List of Tables and Figures



3.1 Seamstress Employment Estimates for Four Cities

3.2 Estimate of FLFP in Massachusetts and Boston, 1833

8.1 Japan: Regression Results, 1952–1990

8.2 West Germany: Regression Results, 1952–1990

8.3 Confidence Interval Results, 1952–1990

8.4 Average Annual Growth Rates of Labor Force Participation and Employment in Japan: Comparing the 1987–1991 Upswing and the 1991–1993 Downswing

8.5 Standard Deviations of Logarithmic Growth Rates of Total (Men plus Women) Labor Force Participation and Employment, 1952–1990

8.6 Standard Deviations of Logarithmic Growth Rates of Women’s Labor Force Participation and Employment, 1952–1990

9.1 Percentage of Black and White Women Employed in Service Occupations, 1960 and 1994

9.2 1988 Occupations of White and Black 1972 Service Workers

9.3 Occupational Ranks in 1972 and 1988 of 1972 Service Workers

9.4 Occupational Mobility by Rank, 1972–1988

9.5 Number of Children per Family by Race, 1972 and 1988

9.6 Educational Attainment by Race, 1972 and 1988

9.7 Rank in 1972 and 1988 by School Attendance

9.8 Father’s Occupation in 1968 for Women in Service Occupations in 1972

9.9 Top Four Service Occupations by Race, 1972

9.10 Education, Presence of Children, and Mobility by Occupational Rank for White and Black Women Working as Domestic Workers in 1972

11.1 Decomposition of Inequality Indexes

11.2 Dissaggregated Measures of Inequality


8.1 Japan: Measures of Women’s Relative Labor Force and Employment Volatility

8.2 West Germany: Measures of Women’s Relative Labor Force and Employment Volatility

11.1 Hourly Wages Before and After Comparable Worth

11.2 Female-to-Male Median Wages

11.3 Relative Decrease in Wage Dispersion and Inequality

11.4 Lorenz Curves for Women

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