

Accelerated commutation, 28284

AC machines, EMF generated in, 242

Air blast cooling

for high-capacity transformers, 50

and oil-immersed self-cooled transformer, 49

Air gap, 230

All-day efficiency of transformer, 89


equivalent circuit, 433

excitation circle, 47677

infinite bus, 482

input power equation, 45859

reactive power input, 459

real power input, 459

load characteristics, 45455

load distribution, 48889

losses and efficiency, 46869

output power equation

maximum power output, 457

power output equation, 45758

reactive power output, 457

real power output, 45657

parallel operation

conditions, 48384

identical frequency requirement, 484

identical phase sequence, 484

identical voltage requirement, 484

in-phase requirement, 48485

prime mover torque speed, 484

reasons, 483

phasor diagram

lagging power factor, 434

leading power factor, 435

unity power factor, 435

powers sharing, 47882

prime mover characteristic, 47778

voltage equation, 434

voltage regulation determination, 337, 44753

Ampere-turn method, 44347

ASA method, 45354

direct loading, 438

emf/synchronous impedance method, 43843

Alternator at lagging power factor, 450

Ampere-turns (AT), 9

Armature core, 18889

Armature mmf wave, 470

Armature reaction

in DC machines, 27074

unity power factor load, 43132

zero lagging and leading, 432

Armature resistance measurement, 44041

Armature torque of motor, 33940

Armature windings, 189, 21921

leakage reactance, 431

resistance, 43031

Automatic starters, 360

back emf, 36162

series current-limit, 36364

shunt current-limit, 36263

time element, 361


advantages of, 100101

applications, 101

construction, 9799

conversions, 100

copper saving, 99100

disadvantages of, 100101


Booster transformer, 11112

Brake test of DC motor, 37273

Breather, 51

Bright lamp method, 485, 486


and bearings, 190

drop, 262

shift on terminal voltage, 300

Brushless DC motor

bipolar/full-wave, 396

bipolar or full-wave, 396

features, 39697

features of, 39697

unipolar/half-wave, 39496

Buchholz relay, 52

Bushings, 47


Capability curves, 47074

Circle diagram of polyphase induction motors

approximate equivalent circuit, 618

exciting current, 618

maximum quantities, 62021

no-load test, 619

short-circuit current, 620

short-circuit test, 619

stator current phasor, 617

stator-resistance test, 619

Circuit connection and open-circuit characteristic, 439, 440

Co-energy of system, 2627

Coil arrangement and waveform of mmf, 270, 271

Commutation, 27779

accelerated, 28284

improving methods

emf commutation, 28687

resistance commutation, 28586

linear, 27981

retarded, 28182

sinusoidal, 284

Commutator, 189

Compensating winding, 277

Complex power, 1213

Compound generator, 3013

parallel operation, 30810

Compound motors, 34344

characteristics of, 346

Compound-wound generator, 261

Concentric windings, 45


current in, 1

force, in magnetic field, 23

magnetic flux, 12

Conservator, 51

Construction of DC machines, 186

armature core, 18889

armature windings, 189

brushes and bearings, 190

commutator, 18990

essential parts of, 190

magnetic frame/yoke, 187

pole coils, 188

pole cores and pole shoes, 18788

Continuous disc windings, 46

Continuously variable reactor, 106

Cooling of transformer, 4950

Copper loss, 266

Copper saving in autotransformer, 99100

Core-type laminations, 4143

Corkscrew rule, 12

Coupling angle, 530

Coupling field energy, 2324

Crawling, 630

Cross-field generators, 39194

Cross-magnetizing Ampere-turns per pole, 27576

Cross-over windings, 46

Current-carrying conductors

force between, 2

isolated, flux distribution of, 2

Current transformer, 107

Cylindrical rotating machine, 3233

cases, 3337

magnetic actuator, 36

pulsating torque, 34

synchronous motor/machine, 33

Cylindrical rotor, capability curve, 473


Damper windings, 219, 54950

Damping effect, 550

Dark lamp method, 485, 486

DC compound motor, characteristics, 346

DC generators, 2078

abnormal sound, causes, 312

armature, heating causes, 312

