


Aaronson, Stephanie, 197

Abbott, Grace, 186n.12

Abraham, Katherine, 144

Abramovitz, Mimi, 182

Acker, Joan, 188

Addams, Jane, 100

Adler, David E., 119

Affirmative action, 186n.5

African Americans. See Race

Aglietta, Michel, 118

Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 15, 178, 180, 183, 186n.6

Albelda, Randy, 195

Aldrich, Mark, 191

Althusser, Louis, 6

Amariglio, Jack, 25

Amott, Teresa, 9

Andersen, Margaret, 5

Anderson, Cynthia D., 188

Anderson, Robert, 77n.9

Appelbaum, Eileen, 118

Aries, Philippe, 102

Aristotle, 30

Armstrong, Nancy, 32

Armstrong, Pat, 120

Atack, Jeremy, 48

Atkinson, Anthony B., 194

Austen, Jane, 33



Babysitting, 163

Badgett, M.V. Lee, 125

Bakker, Isabella, 130n.7

Balibar, E., 89

Baron, James N., 188

Barrett, Michèle, 110

Baty, S. Paige, 102

Becker, Gary, 77n.9

Beecher, Catherine, 99

Beechey, Veronica, 7

Beller, Andrea H., 191

Beneria, Lourdes, 92

Benston, Margaret, 5

Berger, Brigitte, 123

Bergmann, Barbara R., 172

Bernstein, Jared, 189

Bernstein, Michael A., 119

Beron, Kurt, 191

Beware the U.S. Model, 116

Bisexuals. See Lesbians, gays and bisexuals

Black v/omen. See Race

Blank, Rebecca, 134

Blau, Francine D., 191

Blewett, Mary H., 58n.3

Block, Fred, 121

Bluestone, Barry, 189

Blumstein, Philip, 71

Bordo, Susan, 103

Boris, Eileen, 103

Bose, Christine, 11

Boston, Thomas, 172

Botwinick, Howard, 172

Boushey, Heather, 185

Bowles, Samuel, 109

Brady, Ray, 57

Brantlinger, Patrick, 25

Brennan, Teresa, 91n.3

Brenner, Johanna, 190

Bridges, William P., 188

Briggs, Rex, 72

Brodie, Janine, 116

Brodsky, Melvin, 135

Brody, Michael, 126

Brown, Doug, 121

Brown, Helen Gurley, 103

Bruegel, Irene, 119

Buchele, Robert, 191

Buffer work force, 146

Burawoy, Michael, 108

Burk, Martha, 129

Burke, Phyllis, 77n.7

Burrows, Roger, 121

Burtless, Gary, 189

Buswell, Carol, 188



Cagatay, Nilüfer, 120

Cameron, Barbara, 119


family structure and, 13

patriarchy and, 92

stages of, 91n.1

state monopoly, 90n.1

wage and employment inequality under, 176

women’s roles in, 111

Carey, Henry, 49

Carey, Mathew, 56

Camey, Larry, 136

Cato Institute, 122


division of labor and, 183

in gay family, 72

self-interest and, 89

work/family conflicts and, 166

Children’s Bureau, 182

Clark, Anna, 109

Clarke, A., 90


behavioral codes of, 98

economic restructuring and, 125

family wage and, 125

gender and, 111

population pressure and, 26

property and, 33

race and, 163

sexuality and, 93

Clinton, Bill, 184

Cloward, Richard A., 182

Cobble, Dorothy Sue, 169n.14

Cockbum, Cynthia, 8

Cole, Arthur H., 47

Coleman, Margaret, 58

Colley, Linda, 32

Colonial economy, 47

Colonialism, 33

Colquhoun, Patrick, 41n.5

Comparable worth

defined, 204n.1

See also Pay equity

Conduct books, 32

Conrad, Cecilia A., 199

Contract with America, 184

Conversations on Political Economy (Marcet), 36

Cooper, Brian, 41

Cott, Nancy, 102

Cotton, Jeremiah, 193

County of Washington, Oregon vs Gunther, 116

Cowan, Ruth S., 102

Crow, Duncan, 104

Cult of domesticity, 100

Cult of the true woman, 102


of domesticity, 110

feminization of, 100

Curtin, Michael, 41n.4

Cushman, John H., Jr., 105



