After completing this chapter, you will be able to do the following :
• Distinguish among the following return concepts: holding period return, realized return and expected return, required return, discount rate, the return from convergence of price to intrinsic value (given that price does not equal value), and internal rate of return.
• Explain the equity risk premium and its use in required return determination, and demonstrate the use of historical and forward-looking estimation approaches.
• Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the major methods of estimating the equity risk premium.
• Explain and demonstrate the use of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), Fama-French model (FFM), the Pastor-Stambaugh model (PSM), macroeconomic multifactor models, and the build-up method (including bond yield plus risk premium method) for estimating the required return on an equity investment.
• Discuss beta estimation for public companies, thinly traded public companies, and nonpublic companies.
• Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the major methods of estimating the required return on an equity investment.
• Discuss international considerations in required return estimation.
• Explain and calculate the weighted average cost of capital for a company.
• Explain the appropriateness of using a particular rate of return as a discount rate, given a description of the cash flow to be discounted and other relevant facts.


The return on an investment is a fundamental element in evaluating an investment:
• Investors evaluate an investment in terms of the return they expect to earn on it compared to a level of return viewed as fair given everything they know about the investment, including its risk.
• Analysts need to specify the appropriate rate or rates with which to discount expected future cash flows when using present value models of stock value.
This chapter presents and illustrates key return measures relevant to valuation and is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of return concepts. Section 3 presents the chief approaches to estimating the equity risk premium, a key input in determining the required rate of return on equity in several important models. With a means to estimate the equity risk premium in hand, Section 4 discusses and illustrates the major models for estimating the required return on equity. Section 5 presents the weighted average cost of capital, a discount rate used when finding the present value of cash flows to all providers of capital. Section 6 presents certain facts concerning discount rate selection. Section 7 summarizes the chapter, and practice problems conclude it.


A sound investment decision depends critically on the correct use and evaluation of rate of return measures. The following sections explain the major return concepts most relevant to valuation.18

2.1. Holding Period Return

The holding period rate of return(for short, the holding period return)19 is the return earned from investing in an asset over a specified time period. The specified time period is the holding period under examination, whether it is one day, two weeks, four years, or any other length of time. To use a hypothetical return figure of 0.8 percent for a one-day holding period, we would say that “the one-day holding period return is 0.8 percent” (or equivalently, “the one-day return is 0.8 percent” or “the return is 0.8 percent over one day”). Such returns can be separated into investment income and price appreciation components. If the asset is a share purchased now (at t= 0, with t denoting time) and sold at t = H, the holding period is t = 0 to t = Hand the holding period return is
where Dt and Pt are per-share dividends and share price at time t. Equation 2-1 shows that the holding period return is the sum of two components: dividend yield (DH/P0) and price appreciation return ([PH-P0]/P0), also known as the capital gains yield.
Equation 2-1 assumes, for simplicity, that any dividend is received at the end of the holding period. More generally, the holding period return would be calculated based on reinvesting any dividend received between t= 0 and t = H in additional shares on the date the dividend was received at the price then available. Holding period returns are sometimes annualized—in other words, the return for a specific holding period may be converted to an annualized return, usually based on compounding at the holding period rate. For e xample, (1.008)365- 1 = 17.3271 or 1,732.71 percent, is one way to annualize a one-day 0.80 percent return. As the example shows, however, annualizing holding period returns, when the holding period is a fraction of a year, is unrealistic when the reinvestment rate is not an actual, available reinvestment rate.

2.2. Realized and Expected (Holding Period) Return

In the expression for the holding period return, the selling price, PH, and in general the dividend, DH, are not known as of t = 0. For a holding period in the past, the selling price and the dividend are known, and the return is called a realized holding period return, or more simply, a realized return. For example, with a beginning price of €50.00, an ending or selling price of €52.00 six months later, and a dividend equal to €1.00 (all amounts referring to the past), the realized return is €1.00/€50.00 + (€52.00 - €50.00)/€50.00 = 0.02 + 0.04 = 0.06 or 6 percent over 6 months. In forward-looking contexts, holding period returns are random variables because future selling prices and dividends may both take on a range of values. Nevertheless, an investor can form an expectation concerning the dividend and selling price and thereby have an expected holding-period return(or simply expected return) for the stock that consists of the expected dividend yield and the expected price appreciation return.
Although professional investors often formulate expected returns based on explicit valuation models, a return expectation does not have to be based on a model or on specific valuation knowledge. Any investor can have a personal viewpoint on the future returns on an asset. In fact, because investors formulate expectations in varying ways and on the basis of different information, different investors generally have different expected returns for an asset. The comparison point for interpreting the investment implication of the expected return for an asset is its required return, the subject of the next section.

2.3. Required Return

A required rate of return(for short, required return) is the minimum level of expected return that an investor requires in order to invest in the asset over a specified time period, given the asset’s riskiness. It represents the opportunity cost for investing in the asset—the highest level of expected return available elsewhere from investments of similar risk. As the opportunity cost for investing in the asset, the required return represents a threshold value for being fairly compensated for the risk of the asset. If the investor’s expected return exceeds the required return, the asset will appear to be undervalued because it is expected to return more-than-fair compensation for the asset’s risk. By contrast, if the expected return on the asset falls short of the required rate of return, the asset will appear to be overvalued.
The valuation examples presented in this book will illustrate the use of required return estimates grounded in market data (such as observed asset returns) and explicit models for required return. We will refer to any such estimate of the required return used in an example as the required return on the asset for the sake of simplicity, although other estimates are usually defensible. For example, using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM—discussed in more detail later), the required return for an asset is equal to the risk-free rate of return plus a premium (or discount) related to the asset’s sensitivity to market returns. That sensitivity can be estimated based on returns for an observed market portfolio and the asset. That is one example of a required return estimate grounded in a formal model based on marketplace variables (rather than a single investor’s return requirements). Market variables should contain information about investors’ asset risk perceptions and their level of risk aversion, both of which are important in determining fair compensation for risk.
In this chapter, we use the notation r for the required rate of return on the asset being discussed. The required rate of return on common stock and debt are also known as the cost of equity and cost of debt, respectively, taking the perspective of the issuer. To raise new capital, the issuer would have to price the security to offer a level of expected return that is competitive with the expected returns being offered by similarly risky securities. The required return on a security is therefore the issuer’s marginal cost for raising additional capital of the same type.
The difference between the expected return and the required rate of return on an asset is the asset’s expected alpha (or ex ante alpha) or expected abnormal return:
When an asset is efficiently priced (its price equals its intrinsic value), expected return should equal required return and the expected alpha is zero. In investment decision making and valuation, the focus is on expected alpha. However, to evaluate the actual results of an investment discipline, the analyst would examine realized alpha. Realized alpha (or ex post alpha) over a given holding period is
Estimates of required returns are essential for using present value models of value. Present value models require the analyst to establish appropriate discount rates for determining the present values of expected future cash flows.
Expected return and required rate of return are sometimes used interchangeably in conversation and writing.20 As discussed, that is not necessarily correct. When current price equals perceived value, expected return should be the same as the required rate of return. However, when price is below (above) the perceived value, expected return will exceed (be less than) the required return as long as the investor expects price to converge to value over his time horizon.
Given an investor’s expected holding period return, we defined expected alpha in relation to a required return estimate. In the next section, we show the conversion of a value estimate into an estimate of expected holding period return.

