct one. Here, government technicians provide advice to firms interested in undertaking CT investments. This direct approach is used by the EPA to promote waste-reducing CTs in manufacturing. It also is the logical way to promote CTs in agriculture, as the government already has a technical assistance program—the state agricultural schools and extension services—in place.


Efforts to provide consumers with information through labeling, standards, utility marketing, and technical assistance can be supplemented by subsidies for CTs. The presence of subsidies gives consumers an incentive to educate themselves about the product; they can also overcome obstacles to rapid diffusion associated with higher capital costs. For example, both the U.S. government and states such as New York and Oregon now provide tax credits for homeowners to install rooftop solar. The result? The growing global market for solar is one reason that prices have dropped by more than 50 percent in recent years.

Subsidies can take several forms: tax credits, low-interest loans, or grants. To encourage late-stage CTs, loans and grants are preferable because they are easier to target. Loan applications and grants require groups to justify their investment, thus discouraging nonserious applicants, and they also provide government officials a means to allocate funds on a least-cost basis.

In addition, a problem with any subsidy program is that it may provide “windfalls” for people planning to adopt the technology anyway (free riders). To deal with this problem, loans and grants can be targeted to working- and middle-class individuals, small businesses, and nonprofit corporations. These groups, being resource-constrained, are least likely to adopt the CTs in the first place. Finally, tax credits are typically used by wealthier individuals and corporations, thus skewing the benefits of the policy in a regressive direction. If tax credits are used, one way to avoid promoting windfalls and tax cuts for the wealthy is to put an income limit on the claim.

Table 17.3 provides a summary of policy tools that government can use to promote CTs and suggest CTs for which their use may be appropriate. Of course, all these tools can be abused; a successful CT program requires that government policy focus on promoting only cost-effective, environmentally superior technologies. In particular, as argued in Section 17.3, government subsidies should support only (1) cost-effective late-stage technologies and/or (2) early-stage technologies that demonstrate substantial progress toward competitive pricing.

TABLE 17.3 Policy Tools for Promoting CTs

Early-Stage CTs
Policy CTs
R&D Solar electric, wind power, fuel-cell vehicles, biomass fuels, hydrogen fuels, alternative agriculture, waste reduction in manufacturing
Producer subsidies: price preferences, procurement contracts, loan guarantees Solar electric, hybrid electric vehicles, alternative agriculture, waste reduction in manufacturing
Technology-forcing standards Energy efficiency, hybrid electric vehicles, fuel-cell vehicles, recycling
Infrastructure investment Mass transit, recycling
Late-Stage CTs
Policy CTs
Product labeling Energy and water efficiency, recycling, alternative agriculture
Design standards Energy and water efficiency
Utility marketing Energy efficiency
Technical assistance Waste reduction in manufacturing, alternative agriculture, rooftop solar, wind power
Consumer subsidies: grants, loans, tax credits Energy and water efficiency, recycling, rooftop solar

17.7 Clean Technology: Two Case Studies

Having explored the theory of path dependence and the tools for clean technology promotion, we now turn our attention to two case studies: agriculture and solid waste management.


Agriculture is a major contributor to two serious environmental problems: water pollution, from the runoff of pesticides, animal waste, and petroleum-based fertilizers; and global warming pollution, also from fertilizers and from livestock production. Because of the nonpoint nature of these problems, emissions from agriculture cannot be easily regulated, and there is widespread interest in CT solutions.

CTs in agriculture depend on biological methods of promoting soil fertility and reducing pests and disease. These include crop rotation to disrupt pest cycles, biological and mechanical weed control and fertilization, reducing pesticide use through scouting, use of resistant species, use of natural predators, and control over planting time. While building on traditional methods, the techniques are thoroughly modern, computer-assisted, and in fact, management intensive. These techniques are collectively known as “low-input,” “sustainable,” or simply alternative agriculture. They all share a reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and they are generally environmentally more benign than conventional approaches.