Dalla Costa, M., 91n.3

Davidoff, Leonore, 108

Davis, Ann, 111

Defoe, Daniel, 22

Deindustrialization, 128

Delphy, C., 91n.3

DeParle, Jason, 105

Deregulation, 121

Dickens, Charles, 25

Dill, Bonnie Thornton, 7

Discouraged workers, 146

Di Stefano, Christine, 93

Division of labor

gender-based, 127

in homosexual couples, 71

Domestic economy

and political economy, 31

separate spheres of, 127

Domestic ideology, gender roles and, 125

Domestic labor

capitalism and, 108

ideology and, 102

Marxist theory and, 97

surplus value and, 91n.3

in utopian narratives, 40

Domestic partnership movement, 75

Domestics (servants), 166

Domestic woman, 32

Douglas, Ann, 100

Douglas, S. J., 103

Dual systems theory, 92

Dublin, Thomas, 104

DuBois, Ellen, 104



Eagle Forum, 126

Earle, Peter, 31

Economic man, 41

Economic Policy Institute, 190

Economic restructuring, 120

Edgeworth, Maria, 33


mass, 35

occupational mobility and, 167

Edwards, Linda, 136

Edwards, Richard, 130n.3

Ehrenberg, Ronald, 191

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 105

Eisenstein, Zillah, 6

El Cheikh, Nabil, 191

Elements of Political Economy (Mill), 30

Embargo Act, 45

Employment benefits, domestic

partnership and, 74

Employment discrimination. See Labor market discrimination

Employment flexibility, 122

England, Paula, 191

Equal Employment Advisory Council, 124

Equal Pay Act, 194

Equal Pay for UNequal Work, 126

Esping-Andersen, Gsta, 177

Essay on Population, An (Malthus), 28

Essays in Practical Education (Edgeworth), 32

Etiquette books, 41n.4

Ettelbrick, Paula, 74

Ewen, Stuart, 102



Factory work

mill girls, 51

sweat shops, 57

transition to, 45

Faludi, Susan, 45

Family structure

black family, 183

capitalism and, 13

diversity of forms, 69

feminist reconceptualizing of, 73

of lesbians, gays and bisexuals, 75

children in, 72

domestic partnership and, 75

specialization in, 71

stability of, 77n.9

in nineteenth century, 41

occupational mobility and, 160

wage inequality and, 189

Family wage, 189

Fanon, Frantz, 174

Farkas, George, 191

Farley, Harriet, 49

Faux, Jeff, 121

Feminine Mystique (Friedan), 104

Feminist economics

development of, 9

gender-based analysis of, 67

neoclassical economics and, 4

sexual orientation and, 76

universalizing tendency in, 62

Feminization, and economic restructuring, 130n.7

Ferber, Marianne A., 62

Ferdinand, Theodore, 53

Fichtenbaum, Rudy, 193

Fielding, Henry, 28

Figart, Deborah M., 197

Fine, Ben, 102

Flax, Jane, 110

Folbre, Nancy, 200

Fontana, Biancamaria, 34

Fordism, 135

Ford Motor Company, wage policy at, 125

Foucault, Michel, 101

Fraad, 110

Fraser, Nancy, 117

Friedan, Betty, 104

Friedman-Goldstein, Leslie, 56

Fuchs, Victor, 172



Galenson, David W., 59n.6

Gallatin, Albert, 58n.1

Gardiner, Jean, 91n.3

Garrett, G., 91n.2

Garza, Melita Marie, 129

Gays. See Lesbians, gays and bisexuals


as analytic category, 115

capitalism and, 11

class and, 111

division of labor, 127

economic restructuring and, 129

neocolonialism and, 89

separate spheres ideology of, 93

sexuality and, 67

welfare system and, 184

See also Labor force participation, female; Labor market discrimination