2.4. Expected Return Estimates from Intrinsic Value Estimates

When an asset is mispriced, one of several outcomes is possible. Take the case of an asset that an investor believes is 25 percent undervalued in the marketplace. Over the investment time horizon, the mispricing may:
• Increase (the asset may become more undervalued).
• Stay the same (the asset may remain 25 percent undervalued).
• Be partially corrected (e.g., the asset may become undervalued by 15 percent).
• Be corrected (price changes to exactly reflect value).
• Reverse, or be overcorrected (the asset may become overvalued).
Generally, convergence of price to value is the equilibrium and anticipated outcome when the investor’s value estimate is more accurate than the market’s, as reflected in the market price. In that case, the investor’s expected rate of return has two components: the required return (earned on the asset’s current market price) and a return from convergence of price to value.
We can illustrate how expected return may be estimated when an investor’s value e stimate, V0, is different from the market price. Suppose the investor expects price to fully converge to value over τ years. (V0 - P0)/P0 is an estimate of the return from convergence over the period of that length, essentially the expected alpha for the asset stated on a per-period basis. With r τbeing the required return on a periodic (not annualized) basis and E(Rτ) the expected holding-period return on the same basis, then:
Although only an approximation, the expression does illustrate that an expected return can be viewed as the sum of two returns: the required return and a return from convergence of price to intrinsic value.21
To illustrate, as of the end of the first quarter of 2007, one estimate of the required return for Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG) shares was 7.6 percent. At a time when PG’s market price was $63.16, a research report estimated PG’s intrinsic value at $71.00 share. Thus, in the report author’s view, PG was undervalued by V0-P0 = $71 - $63.16 = $7.84, or 12.4 percent as a fraction of the market price ($7.84/$63.16). If price were expected to converge to value in exactly one year, an investor would earn 7.6% + 12.4% = 20%. The expected alpha of Procter & Gamble is 12.4 percent per annum. But if the investor expected the undervaluation to disappear by the end of nine months, then the investor might anticipate achieving a return of about 18 percent over the nine-month period. The required return on a nine-month basis (τ = 9/12 = 0.75) is (1.076)0.75- 1 = 0.0565 or 5.65 percent, so the total expected return is
In this case, expected alpha is 12.4 percent on a nine-month basis which, when added to the required return of 5.65 percent on a nine-month basis, gives an estimate of the nine-month holding period return of 18.05 percent. Another possibility is that price converges to value in two years. The expected two-year holding period return would be 15.78% + 12.4% = 28.18%, in which the required return component is calculated as (1.076)2- 1 = 0.1578.
This expected return based on two-year convergence could be compared to the expected return based on one-year convergence of 20 percent by annualizing it: (1.2818)½ - 1 = 0.1322 or 13.22 percent per year.
Active investors essentially second-guess the market price. The risks of that activity include the risks that (1) their value estimates are not more accurate than the market price, and (2) even if they are more accurate, the value discrepancy may not narrow over the investors’ time horizon. Clearly, the convergence component of expected return can be quite risky.
EXAMPLE 2-1 Analyst Case Study (1): The Required Return on Microsoft Shares
Thomas Weeramantry and Françoise Delacour are co-managers of a U.S.-based diversified global equity portfolio. They are researching Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ-GS: MSFT),22 the largest U.S.-headquartered technology sector company. Weeramantry
gathered a number of research reports on MSFT and began his analysis of the company in late August 2007, when the current price for MSFT was $28.27. In one research report, the analyst offered the following facts, opinions, and estimates concerning MSFT:
• The most recent quarterly dividend was $0.10 per share. Over the coming year, two more quarterly dividends of $0.10 are expected, followed by two quarterly dividends of $0.11 per share.
• MSFT’s required return on equity is 9.5 percent.
• A one-year target price for MSFT is $32.00.
An analyst’s target price is the price at which the analyst believes the security should sell at a stated future point in time. Based only on the information given, answer the following questions concerning MSFT. For both questions, ignore returns from reinvesting the quarterly dividends.
1. What is the analyst’s one-year expected return?
2. What is a target price that is most consistent with MSFT being fairly valued?
Solution to 1: Over one year, the analyst expects MSFT to pay $0.10 + $0.10 + $0.11 + $0.11 = $0.42 in dividends. Using the target price of $32.00 and dividends of $0.42, the analyst’s expected return is ($0.42/$28.27) + ($32.00 - $28.27)/$28.27 = 0.015 + 0.132 = 0.147 or 14.7 percent.
Solution to 2: If MSFT is fairly valued, it should return its cost of equity (required return), which is 9.5 percent. Under that assumption, Target price = Current price x (1 + required return) - dividend = $28.27(1.095) - $0.42 = $30.54; the dividend is subtracted to isolate the return from price appreciation. Another solution approach involves subtracting the dividend yield from the required return to isolate the anticipated price appreciation return: 9.5% - 1.5% = 8%. Thus, (1.08)($28.27) = $30.53 (the $0.01 difference from this approach’s answer comes from rounding the dividend yield to 1.5 percent).

2.5. Discount Rate

Discount rate is a general term for any rate used in finding the present value of a future cash flow. A discount rate reflects the compensation required by investors for delaying consumption—generally assumed to equal the risk-free rate—and their required compensation for the risk of the cash flow. Generally, the discount rate used to determine intrinsic value depends on the characteristics of the investment rather than on the characteristics of the purchaser. That is, for the purposes of estimating intrinsic value, a required return based on marketplace variables is used rather than a personal required return influenced by such factors as whether the investor is diversified in his or her personal portfolio. However, some investors will make judgmental adjustments to such required return estimates, knowing the limitations of the finance models used to estimate such returns.
In principle, because of varying expected future inflation rates and the possibly varying risk of expected future cash flows, a distinct discount rate could be applicable to each distinct expected future cash flow. In practice, a single required return is generally used to discount all expected future cash flows.23
Sometimes an internal rate of return is used as a required return estimate, as discussed in the next section.