Assuming that alternative agriculture is “cleaner” and produces a crop of comparable (or superior) quality, is it also cost-competitive? The answer appears to be yes. Decades of documented field experience suggests that farmers can successfully reduce pesticide use and still remain profitable. While adoption of alternative agricultural methods may reduce yields, it also reduces costs. The cost reduction is often sufficient to offset any lost production, and price premiums for organic items can also help make up the difference.14

Having argued that alternative agriculture is a CT based on our definition earlier in the chapter, what obstacles stand in the way of its widespread adoption? The primary barrier, as usual, is a low-profit advantage coupled with substantial adjustment costs. A successful transition from conventional chemical-intensive farming is a complex and risky undertaking for an individual farmer. To begin with, farmers need to invest substantial resources in learning new techniques. In addition, successful techniques are highly region-specific. Finally, a period of 2 or 3 years may be necessary to convert a field worked with conventional methods into a productive alternative field. These factors mean that a substantial up-front investment is necessary to redirect a farm onto an alternate path. And while such a farm may experience comparable profitability to a chemical-intensive one, in the highly competitive agricultural field, it is unlikely to be substantially more profitable.

Alternative agriculture perfectly illustrates the CT dilemma. On the one hand, we appear to have available a technology capable of holding its own in the market, once adjustment costs have been overcome, with clear environmental benefit. On the other, adoption of the technology is slow primarily due to lack of a profit advantage sufficient to overcome costs associated with a transition. What is to be done?

  1. Step 1: Identify the agricultural CTs with clear environmental benefits and those with the greatest cost advantage.
  2. Step 2: Reduce subsidies to dirty technologies, and begin to internalize environmental costs, preferably through IB regulation. As was discussed earlier, price supports for chemical-intensive crops have been an important obstacle to the spread of CTs. Access to water subsidies also has encouraged pollution-intensive agriculture, because agricultural chemicals and water tend to be complements in production. The farm sector also has traditionally been subject to very light environmental regulation of the CAC variety.
  3. Step 3: Directly promote CTs. Here, agriculture is unique among American businesses in that the government is already deeply involved in the pace and direction of technological change in the industry. Because farming is highly competitive and thus a low-profit industry, government has traditionally financed much of the R&D in the field. In addition to this R&D function, the government has taken a leading role in disseminating information about new techniques through the state-funded agricultural colleges and agricultural extension services. Hence, a sensible CT strategy would be first to increase government R&D funding for region-specific strategies to reduce pesticide use and then to increase the budget for technical assistance, to promote the diffusion of these technologies. Increases in these funds could be financed either through reductions in research on conventional farming techniques, which the private sector now covers adequately, or by modest taxes on agricultural chemicals.

Recent federal legislation includes some movement on all the fronts just identified. However, the government has by no means adopted a CT approach wholeheartedly. R&D funding for on-farm research into alternative agriculture remains a small percentage of the Department of Agriculture’s R&D budget, and extension services in alternative agriculture have not been significantly expanded. At this point, alternative agriculture has a relatively low level of market penetration, and the major impetus to its growth has been the expanding consumer market for organics.


In contrast to alternative agriculture, recycling has received widespread governmental promotion. Largely as a result of local government mandates, the number of curbside collection programs grew from 600 in 1989 to over 9,000 a decade later and now, recycling is widespread across the United States. Is recycling a clean technology?

Americans generate more than 232 million tons of garbage each year. Depending on your perspective, that is, (1) enough garbage to fill a fleet of trucks stretching halfway to the moon, or alternatively, (2) garbage that can be landfilled in a space equivalent to less than 0.00001 percent of the continental United States (but preferably not in my backyard). On a per-person basis, it works out to about three quarters of a ton, twice as much per capita as in many European countries.15

Recycling this solid waste yields two types of environmental benefits. The most obvious is a direct benefit: cleaner waste disposal. Because recycled products are not sent to landfills or incinerators, they do not pose environmental problems in the disposal process. Recall that environmental hazards from state-of-the-art landfills are not as great as those from many other pollution sources, primarily because the only significant exposure route is local, via groundwater. Nevertheless, hazards from leachate do exist. New incinerators, although generally complying with most air pollution regulations, still generate residual hazards from regulated pollutants as well as from some that are still unregulated. Incinerator ash must be disposed of. If this is done via landfilling, the ash also presents a leachate problem.