Gender roles

domestic ideology and, 110

in nineteenth century, 125

pay equity and, 128

sexual orientation and, 71

Geoghegan, Thomas, 129

Gerhart, Barry, 191

Gilbert, Nigel, 121

Gilfoyle, Timothy J., 59n.10

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 108

Gini coefficient, 202

Gintis, Herbert, 109

Gisborne, Thomas, 32

Gittleman, Maury, 172

Glenn, Evelyn Nakano, 179

Goffinan, Irving, 106

Goldin, Claudia, 120

Gordon, David M., 130n.3

Gordon, Linda, 186n.13

Gordon, Robert, 134

Gossett, Charles, 73

Gove, Philip, 22

Gramm, Wendy Lee, 124

Grappard, Ulla, 21

Greenwood, Daphne, 122

Grown, Caren, 8

Grubb, W. Norton, 204n.4

Grub, Farley, 59n.6

Gutman, Herbert G., 56

Gyimah-Brempong, Kwabina, 193



Hagen, Elizabeth, 189

Hale, Sarah, 99

Hall, Catherine, 30

Hard Times (Dickens), 25

Harrison, Bennett, 189

Harrison, J., 91n.3

Harrison, Rachel, 27

Harth, Erica, 28

Hartmann, Heidi, 197

Harvard Law Review, 65, 72

Harvey, David, 121

Hildebrand, George, 124

Hill, Marilyn Wood, 59n.9

Hillsborough, Earl of, 27

Hilton, Boyd, 25

Himmelweit, Susan, 5

Hobsbawm, E. J., 83

Holmes, Steven A., 104

Homer, Steven, 65

Homosexuality. See Lesbians, gays and bisexuals

hooks, bell, 7

Horrell, Sara, 11

Hospital attendants, 163

Household production, 90

Houseman, Susan, 144

Housework. See Domestic labor

Howell, Chris, 116

Howell, David, 172

Humphries, Jane, 185n.2

Hunt, Margaret, 33



Illustrations of Political Economy (Martineau), 36

Indentured servants, 59n.6

Individualism, economic, 32

Industrialization, 45


deindustrialization, 189

Fordism, 135

service sector, 189

See also Factory work

Institutionalist theory, 9



Jacobs, Jerry A., 192

Jacobson, Paul H., 52

Janiewski, Dolores, 184

Japan, labor market flexibility in, 149

Jefferson, Thomas, 45

Jenkins, Sarah, 188

Jenkins, Stephen, 194

Jenson, Jane, 189

Jervis, Robert, 91n.2

Jessop, Bob, 116

Job evaluation, 130n.2

John Hopkins’s Notions on Political Economy (Marcet), 38

Johnson, George, 195

Joseph, Gloria, 7

Just-in-time production, 135



Kahn, Lawrence M., 197

Kahn, Peggy, 128

Karoly, Lynn, 200

Katz, Michael B., 178

Kawashima, Yoko, 136

Kelley, Florence, 100

Kelso, Robert W., 47

Kerber, Linda, 99

Kessler, Lorance L., 126

Kessler-Harris, Alice, 125

Keynesian economics, 118

Kilboume, Barbara, 191

Killingsworth, Mark R., 191

King, Mary C., 151

Kirschenman, Joleen, 172

Klamer, Aijo, 25

Kotz, David M., 109

Koven, Seth, 104

Kowaleski-Wallace, Elizabeth, 109

Krugman, Paul, 105

Kuchera, David, 149

Kuhn, Sarah, 189

Kuiper, Edith, 3

Kuttner, Robert, 129

Kuznets, Simon, 48



Labor aristocracy, 83

Labor force participation, female

as buffer work force, 185n.2

domestic ideology and, reassertion of, 107

dual systems approach to, 7

feminization process in, 130n.7

in household production, 90

labor market flexibility and, 149

in low-paid jobs, 189

in nineteenth century, 58

age and marital status, 56

cyclical pattern of, 58

domestic ideology and, 100

economic conditions and, 49

factory work, 51

industrialization and, 45

non-free labor tradition and, 47

occupational categories, 55

rural economy, 44