2.6. Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return(IRR) on an investment is the discount rate that equates the present value of the asset’s expected future cash flows to the asset’s price—in other words, the amount of money needed today to purchase a right to those cash flows.
In a model that views the intrinsic value of a common equity share as the present value of expected future cash flows, if price is equal to current intrinsic value—the condition of market informational efficiency—then, generally, a discount rate can be found, usually by iteration, which equates that present value to the market price. An IRR computed under the assumption of market efficiency has been used to estimate the required return on equity. An example is the historical practice of many U.S. state regulators of estimating the cost of equity for regulated utilities using the model illustrated in Equation 2-3b.24 (The issue of cost of equity arises because regulators set prices sufficient for utilities to earn their cost of capital.)25
To illustrate, the simplest version of a present value model results from defining cash flows as dividends and assuming a stable dividend growth rate for the indefinite future. The stable growth rate assumption reduces the sum of results in a very simple expression for intrinsic value:26
If the asset is correctly valued now (market price = intrinsic value), given consensus estimates of the year-ahead dividend and future dividend growth rate (which are estimates of the dividend expectations built into the price), we can solve for a required return—an IRR implied by the market price:
The use of such an IRR as a required return estimate assumes not only market efficiency, but also the correctness of the particular present value model (in the preceding example, the stable growth rate assumption is critical) and the estimated inputs to the selected model. In Equation 2-3b and similar cases, although the asset’s risk is incorporated indirectly into the required return estimate via the market price, the adjustment for risk is not explicit as it is in many competing models that will be presented.
Finally, obtaining an IRR from a present value model should not be confused with the somewhat similar-looking exercise that involves inferring what the market price implies about future growth rates of cash flows, given an independent estimate of required return: That exercise has the purpose of assessing the reasonableness of the market price.


The equity risk premium is the incremental return (premium) that investors require for holding equities rather than a risk-free asset. Thus, it is the difference between the required return on equities and a specified expected risk-free rate of return. The equity risk premium, like the required return, depends strictly on expectations for the future because the investor’s returns depend only on the investment’s future cash flows. Possibly confusingly, equity risk premium is also commonly used to refer to the realized excess return of stocks over a risk-free asset over a given past time period. The realized excess return could be very different from the premium that, based on available information, was contemporaneously being expected by investors.27
Using the equity risk premium, the required return on the broad equity market or an average-systematic-risk equity security is
Required return on equity = Current expected risk-free return + Equity risk premium where, for consistency, the definition of risk-free asset (e.g., government bills or government bonds) used in estimating the equity risk premium should correspond to the one used in specifying the current expected risk-free return.
The importance of the equity risk premium in valuation is that, in perhaps a majority of cases in practice, analysts estimate the required return on a common equity issue as either
Equation 2-4 adjusts the equity risk premium for the share’s particular level of systematic risk as measured by beta (βi)—an average systematic risk security has a beta of 1, whereas beta values above and below 1 indicate greater-than-average and smaller-than-average systematic risk. Equation 2-4 is explained in Section 4.1 as the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).
Equation 2-5 does not make a beta adjustment to the equity risk premium but adds premia/ discounts required to develop an overall equity risk adjustment. Equation 2-5 is explained in Section 4.3 as the build-up method for estimating the required return. It is primarily used in the valuation of private businesses.
Typically, analysts estimate the equity risk premium for the national equity market of the issues being analyzed (but if a global CAPM is being used, a world equity premium is estimated that takes into account the totality of equity markets).
Even for the longest established developed markets, the magnitude of the equity risk premium is difficult to estimate and can be a reason for differing investment conclusions among analysts. Therefore, we next introduce the topic of estimation in some detail. Whatever estimates analysts decide to use, when an equity risk premium estimate enters into a valuation, analysts should be sensitive to how their value conclusions could be affected by estimation error.
Two broad approaches are available for estimating the equity risk premium. One is based on historical average differences between equity market returns and government debt returns, and the other is based on current expectational data. These are presented in the following sections.

3.1. Historical Estimates

A historical equity risk premium estimate is usually calculated as the mean value of the differences between broad-based equity-market-index returns and government debt returns over some selected sample period. When reliable long-term records of equity returns are available, historical estimates have been a familiar and popular choice of estimation. If investors do not make systematic errors in forming expectations, then, over the long term, average returns should be an unbiased estimate of what investors expected. The fact that historical estimates are based on data also gives them an objective quality.
In using a historical estimate to represent the equity risk premium going forward, the analyst is assuming that returns are stationary—that is, the parameters that describe the return-generating process are constant over the past and into the future.
The analyst’s major decisions in developing a historical equity risk premium estimate include the selection of four factors:
1. The equity index to represent equity market returns.
2. The time period for computing the estimate.
3. The type of mean calculated.
4. The proxy for the risk-free return.
Analysts try to select an equity index that accurately represents the average returns earned by equity investors in the market being examined. Broad-based, market value-weighted indexes are typically selected.
Specifying the length of the sample period typically involves trade-offs. Dividing a data period of a given length into smaller subperiods does not increase precision in estimating the mean—only extending the length of the data set can increase precision.28 Thus, a common choice is to use the longest available series of reliable returns. However, the assumption of stationarity is usually more difficult to maintain as the series starting point is extended to the distant past. The specifics of the type of nonstationarity are also important. For a number of equity markets, research has brought forth abundant evidence of nonconstant underlying return volatility. Nonstationarity—in which the equity risk premium has fluctuated in the short term, but around a central value—is a less serious impediment to using a long data series than the case in which the risk premium has shifted to a permanently different level (see Cornell 1999). Empirically, the expected equity risk premium is countercyclical in the United States—that is, the expected premium is high during bad times but low during good times (Fama and French 1989; Ferson and Harvey 1991). This property leads to some interesting challenges: For example, when a series of strong market returns has increased enthusiasm for equities and raised historical-mean equity risk premium estimates, the forward-looking equity risk premium may have actually declined.
Practitioners taking a historical approach to equity premium estimation often focus on the type of mean calculated and the proxy for the risk-free return. There are two choices for computing the mean and two broad choices for the proxy for the risk-free return.
The mean return of a historical set of annual return differences between equities and government debt securities can be calculated using a geometric mean or an arithmetic mean:
• A geometric mean equity risk premium estimate equal to the compound annual excess return of equities over the risk-free return.
• An arithmetic mean equity risk premium estimate equal to the sum of the annual return differences divided by the number of observations in the sample.
The risk-free rate can also be represented in two ways:
• As a long -term government bond return.
• As a short-term government debt instrument (Treasury bill) return.
Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton (2008) presented authoritative evidence on realized excess returns of stocks over government debt (“historical equity risk premia”) using survivorship bias-free return data sets for 17 developed markets for the 108 years extending from 1900 through 2007.29 Exhibit 2-1 excerpts their findings, showing results for the four combinations of mean computation and risk-free return representation (two mean return choices multiplied by two risk-free return choices). In the table, standard deviation is the standard deviation of the annual excess return series and minimum value and maximum value are, respectively, the smallest and largest observed values of that series.
The following excerpt from Exhibit 2-1 presents a comparison of historical equity risk premium estimates for the United States and Japan. This comparison highlights some of the issues that can arise in using historical estimates. As background to the discussion, note that as a mathematical fact, the geometric mean is always less than (or equal to) the arithmetic mean; furthermore, the yield curve is typically upward sloping (long-term bond yields are typically higher than short-term yields).
EXHIBIT 2-1 Historical Equity Risk Premia for 17 Major Markets, 1900-2007
Source: Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton (2008), Tables 10, 11.
For the United States, estimates of the equity risk premium relative to long-term government bonds runs from 4.5 percent (geometric mean relative to bonds) to 7.4 percent (arithmetic mean relative to bills). The United States illustrates the typical case in which realized values relative to bills, for any definition of mean, are higher than those relative to bonds.
The premium estimates for Japan are notably higher than for the United States. Because the promised yield on long-term bonds is usually higher than that on short-term bills, the higher arithmetic mean premium relative to bonds compared to bills in the case of Japan is atypical. The analyst would need to investigate the reasons for it and believe they applied to the future before using the estimate as a forecast for the future. In virtually all markets, the geometric mean premium relative to long-term bonds gives the smallest risk premium estimate (the exception is Germany). Note the following:
• For each market, the variation in year-to-year results is very large as shown by standard deviations and ranges (maximum values minus minimum values). As a result, the sample mean estimates the true mean with potentially substantial error. To explain, the standard deviation of the sample mean in estimating the underlying mean (the standard error) is given by sample standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of observations. For example, 20.0% ÷√108 ≈ 1.9% for the United States relative to bonds.30 So a two standard deviation interval for the underlying mean (an interval within which the underlying mean is expected to lie with a 0.95 probability) is a wide 2.7 percent to 10.3 percent (i.e., 6.5% ± 3.8%) even with 108 years of data. This problem of sampling error becomes more acute, the shorter the series on which the mean estimate is based.
• The variation in the historical equity risk premium estimates across countries is substantial. Referring to Panel A of Exhibit 2-1, the histogram in Exhibit 2-2, focusing on the geometric mean, shows that roughly 88 percent of values fall in one-percentage-point intervals from 2 percent to 6 percent. The modal interval is 4 to 5 percent and, as Panel A in Exhibit 2-1 shows, the mean (“World”) value is 4 percent. However, approximately 12 percent of values fall in the two extreme intervals.
EXHIBIT 2-2 Distribution of Geometric Mean Realized Premium Relative to Bonds
The next two sections discuss choices related to the calculation of a historical equity risk premium estimate.

