Chapter 2. Advice from the Front Lines

After your team has decided to take advantage of feature management, it’s easy to get started in small, simple ways. There are certain techniques that you’ll want to keep in mind as you expand your usage and incorporate feature management into your development process to ensure that you realize the maximum benefit.

First Steps with Feature Flags

One of the great things about feature flags is that the cost to try them is extremely low. There’s no need to completely shift development methodologies to incorporate feature flags into your workflow. You can begin with a single flag, demonstrate its value, and introduce flags into your workflow slowly, use case by use case.

Your team can benefit from feature flags regardless of how far along you are in adopting Agile methods. You can use feature flags to release more frequently, even as you are working to modernize the rest of your development methodology. Feature flags don’t require you to have a distributed version control system (DVCS), continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), Kubernetes, service meshes, containerization, serverless, or any other specific technology in place in advance. (Though flags work great in tandem with many of those!) You can begin with feature flags now, no matter what your architecture or deployment cadence is.

If your team is working on adopting modern development practices, feature management can act as a beachhead—a critical first step taken down that path.

Your First Feature Flag

A kill switch is a technique for quickly turning off a feature or routing users to a previous version of a feature. Kill switches are the simplest use case for feature flags and make for a great first flag in your software. I’ve found that teams derive immediate value by introducing kill switches around a new feature. It’s also best to start with a small feature; your first flag shouldn’t be part of a large, multimonth delivery effort. Find quick wins to begin building the muscle memory in your team for flagging.

It’s also important to follow these first flags through the entire life cycle, including removing them after they’re no longer needed. After this process has been completed successfully a few times, you can begin introducing feature flags into your everyday workflow.

Feature Flags in Your Workflow

Feature management is valuable to many teams in an organization, not just the development team. Depending on the need, features might be managed by product managers, marketing, support, or DevOps teams. When you’re starting a new project, you should include feature management in the planning process. In the kickoff meeting, it’s useful to ask the following questions to help define your flagging strategy:

  • What’s the release strategy for this feature? How risky is it? Are there segments of users who should see the feature first?

    Consider whether there should be a beta, canary release, or a ring deployment for this feature.

  • Are you gating access to the feature based on pricing plans or entitlements?

    Consider adding a permanent flag and specifying rules to determine who should have access to the feature.

  • Are there any circuit breakers or operational controls that you should flag? What will you do if something goes wrong?

    Consider including operational flags to adjust the configuration of your new feature.

  • Is this feature nonessential and possibly resource intensive?

    Consider adding a kill switch.

  • What does success mean for this feature? Are there any experiments that you should perform, baselines you should measure, or metrics to track?

    Consider introducing a flag that compares new behavior against the current behavior of a control group.

Based on your answers, you can define the flags that the development team should introduce. You’ll know which flags are intended to be temporary, exactly how long they should live, and whether any permanent flags will be introduced. It’s much easier to do this early, before you’ve begun to build your new feature.

Flags and Branching Strategies

You can use feature flags with any branching strategy. They are an important step in moving toward trunk-based development because the ability to flag code and keep it hidden allows you to merge aggressively, even before the branched code is ready for release.

Feature flags also complement feature-branch–based development and DVCS. Teams that incorporate flags in conjunction with feature branches can eliminate the need for long-lived branches, along with the headaches associated with integrating long-lived branches back into master.

Testing with Feature Flags

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to testing with feature flags, mostly because there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to testing in general. However, it’s important to think through the impact of feature flags on your testing strategy. With planning, feature flags can work well with almost any approach.

Should I Test All Combinations of Flags?

It isn’t necessary (or even possible) to test every combination of feature flags. Because each feature flag has at least two variations, you’d have an exponential number of test cases to write. Testing each variation of a flag in isolation (using default values for the other flags) is usually enough, unless there’s some known interaction between certain flags. But you should identify combinations of feature flags that are known to create user issues in test cases and guard against using them in your code.