Indirect benefits constitute the second type of environmental benefit. Table 17.4 compares the production cycle for products made from recycled and virgin materials. The recycling process is, of course, not pollution-free. In all production stages, recycling causes significant pollution. Unique recycling waste, for example, deinking sludge from paper recycling, also poses serious disposal problems. However, relative to production from virgin material, recycling often yields two important indirect environmental benefits: energy savings and upstream pollution avoided.

TABLE 17.4 Production from Recycled and Virgin Materials

Virgin Recycling
1. Raw material production 1. Collection/processing
2. Transport 2. Transport
3. Manufacturing 3. Manufacturing
4. Distribution 4. Distribution

Because secondary materials are already “preprocessed,” it generally takes much less energy to convert them into finished products. Energy savings in turn often translate into significant environmental benefits. Figure 17.3 shows the energy requirements to produce a variety of products from both virgin and recycled materials. Particularly for plastics, the energy savings are impressive: recycled plastic requires only about one-fourth of the energy of plastic made from virgin material. In addition to energy savings, the collection and processing of recycled materials can be less environmentally damaging than the production and transport of raw materials from virgin sources.

Histogram for Energy Consumption in Manufacturing: Virgin versus Recycled Raw Materials.

FIGURE 17.3 Energy Consumption in Manufacturing: Virgin versus Recycled Raw Materials

* Using recycled feedstock in paper production while reducing total energy use can actually increase use of purchased (generally nonrenewable) energy, as production from virgin materials uses waste wood to produce energy.

Source: New York State Energy Authority (1994, Figure 35).

Recycling can thus have local (direct waste management) and global (indirect) benefits. From an environmental point of view, global benefits have often been thought to dwarf the local benefits. As a result, the latter attribute has motivated popular enthusiasm for recycling. “Think globally, act locally” was the slogan adopted by community groups who first promoted recycling in the 1970s. In its early days, recycling was urged as an environmental duty, and even today, most of its political impetus derives from broad support for a cleaner environment. In addition, some of its cost advantage lies in voluntary citizen efforts to sort and/or collect recyclable material. However, recycling did not take off until the local advantages of recycling as a cost-competitive waste management strategy became apparent in the late 1980s. As conventional disposal costs began to rise, along with EPA regulations forcing landfills and incinerators to internalize externalities, some communities began to make money off their recycling programs.

Is recycling cost competitive today? Yes, up to a point. The explosive growth in recycling has generally kept prices for recycled materials down, because new supplies have outstripped the growth in end-use markets. Volatile prices in end-use markets mean that recycling programs will “pay” some years and require operating subsidies in others. It is difficult to assess whether communities in general are overinvesting in recycling on purely economic grounds.16

The key to the long-term success of recycling has been, and will be, the development of end-use markets. Of course, the mere existence of cheap sources of junk will inspire entrepreneurs to dream up things to do with it. In recent years, old newspapers have been shredded and turned into animal bedding, while glass has been ground up to use for “glassphalt” roadbed.

Here, state and local government actions have been very effective at technology forcing. For example, the U.S. government purchases large quantities of recycled paper for use in copy machines. The increase in mandatory recycling, recycled content laws, and government purchase programs have all dramatically boosted investment in recycled mill capacity. Chemical manufacturers, responding in part to actual and threatened local bans on plastics, have been working hard to develop recyclable products and create end-use markets. Technology forcing has worked well here because of the wide diversity of locations of these initiatives. Under such circumstances, industry was better off meeting the technology challenge than fighting it.