3.1.1. Arithmetic Mean or Geometric Mean

A decision with an important impact on the risk premium estimate is the choice between an arithmetic mean and a geometric mean: The geometric mean is smaller by an amount equal to about one half the variance of returns, so it is always smaller than the arithmetic mean given any variability in returns (the geometric mean is equal to the arithmetic mean when the returns for all periods are equal).
In actual professional practice, both means have been used in equity risk premium estimation.
The arithmetic mean return as the average one-period return best represents the mean return in a single period. There are two traditional arguments in favor of using the arithmetic mean in equity risk premium estimation, one relating to the type of model in which the estimates are used and the second relating to a statistical property. The major finance models for estimating required return—in particular the CAPM and multifactor models—are single-period models; so the arithmetic mean, with its focus on single period returns, appears to be a model-consistent choice. A statistical argument has also been made for the arithmetic mean: With serially uncorrelated returns and a known underlying arithmetic mean, the unbiased estimate of the expected terminal value of an investment is found by compounding forward at the arithmetic mean. For example, if the arithmetic mean is 8 percent, an unbiased estimate of the expected terminal value of a €1 million investment in 5 years is €1(1.08)5 = €1.47 million. In practice, however, the underlying mean is not known. It has been established that compounding forward using the sample arithmetic mean, whether or not returns are serially uncorrelated, overestimates the expected terminal value of wealth.31 In the example, if 8 percent is merely the sample arithmetic mean (used as an estimate of the unknown underlying mean), we would expect terminal wealth to be less than €1.47 million. Practically, only the first traditional argument still has force.
The geometric mean return of a sample represents the compound rate of growth that equates the beginning value to the ending value of one unit of money initially invested in an asset. Present value models involve the discounting over multiple time periods. Discounting is just the reverse side of compounding in terms of finding amounts of equivalent worth at different points in time; because the geometric mean is a compound growth rate, it appears to be a logical choice for estimating a required return in a multiperiod context, even when using a single-period required return model. In contrast to the sample arithmetic mean, using the sample geometric mean does not introduce bias in the calculated expected terminal value of an investment (Hughson et al. 2006). Equity risk premium estimates based on the geometric mean have tended to be closer to supply-side and demand-side estimates from economic theory than arithmetic mean estimates.32 For these reasons, the geometric mean is increasingly preferred for use in historical estimates of the equity risk premium.

3.1.2. Long-term Government Bonds or Short-term Government Bills

The choices for the risk-free rate are a short-term government debt rate, such as a 30-day T-bill rate, or a long-term government bond yield to maturity (YTM). Government bonds are preferred to even the highest rated corporate bonds as they typically have less (near zero) default and equity market risk.
A bond-based equity risk premium estimate in almost all cases is smaller than a bill-based estimate (see Exhibit 2-1). But a normal upward-sloping yield curve tends to offset the effect of the risk-free rate choice on a required return estimate, because the current expected risk-free rate based on a bond will be larger than the expectation based on a bill. However, with an inverted yield curve, the short-term yields exceed long-term yields, and the required return estimate based on using a risk-free rate based on a bill can be much higher.
Industry practice has tended to favor use of a long-term government bond rate in premium estimates despite the fact that such estimates are often used in one-period models such as the CAPM. A risk premium based on a bill rate may produce a better estimate of the required rate of return for discounting a one-year-ahead cash flow, but a premium relative to bonds should produce a more plausible required return/discount rate in a multiperiod context of valuation.33
To illustrate a reason for the preference, take the case of bill-relative and bond-relative premia estimates of 5.5 percent and 4.5 percent, respectively, for a given market. Assume the yield curve is inverted: The current bill rate is 9 percent and the bond rate is 6 percent, respectively. The required return on average-risk equity based on bills is 14.5 percent (9% + 5.5%) compared with 10.5 percent based on bonds (6% + 4.5%). That 14.5 percent rate may be appropriate for discounting a one-year-ahead cash flow in a current high interest and inflation environment. The inverted yield curve, however, predicts a downward path for short-term rates and inflation. Most of the cash flows lie in the future and the premium for expected average inflation rates built into the long-term bond rate is more plausible. A practical principle is that for the purpose of valuation, the analyst should try to match the duration of the risk-free-rate measure to the duration of the asset being valued.34 If the analyst has adopted a short-term risk-free rate definition, nevertheless, a practical approach to dealing with the situation just presented would be to use an expected average short-term bill rate rather than the current 9 percent rate. Advocates of using short-term rates point out that long-term government bonds are subject to risks, such as interest rate risk, that complicate their interpretation.
In practice, many analysts use the current YTM on a long-term government bond as an approximation for the expected return on it. The analyst needs to be clear that he is using a current yield observation, reflecting current inflation expectations. The yield on a recently issued (“on the run”) bond mitigates distortions related to liquidity and discounts/premiums relative to face value. The available maturities of liquid government bonds change over time and differ among national markets. If a 20-year maturity is available and trades in a liquid market, however, its yield is a reasonable choice as an estimate of the risk-free rate for equity valuation.35 In many international markets, only bonds of shorter maturity are available or have a liquid market. A 10-year government bond yield is another common choice.
Valuation requires definite estimates of required returns. The data in Exhibit 2-1 provide one practical starting point for an estimate of equity risk premium for the markets given. As discussed, one mainstream choice among alternative estimates of the historical equity risk premium is the geometric mean historical equity risk premium relative to government bonds.