social framework for, 46

patterns of, 120

undercounting of, 57

in wartime, 56

See also Occupations, female; Pay equity; Wages

Labor market discrimination, 15

in capitalist system, 176

against lesbians and gays, 65

by unions, 186n.4

wage inequality and, 189

welfare system in, 185

Labor market flexibility

functional, 135

gender and, 122

numerical, 136

pay equity and, 124

unemployment and, 149

Labor market segmentation, 130n.3

Labor migration, 90

Labor reproduction, 88

Labor theory of value, 84

methodology of, 97

Labor unions, 195

Lalli, Michael, 53

Lam, Alice, 136

Lange, P., 91n.2

Langland, Elizabeth, 41n.4

Lapidus, June, 193

Larson, Kathryn, 71

Lebergott, Stanley, 52

Lee, Everett S., 53

Lemann, Nicholas, 180

Lemons, J. Stanley, 102

Lenin, 83

Lemer, Gerda, 92

Lesbians, gays and bisexuals

employment discrimination against, 65

family structure of, 75

children in, 72

domestic partnership and, 75

specialization in, 71

stability of, 77n.9

gender-based analysis and, 67

Levin, Michael, 126

Levy, Frank, 199

Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The (Defoe), 37

Lifetime employment system, in Japan, 136

Life in the Wilds (Martineau), 40

Lind, Michael, 106

Lindert, Peter H., 48

Living wage movement, 129

Lorber, Judith, 8

Loury, Glenn, 187n.15

Lowell mills, 51

Luker, Kristen, 106



McCloskey, D. N., 25

McCrate, Elaine, 169n.11

McDonough, Terrence, 13

McDowell, Linda, 125

MacKinnon, Catherine, 103

McLane Report, 60

Malthus, Thomas, 31

moral restraint doctrine of, 29

population theory of, 36

Malthusian economics, 25

Malveaux, Julianne, 190

Mandel, E., 90n.1

Mansfield Park (Austen), 33

Marcet, Jane Haldiman, 40

Marital status, labor force participation and, 56


age of, 52

defined, 70

domestic partnership and, 63

property settlement in, 27

same-sex, 68

state regulation of, 28

Marriage Act of 28

Martineau, Harriet, 40

Marx, Karl, 110

capitalist stages of, 90n.1

on domestic labor, 97

labor market analysis of, 173

labor theory of value, 94

methodology of, 97

Marxist feminists, 93

Mason, Patrick L., 175

Matthaei, Julie A., 48

May, Martha, 125

Metcalf, David, 132

Michel, Sonya, 104

Mill, James, 35

Mill, John Stuart, 36

Mill girls, 51

Minimum wage, 129

Mishel, Lawrence, 189

Mitter, Swasti, 119

Mohr, Richard, 68

Mohun, Simon, 5

Montgomery, David, 50

Moral restraint doctrine, 29

Moral science, political economy as, 41

More, Hannah, 100

Morgan, Maijorie, 31

Morris, Richard B., 59n.6

Mort, Frank, 27

Moynihan, Daniel, 183

Mumane, Richard J., 199

Mutari, Ellen, 129



Nakamura, Takafusa, 148

National Longitudinal Survey (NLS), 168n.3

Neckerman, Kathryn M., 172

Negro Family, The (Moynihan), 183

Nelson, Bruce A., 127

Nelson, Julie A., 62

Nelson, Robert L., 188

Neoclassical economics, 4

Neocolonialism, 90

Nicholson, Linda, 110

North, Douglass C., 48

Northrup, Herbert E., 123

Nye, J. S., 91n.2



Occupations, female

feminization, 189

mobility and, 168

in nineteenth century, 55

and pay equity, 194

segregated, 191

O’Hara, Phillip A, 118

O’Kelly, Charlotte, 136

Okker, Patricia, 102

Oliver, Melvin L., 181

O’Neill, June, 127

Ono, Tsuneo, 136