Recent popular enthusiasm has thus pushed recycling to become a dominant, long-term waste management option. According to William Ruckelshaus, former head of the EPA, “If the infrastructure gets put into place, with collection systems, processing centers and end-user markets, then it will not matter if the current ‘feel good’ attitude subsides. Economics will take over and the system will be self-sustaining.”17

Recycling is an example of a successfully promoted CT. As federal regulation (of the CAC variety) internalized the environmental costs associated with landfills and incineration, these options became more expensive, and recycling became cost-competitive. At the same time, popular support for recycling at the local level was sufficient to overcome a natural tendency on the part of municipal officials to stick to proven technologies. In addition, carrots in the form of market guarantees, as well as sticks in the form of product bans and content laws, both emerging simultaneously in dozens of locales, have generated substantial investment by the private sector in developing end-use markets for recycled products.

17.8 Summary

This chapter identifies government promotion of CTs as a potentially attractive complement to regulation for controlling pollution. By internalizing social costs, regulation provides a more level playing field on which clean technologies can compete. Yet, with the easy “point and stationary source” regulatory gains already achieved, in the face of pressures from population and economic growth, and with the unprecedented challenge of climate change, rapid development and diffusion of CTs will become an increasingly important means of improving environmental quality.

Regulating waste once it is produced exacerbates short-run conflicts between economic growth and environmental quality. While in the long run, environmental regulation spawns new technologies and creates new industries and jobs, “in the long run,” as the economist John Maynard Keynes once said, “we are all dead.” As a supplement to the stick of pollution taxes (or other IB regulation), the CT approach offers a carrot of government-promoted, substitute technology. Thus, the short-run trade-off between material well-being and the environment becomes much less stark.

Moreover, path dependence theory suggests that a continued exclusive government focus on end-of-the-pipe regulation of pollutants will lead to technological progress in end-of-the-pipe waste management, rather than in waste-reducing CTs. Concerned primarily with regulatory compliance, and provided with the funding to do so, environmental managers in industry and government will continue to develop expertise in emission monitoring and enforcement, risk analysis, and benefit–cost analysis; engineers will focus on cheaper ways of scrubbing and filtering emissions and on safer ways of incinerating or burying wastes. While these skills and technologies are important for making regulation work better, they are not primarily the skills and techniques needed for a transition to CTs.

Finally, in practice, we have seen that regulation is an adversarial process in which environmentalists and industry compete in an information-intensive conflict over the drafting and enforcing of standards. A regulatory approach in one sense sets government up to fail, because the affected parties have many opportunities, and much to gain, from influencing the process. The political economy of a CT approach promises to reduce the day-to-day conflict between regulators and firms as well as limit the opportunities for political influence.

Promoting CTs, of course, is certain to have its own bureaucratic problems associated with implementation. Conservative critics would charge that the “light-handed” planning process described here, while nice in theory, would dissolve as soon as a CT agency were established. Once provided a budget, CT promotion would devolve into “heavy-handed” restrictions on industries arbitrarily judged to be “dirty” by environmentally motivated bureaucrats, coupled with expensive crash programs to develop completely ludicrous technologies, located in the districts of powerful members of Congress.

Yet, a political-economic case can also be made that a CT strategy would be an effective complement to regulation, reducing both costs and regulatory conflict with industry. Because CT development does not involve rule making at the level of individual pollutants, or extensive monitoring and enforcement, informational requirements are diminished. As the need for information falls, so do opportunities for political influence, delay, and indecision. Once funded, technology subsidies are a win-win situation; firms are rewarded for reducing pollution, rather than punished for not doing so.18 Thus, CTs can transform an adversarial relationship into a partnership. Finally, path dependence theory suggests that government subsidy commitments can and should be time-limited and/or performance-based, thus reducing both the probability of picking losers and the development of vested interests. We now turn our attention to an area often seen as critical ground for clean technology promotion: energy.