3.1.3. Adjusted Historical Estimates

A historical risk premium estimate may be adjusted in several ways to neutralize the effect of biases that may be present in the underlying equity market return series. One type of adjustment is made to offset the effect of biases in the data series being used to estimate the equity risk premium. A second type of adjustment is made to take account of an independent estimate of the equity risk premium. In both cases the adjustment could be upward or downward.
One issue is survivorship bias in equity market data series. The bias arises when poorly performing or defunct companies are removed from membership in an index, so that only relative winners remain. Survivorship bias tends to inflate historical estimates of the equity risk premium. For many developed markets, equity returns series are now available that are free or nearly free of survivorship bias (see Exhibit 2-1). When using a series that has such bias, however, the historical risk premium estimate should be adjusted downward. Guidance for such adjustment based on research is sometimes available.36
A conceptually related issue with historical estimates can arise when a market has experienced a string of unexpectedly positive or negative events and the surprises do not balance out over the period of sampled data. For example, a string of positive inflation and productivity surprises may result in a series of high returns that increase the historical mean estimate of the equity risk premium. In such cases, a forward-looking model estimate may suggest a much lower value of the equity risk premium. To mitigate that concern, the analyst may adjust the historical estimate downward based on an independent forward-looking estimate (or upward, in the case of a string of negative surprises). Many experts believe that the historical record for various major world markets has benefited from a majority of favorable circumstances that cannot be expected to be duplicated in the future; their recommended adjustments to historical mean estimates is downward. Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton (2002) have argued that historical returns have been advantaged by repricings as increasing scope for diversification has led to a lower level of market risk. In the case of the United States, Ibbotson and Chen (2001) recommended a 1.25 percentage point downward adjustment to the Morningstar (Ibbotson) historical mean U.S. equity risk premium estimate, based on a lower estimate from a supply-side analysis of the equity risk premium.
Example 2-2 illustrates difficulties in historical data that could lead to a preference for an adjusted historical or forward-looking estimate.
EXAMPLE 2-2 The Indian Equity Risk Premium: Historical Estimates of the Equity Risk Premium in a Developing Market37
Historical estimates of the equity risk premium in developing markets are often attended by a range of concerns. The case of India can serve as an example. A number of equity indexes are available and each has possible limitations. Although not as broad-based as the alternatives, the Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex 30, a market capitalization-weighted index of the shares of 30 leading companies, has the longest available record: Compiled since 1986, returns go back to 1979. Note the following facts concerning this index and other issues relevant to estimating the equity risk premium:
• The backfilled returns from 1979 to 1985 are based on the initial 30 issues selected in 1986, which were among the largest market-cap as of 1986.
• The Sensex is a price index; a total return version of the index incorporating dividends is available from 1997 forward.
• Interest rates were suppressed by regulation prior to 1991 and moved higher thereafter. The post-regulation period appears to be associated with higher stock market volatility.
• Objective estimates of the extent of any bias can be developed.
Based only on the information given, address the following.
1. What factors could bias an unadjusted historical risk premium estimate upward?
2. What factors could bias an unadjusted historical risk premium estimate downward?
3. State and explain two indications that the historical time series is nonstationary.
4. Recommend and justify a preference for a historical or an adjusted historical equity risk premium estimate.
Solution to 1: The backfilling of returns from 1979 to 1985 based on companies selected in 1986 could bias the estimate upward because of survivorship bias. The companies that were selected in 1986 are likely to have been among the most successful of the companies on the exchange as of 1979. Another but less clear factor is the suppression of interest rates prior to 1991. An artificially low risk-free rate would bias the equity risk premium estimate upward unless the required return on equity was smaller by an equal amount.
Solution to 2: The failure to incorporate the return from dividends biases the equity risk premium estimate downward.
Solution to 3: The different levels of interest rates before and after the lifting of regulation in 1991 is one indication that the equity risk premium pre- and post-1991 could be different and that the overall series is nonstationary. A second is the higher level of stock market volatility pre- and post-regulation.
Solution to 4: Given that objective estimates of the extent of biases can be developed, an adjusted historical estimate would be preferred because such an estimate is more likely to be unbiased and accurate.
In Example 2-2, one criticism that could be raised relative to any historical estimate is the shortness of the period in the data set—the post-1991 reform period—that is definitely relevant to the present. Sampling error in any mean estimate—even one based on clean data—would be a major concern for this data set. The analyst might address specific concerns through an adjusted historical estimate. The analyst may also decide to investigate one or more forward-looking estimates. Forward-looking estimates are the subject of the next section. A later section on international issues provides more information on equity risk premium estimation for emerging markets such as India.

3.2. Forward-Looking Estimates

Because the equity risk premium is based only on expectations for economic and financial variables from the present going forward, it is logical to estimate the premium directly based on current information and expectations concerning such variables. Such estimates are often called forward-looking or ex ante estimates. In principle, such estimates may agree with, be higher, or be lower than historical equity risk premium estimates.38 Ex ante estimates are likely to be less subject to an issue such as nonstationarity or data biases than are historical estimates. However, such estimates are often subject to other potential errors related to financial and economic models and potential behavioral biases in forecasting.

