
~ refers the main‐entry of the corresponding sub‐entry



  • bandpass filter, see BPF
  • bandstop filter, see BSF
  • bandwidth 535, 538, 540, 535
  • base‐spreading resistance 142
  • bias point analysis (in PSpice) 806
  • binomial (multi‐section) QWT 633–634
  • bipolar junction transistor, see BJT
  • bistable multivibrator 482
  • BJT (bipolar junction transistor) 105–302
    • ~ amplifier 169–209
      • multi‐stage (cascaded) ~ 199–209, 290–291
    • analysis of ~ circuits 143–156
    • ~ current mirror, see current mirror
    • design of ~ amplifier 232–242
    • Ebers‐Moll representation of ~ 106–109
    • ~ inverter/switch, see inverter
    • operation modes (regions) of ~ 109
    • parameters of ~ 109–110, 141
    • ~ used as a diode, see diode
  • b‐parameters, see parameters
  • BPF (bandpass filter) 505, 526, 537–541
  • breakdown region 306–313
  • breakdown voltage, see Zener breakdown voltage
  • BSF (bandstop filter) 507–508, 541–545
    • twin‐T high Q ~ 507
  • Butterworth filter 525, 527, 531


  • Capture CIS Window 791
  • cascade:
  • cascaded BJT amplifier 187–198
  • cascaded FET amplifier 384–398
  • cascode:
    • ~ (CE‐CB) amplifier 199–202, 297–298
    • ~ (CS‐CG) amplifier 392–398
  • CB (common‐base) amplifier 111–113, 180–187
  • CB (common‐base) configuration 111–113
  • CC (common‐collector) amplifier 173–180, 240, 241
    • design of 238–243
  • CD (common‐drain) amplifier 366–369, 407, 415, 417
    • design of ~ 405–409
    • ~ frequency response 418–419
  • CE (common‐emitter) amplifier 169–173, 187
    • design of ~ 233, 294–295
  • CE (common‐emitter) configuration 113–115
  • center frequency 537, 540
  • CG (common‐gate) amplifier 370–373, 421
    • ~ frequency response 421–424
  • channel length modulation, see CLM
  • channel modulation voltage 307
  • characteristic impedance 601–602
  • Chebyshev filter 529–531
  • Chebyshev (multi‐section) QWT 633–634
  • clamper 51–53, 92
  • clipper 51–53
  • CLM (channel length modulation)
  • closed‐loop gain 472, 474
  • CMOS 350–355
  • color code 785
  • combiner, see linear combiner
  • common‐base amplifier, see CB amplifier
  • common‐collector amplifier, see CC amplifier
  • common‐drain amplifier, see CD amplifier
  • common‐emitter amplifier, see CE amplifier
  • common‐gate amplifier, see CG amplifier
  • common‐source amplifier, see CS amplifier
  • complementary:
  • complex exponential form (of Fourier series) 19
  • complex number operations 773
  • compliance voltage 331
  • conduction constant 314, 317
  • conduction parameter 305
  • constant‐current region 306, 316
  • conversion:
    • ~ among two‐port parameters, see two‐port
    • a‐to‐s parameter ~ 712
    • h‐to‐s parameter ~ 755
    • parallel‐to‐serial ~ 546
    • serial‐to‐parallel ~ 546
    • s‐to‐a parameter ~ 713
    • s‐to‐h parameter ~ 755
    • s‐to‐z parameter ~ 754
    • z‐to‐s parameter ~ 754
  • CS (common‐source) amplifier 362–366, 373–380
    • design of ~ 398–406
    • ~ with FET load 374, 376–380
    • ~ frequency response 414–415
  • current gain 175, 701
  • current magnification ratio 540
  • current mirror:
    • BJT ~ 156–160, 279–280
    • cascode ~ 434–437
    • double Wilson ~ 334–337
    • (MOS)FET ~ 328–337
  • Cursor (in PSpice) 801–802
  • curve fitting 71–72
  • cutoff frequency 535
  • cutoff (operation) mode 110
  • cutoff region 306, 316–321
  • CVD (constant voltage drop) model 49–50