armature reaction, 27074

characteristics, 287

classification, 26162

condition for maximum efficiency, 26870

efficiency, 26768

emf generated in, 246

excessive heating, causes, 311

external and internal characteristic

with armature reaction, 299

neglecting armature reaction, 29899

internal/total characteristic, 29798

overload, indications and causes, 31011

parallel operations, 3034

power stages, 267

rapid brush, reasons, 312

sparking at brushes, 311

two-segment commutator, 20913

types, 261

uses, 310

voltage regulation, 297

DC machines construction, 186

DC motors

armature torque, 33940

automatic starters, 360

back emf, 36162

series current-limit, 363

shunt current-limit, 36263

time element, 361

back emf, 338

brake test, 37273

compound motor, 343

Field’s test, 38688

Hopkinson’s test, 37780

manual starter

four-point starter, 35960

three-point starter, 35859

maximum mechanical power, 339

principle, 21314

retardation/running test, 38386

rotational losses, 34143

separation of losses, 38083

series motor characteristics, 34546

shunt/separately excited, characteristics, 345

speed control

armature resistance, 34750

field resistance, 35055

speed regulation, 347

speed with back emf and flux, 34445

starter, 357

Swinburne’s test, 37375

generating mode, 37576

motoring mode, 375

torque and speed, 347

uses, 38889

voltage equation, 33738

ward-leonard control/voltage control, 35557

DC series motor, 34546

DC shunt motor starter design, 36466

DC windings types

simple lap, 196200

wave, 200205

Deep-cage rotors, 631

Delta connections, 16

currents and power, 1820

phasor diagram, 19

voltages, 1820

Delta–delta connection, 15859

Delta–star connection, 16061

Delta–zig-zag star connection, 16162

Diametrical connection, 17172

Direct testing of polyphase induction motors

autotransformer, 616

drum radius, 616

efficiency, 616

input voltage, 616

operating slip, 616

output power, 616

performance characteristics, 617

Disc coils, 47

Distribution factor, 23839

Double-cage rotors, 63132

Double-delta connection, 171

Double-layer spiral coil, 46

Double-layer winding, 223

Double-star connection, 171

Doubly excited systems, 3132

Drooping, 477

Drum windings, 19294

armature conductors, 195

coil sides per layer, 194

coil span, 19495

commutator pitch, 195

winding pitch, 195, 196

Dry-type transformer, 49

Dummy coils, 207

Dynamically induced emf, 56

Dynamometer, cross-field machines, 39091


Eddy current loss, 266

Efficiency of transformer, 85

all-day, 89

maximum, conditions for, 86

kVA supplied, 8788

load current, 87

Electrical and mechanical degrees, 23436

Electrical energy input, 2728

Electrical faults, 498

Electric braking, 366

of polyphase induction motors

dynamic braking, 64445

plugging/counter-current braking, 64344

regenerative braking, 643

of series motors, 36869

of shunt motors, 36768

Electromagnetic torque, 18485

Electromagnetism, 1

mechanical forces in system, 2830

Electromechanical energy conversion system, 24

Emf commutation, 28687

Emf equation

long-shunt compound generator, 263

series generator, 263

short-shunt compound generator, 26364

shunt generator, 262

Emf generated in AC machines, 24243

Emf generated in DC generator, 246


conversion principle, 2223

in coupling field, 2324

Equalizer rings, 28788

Equalizing connections for lap winding, 2057

Equivalent circuit of polyphase induction motors

rotor, 59699

stator, 596


Faraday’s first and second laws, 45

Field energy, 2426

Field flux and flux distribution, 270, 271

Field’s test, 38687

Fleming’s left-hand rule, 3

Fleming’s right-hand rule, 6

Flux density, 8

Flux per pole, 24041

Four-point starters, 35960

Fractional slot winding, 22427

Full-pitched coil, generated emf in, 24142


Generated emf in full-pitched coil, 24142

Generator phasor diagram, 472

Generators protection, 49799


Helical windings, 46

Hopkinson’s test (back-to-back test), 37779


causes, 492

effects, 49293

reduction, 493

Hydrogenerators, 218

Hysteresis loss, 266