3.2.1. Gordon Growth Model Estimates

Probably the most frequently encountered forward-looking estimate of the equity risk premium is based on a very simple form of a present value model called the constant growth dividend discount model or Gordon growth model, previously shown as Equation 2-3a. For mature developed equity markets such as Eurozone, the United Kingdom, and North American markets, the assumptions of this model are often met, at least approximately. Broad-based equity indexes are nearly always associated with a dividend yield, and year-ahead dividend payment may be fairly predictable. The expected dividend growth rate may be inferred based on published analyst or economic expectations, such as consensus analyst expectations of the earnings growth rate for an equity market index (which may be based on forecasts for the constituent companies or a top-down forecast). Specifically, the Gordon growth model (GGM) equity risk premium estimate is:39
We can illustrate with the case of the United States. As of September 2007, the dividend yield on the S&P 500 as defined in Equation 2-6 was approximately 1.9 percent based on a price level of the S&P 500 of 1,471. The consensus analyst view was that earnings on the S&P 500 would grow from a trailing amount of $86.38 to $95.18 over the next year, a 10.2 percent growth rate. However, at a five-year horizon (the longest analyst-forecast horizon commonly available), a consensus growth estimate was close to the 7 percent long-term average growth rate.40 We will use the 7 percent long-term average growth rate as the long-term earnings growth forecast. Dividend growth should track earnings growth over the long term. The 20-year U.S. government bond yield was 5.0 percent. Therefore, according to Equation 2-6, the Gordon growth model estimate of the U.S. equity risk premium was 1.9% + 7.0% - 5% = 3.9%. Like historical estimates, Gordon growth model estimates generally change through time. For example, the risk premium estimate of 3.9 percent just given compares with a GGM estimate of 2.4 percent (computed as 1.2% + 7% - 5.8%) made in the previous edition of this book, as of the end of 2001.
Equation 2-6 is based on an assumption of earnings growth at a stable rate. An assumption of multiple earnings growth stages is more appropriate for very rapidly growing economies. Taking an equity index in such an economy, the analyst may forecast a fast growth stage for the aggregate of companies included in the index, followed by a transition stage in which growth rates decline, and then a mature growth stage characterized by growth at a moderate, sustainable rate. The discount rate r that equates the sum of the present values of the expected cash flows of the three stages to the current market price of the equity index defines an IRR. Letting PVFastGrowthStage(r) stand for the present value of the cash flows of the fast earnings growth stage with the present value shown as a function of the discount rate r, and using a self-explanatory notation for the present values of the other phases, the equation for IRR is as follows:
Equity Index Price = PVFastGrowthStage(r) + PVTransition(r) + PVMatureGrowthStage(r)
The IRR is computable using a spreadsheet’s IRR function. Using the IRR as an estimate of the required return on equities (as described in section 2.6), subtracting a government bond yield gives an equity risk premium estimate.
A consequence of the model underlying Equation 2-6, making assumptions of a constant dividend payout ratio and efficient markets, is that earnings, dividends, and prices are expected to grow at the dividend growth rate, so that the P/E ratio is constant. The analyst may believe, however, that the P/E ratio will expand or contract. Some analysts make an adjustment to the estimate in Equation 2-6 to reflect P/E multiple expansion or contraction. From a given starting market level associated with a given level of earnings and a given P/E ratio, the return from capital appreciation cannot be greater than the earnings growth rate unless the P/E multiple expands. P/E multiple expansion can result from an increase in the earnings growth rate and/or a decrease in risk.

3.2.2. Macroeconomic Model Estimates

Using relationships between macroeconomic variables and the financial variables that figure in equity valuation models, analysts can develop equity risk premium estimates. Such models may be more reliable when public equities represent a relatively large share of the economy, as in many developed markets. Many such analyses focus on the supply-side variables that fuel gross domestic product (GDP) growth (and are thus known as supply-side estimates). The Gordon growth model estimate, when based on a top-down economic analysis rather than using consensus analyst estimates, can be viewed as a supply-side estimate.41
To illustrate a supply-side analysis, the total return to equity can be analyzed into four components as explained by Ibbotson and Chen:42
1. Expected inflation (EINFL).
2. Expected growth rate in real earnings per share (EGREPS).
3. Expected growth rate in the P/E ratio (EGPE)—that is, the ratio of share price to earnings per share.
4. Expected income component (EINC), including return from reinvestment of income.
The growth in P/E arises as a factor from a decomposition of the capital appreciation portion of returns.43 Thus
In the following we illustrate this type of analysis using data for U.S. equity markets as represented by the S&P 500.
Expected inflation.A market forecast is available from the U.S. Treasury and U.S. Treasury inflation protected securities (TIPS) yield curve:
We will use an estimate of 2.5 percent per year, consistent with the TIPS analysis and other long-term forecasts. Thus, 1 + EINFL = 1.025.
Expected growth in real earnings per share. This quantity should approximately track the real GDP growth rate. An adjustment upward or downward to the real GDP growth rate can be made for any expected differential growth between the companies represented in the equity index being used to represent the stock market and the overall economy.
According to economic theory, the real GDP growth rate should equal the sum of labor productivity growth and the labor supply growth rate (which can be estimated as the sum of the population growth rate and the increase in the labor force participation rate). A forecasted 2 percent per year U.S. labor productivity growth rate and 1 percent per year labor supply growth rate produces a 3 percent overall real GDP growth rate estimate of 3 percent. Therefore, 1 + EGREPS = 1.03.
Expected growth in the P/E ratio. The baseline value for this factor is zero, reflecting an efficient markets view. When the analyst views a current P/E level as reflecting overvaluation or undervaluation, however, a negative or positive value, respectively, can be used, reflecting the analyst’s investment time horizon. So, without presenting a case for misevaluation, 1+ EGPE = 1.
Expected income component. Historically, for U.S. markets the long-term value has been close to 4.5 percent, including reinvestment return of 20 bps (see Ibbotson and Chen 2003). However, the current S&P 500 dividend yield is below the long-term average. A forward-looking estimate based on the forward expected dividend yield of 2.1 percent and 10 bps reinvestment return is 2.2 percent. Thus, EINC = 0.022.
Using the Ibbotson-Chen format and a risk-free rate of 5 percent, an estimate of the U.S. equity risk premium estimate is
The supply-side estimate of 2.8 percent is smaller than the historical geometric mean estimate of 4.5 percent, although the difference is within one standard error (2 percentage points) of the latter forecast.44

3.2.3. Survey Estimates

One way to gauge expectations is to ask people what they expect. Survey estimates of the equity risk premium involve asking a sample of people—frequently experts—about their expectations for it, or for capital market expectations from which the premium can be inferred.
For example, a 2002 survey of global bond investors by Schroder Salomon Smith Barney found an average equity risk premium in the range of 2 to 2.5 percent, while a Goldman Sachs survey of global clients recorded a mean long-run equity risk premium of 3.9 percent (see Ilmanen et al. 2002; O’Neill et al. 2002).


With means to estimate the equity risk premium in hand, the analyst can estimate the required return on the equity of a particular issuer. The choices include the following:
• The CAPM.
• A multifactor model such as the Fama-French or related models.
• A build-up method, such as the bond yield plus risk premium method.

