Persistence Fields

Container-managed persistence (CMP) fields are virtual fields whose values map directly to the database. Persistence fields can be Java serializable types and Java primitive types. Java serializable types implement the interface. Most deployment tools easily handle java.lang.String, java.util.Date, and the primitive wrappers (Byte, Boolean, Short, Integer, Long, Double, and Float), because these types of objects are part of the Java core and map naturally to database fields.

The CustomerEJB declares three serializable fields, id, lastName, and firstName, which map naturally to the INT and CHAR fields of the CUSTOMER table in the database.

You can also define your own serializable types, called dependent value classes , and declare them as CMP fields. However, I recommend that you do not use custom serializable objects as persistence field types unless it is absolutely necessary—they are usually recommended for unstructured types, such as multimedia data (images, blobs, etc.). Arbitrary dependent value classes usually will not map naturally to database types, so they must be stored in their serializable forms in some type of binary database field.

Serializable objects are always returned as copies and not references, so modifying a serializable object will not impact its database value. The value of a serializable object must be updated using the set<field-name> method.

The primitive types (byte, short, int, long, double, float, and boolean) are also allowed to be CMP fields. These types are easily mapped to the database and are supported by all deployment tools. As an example, the CustomerEJB might declare a boolean that represents a customer’s credit worthiness:

public abstract class CustomerBean implements javax.ejb.EntityBean {
    public Integer ejbCreate(Integer id){
        return null;
    // abstract accessor methods

    public abstract boolean getHasGoodCredit( );
    public abstract void setHasGoodCredit(boolean creditRating);

You must add a database field, HAS_GOOD_CREDIT, to the CUSTOMER table for the hasGoodCredit persistent field. Depending on the kind of database you are using, this field may be a BIT, INT, BOOLEAN, or something else. For example, Oracle and DB2 use an INT field:


Other databases use different data types for the HAS_GOOD_CREDIT field:

  • In Oracle, it should be INT.

  • In DB2 UDB, it should be INT.

  • In SQL*Server, it should be BIT.

  • In Sybase ASE, it should be BIT.

  • In Cloudscape, it should be BOOLEAN.

  • In PointBase, it should be BOOLEAN.

This is an unfortunate SQL portability problem that occurs when you’re using different database technologies, but it’s the only inconsistency I discovered while testing the code for this book. Before adding the HAS_GOOD_CREDIT field to the CUSTOMER table, check your vendor’s documentation to determine the field type.

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