  • Darlington amplifier 199, 203–207
  • DC (direct current):
    • ~ (large‐signal) analysis 7, 143–144
    • ~ path to ground 797
    • ~ resistance, see static resistance
    • ~ Sweep analysis (in PSpice) 807
  • deadband characteristic 482
  • depletion capacitance, see junction capacitance
  • destabilization effect 482
  • differential equation 777
  • differential pair:
  • differentiator 486–487
  • diffusion capacitance 45, 142
  • diode 43–46
    • analysis of ~ circuit 46–74
    • BJT used as a ~ 156
    • large‐signal ~ model 44
    • ~ law 43
    • leakage (reverse saturation) current 44
    • PSpice model for ~ 67
    • PWL model of ~ 44
    • Shockley ~ equation 68
    • small‐signal ~ model 44–46
    • small‐signal analysis of ~ circuit 67–74
  • diode‐connected 156, 328
  • distortion factor, see THD
  • double‐stub impedance matching, see impedance matching
  • DTL NAND 209–215
  • dummy resistor 797
  • dynamic resistance 5–6


  • Early voltage 108, 307
  • Ebers‐Moll representation of BJT, see BJT
  • ECL (emitter‐coupled logic) 229–232, 282–286
  • effective value 35
  • elliptic filter 530–531
  • emission coefficient 44, 45
  • emitter follower, see CC amplifier
  • emitter‐coupled:
    • ~ (differential) pair 165–168
    • ~ logic, see ECL
  • externally equivalent 10


  • fan‐in 162
  • fan‐out 162, 212–213, 222, 225
  • FET (field effect transistor) 303–360
    • ~ amplifier 360–399
      • design of ~ 399–411
      • ~ frequency response 409–424
      • multistage (cascaded) ~ 380–399
    • ~ current mirror, see current mirror
    • depletion n‐channel ~ 320
    • enhancement n‐channel ~ 320
    • ~ inverter, see inverter
    • junction ~, see JFET
    • operation modes of ~ 304–305, 316
  • field effect transistor, see FET
  • filter 523–545
    • bandpass ~, see BPF
    • bandstop ~, see BSF
    • highpass ~, see HPF
    • lowpass ~, see LPF
  • 555‐timer, see timer
  • forward‐active (operation) mode 110
  • forward‐bias mode 45
  • forward (incident) voltage/current 603
  • Fourier analysis using PSpice817–819
  • Fourier series 18–35
    • circuit analysis using ~ 29–35
    • complex exponential form of ~ 19
    • magnitude‐and‐phase form of ~ 19
    • ~ representation 19–20
    • sine‐and‐phase form of ~ 19
    • trigonometric form of ~ 19
  • frequency scaling 550
  • frequency transformation 552–553
  • full adder (PSpice simulation) 811
  • full‐wave rectified cosine wave 25, 39–42
  • full‐wave rectifier, see rectifier
  • fundamental frequency 18
  • fundamental period 18


  • gain circle, see power gain circle
  • geometry ratio 352
  • g‐parameters, see parameters
  • h
  • half‐power frequency, see 3dB frequency
  • half‐wave rectified cosine wave 26
  • half‐wave rectifier, see rectifier
  • harmonic 19
  • highpass filter, see HPF
  • Howland circuit 512
  • h‐parameters, see parameters
  • HPF (highpass filter) 502, 504, 505, 535–536
  • hysteresis characteristic 482


  • ideality factor 44, 45
  • ideal transformer:
    • a‐parameters of ~ 681–682
    • s‐parameters of ~ 722
  • imaginary short, see virtual short
  • impedance matcher:
    • L‐type ~ 561–565
    • П(pi)‐type ~ 565–571
    • T‐type ~ 565–570
    • tapped‐C ~ 571–575
  • impedance matching 601–676, 734, 740
    • double‐stub ~ 626–631, 667
    • single‐stub ~ 618–626
    • single‐stub series ~ 664–665
    • single‐stub shunt ~ 662–663
    • ~ using serial line 659–660
    • ~ withLC ladder 653–658
    • ~ with lumped elements 646–648
  • impedance transformer 606
    • L‐type ~ 611–616, 646–648
    • N‐section ~ 632
    • П‐type ~ 650–658
    • T‐type ~ 648–650, 674
  • incident voltage/current, see forward voltage/current
  • incremental resistance 6, 142, 307
  • initial transient bias point 825–829
  • insertion loss (IL) 549, 559
  • integrator 486
    • Miller ~ 486
    • RC ~, see Miller integrator
  • inverse Laplace transform 761–765
  • inverter
  • inverting OP Amp circuit, see OP Amp circuit


  • JFET 304–313, 316
  • junction:
    • ~ capacitance 45
    • ~ FET, see JFET
    • ~ gradient coefficient 45
    • ~ potential 45