4.1. The Capital Asset Pricing Model

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is an equation for required return that should hold in equilibrium(the condition in which supply equals demand) if the model’s assumptions are met; among the key assumptions are that investors are risk averse and that they make investment decisions based on the mean return and variance of returns of their total portfolio. The chief insight of the model is that investors evaluate the risk of an asset in terms of the asset’s contribution to the systematic risk of their total portfolio (systematic risk is risk that cannot be shed by portfolio diversification). Because the CAPM provides an economically grounded and relatively objective procedure for required return estimation, it has been widely used in valuation.
The expression for the CAPM that is used in practice was given earlier as Equation 2-4:45
For example, if the current expected risk-free return is 5 percent, the asset’s beta is 1.20, and the equity risk premium is 4.5 percent, then the asset’s required return is
The asset’s beta measures its market or systematic risk, which in theory is the sensitivity of its returns to the returns on the market portfolio of risky assets. Concretely, beta equals the covariance of returns with the returns on the market portfolio divided by the market portfolio’s variance of returns. In typical practice for equity valuation, the market portfolio is represented by a broad value-weighted equity market index. The asset’s beta is estimated by a least squares regression of the asset’s returns on the index’s returns and is available also from many vendors. In effect, in Equation 2-4 the analyst is adjusting the equity risk premium up or down for the asset’s level of systematic risk by multiplying it by the asset’s beta, adding that asset-specific risk premium to the current expected risk-free return to obtain a required return estimate.
In the typical case in which the equity risk premium is based on a national equity market index and estimated beta is based on sensitivity to that index, the assumption is being made implicitly that equity prices are largely determined by local investors. When equities markets are segmented in that sense (i.e., local market prices are largely determined by local investors rather than by investors worldwide), two issues with the same risk characteristics can have different required returns if they trade in different markets.
The opposite assumption is that all investors worldwide participate equally in setting prices (perfectly integrated markets). That assumption results in the international CAPM (or world CAPM) in which the risk premium is relative to a world market portfolio. Taking an equity view of the market portfolio, the world equity risk premium can be estimated historically based on the MSCI World index (returns available from 1970), for example, or indirectly as (U.S. equity risk premium estimate)/(beta of U.S. stocks relative to MSCI World) = 4.5%/0.9218 = 4.9%. Computing beta relative to MSCI World and using a national risk-free interest rate, the analyst can obtain international CAPM estimates of required return. In practice, the international CAPM is not commonly relied on for required return on equity estimation.46

4.1.1. Beta Estimation for a Public Company

The simplest estimate of beta results from an ordinary least squares regression of the return on the stock on the return on the market. The result is often called an unadjusted or “raw” historical beta. The actual values of beta estimates are influenced by several choices:
The choice of the index used to represent the market portfolio. For a number of markets there are traditional choices. For U.S. equities, the S&P 500 (vendors include Morningstar/ Ibbotson, Merrill Lynch, Compustat) and NYSE Composite (vendors include Value Line) have been traditional choices.
The length of data period and the frequency of observations. The most common choice is five years of monthly data, yielding 60 observations (Morningstar/Ibbotson, Merrill Lynch, Compustat make that choice). Value Line uses five years of weekly observations.
The Bloomberg default is two years of weekly observations, which can be changed at the user’s option. One study of U.S. stocks found support for five years of monthly data over alternatives (Bartholdy and Peare 2001). An argument can be made that the Bloomberg default can be especially appropriate in fast-growing markets.
The beta value in a future period has been found to be on average closer to the mean value of 1.0, the beta of an average-systematic-risk security, than to the value of the raw beta. Because valuation is forward looking, it is logical to adjust the raw beta so it more accurately predicts a future beta. The most commonly used adjustment was introduced by Blume (1971):
For example, if the beta from a regression of an asset’s returns on the market return is 1.30, adjusted beta is (2/3)(1.30) + (1/3)(1.0) = 1.20. Vendors of financial information often report raw and adjusted beta estimates together. Although most vendors use the Blume adjustment, some do not. For example, Ibbotson adjusts raw beta toward the peer mean value (rather than toward the overall mean value of 1.0). The analyst of course needs to understand the basis behind the presentation of any data that he uses.
Examples 2-3 through 2-5 apply the CAPM to estimate the required return on equity.
EXAMPLE 2-3 Analyst Case Study (2): The Required Return on Larsen & Toubro Shares
While Weeramantry has been researching Microsoft, his colleague Delacour has been investigating the required return on Larsen & Toubro Ltd. shares (BSE: 500510, NSE: LT).47 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. is the largest India-based engineering and construction company. Calling up the beta function for LT on her Bloomberg terminal on 5 September 2007, Delacour sees the screen excerpted in Exhibit 2-3.
Delacour notes that Bloomberg has chosen the BSE Sensex 30 as the equity index for estimating beta. Delacour changes the Bloomberg default for time period/frequency to the specification shown in the exhibit for consistency with her other estimation work; in doing so, she notes approvingly that the beta estimate is approximately the same at both horizons.
Raw beta, 1.157, is the slope of the regression line running through the scatter-plot of 60 points denoting the return on LT (y-axis) for different returns on the Sensex (x-axis); a bar graph of the distribution of returns in local currency terms is superimposed over the x-axis.
Noting from R2 that beta explains more than 56 percent of variation in LT returns—an exceptionally good fit—Delacour also decides to use the CAPM to estimate LT stock’s required return.48 Delacour has decided to use her own adjusted historical estimate of 7 percent for the Indian equity risk premium and the 10-year Indian government bond yield of 7.9 percent as the risk-free rate.49 Delacour notes that a 7.9 percent yield is shown on the Bloomberg cost of capital screen for LT (as the “bond rate”) and that the same screen shows an estimate of the Indian equity risk premium (“country premium”) of 7.46 percent—close to her own estimate of 7 percent.
EXHIBIT 2-3 A Bloomberg Screen for Beta Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Based only on the information given, address the following:
1. Demonstrate the calculation of adjusted beta using the Blume method.
2. Estimate the required return on LT using the CAPM with an adjusted beta.
3. Explain one fact from the Bloomberg screen as evidence that beta has been estimated with accuracy.
Solution to 1: The calculation for adjusted beta is (2/3)(1.157) + (1/3)(1.0) = 1.105.
Solution to 2: r = 7.9% + 1.105(7%) = 15.6 percent.
Solution to 3: The standard error of beta at 0.133 is relatively small in relation to the magnitude of the raw estimate, 1.157.
EXAMPLE 2-4 Calculating the Required Return on Equity Using the CAPM (1)
Exxon Mobil Corporation, BP p.l.c., and Total S.A. are three “super major” integrated oil and gas companies headquartered, respectively, in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. An analyst estimates that the equity risk premium in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Eurozone are, respectively, 4.5 percent, 4.1 percent, and 4.0 percent. Other information is summarized in Exhibit 2-4.
EXHIBIT 2-4 Exxon Mobil, BP, and Total
Source: Standard & Poor’s, Reuters.
Using the capital asset pricing model, calculate the required return on equity for
1. Exxon Mobil
2. BP p.l.c.
3. Total S.A.
Solution to 1: The required return on Exxon Mobil according to the CAPM is 4.9% + 0.74(4.5%) = 8.23 percent.
Solution to 2: The required return on BP according to the CAPM is 5.0% + 1.00(4.1%) = 9.10 percent.
Solution to 3: The required return on Total stock according to the CAPM is 4.75 + 1.07(4.0) = 9.03 percent.
EXAMPLE 2-5 Calculating the Required Return on Equity Using the CAPM (2): Nontraded Asset Case
Jill Adams is an analyst at a hedge fund that has been offered an equity stake in a privately held U.S. property and liability insurer. Adams identifies Alleghany Corporation (NYSE: Y) as a publicly traded comparable company, and intends to use information about Alleghany in evaluating the offer. One sell-side analyst that Adams contacts puts Alleghany’s required return on equity at 10.0 percent. Researching the required return herself, Adams determines that Alleghany has the historical betas shown in Exhibit 2-5 as of late August 2007:
EXHIBIT 2-5 Alleghany Corporation: Historical Betas
Source: Bloomberg LLC.
The estimated U.S. equity risk premium (relative to bonds) is 4.5 percent. The YTM for 30-day U.S. Treasury bills is 3.9 percent, while the YTM for 20-year U.S. government bonds is 4.9 percent. Adams follows the most common industry practices concerning time period for estimating beta and adjustments to beta.
1. Estimate Alleghany Corporation’s adjusted beta and required return based on the CAPM.
2. Is the sell-side analyst’s estimate of 10 percent for Alleghany’s cost of equity most consistent with Alleghany shares having above-average or below-average systematic risk?
Solution to 1: Adjusted beta = (2/3)(0.30) + (1/3) = 0.533 or 0.53. Using a five-year horizon for calculating beta is the most common practice. Consistent with the definition of the equity risk premium, a long-bond yield is used in the CAPM: 4.9% + 0.53(4.5) = 7.29% or 7.3 percent, approximately.
Solution to 2: The analyst’s estimate implies above-average systematic risk. A beta of 1 by definition represents the beta of the market and so shares of average systematic risk. A beta of 1 implies a required return of 4.9% + 1.0(4.5%) = 9.4%.
When a share issue trades infrequently, the most recent transaction price may be stale and not reflect underlying changes in value. If beta is estimated based on, for example, a monthly data series in which missing values are filled with the most recent transaction price, the estimated beta will be too small and the required return on equity will be underestimated. There are several econometric techniques that can be used to estimate the beta of infrequently traded securities. 50 A practical alternative is to base the beta estimate on the beta of a comparable security.

