
  • a
  • Absorption of light
    • by amorphous silicon
    • by atmospheric gases
    • by copper indium diselenide
    • by crystalline silicon
    • by organic dye
  • AC power
    • supplied by mini‐grid
  • Acceptance angle
  • Air mass
  • Albedo
  • Albedometer
  • AM0 spectrum
  • AM1.5 spectrum
  • Annual mean insolation
  • Antireflection coating (ARC)
  • Array of modules
    • annual yield of
    • design of, to reduce shading losses
    • mounting of
    • size of, for stand‐alone system
    • tilt of
  • Arsine
  • Automatic generation control (AGC)
  • Atmosphere, of the Earth
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • b
  • Back surface field (BSF)
  • Balance‐of‐system (BOS) components
    • energy payback of
  • Bandgap
    • of amorphous silicon
    • of cadmium telluride
    • of copper indium diselenide
    • of crystalline silicon
    • of dye‐sensitised cell
    • of gallium arsenide
    • of organic cells
    • of perovskites
  • Batteries
    • capacity of
    • charging of
    • cycling of
    • discharge of
    • efficiency of
    • flooded
    • flow
    • lead‐acid
    • lithium
    • self‐discharge of
    • state of charge (SOC) of
  • Battery bank
    • for a stand‐alone system
    • storage capacity of
  • Battery charging
    • PV modules for
  • Becquerel, Edmond
  • Black body radiation
  • Blocking diode
  • Boltzmann’s constant
  • Boron, as a dopant
  • Britt, Jeff
  • Brookhaven National Lab (BNL)
  • Buck converter
  • Building‐integrated PV (BIPV)
    • photo gallery of
  • Bulk recombination
  • Buried‐contact solar cells
  • Bypass diode
  • c
  • Cables, power losses in
  • Cadmium sulfide (CdS)
  • Cadmium telluride (CdTe)
    • modules
  • Cadmium toxicity
  • Compressed air energy storage (CAES)
  • Canada
  • Capital grants
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Carbon fees
  • Carrier lifetime
  • Carrier transport, in amorphous silicon
  • Cash flow
  • Cathodic protection
    • I‐V characteristics, of modules
  • Charge controller
    • features of
    • lower set point of
    • MPP tracking
    • series
    • shunt
    • in solar home system (SHS)
    • in stand‐alone system
    • upper set point of
  • Chile
  • China
  • Cloud effects
  • CIGS CIS solar cell
  • Clearness index
  • Climate change
  • Concentrated photovoltaics (CPV)
  • Concentration, of sunlight
  • Concentrator cells
  • Conduction band
  • Compressed air energy storage (CAES)
  • Contact fingers, of a solar cell
  • Copper indium diselenide (CIS)
    • modules
  • Copper indium/gallium diselenide (CIGS)
  • Cost Grid Parity
  • Counter‐electrode
  • Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)
  • Cumulative PV production
  • Current source, solar cell as
  • Czochralski silicon
  • d
  • Dangling bonds, in amorphous silicon
  • Dark saturation current
  • Denmark
  • Depletion region
  • Declination
  • Degradation PV of
  • Desalination water of
  • Desert sunlight PV plant
  • Diesel generator
  • Diffuse radiation
  • Diffusion, of charge carriers
  • Diffusion length
  • Diode
  • Direct bandgap semiconductor
  • Direct radiation
  • Direct semiconductor
  • Discount rate
  • Doping, junction formation
  • Dye sensitized solar cells
  • e
  • Efficiency, of solar cells and modules
    • of amorphous silicon modules
    • of CdTe modules
    • of CIGS modules
    • in concentrated sunlight
    • of crystalline silicon modules
    • of dye‐sensitised cells
    • of gallium arsenide cells
    • in space
    • in weak or diffuse light
  • Efficiency of stand‐alone system
  • Efficiency record
  • Einstein, Albert
  • Electric boat
  • Electron
  • Electron‐hole pair
  • Elkem solar
  • Energy balance
  • Energy payback time (EPBT)
  • Energy policy
  • Energy storage
    • batteries
    • CAES
    • capacitors
    • flywheels
    • pumped hydro
  • Energy return on energy investment (EROEI, EROI)