  • k‐Δ test 731
  • Kuroda’s identities 636, 638–639


  • L‐type impedance matcher, see impedance matcher
  • Laplace transform 761–765
    • ~ of electric circuits 765
    • ~ table 764
  • large‐signal (DC):
    • ~ analysis 7
    • ~ model of BJT 115
    • ~ model of diode 45
  • LC ladder 553–560, 746–747
    • П(pi)‐type ~ 557
    • T‐type ~ 557
  • leakage (reverse saturation) current 44
  • limit on output current of OP Amp 514–516
  • limit on output voltage of OP Amp 514–516
  • limiter 83, 84, 89–90
  • linear combiner 477–479
  • load line 1–42, 68, 69
  • load (voltage) reflection coefficient 603
  • loading effect 476, 477
  • LPF (lowpass filter) 502–504, 526, 533–535, 553
  • L‐type impedance matcher, see impedance matcher


  • magnitude‐and‐phase form (of Fourier series) 19–20
  • magnitude (unit) identifier (in PSpice) 795, 797
  • magnitude scaling 549–550
  • maximum gain 733–740
  • maximum output voltage (of OP Amp) 468
  • maximum power transfer 725
  • maximum stable gain (MSG) 734
  • MFB (multiple feedback) circuit 495–496, 504
  • microstrip filter design 670–674
  • midpoint voltage 339
  • Miller
    • ~ (effective) capacitance 18
    • ~ effect 18
    • ~ multiplier 18
    • ~ theorem 18
  • mirror ratio 329
  • missing DC path to ground 797
  • mono‐stable 494
  • Monte Carlo analysis 822–825
  • MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor FET) 313–360
  • μ‐parameter test 731
  • MSG, see maximum stable gain
  • multi‐stage:
    • ~ BJT amplifier, see BJT)
    • ~ FET amplifier 380–398, 450–457


  • NAND gate 209–229
    • DTL ~ 209–215
    • TTL ~ 215–228
  • negative feedback 475
    • ~ path (of OP Amp) 469
    • stabilization effect of ~ 470
  • negative resistance 513–514
  • NMOS (n‐channel MOSFET) 314, 318
  • Noise analysis (in PSpice) 825–829
  • noise margin 162, 341
  • nonlinear:
    • ~ equation 775–777
    • ~ RC circuit 37–38
    • ~ resistor circuit 1–10, 36–37
    • ~ RL circuit 7–10
    • ~ (saturation) region of OP Amp 469
  • normalized impedance 604
  • Norton equivalent 11–18
  • notch frequency, see rejection frequency


  • ohmic region 305, 309
  • one‐shot method 13
  • OP Amp (operational amplifier) 468–470
    • ~ circuit 467–522
    • closed‐loop gain of ~ circuit 472
    • ideal ~ 470
    • inverting ~ circuit 471–473
    • inverting positive‐feedback ~ circuit 480–481
    • KCL to the output node of ~ 475
    • maximum output voltage of ~ 468
    • ~ with negative feedback 471–479, 485–487
    • non‐inverting ~ circuit 473–475
    • non‐inverting positive‐feedback ~ circuit 481–485
    • open‐loop (voltage) gain of ~ 469
    • ~ with positive feedback 479–485, 487–495
    • practical analysis rule of ~ circuit 475
  • open‐circuit voltage 12
  • open‐collector output 227–228
  • open‐loop (voltage) gain (of OP Amp) 468
  • operating (bias) point 2–6, 8, 111, 114, 307
  • operation mode (region)
    • ~ of BJT, see BJT
    • ~ of FET, see FET
  • output resistance 307