Flags and Libraries

Another decision that affects testing is whether you should use feature flags in reusable library code. I think the answer is no—flags are an application-level concern, not a library concern. Let’s illustrate this with a small example. Imagine you have a search library that is backed by Elasticsearch, with an API like the following:

function searchES(query, lastId) {

Imagine that you’re feature-flagging between two different search systems, using a feature flag called use.algolia. You could make the feature flag the library’s concern, which would require us to pass the user context to the library, like so:

function flaggedSearch(query, lastId, user) {
   if (enableFeature("use.algolia", user)) {
     return searchAlgolia(query, lastId);
   else {
     return searchES(query, lastId);

This approach has a few problems. First, it introduces into the library a dependency on the feature management system, making it potentially more difficult to reuse and test. Second, it ties the application’s data model (the user context) into the library. The user context isn’t relevant to search; it’s relevant only to the feature flag. A better way to structure this is to move the feature flag to the uses of the search function and add a parameter to the search function indicating which engine to use:

enum SearchEngine {
function search(query, lastId, searchEngine) {
   if (searchEngine == ALGOLIA) {
     return searchAlgolia(query, lastId);
   else (searchEngine == ES) {
     return searchES(query, lastId);

Now, feature flagging is an application-level concern. You check the flag at the call sites to the search function:

  if (enableFeature("use.algolia", user)) {
     engine = ALGOLIA   
   else {
     engine = ES
   results = search(query, lastId, engine);

Using this method, you’ve separated the flagging concern from search and avoided introducing dependencies on the feature management system and the application-level user object, which simplifies testing considerably.

Unit Testing

Even after structuring your code to keep feature flags in the application level, you’re still going to need to unit-test in the presence of feature flags. The easiest way to write unit tests for code containing feature flags is to mock-out the feature management service. Mocking is a simple way to avoid interactions with the external feature management service, which is important for unit testing.

Integration Testing

In most cases, it’s still best to eliminate external dependencies in end-to-end integration tests. You can accomplish this either by using a mock object library or by having the feature management service return default values or hardcoded values from a file or other local source.

If external dependencies are not an issue for your tests, and you want to modify feature flags for testing purposes, a feature management service with an API is a viable approach. The API should allow you to programmatically create flags and change rollout rules. Ideally, it should allow you to also create and destroy environments so that tests can start from a clean slate with each run.

Managing Technical Debt

Temporary feature flags introduce technical debt. Old flags that should have been removed can litter code with conditional statements and prevent dead code from being removed. They also clutter your feature flag dashboard, making it more difficult to manage active flags.

Cleaning up flags aggressively is the key to preventing technical debt from building up. There’s no royal road to flag cleanup, but there are some processes that make it manageable.

Appoint a Maintainer

The developer who introduces a flag should be responsible for cleaning it up. To enforce this, appoint a maintainer for the flag. This person is responsible for recording the purpose of the flag, ensuring that it has a well-defined rollout plan, and eventually cleaning it up.

Set Expiration Dates

When I create a flag, I usually have some idea of how long it’s intended to remain in the code. It’s common to have temporary flags that can’t be removed quickly; for example, when running a weeks-long A/B test or creating a flag that hides a months-long work in progress. These flags are the most likely to slip through the cleanup cracks. A strategy here is to give feature flags expiration dates at the time of creation. When a flag reaches its expiration date, you can be notified that it’s time to delete that flag. Some teams file issues to track this, some teams use tags or naming conventions, and some teams even create pull requests to remove the feature flags in advance.

Flag Removal Branches and Pull Requests

One of the biggest barriers to deleting temporary flags is remembering what the flag did, where it needs to be removed, and what dead code can be deleted as a result. Too many stale flags are a form of technical debt and an antipattern that you should avoid. Surprisingly, this amnesia kicks in quickly—even if a developer circles back only a week later to delete a flag, it’s time-consuming to remember the original context and locate all the places where the flag is referenced. One way to help overcome this challenge is to create a branch and pull request (PR) to remove the flag at the same time the flag is introduced. This extra branch or PR is kept unmerged until it is time to delete the flag. After the flag has served its purpose, cleanup consists of merging the PR, deploying the change, and deleting the (now-inactive) flag from the flag management dashboard.