  1. 17.0 This chapter focuses on government efforts to promote clean technology as an alternative to regulation.
  2. 17.1 Government intervention in the early stages of technology development and promotion may be justified to achieve environmental goals under a theory known as path dependence.
  3. 17.2 Clean technology (CT) is defined as having three components. CTs must (1) deliver services of a comparable quality and (2) do so with long-run marginal costs comparable to existing dirty technologies. (Early-stage CTs must achieve economies of scale before low-price production can be achieved, while late-stage CTs are already cost-competitive.) Finally, CTs must (3) be environmentally superior to existing options. Determining this requires considering all major impacts using life-cycle analysis and addressing the adding-up problem.
  4. 17.3 Two general obstacles to rapid diffusion of CTs are (1) a lack of substantial profit advantage in the marketplace and (2) government direct or indirect subsidies to competitors. The lack of high profits means that there is little private pull to overcome barriers such as high sunk costs (R&D and marketing), thin markets, access to capital, and high discount rates.
  5. 17.4 Government can help pick winners if it (1) levels the playing field. This entails removing subsidies for competitor technologies and internalizing social costs, preferably through IB regulation. It must also (2) focus on environmentally superior options only and (3) engage in least-cost planning. Under a least-cost approach, all subsidies are either time-limited or conditioned on cost-reducing performance.
  6. 17.5 Early-stage CTs can be promoted by (1) R&D funding, (2) producer subsidies such as price preferences, procurement contracts, and loan guarantees, (3) technology-forcing standards such as the CAFE and Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), and (4) infrastructure investment including the smart grid.
  7. 17.6 This section discusses tools for promoting late-stage CTs. These include (1) product labeling, (2) flexible design standards, (3) utility marketing of energy efficiency, (4) technical assistance programs, and (5) consumer subsidies. Subsidy programs must be carefully designed to avoid free riders.
  8. 17.7 Alternative agriculture and solid waste recycling are explored as examples of clean technologies. The primary obstacle to the former is, as usual, an insignificant profit advantage that is unable to overcome adjustment costs. Policy here could focus on R&D and technical assistance. Solid waste recycling gains an environmental edge over landfilling and incineration, largely through indirect benefits: lowered upstream impacts and reduced energy use in processing. Recycling is a successfully promoted CT. As a result of government support over the last few decades, recycling has become a major waste management option.


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  10. Greider, William. 1992. Who will tell the people? New York: Simon & Schuster.
  11. Herman, Robin. 1990. Fusion: The search for endless energy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  12. Hershkowitz, Allen. 1990. NRDC Diaper letter. New York: Natural Resources Defense Council.
  13. In solid waste, it’s the breakdown that counts. 1991. New York Times, 31 March.
  14. Kirsch, William F. and Gwen P. Looby (1990) “Waste Minimization Assessment Centers”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Pollution Prevention (USEPA: Washington, DC)
  15. Lehrburger, Carl, Jocelyn Mullen, and C. V. Jones. 1991. Diapers: Environmental impacts and lifecycle analysis. Philadelphia: National Association of Diaper Services.
  16. Lovins, Amory. 1977. Soft energy paths: Towards a durable peace. New York: HarperCollins.
  17. Muller, Nicholas Z., Robert Mendelsohn, and William Nordhaus. 2011. Environmental accounting for pollution in the United States economy. American Economic Review 101(5): 1649–75.
  18. New York State Energy Authority. 1994. Energy implications of integrated solid waste management systems. Albany, NY: Author.
  19. Ottinger, Richard L., David R. Wooley, Nicholas A. Robinson, David R. Hodas, Susan E. Babb, Shepard C. Buchanan, Paul L. Chernick, Emily Caverhill, Alan Krupnick, Winston Harrington, Seri Radin, and Uwe Fritsche. 1990. Environmental Costs of Electricity. New York, NY: Oceana Publications, Inc., for the Pace University Center for Environmental and Legal Studies.
  20. U.S. Department of Energy. 2002. DOE Energy resources portfolio: FY 1999–2001. Washington, DC: Author.
  21. US EIA. 2013. Annual Energy Outlook. Energy Information Administration Report Number DOE/EIA 0383.


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