A brilliant educator and successful entrepreneur, Steven Rogers has taught a generation of students at leading business schools how to build opportunity for themselves and others. Thanks to this book, every aspiring entrepreneur can—and should—learn from Rogers’ clear explanations of technical concepts, hundreds of examples that bring the concepts to life, and words of wisdom drawn from practical experience.

—Jan Rivkin, Harvard Business School Professor of Business Administration; Senior Associate Dean, Chair, MBA Program

The road to entrepreneurial success is often fraught with peril, the specter of failure an ever present and unwanted companion. Yet, for all of the uncertainty along the way, some obstacles are entirely predictable—none more so than the challenges posed by poor financial management of the enterprise. Fortunately, no entrepreneur need ever again meet this all too predictable challenge unprepared, thanks to the extraordinary compendium of technical knowledge, wisdom, and lessons learned presented in clear, straightforward, unvarnished language by Professor Steven S. Rogers in his invaluable Entrepreneurial Finance. It is essential reading for any entrepreneur who wants to increase his or her odds of starting, acquiring or scaling a successful business enterprise.

—Laurence C. Morse, Ph.D., Cofounder and Managing Partner, Fairview Capital Partners, Inc.

As a former student of Professor Steven Rogers, I can honestly say that his great insight and knowledge gave me the tools and courage to become an entrepreneur. He never sugarcoats the realities of the entrepreneurial journey. This book is the perfect prep before deciding to take the life-changing leap into entrepreneurship. There is a reason he was voted Best Professor twenty-seven times while teaching at The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. If you get the opportunity to take his class or workshop, run don’t walk! You won’t be disappointed!

—Raquel Graham Crayton, Founder and CEO, Roq Innovation // Nekz

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