Praise for Make More, Worry Less

"These principles will not only help you sleep at night, they're steroids for your paycheck. This book is a can't miss if you want economic freedom without having to start your own business!"

Barbara Babbit Kaufman, Founder and Former CEO of Chapter 11 Book Stores

"As the owner of a rapidly growing global brand, our business success hinges upon employees who are willing to take the ball and run with it! If you're a business owner or executive responsible for team results, these principles will have people knocking over walls for you!"

Giovanni, The Margarita King Owner and Founder of The Margarita King,

"As an entrepreneur and former Wall St. investment manager, this book is easy to relate to for anyone who has ever thought about starting their own company, but just never had the 'perfect idea.' Until that perfect idea arrives, this book provides the secret of blending what's great about corporate America with the highlights of business ownership."

Kwame Jackson, Apprentice Season 1 Finalist, Entrepreneur/Speaker/Author,

"What a cool concept! Moss shows how you can find a balance between working for someone and working for yourself. It's the best of both worlds! I don't care what level you are at work—you can start today!"

Allison Saget, Author of The Event Marketing Handbook,

"Finally someone has just come out and said it…you can still get rich working for a big company! Moss shows you the way, no matter what industry you're in!"

Katherine Vessenes, CFP JD President of Vestment Advisors

"This is a great concept! As an entrepreneur, I know how hard it is to start a business from the ground up. This book reveals the secrets to business ownership without having to start from scratch. Moss has become quite an inspiration on this topic"

Jen Klair, Founder of

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