Opton, Edward M., Jr., 127

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 134

Outwork production, 55

Owen, William, 24

Özler, Sule, 120



Pagels, Elaine, 98

Pamela (Richardson), 29

Part-time work, 136

Passell, Peter, 48

Pateman, Carole, 109

Patriarchy, 92

Paul, Alice, 100

Paul, Ellen Frankel, 127

Pay equity, 188

court decisions on, 117

gender roles and, 128

labor market flexibility and, 124

opposition to, 190

potential effect of, 204

race and, 204

See also Wages

Pearce, Diana, 178

Pear, Robert, 106

Pearson, Frank A., 47

Pease, Jane H., 53

Pease, William H., 53

Peplau, Letitia Anne, 70

Perrons, Diane, 119

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, 184

Petchesky, Rosalind, 92

Peterson, Janice, 122

Peterson, Richard, 136

Petrie, Gordon, 183

Phelps, Edmund, 174

Pinchbeck, Ivy, 59n.12

Piore, Michael J., 135

Piven, Frances Fox, 182

Polanyi, Karl, 176

Political activism, 104

Political economy

feminist, development of, 9

in nineteenth century, 41

restructuring, 129

sexual orientation and, 76

Pollert, Anna, 121

Poor Laws of 176

Poor relief. See Welfare system

Poovey, Mary, 109

Population pressure, 26

Posner, Richard, 77n.9

Postindustrial economy, 121

Postmodernism, 17n.6

Post-structuralism, 9

Power, Marilyn, 68

Primogeniture, 27

Progressive movement, 182

Prolife movement, 104

Property rights, 98

Prostitution, 54

Pryme, G., 34



Quadagno, Jill, 186n.9

Quality circles, 135



Rabkin, Jeremy, 126


class and, 163

colonialism and, 36

earnings and, 151

economic restructuring and, 125

educational level and, 161

employment discrimination and, 176

family structure and, 183

labor migration and, 90

occupational mobility and, 168

pay equity and, 204

socialist feminism and, 7

voting rights and, 186n.9

welfare system and, 187n.15

Ramas, Maria, 186n.4

Reclaiming Prosperity, 190

Reddy, Ceallaigh, 189

Reed, Ralph, 105

Regulation theory, 119

Reich, Michael, 172

Reich, Robert, 57

Reserve army of labor, 185n.2

Reskin, Barbara F., 189

Resnick, Stephen, 110

Rhoads, Steven E., 123

Ricardo, David, 35

Rich, Adrienne, 66

Richardson, Pamela, 28

Roback, Jennifer, 127

Robertson, Pat, 105

Robson, Ruthann, 71

Roldán, Martha, 92

Rollins, Judith, 163

Romero, Mary, 165

Roos, Patricia A., 189

Rose, Nancy, 183

Rose, Sonya O., 125

Rosecrance, R. N., 91n.2

Rosenberg, Sam, 168

Rothenberg, Winnifred B., 48

Rubery, Jill, 185n.2

Rubin, Gayle, 92

Rubin, Robert E., 129

Rural economy, 48

Rutten, Tim, 129

Ryan, Mary, 109



Sacks, Karen Brodkin, 107

Same-sex marriage, 68

Sanger, David, 146

Sap, Jolande, 3

Sapiro, Virginia, 186n.6

Sargent, Lydia, 6

Schettkat, Ronald, 135

Schlafly, Phyllis, 127

Schwartz, Pepper, 71

Scoresby, William D. D., 51

Scott, Joan Wallach, 11

Scrope, G. Poulett, 23

Seamstresses, 53

Seccombe, Wally, 108

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 66

Seidman, Steven, 66

Sen, Gita, 186n.4

Senior, Nassau, 35

Separate spheres ideology, 93

Servants (domestics), 166

Service sector

expansion of, 189

occupational mobility in, 168


class and, 93

economic analysis of, 62

gender and, 67

norms of, 103

regulation of, 184

Sexual orientation. See Lesbians, gays and bisexuals