Incoming machine and bus, voltage diagrams, 487

Induced EMF, 5

and current, 34

Induction generator

advantages and applications of, 642

circle diagram of, 64142

disadvantages of, 642

excitation current and rotor current, 641

rotor emf, 641

Induction machines, 24344

Induction motors

electrical braking of polyphase

dynamic braking, 64445

plugging/counter-current braking, 64344

factors governing performance

air-gap length, 634

rotor resistance, 634

slots and teeth shapes of, 634

operating conditions effects

break in one phase effects, 634

line frequency and line voltage, variation, 634

loading, 634

unbalanced supply voltage, 634

Infinite bus, 482

Inherent voltage regulation of transformer, 78

In-phase and out-of-phase condition, 484, 485

Inrush phenomenon, 11213

Integral slot winding, 22324

Isolated current carrying conductors, 2


Kapp’s regulation, 84


Laminations amalgamation, 40

Lap winding, 196200

equalizing connections, 2057

uses, 207

Lenz’s law, 5

Linear commutation, 27981

Linear induction motor

applications of, 641

disadvantages of, 641

induced currents, 639

short-single primary, 639

slip, 640

synchronous speed, 640

thrust-speed characteristics, 640

Linear systems

magnetic force estimation, 30

Load angle, 530

Loaded and unsaturated DC machines, 27374

Load sharing by transformers

equal voltage ratios, 9294

unequal voltage ratios, 9596

Long-shunt compound generator, 263

Losses in DC generator, 266

constant/standing, 267

copper, 266

core loss, 266

iron loss, 266

magnetic loss, 266

mechanical, 266

stray, 266

Losses in transformer, 84

copper loss, 85

core/iron loss, 85


Magnetic circuit, 7

Magnetic field intensity, 8

Magnetic flux, 89

Corkscrew rule, 12

right-hand rule, 1

Magnetic force, in linear systems, 30

Magnetic frame or yoke, 187

Magnetic locking (cogging), 63031

Magnetomotive force, 7

Magnet withdrawn, 4

Manual starters

four-point, 35960

three-point, 35859

Maximum torque of polyphase induction motors

condition, 58384

rotor resistance effect, efficiency, 589

Maximum voltage regulation, 79

Mechanical faults, 49899

Mechanical forces, in electromagnetic system, 28

cases, 2930

Mechanical losses, 266

Moving coil reactor, 105

Moving shunt reactor, 106


Negligible armature resistance, output power, 540

No-load curve for self-excited generators, 29093

No-load release-type series motor starter, 364


Off-load tap changing transformers, 108

Oil-immersed forced air-cooled transformers, 50

Oil-immersed forced oil-cooled transformers, 50

Oil-immersed self-cooled transformers, 4950

Oil-immersed water-cooled transformers, 50

On-load tap

changer with single primary, 10910

changing transformers, 109

Open-delta connection, 16365

Operating conditions effects of induction motor

break in one phase effects, 634

line frequency and line voltage, variation, 634

loading, 634

unbalanced supply voltage, 634

Output power equation of alternator

maximum power output, 457

reactive power output, 457

real power output, 45657

Overloaded generators indications, 310

causes, 31112


Parallel operation of alternator

conditions, 48384

identical frequency requirement, 484

identical phase sequence, 484

identical voltage requirement, 484

in-phase requirement, 484, 485

prime mover torque speed, 484

reasons, 483

Parallel operation of single-phase transformer, 92

Performance and circle diagram of synchronous motor

constant excitation, 54344

constant power developed, 54143

constant power input, 541

Permeability, 9

Phasor diagram of alternator

lagging power factor, 434

leading power factor, 435

unity power factor, 435

Phasor diagram of mmf, 453

Phasor diagram, synchronous motor

equivalent circuit model, 528

lagging power factor load, 52829

leading power factor load, 529

loading effect, 528

unity power factor load, 52931

Pigtail brush, 190

Pitch factor, 23637

Plugging/reverse current braking, 368

Polarity test of single-phase transformer, 90


coils, 188

cores and shoes, 18788