  • England
  • Environmental issues
  • Environmental health and safety (EHS)
  • Equation of time
  • Equinox
  • Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)
  • External costs, of energy
  • f
  • Fee‐for‐service payments
  • Feed‐in tariff
  • Ferekides, Chris
  • Feynman, Richard
  • Financial incentives
  • Fill factor (FF)
  • Fire risk
  • First‐generation solar cells
  • First Solar
  • Fthenakis, Vasilis
  • Full cost accounting
  • Fullerene
  • Flexible solar cell
  • Float zone method
  • Forbidden energy gap
  • Forward bias
  • Fossil fuels
  • France
  • Fresnel, Augustin
  • Fresnel lens
  • g
  • Gallium
  • Gallium arsenide
  • Gallium indium phosphide (GaInP)
  • Gay, Charlie
  • Germanium
  • Germany
    • government support in
    • power plants in
  • Geographical diversity, of renewable energy
  • Gigawatt
  • Global horizontal irradiation (GHI)
  • Global warming
  • Gore, Al
  • Graetzel cell
  • Greece
  • Green, Martin
  • Greenland
  • Greenwich mean time
  • Grid‐connected PV systems
  • Grid electricity frequency
  • Grid flexibility
  • Grid‐tied PV systems
  • Grid parity
  • Group III‐V semiconductor
  • h
  • HDKR anisotropic irradiation model
  • Heliatek
  • Heterojunction
  • High concentration PV (HCPV)
  • Hole
  • Homojunction
  • Horsepower (HP)
  • Hot spot damage
  • Hybrid system
    • diesel generators in
  • i
  • Indirect bandgap semiconductor
  • Indium
  • Infra‐red light
  • Insolation
    • annual mean value
    • annual total
    • effect of earth’s atmosphere on
    • on a horizontal surface
    • standard
  • Intrinsic semiconductor
  • Inverter
    • efficiency of
    • line‐commutated
    • self‐commutated
    • specification of
    • in stand‐alone systems
  • Inverter‐charger
  • Investment tax credit (ITC)
  • Islanding
  • Italy
  • Isotropic irradiation model
  • j
  • Japan
    • solar roofs programme
  • k
  • Kazmerski, Larry
  • Kenya
  • Kerfless wafers
  • Konarka
  • Korea
  • l
  • Laminate
  • Land, area required for PV
  • Land use
  • Latitude
  • Learning curve
  • Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE)
  • Libya
  • Life cycle analysis (LCA)
    • LCA Guidelines
  • Light, as a wave
    • infra‐red
    • as quanta
    • scattering of
    • ultra‐violet
    • visible
    • wavelengths of
  • Light trapping, in crystalline silicon
  • Loferski, Joseph
  • Loss‐of‐load probability
  • m
  • Majority carrier
  • Mason, James
  • Maximum power point (MPP)
    • tracking of
  • Maxwell, James Clerk
  • MEMC
  • Metallization, of a solar cell
  • Metallurgical grade silicon
  • Metering
  • Microcrystalline silicon solar cell
  • Mini‐grid
  • Minority carrier
  • Minority carrier mirror
  • Mismatch loss
  • Module
    • area of
    • for battery charging
    • construction of
    • energy payback of
    • faults in
    • flexible
    • parameters of
    • power ratings of
    • thin film
  • Molybdenum, as a back contact
  • Mongolia
  • Mono‐crystalline Si
  • Morjaria, Mahesh
  • Morocco
  • Multi‐crystalline Si
  • Multi‐wire saw
  • Multi‐junction solar cell
  • n
  • NASA
  • National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
  • NERC, North America Electric Reliability Corporation
  • NSRDB, National Solar Radiation Database
  • Net metering
  • Netherlands, The
  • Newton, Isaac
  • Niger
  • Non‐imaging optics
  • Norway
  • n‐type semiconductor
  • Nuclear power
  • o
  • Open‐circuit voltage
    • effects of temperature on
  • Operating cost
  • Optical losses, in solar cells
  • Organic solar cell
  • p
  • Parabolic trough mirror
  • Passivation
  • Payback period
  • Peak power, of a cell or module
    • of an array
  • Peak shavings
  • Peak sun hours
  • Performance ratio (PR)
  • Perez irradiation model
  • Perovskites
  • Phosphine
  • Phosphorus, as dopant
  • Photoelectric effect
  • Photo current
  • Photon
  • Photosynthesis