Finding Flag References

Eventually, you’ll run into a flag that nobody knows anything about. Perhaps the maintainer has left the company or the flag itself wasn’t documented well. You might not even know which codebase (or codebases) reference the flag. In that situation, you’ll need a good strategy for finding references to the flag in code. Some best practices make this easier:

  • Use a naming convention that makes feature flag strings stand out. For example, if feature flags always have the sentinel prefix fflag., a simple grep search is much more likely to identify flags without many false positives.

  • Name feature flags in commit messages. When you introduce a flag, add a commit message like “Introduces feature flag flag-key.” Similarly, when you delete a flag, add a commit message like “Removes feature flag flag-key.” By doing this, you can quickly find commits that affect feature flags with a Git log.

  • If you need to do a comprehensive search, use your repository hosting tool’s code search feature. You can also search Git history with a command like git rev-list --all | xargs git grep flag-key.

Scaling to Large Teams

I’ve covered how to introduce feature flags to your team’s development workflow, but how do you roll out feature flags across an entire development organization? The more developers are working on an application, the greater the challenge of delivering code together, and the more you need to protect your changes with feature flags. But a new set of challenges arise when you consider feature flagging across hundreds or thousands of developers.

Permissions and Role-Based Access Controls

Feature management is a practice that can benefit your entire organization. Your feature management console is the source of truth, and it’s useful for anyone in your organization to be able see the current, accurate state of the world for your application for any given customer.

You can more tightly control just who can modify a feature flag using role-based access controls (RBACs). You can limit changing specific flags, any flag in a given project, or environment (like your production environment). You might want to limit write permissions to your DevOps team or to just the engineers who built a given feature.

That said, I would encourage you to be as open as possible in providing access to feature management throughout your team and across all disciplines from engineering to marketing to support. Feature flags are valuable as much for the collaboration they enable as the simple technical capability of enabling or disabling something, and those benefits should be shared as widely as possible.


After your team is using feature management, there are a handful of practices to observe that will ensure smooth collaborating:

Document changes

It’s good practice to maintain a log of flag updates. It’s even more helpful to leave a comment with every change. When something is going unexpectedly wrong, being able to quickly see if anything has changed recently (and why it did) is an invaluable asset.

Make updates visible

Likewise, it’s good practice to make sure that your team knows whenever changes are made. You can try sending notifications to Slack or a similar collaboration tool so that the team knows about flag changes in real time.


After you begin using feature management, answering the question “is this done yet” becomes a bit more complicated. The code might be written and it might be deployed, but only a small fraction of users might be able see it. So, it’s good practice to connect your feature management platform—which is the source of truth for feature deployment—to your other collaboration tools, like issue trackers or code repositories. It’s super helpful to see the current deployed state of a flag directly from an issue, ticket, or PR.

Organizing Flags

As feature management spreads across a larger organization, one of the challenges is simply how to deal with the sheer number of flags. Here are a couple of methods that you can employ:

Separate concerns

The most important step is to divide your flags into smaller, related chunks of functionality. You might choose to divide by microservice, by application tier, or by related functionality. But separating your flags into projects or buckets can avoid the need for developers to understand every flag in the system.

Name your flags well

It’s also important to help your team understand what flags are for as easily as possible. So, adopt a naming convention that makes it clear at first glance what a flag is for, what part of the system it affects, and what it does. The more consistent you can be across teams, the smoother your collaboration will be.

Feature Flags Versus Blue/Green Deploys

Blue/green deployments are a technique that involves running two identical production environments (“blue” and “green”). At any point in time, one environment is “live” (e.g., blue), while the other (green) is “idle.” To prepare a release, new code is pushed to the green environment. Gradually, traffic is pointed to the green environment until eventually the blue environment becomes idle. At any point during the release, you can direct traffic back to the blue environment if problems occur. You can manage the deploy/ramp up/rollback steps of a blue/green deployment workflow by using a continuous delivery system such as Spinnaker.