Polyphase induction machines

air gap, 230

squirrel-cage rotor, 22829

wound rotor, 22930

Polyphase induction motors

applications, 633

blocked-rotor/short-circuit test, 61415

circle diagram

approximate equivalent circuit, 618

exciting current, 618

maximum quantities, 62021

no-load test, 619

short-circuit current, 620

short-circuit test, 619

stator current phasor, 617

stator-resistance test, 619

direct testing

autotransformer, 616

drum radius, 616

efficiency, 616

input voltage, 616

operating slip, 616

output power, 616

performance characteristics, 617

efficiency, 592

electrical braking of, 64345

equivalent circuit

rotor, 59699

stator, 596

factors governing performance of, 634

full-load and maximum torque, 58687

losses, 59192

maximum torque

condition, 58384

rotor resistance effect, efficiency, 589

no-load test/open-circuit test, 61314

operating conditions effects, 634

power factor

rotor resistance and reactance, effect, 58990

power stages, 592

ratings of, 63435

rotor current

electromagnetic force (emf), 577

rotor power

air gap power, 579

mechanical power, 580

phase power input, 579

stator input, 580

rotor resistance and reactance, effect, 590

slip measurement

electromechanical counter, 594

mechanical differential counter, 59495

stroboscopic method, 59596

starting load torque and maximum torque, 587

starting of, 604605

starting torque

change in supply voltage, effect, 582

condition, 588

slip-ring motor, 582

squirrel-cage motor, 582

synchronous watt, 594

Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of, 600603

torque and slip

change in supply frequency on, 591

change in supply voltage on, 583, 591

characteristics, 58486

torque expression, 58182

Potential transformer, 107

Potier method, 44753

Potier triangle, 44851

Power angle, 530

Power factor of polyphase induction motors

rotor resistance and reactance, effect, 58990

Power triangle, 12

Preventive autotransformer, 11011

Pull-out torque, 544

Pulse transformer, 102

response characteristics, 103104

usage of, 104


R–C series circuit, 10

Reactance voltage, 28485

Regenerative braking, 369

Reluctance, 9

torque, 185

Resistance commutation, 28586

Retardation/running test, 38385

Retarded commutation, 28182

Rheostatic/dynamic braking, 36768

Right-hand rule, 1

Ring windings, 19092

Rotating electrical machines

classification, 184

constructional features, 18586

electromagnetic torque, 18485

reluctance torque, 185

Rotating magnetic field concept, 24649

Rotational losses of DC machines, 341

Rotatory electromagnetic system, 31


currents, 3132

faults, 498

frequency, 23334

of polyphase induction motors, emf, 577

salient pole-type, 21617

smooth cylindrical, 217

speed of MMF, 234

Rotor power of polyphase induction motors

air gap power, 579

mechanical power, 580

phase power input, 579

stator input, 580

Rotor side speed control of induction motor

cascade connection, 62426

injecting voltage in rotor circuit, 627

rotor rheostat control., 62324

Running torque, 544


Salient-pole alternator

losses and efficiency, 46870

maximum reactive power, 468

torque-angle characteristic, 46467

two-reaction theory, 46064

Salient-pole synchronous motor, 544

lagging power factor, 545

leading power factor, 546

power developed, 54748

stability and maximum load angle, 54849

unity power factor, 54647

Salient pole-type rotor, 21617

Sandwich windings, 47

Saturable reactor, 106

Schrage motor, 636

advantages of, 639

block diagram of, 637

phasor diagram, 638

power factor compensation, 639

two-pole DC generator, 638

Scott connection, 16567

Self-excited generator, 261

no-load curve, 29091

Separately excited DC motor, 345

Separately excited generators, 261

advantages and disadvantages, 294

internal and external characteristic, 290

no-load saturation characteristic, 289

Separation of losses in DC machine, 38083

Series generator, 263

circuit diagram, 301

parallel operation, 307

Series motor, electric braking

plugging/reverse current, 368

regenerative, 36972