  • Photovoltaic generator
  • Planck, Max
  • Planck’s constant
  • p‐n junction
  • Polar axis tracking
  • Polycrystalline silicon
  • Portugal
  • Power density, of solar radiation
  • Power optimizer
  • Power plant
  • Present worth of a project
  • Prime meridian
  • p‐type semiconductor
  • Pulse width modulation (PWM)
  • Pumped hydro energy storage
  • Pyrheliometer
  • Pyranometer
  • q
  • Quantum efficiency
  • Quantum leap
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Quantum theory
  • r
  • Radiation
    • global
    • on horizontal surface
    • on inclined PV array
    • in space
  • Radiation damage
  • Rayleigh scattering
  • Rate of return
  • Recombination
    • in dye‐sensitised cell
    • losses due to
    • in multicrystalline silicon
  • Recycling
  • Reflection losses, in solar cells
  • Refrigeration
  • Reliability, of a stand‐alone system
  • Remote area power supply
  • Renewable energy
  • Resistance losses, in a solar cell
  • Reverse bias
  • Ribbon silicon
  • Rooftop arrays
    • as an investment
    • tilt of
  • Rural electrification
  • s
  • Sahara Desert
  • Saturation current
  • Scheer, Herman
  • Scientific American
  • Schumacher, E.F.
  • Scotland
  • Second‐generation solar cells
  • Secondary optical element
  • Semiconductor direct
  • Semiconductor, indirect
  • Semitransparent PV modules
  • Series connection
  • Series resistance
  • Shading
    • of PV modules
  • Shading loss, due to cell top contacts
  • Short‐circuit current
  • Shockley equation
  • Shockley‐Queisser PV efficiency limit
  • Shunt resistance
  • Siemens reactor
  • Silane
  • Silicon
    • availability of
    • polycrystalline
  • Sizing, of a stand‐alone system
    • of PV array
  • Societal costs
  • Solar boat index (SBI)
  • Solar car race
  • Solar cell
    • as a current source
    • effects of temperature on
    • maximum efficiency of
    • price of
  • Solar constant
  • Solar Home System (SHS)
    • charge controller for
    • electricity required by
  • Solar Grand Plan
  • Solar noon
  • Solar radiation
  • Solar trajectory
  • Solstice
  • South Africa
  • Space cells
  • Space PV systems
  • Space required by PV modules
  • Space satellite
  • Spain
    • government support in
    • power plants in
  • Spectral distribution, of the Sun
  • Sputnik
  • Staebler‐Wronski effect
  • Stand‐alone PV systems
  • State of charge (SOC) of a battery
  • String, of modules
  • Substrate
  • Summer solstice
  • Sun azimuth
  • Sun declination
  • Sun path diagram
  • Sunpower
  • Suns, concentration measured in
  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable development
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Sydney
  • System efficiency
  • System losses
  • Swanson, Richard
  • t
  • Tandem cell
  • Tedlar
  • Telecommunications
  • Tellurium
  • Telstar satellite
  • Temperature
    • coefficient of a cell or module
    • effects on module performance
  • Tetrachlorosilane
  • Texturization, of a solar cell
  • Thin film solar cells
    • costs of
    • scribing of
  • Thin film modules
    • I‐V characteristics of
    • efficiency of
    • rating of
  • Third‐generation solar cells
  • Tibet
  • Tilt, of array
  • Titanium dioxide (TIO2)
  • Topaz PV plant
  • Toxicity
    • of cadmium telluride
  • Tracking systems
    • one axis
    • two‐axis
  • Tracking
  • Transmission
  • Transparent contact oxide (TCO)
  • Trichlorosilane (TCS)
  • Trina, solar
  • Triple‐junction solar cell
  • Turbines, steam, gas
  • u
  • Ultra‐violet light
  • University of New South Wales
  • USA
  • v
  • Valence band
  • Valence electrons
  • Van Allen belts
  • Variability challenge, renewable energy
  • Vapor Transport Deposition (VTD)
  • w
  • Water pumping
  • Watt, peak
  • Wavelength
  • Wind loading, on tracking systems
  • Winter solstice
  • z
  • Zweibel, Ken
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