Shaiken, Harley, 108

Shaikh, Anwar, 172

Shamela (Fielding), 28

Shammas, Carole, 48

Shank, Susan E., 55

Shanley, Mary Lyndon, 104

Shapiro, Thomas M., 181

Shipwreck narratives, 22

Shiva, V., 90

Showalter, Elaine, 102

Simmons, Christina, 102

Single mothers, 160

Sklar, Kathryn K., 104

Skocpol, Theda, 182

Slaves, 46

Smith, Abbot E., 46

Smith, Adam, 123

Smith, Peggie R., 175

Smith, Robert, 191

Smith, William B., 47

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, 104

Socialist feminism, 17n.5

Social reproduction, 174

Social Security Act, 186n.6

Social Structure of Accumulation (SSA), 130n.3

Social welfare movement, 104

Solon, Gary, 195

Sorensen, Elaine, 195

Sorrentino, Constance, 146

Sowell, Thomas, 187n.15

Spalter-Roth, Roberta, 187n.14

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, 8

Standing, Guy, 121

State control, neocolonialism and, 86

Staves, Susan, 104

Steinberg, Ronnie, 192

Steinem, Gloria, 100

Sterling, Dorothy, 46

Stewart, Martha, 107

Stocking, George W., Jr., 33

Stoddard, Thomas, 68

Stone, Jeanne C. F., 26

Stone, Lawrence, 26

Strassmann, Diana, 25

Strict settlement, 27

Subjection of Women, The (Mill), 31

Sullivan, Jeremiah, 136

Supply-side economics, 124

Supreme Court, U.S., and pay

equity, 116

Sweat shops, 57

Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the Principles of Political Economy (Pryme), 34



Tachibanaki, Toshiaki, 136

Talbot, Margaret, 107

Taylor, Barbara, 99

Teachers, 53

Tench Coxe Report, 58n.1

Theil-Entropy Index, 198

Thomas, Clarence, 123

Thompson, Noel W., 35

“Three Giants, The” (Marcet), 40

Tilly, Chris, 130n.3

Tilly, Louise A., 11

Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald, 188

Trattner, Walter I., 176

Treas, Judith, 195

Treiman, Donald J., 188

Tyson, James L., 129



Uchitelle, Louis, 129

Uhlenberg, Peter, 52

Ulrich, Laurel T., 46

Underconsumptionist theory, 130n.5


in capitalist system, 173

and labor market flexibility, 136

Utilitarianism, 25



Valenze, Deborah, 109

Virtuous circle concept, 118

Virtuous love, 38




family, 189

flexibility, 134

inequality, 189

labor theory of value, 96

living, 129

of mill girls, 49

race and, 151

unionization and, 195

See also Pay equity

Wagman, Bamet, 200

Waitresses, 167

Wajcman, Judy, 188

Walby, Sylvia, 6

Walkowitz, Judith, 106

Wallerstein, I., 89

Ware, Norman, 86n.2

Warren, George F., 47

Waterman, A. M. C., 25

Watt, Ian, 32

Webb, R. K., 35

Weir, Dorothea, 191

Welfare system, 15

evolution of, 184

labor market discrimination through, 185

purpose of, 184

reform, 184

Weiter, Barbara, 102

West Germany, labor market flexibility in, 149

Weston, Kate, 68

White, M. V., 22

Williams, Fiona, 120

Williams, Raymond, 25

Williams, Rhonda M., 175

Williams, Robert E., 126

Williamson, Jeffrey G., 48

Wilson, Robert H., 204n.4

Wilson, Thomas E., 127

Wilson, William Julius, 106

Wolff, Edward, 105

Wolff, Richard, 110

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 100

Women and Recession (Rubery), 137



Yoon, Young-Hee, 187n.14



Zalokar, Nadja, 151

Zinn, Maxine Baca, 125

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