The ejbCreate( ) Method

ejbCreate( ) methods are called by the container when a client invokes the corresponding create( ) method on the bean’s home. With bean-managed persistence, the ejbCreate( ) methods are responsible for adding new entities to the database. This means that the BMP version of ejbCreate( ) will be much more complicated than the equivalent methods in container-managed entities; with container-managed beans, ejbCreate( ) doesn’t have to do much more than initialize a few fields. Another difference between bean-managed and container-managed persistence is that the EJB specification states that ejbCreate( ) methods in bean-managed persistence must return the primary key of the newly created entity. By contrast, in container-managed beans ejbCreate( ) is required to return null.

The following code contains the ejbCreate( ) method of the ShipBean. Its return type is the Ship EJB’s primary key, Integer. The method uses the JDBC API to insert a new record into the database based on the information passed as parameters:

public Integer ejbCreate(Integer id, String name, int capacity, double tonnage) 
    throws CreateException {
    if ((id.intValue( ) < 1) || (name == null))
        throw new CreateException("Invalid Parameters"); = id; = name;
    this.capacity = capacity;
    this.tonnage = tonnage;
    Connection con = null;
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    try {
        con = this.getConnection( );
        ps = con.prepareStatement(
            "insert into Ship (id, name, capacity, tonnage) " +
            "values (?,?,?,?)");
        ps.setInt(1, id.intValue( ));
        ps.setString(2, name);
        ps.setInt(3, capacity);
        ps.setDouble(4, tonnage);
        if (ps.executeUpdate( ) != 1) {
            throw new CreateException ("Failed to add Ship to database");
        return id;
    catch (SQLException se) {
        throw new EJBException (se);
    finally {
        try {         
            if (ps != null) ps.close( ); 
            if (con!= null) con.close( ); 
        } catch(SQLException se) {
            se.printStackTrace( );

At the beginning of the method, we verify that the parameters are correct and throw a CreateException if the id is less than 1 or the name is null. This shows how you would typically use a CreateException to report an application-logic error.

The ShipBean instance fields are initialized using the parameters passed to ejbCreate( ) by setting the instance fields of the ShipBean. We will use these values to manually insert the data into the SHIP table in our database.

To perform the database insert, we use a JDBC PreparedStatement for SQL requests, which makes it easier to see the parameters being used (we could also have used a stored procedure through a JDBC CallableStatement or a simple JDBC Statement object). We insert the new bean into the database using a SQL INSERT statement and the values passed into ejbCreate( ) parameters. If the insert is successful (i.e., no exceptions are thrown), we create a primary key and return it to the container.

If the insert operation is unsuccessful we throw a new CreateException, which illustrates this exception’s use in a more ambiguous situation. Failure to insert the record could be construed as an application error or a system failure. In this situation, the JDBC subsystem hasn’t thrown an exception, so we shouldn’t interpret the inability to insert a record as a failure of the subsystem. Therefore, we throw a CreateException instead of an EJBException. Throwing a CreateException allows the application to recover from the error, a transactional concept that is covered in more detail in Chapter 15.

When the insert operation is successful, the primary key is returned to the EJB container from the ejbCreate( ) method. In this case we simply return the same Integer object passed into the method, but in many cases a new key might be derived from the method arguments. This is especially true when using compound primary keys, which are discussed in Chapter 10. Behind the scenes, the container uses the primary key and the ShipBean instance that returned it to provide the client with a reference to the new Ship entity. Conceptually, this means that the ShipBean instance and primary key are assigned to a newly constructed EJB object, and the EJB object stub is returned to the client.

Our home interface requires us to provide a second ejbCreate( ) method with different parameters. We can save work and write more bulletproof code by making the second method call the first:

public Integer ejbCreate(Integer id, String name) throws CreateException {
    return ejbCreate(id,name,0,0);
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