  • parallel form 526
  • parallel interconnection, see two‐port
  • parameters:
    • a‐~ 678–679, 681–684
      • circuit‐models with given ~ 699
    • b‐~ 678–679
      • circuit‐models with given ~ 699
    • g‐~ 679
      • circuit‐models with given ~ 699–700
    • h‐~ 679, 684–685
      • circuit‐models with given ~ 699–700
    • s‐~ 711
    • y‐, 680–681
      • circuit‐models with given ~ 699
    • z‐, 679–680
      • circuit‐models with given ~ 697–698
  • PARAMETERS (in PSpice) 814
  • Parametric Sweep analysis (in PSpice) 814–817
  • passband 525, 538
  • passive filter realization 553–555
  • peak frequency 538, 539, 574, 575
  • phase constant 602
  • piece‐wise linear (VPWL/IPWL) waveform 795
  • pinch‐down voltage, see pinch‐off voltage
  • pinch‐off region 305
  • pinch‐off voltage, see threshold voltage
  • Place Part dialog box (in PSpice) 793, 794
  • PMOS (p‐channel MOSFET) 313, 314
  • port condition 692–697
  • positive feedback 470, 480–492
    • destabilization effect of ~ 482
    • first‐order OP circuit with ~ 487–495
    • inverting ~ OP Amp circuit 480–481
    • non‐inverting ~ OP Amp circuit 481–485
  • power flow 606
  • power gain:
    • available ~ 726
    • ~ circle 726–728
    • operating ~ 725
    • transducer ~ 725
      • unilateral ~ 726
  • precision rectifier, see rectifier
  • propagation constant 602
  • Property Editor spreadsheet (in PSpice) 81, 795, 828
  • PSpice: 791–829
  • pull‐down resistor 213
  • pulse (VPULSE/IPULSE) waveform 796
  • PWL, see piece‐wise linear waveform
    • ~ model of diode, see diode
    • ~ model of Zener diode, see Zener diode


  • Q‐circle 611
  • quality factor 42, 538, 543, 545–549
    • external ~ 548
    • filter ~ 548
    • loaded ~ 548
  • quarter‐wave (λ/4) transformer, see QWT
  • quiescent (bias) point 2, 3
  • QWT 631–635, 667–670
    • binomial (multisection) ~ 633–634
    • Chebyshev (multisection) ~ 634–635


  • RC integrator, see integrator
  • reciprocity condition 106
  • reciprocity of a two‐port network 687, 721–722
  • rectangular (or square) wave 22–24
    • ~ generator 487–489
  • rectified cosine wave 25–28
  • rectifier 53–67
    • full‐wave ~ 39
    • full‐wave ~ with LC filter 59–61
    • half‐wave ~ 53, 94–98
    • half‐wave ~ with capacitor filter 53–57
    • peak ~ 53
    • precision ~ 62–67, 98–100
  • reflected voltage/current 602
  • reflection loss (RFL) 606
  • rejection frequency 542
  • resonance condition 541
  • resonant frequency 538, 541
  • restorer 92
  • return loss (RL) 606
  • reverse‐active (operation) mode 110
  • reverse‐bias mode 44
  • reverse collector current 107
  • reverse emitter current 107
  • reverse saturation (leakage) current 106
  • RFL, see reflection coefficient
  • Richard’s transformation 636
  • RL, see return loss
  • RLC circuit:
    • parallel ~ 539–541, 544–545
    • series ~ 537–539, 541–544
  • rms (root‐mean‐square) 35


  • Sallen‐Key circuit 496–502, 503–504, 506
  • saturation current 44, 106, 305
  • saturation operation mode, see saturation mode
  • saturation output voltage (of OP Amp), see maximum output voltage
  • saturation region 109, 306, 316
  • saturation voltage, see maximum output voltage
  • scattering parameters, see s‐parameters
  • Schematic 792–797
  • Schmitt trigger 482–485
  • selectivity, see quality factor
  • Sensitivity analysis (in PSpice) 819–821
  • sharpness, see quality factor
  • Shockely diode equation, see diode
  • short‐circuit current 12
  • Simulation Profile (in PSpice) 798–800
  • Simulation Settings dialog box (in PSpice) 800
  • sine‐and‐phase form (of Fourier series) 19
  • single‐stub impedance matching, see impedance matching
  • sinusoidal (VSIN/ISIN) waveform 795
  • SKIPBP (in PSpice) 825–829
  • small‐signal (AC):
    • ~ analysis 6
    • ~ analysis of diode circuits 67–74
    • ~ model of BJT 142–143
    • ~ model of diode, see diode
    • ~ model of FET 306
    • ~ resistance, see dynamic resistance
  • Smith chart 608–616
  • Smith V4.1 613
  • source‐coupled pair 355–359
  • source equivalence condition 11
  • source follower, see CD (common‐drain) amplifier
  • source transformation 10
  • s‐parameters 709–723
    • effect of shifting reference planes on ~ 715–716
    • physical meaning of ~ 719
  • spatial frequency, see propagation constant
  • spectrum 20
  • square wave, see rectangular wave
  • stability 728–733
    • ~ circle 729, 731
    • ~ condition 730–732
    • conditional ~ 728
    • geometric input/output ~ factor 731
    • input ~ condition 728
    • output ~ condition 728
    • Rollett ~ factor 731
    • unconditional ~ 728
  • stabilization:
    • ~ effect of negative feedback 470
    • ~ of a two‐port network 756–758
  • stable:
    • conditionally ~ 728
    • potentially ~ 728
    • ~ region 732
    • unconditionally ~ 728
  • standard values:
    • ~ of capacitors 786–789
    • ~ of inductors 790
    • ~ of resistors 785–789
    • ~ of Zener diode voltage 790
  • standing wave ratio (SWR) 604–608
  • static resistance 5
  • stopband 525
  • storage time 45
  • stub:
    • filter implementation using ~s 635–646
    • LPF using ~s 670–674
    • open(‐circuited) ~ 622
    • series‐connected single ~ 622–626
    • short(‐circuited) ~ 622
    • shunt‐connected single ~ 618–622
  • superdiode 63
  • switching threshold voltage, see threshold voltage
  • SWR, see standing wave ratio
  • symbolic computation 779–780
  • symmetry:
    • even ~ 22
    • ~ for Fourier series 23
    • half‐wave ~ 22
    • odd ~ 22
    • ~ of a two‐port network 685, 721–722