Blue/green deployments have some of the same benefits as feature flags: they help reduce the risk of deploying new changes, and both provide the ability to instantaneously roll back a problematic change. Thus, feature flags and blue/green deploys are complementary techniques. Although there are areas of overlap, each approach has distinct benefits, and the best strategy is to use both. Following is a comparison between the major characteristics of feature flags and blue/green deployments:


Feature flags work at the code level, and flags can protect extremely fine-grained changes, down to individual code paths. In contrast, blue/green deploys work by routing traffic to entirely different versions of a service. Usually, this means that blue/green deploys end up protecting services from a set of commits packaged into a binary and deployed together to the idle environment.


Blue/green deployments can protect against any change, including infrastructure changes, configuration changes, and code changes. Feature flags, on the other hand, are most easily applied to code changes.

Ability to route users

Feature flags can change values for users based on arbitrary user attributes and rules. This makes them extremely flexible. On the other hand, blue/green deployments operate at the router level. Routers typically don’t have access to user attributes, and most are limited to simple percentage rollouts.

Intended users

Because blue/green deployments operate on the version level, the primary users are generally DevOps engineers. Feature management tools are used throughout the organization by developers, product managers, and nontechnical users.


Because there are typically only two environments (blue and green), and additional environments are expensive to keep in operation, blue/green deploys are usually very short lived. Feature flags, on the other hand, can live across many changes, or even be permanent, depending on your need.

When the infrastructure for blue/green deployments is in place, every deploy should follow that pattern. This provides a catch-all rollback plan if anything goes wrong with a deploy, including changes that can’t easily be flagged, like configuration changes.

However, if a new problem is traced to a new feature that’s flagged, you can turn it off directly without forcing a rollback of any other change that was shipped on that release. In addition, you should use flags for other use cases (like operational flags, A/B tests, and entitlements) that aren’t addressed by blue/green deploys.

Feature Flags Versus Configuration Management

A service’s configuration is a set of parameters that is likely to change between deployment environments (staging, production, development, etc.). This includes information such as the following:

  • Credentials to access external services (e.g., Stripe, AWS)

  • Settings for backing stores (e.g., pool sizes, host, and port info)

  • Deploy values such as the externally facing hostname for the environment

Configuration parameters are typically stored in files, environment variables, or services like Consul or Redis. As services become more complex, configuration management becomes a real concern. Tasks like versioning configuration data, rolling back changes, and promoting configuration changes across environments become cumbersome and error prone. More than one company has experienced an outage caused by deploying a bad configuration change to a production environment.

For teams using feature flags successfully at scale, it’s tempting to think about moving all of this configuration data into a feature management platform. Feature management platforms solve many of these change management problems, but I still do not recommend moving configuration data into feature flags. Because feature flags are dynamic (they can change at runtime) and context sensitive (they can change depending on the user context), it is more difficult to get a single, simple view of the configuration data. For most configuration data, there’s little benefit to be gained by making the data change based on the user context. In this case, simplicity trumps flexibility.

Rather than migrate all configuration data into feature flags, I recommend introducing feature flags selectively on top of whatever configuration management mechanism is in place (files, environment variables, etc.). These flags should be introduced only on an as-needed basis. For example, imagine that you’re trying to manage a database migration via feature flags. You might introduce a simple Boolean flag called read-from-new-database. You can then modify your configuration file as shown in the following example:

host = localhost
password = redacted
port = 1234
host = localhost
password = redacted
port = 5678

Now, you can use the read-from-new-database flag to connect to the new database if true. Otherwise, the original database configuration is used. The configuration data is kept where it belongs, in the configuration management system, but you’ve gained the benefits of feature flagging, including the ability to do a controlled rollout. With this approach, you can also easily clean up the flag and the configuration file when the migration is completed.

If you had managed your migration by moving the entire database configuration into a feature flag, perhaps by creating a multivariate database-configuration flag, you’d need to keep the flag in place permanently. There’s little long-term value to this because you’re unlikely to use different database configurations for different users. You’d also be storing your database credentials in the flag management platform, which is also not a best practice.


Armed with these ideas and tools, you now have a playbook for getting started with feature management. Remember to start small and extend your usage of feature management after you’ve had a few small wins. Before you get started with your first project, read the next chapter to learn what you need to consider when selecting your feature management platform.

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