rheostatic, 368

Series R–L–C circuit, 11

Series R-L circuit, 910

Series-wound generator, 261

Shell-type transformers, 4144

Short-circuit ratio, 49597

Short-circuit test, 6768

Short-shunt compound generator, 26364

Shunt generator, 262

conditions for, 295

failure reasons, 295

internal and external characteristic, 29597

parallel operation, 3046

voltage build-up, 294

Shunt motors

characteristics, 345

electric braking

plugging/reverse, 36768

regenerative, 368

rheostatic/dynamic, 367

Shunt-wound generator, 261

Simple DC generator and two-segment commutator, 20912

Single-layer windings, 22123

Single-phase circuits

series L-C-R circuit, 11

series R–C circuit, 10

series R–L–C circuit, 11

series R-L circuit, 910

Single-phase transformer, 3941

core-type transformer, 4143

parallel operation of, 92

polarity test of, 90

shell type, 4344

spiral core type, 44

Single-turn generator, 208

Singly excited machine, 229

Sinusoidal commutation, 284

Six-phase star connection, 171

Slip in induction motor, 23233

Slip measurement of polyphase induction motors

electromechanical counter, 594

mechanical differential counter, 59495

stroboscopic method, 59596

Slip-ring induction motors

starting of

approximate ratio, 612

full-load current, 611

resistance steps for three-phase, 610

stud, 611

Slip ring rotor, 22930

Slip test connection diagram, 470

Smooth cylindrical type rotor, 217

Speed control of DC motors

armature resistance control, 34749

field resistance control, 35051

Speed control of induction motor

rotor side, 62327

stator side, 62729

Speed of rotor mmf, 234

Speed regulation, 347

Speed–time curve, 384

Spiral core-type transformer, 44

Spiral windings, 45

Squirrel-cage motors

autotransformer, 607608

direct-on-line, 605606

star-delta, 608

stator resistor, 606607

Squirrel-cage rotor, 22829

Standing losses, 267

Star connections

currents and power, 1618

domestic and industrial load, 20

phasor diagram, 17

voltages, currents and power, 1618

Star–delta connection, 15960

Star–star connection, 15658

Starter principle, 357

Starters for DC series motors, 364

Starting/breakaway torque, 544

Starting torque of polyphase induction motors

change in supply voltage, effect, 582

condition, 588

slip-ring motor, 582

squirrel-cage motor, 582

Statically induced emf, 67

Stator, 21516

faults, 498

Stator side speed control of induction motor

changing number of poles, 62729

changing supply frequency, 627

Steam supply, effect of change, 489

Step-up and step-down transformer, 39, 56

Stray losses, 266

Sumpner’s test, 91

Swinburne’s test, 37375

generating mode, 37576

motoring mode, 375

Synchronizing power

coefficient units, 492

and synchronizing torque coefficient, 48991

Synchronizing procedures, alternator

frequency synchronization, 488

in-phase determination, 48688

phase sequence matching, 48586

synchroscope synchronization, 488

voltage matching, 485

Synchronous condensers, 55455

Synchronous generators, 24446

armature reaction

unity power factor load, 43132

zero lagging power factor load, 432

zero leading power factor load, 432

armature winding, parameters of

leakage reactance, 431

resistance, 43031

capability curves, 47176

determination of, 47071

reactance and impedance, 433

short-circuit ratio, 49597

sudden short circuit, 49495

Synchronous-induction motor, 633

DC Excitation to rotor winding, 645, 646

slip-ring induction, 645

starting characteristics, 646

Synchronous machines

armature windings, 21920, 243

double-layer winding, 223

fractional slot winding, 22427

integral slot winding, 22324

single-layer, 22123

classification, based on prime mover

hydrogenerators, 218

turbogenerators, 218

construction of, 21415

rotor, 21618

stator, 21516

damper windings, 219

excitation system, 21819

field winding, 243

frequency and synchronous speed, 219

Synchronous machines oscillations, 49394

Synchronous motors, 33

applications of, 55354

armature reaction, 527

classification, 218

complex power input, 53537