  • tapped‐C impedance matcher, see impedance matcher
  • THD (total harmonic distortion) 32
  • thermal voltage 44, 46
  • Thevenin equivalent 11
  • 3dB frequency 509, 595, 538
  • threshold:
  • timer 553, 492–495
  • total harmonic distortion, see THD
  • totem‐pole output stage 222–227
  • Trace (in PSpice) 800, 803, 804
  • transconductance (gain) 142, 305
  • transconductance coefficient 305
  • transducer gain, see power gain
  • transfer characteristic curve 474
  • Transfer Function analysis (in PSpice) 819–821
  • Transient analysis (in PSpice) 807–812
  • transistor 106
  • transition capacitance, see junction capacitance
  • transition point 339
  • transit time 45
  • transit time capacitance, see diffusion capacitance
  • transmission line 601–608
    • lossless ~ 605, 616
    • models for ~ 699
    • reactance effect of lossless ~ 616–617
    • s‐parameters of ~ 722
  • triangular wave 22, 24
    • ~ generator 490–492
  • trigonometric form (of Fourier series) 19
  • triode region, see ohmic region
  • tri‐state output 227–228
  • TTL NAND 215–228
  • T‐type impedance matcher, see impedance matcher
  • T‐type LC ladder, see LC ladder
  • twin‐T high Q BSF 507
  • II‐type LC ladder, see LC ladder
  • two‐port:
    • conversion among ~ parameters 685–689
    • interconnection of ~ networks 689–692
    • cascade ~ 692
    • parallel (shunt) ~ 690
    • parallel (shunt)‐series ~ 690
    • series ~ 690
    • series‐parallel(shunt) ~ 690
    • shunt ~, see parallel ~
    • ~ network 677–723
    • ~ network with source/load 700–709, 714–723
    • ~ parameters 677–709
    • ~ power gains 723–728
    • properties of ~ network 701
    • stabilization of ~ network 756–758


  • UE 639
  • unit element, see UE
  • unit identifier in PSpice, 797
  • unstable
    • potentially ~, see conditionally stable


  • VAC (AC voltage source) (in PSpice) 795
  • virtual ground 472
  • virtual open 470
  • virtual (imaginary) short 470
  • voltage:
    • ~‐to‐current converter 512
    • ~ doubler 92
    • ~ follower 476–477
    • ~ magnification ratio 538
    • ~ quadrupler 94
    • ~ reflection coefficient 603, 610
    • ~ transfer characteristic (VTC) 162, 213, 215
  • VPULSE (in PSpice) 796
  • VPWL (in PSpice) 796
  • VSIN (in PSpice) 796
  • VTC, see voltage transfer characteristic




  • Zener:
    • ~ (breakdown) voltage 44, 75
    • ~ diode 75–84
    • ~ knee current 44, 75
    • ~ knee voltage 44, 76
    • ~ PWL model of ~ diode 75
    • ~ regulator 76–82, 101–104
    • ~ resistance 75
  • zero:
    • ~ ‐bias drain current 305
    • ~ bias junction capacitance 45
    • ~ gate voltage drain current, see zero bias drain current
  • z‐parameters, see parameters
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