Appendix D
Nonlinear/Differential Equations with MATLAB

D.1 Nonlinear Equation Solver <fsolve>

MATLAB has the built‐in function ‘fsolve(f,x0)’, which can give us a solution for a system of (nonlinear) equations. Suppose we have the following system of nonlinear equations to solve.


To solve this system of equations, we should rewrite as


and convert it into a MATLAB function defined in an M‐file, say, ‘f_d02.m’ as follows.

Then we type the following statements into the MATLAB Command Window.

>>x0=[0.8 0.2]; % Initial guess [0.8 0.2]
>>x=fsolve('f_d02',x0,optimset('fsolve')) % with default parameters
  x = 2.0000  0.5000

If you see some warning message with the MATLAB solution obtained by using ‘fsolve()’ like this, you can change the value(s) of the optional parameters such as

  • MaxFunEvals: Maximum number of function evaluations allowed
  • MaxIter: Maximum number of iterations allowed
  • TolFun: Termination tolerance on the function value
  • TolX: Termination tolerance on x

by using the MATLAB command ‘optimset( )’ as follows.

 options = optimset('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...)

For example, if you feel it contributive to better solution to set MaxFunEvals and TolX to 1000 and 1e‐8, respectively, you need to type the following MATLAB statements.

>>options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',1000,'TolX',1e-8);
>>x=fsolve('f_d02',x0,options) % with new values of parameters
  x = 2.0000  0.5000

If you feel like doing cross‐check, you might use another MATLAB routine ‘Newtons( )’ which is defined in the next page.

>>x=Newtons('f_d02',x0) % Alternatively,
  x = 2.0000  0.5000

D.2 Differential Equation Solver <ode45>

Suppose we have a third‐order differential equation

We can rewrite this in a first‐order vector differential equation called a ‘state equation’ as


With this equation cast into a MATLAB function and saved as an M‐file named, say, “df_apd.m,”

we can type the following statements into the MATLAB Command Window to solve it:

>>[t,x]=ode45(@df_apd,[0 10],[1 2 3]); plot(t,x(:,1))
   % for time span [0,10]
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