complex power output, 538

conductor current, 526

constant excitation, 54344

constant load operation, 53234

constant power developed, current locus, 54143

current locus, constant power input, 541

curves, 53536

hunting/surging, 55051

input reactive power at negligible armature resistance, 54041

leading current, demagnetizing effect, 527

maximum output power, 53840

motor characteristics, 54144

operation principles, 526

performance and circle diagram, 54144

periodicity of hunting, 55152

power output at negligible armature resistance, 540

rotating magnetic field and rotor field poles, 52627

starting methods, 553

torque, 544

Synchronous speed, in induction motor, 232


Tap changing transformers, 108

Tapped reactor, 105

Tapping, 48

Terminal voltage, brush shift effect, 300

Testing of DC machines, 372

Three-phase circuits, 1315

advantages of, 15

generation of voltage, 14

interconnection of, 15

phase sequence, 15

phasor diagram, 14

power, measurement of, 2122

waveform diagram, 14

Three-phase induction motors

common faults, 635

principle of operation, 23032

Three-phase transformers

advantages of, 154


delta–delta, 15859

delta–star, 16061

delta–zig-zag star, 16163

star–delta, 15960

star–star, 15658

connections, 17376

construction of, 155

core-type, 156

shell-type, 156

open-delta/V–V connection, 16365

operation principle, 15455

parallel operations of, 170

rating, 176

Scott connection/T–T connection, 16567

six-phase conversion

diametrical connection, 17172

double-delta connection, 17172

double-star connection, 171

star connection, 17172

two-phase conversion, 16770

Three-point starters, 35859

Three-winding transformer, 173

Three-wire generator, 389

Torque and slip of polyphase induction motors

change in supply frequency on, 591

change in supply voltage on, 583, 591

Torque and speed of DC series motor, 347

Torque angle/angle of retardation, 530


air blast and oil-immersed self-cooled transformer, 49, 50

Buchholz relay, 52

bushings, 48

conservator and breather, 5152

cooling of, 4950

definition, 38

efficiency of, 8586

all-day efficiency, 8990

maximum efficiency condition, 8689

emf equation, 5456

equivalent circuit, 6466

equivalent reactance, 6162

equivalent resistance, 6061

exact voltage drop, 7374

leakage reactance and impedance voltage drop, 77

on load, 59

load sharing, 9296

losses in, 84

copper loss, 85

core/iron loss, 85

magnetic leakage, 61

methods of cooling, 50

no load, 5759

oil, 51

open circuit test/no-load test, 6667

per unit resistance, 77

principle, 3839

rating, 176

resistance and leakage reactance, 6364

separation of core/iron losses, 7072

short circuit/impedance test, 6769

step-up and step-down transformer, 5657

Sumpner’s test, 91

tank, 52

tapping, 48

terminals and leads, 48

theory of, 53

total approximate voltage drop, 7273

types of, 39

unequal voltage ratios, 9596

voltage regulation

calculation for, 7884

inherent voltage regulation, 78

Kapp’s regulation, 84

voltage regulation down, 78

voltage regulation up, 78

Turbo alternators, 217

Turbogenerators, 218

Two bright and one dark lamp method, 486, 487

Two current-carrying conductors, 2

Two-reaction theory, 460

Two-wattmeter connection, 21

Two-winding transformer, 41


Variable excitation, 53234

V curves experimental set-up, 536

Voltage regulation determination

Ampere-turn method, 44347

AS A method, 45354

direct loading, 438

direct load testing circuit diagram, 438

synchronous impedance method, 43842

zero power factor method/Potier method, 44753

Voltage regulation down/up, 78


Ward-Leonard control, 355

Wave winding, 200203

uses, 207

Welding transformers, 104

reactors, 1056

Windings, 4445

concentric, 45

continuous disc, 4647

cross-over, 46

factor, 240

helical, 46

sandwich, 4647

spiral, 4546

Wound-rotor, 22930

and cage-rotor induction motors, 629

Wound-rotor induction motor, 229


Zero power factor method, 44753

Zero voltage regulation, 79

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