4.1.2. Beta Estimation for Thinly Traded Stocks and Nonpublic Companies

Analysts do not have access to a series of market price observations for nonpublic companies with which to calculate a regression estimate of beta. However, using an industry classification system such as the MSCI/Standard & Poor’s Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) or the Dow Jones/FTSE Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) to identify publicly traded peer companies, the analyst can estimate indirectly the beta of the nonpublic company on the basis of the public peer’s beta.
The procedure must take into account the effect on beta of differences in financial leverage between the nonpublic company and the benchmark. First, the benchmark beta is unlevered to estimate the beta of the benchmark’s assets—reflecting just the systematic risk arising from the economics of the industry. Then the asset beta is relevered to reflect the financial leverage of the nonpublic company.
Let βE be the equity beta before removing the effects of leverage, if any. This is the benchmark beta. If the debt of the benchmark is high quality (so an assumption that the debt’s beta is zero should be approximately true), analysts can use the following expression for unleveraging the beta:51
Then, if the subject company has debt and equity levels D’ and E‘, respectively, and assuming the subject company’s debt is high grade, the subject company’s equity beta, β’ , is esti mated as follows:
Equations 2-9a and 2-9b hold under the assumption that the level of debt adjusts to the target capital structure weight as total firm value changes, consistent with the definition for the weighted average cost of capital that will be presented later.52 Exhibit 2-6 summarizes the steps.
EXHIBIT 2-6 Estimating a Beta for a Nontraded Company
To illustrate, suppose that a benchmark company is identified (step 1) that is 40 percent funded by debt. By contrast, the weight of debt in the subject company’s capital structure is only 20 percent. The benchmark’s beta is estimated at 1.2 (step 2). The 40 percent weight of debt in the benchmark implies that the weight of equity is 100% - 40% = 60 percent. Unlevering the benchmark beta (step 3):
Next, the unlevered beta of 0.72 is relevered according to the financial leverage of the subject company, which uses 20 percent debt and 80 percent equity:
Sometimes, instead of using an individual company as a benchmark, the required return will be benchmarked on a median or average industry beta. A process of unlevering and relevering can be applied to such a beta based on the median or average industry capital structure.
EXAMPLE 2-6 Calculating the Required Return on Equity Using the CAPM (3)
Adams turns to determining a beta for use in evaluating the offer of an equity stake in a private insurer and rounds her beta estimate of Alleghany, the public comparable, to 0.5. As of the valuation date, Alleghany Corporation has no debt in its capital structure. The private insurer is 20 percent funded by debt.
If a beta of 0.50 is assumed for the comparable, what is the estimated beta of the private insurer?
Solution: Because Alleghany does not use debt, its beta does not have to be unlevered. For the private insurer, if debt is 20 percent of capital then equity is 80 percent of capital and D’/E’ = 20/80 = 0.25. Therefore, the estimate of the private insurer’s equity beta is (1.25)(0.50) = 0.625 or 0.63.
The CAPM is a simple, widely accepted, theory-based method of estimating the cost of equity. Beta, its measure of risk, is readily obtainable for a wide range of securities from a variety of sources and can be estimated easily when not available from a vendor. In portfolios, the idiosyncratic risk of individual securities tends to offset against each other, leaving largely beta (market) risk. For individual securities, idiosyncratic risk can overwhelm market risk and, in that case, beta may be a poor predictor of future average return. Thus the analyst needs to have multiple tools available.

4.2. Multifactor Models

A substantial amount of evidence has accumulated that the CAPM beta describes risk incompletely. In practice, coefficients of determination (R-squared) for individual stocks’ beta regressions may range from 2 percent to 40 percent, with many under 10 percent. For many markets, evidence suggests that multiple factors drive returns. At the cost of greater complexity and expense, the analyst can consider a model for required return based on multiple factors. Greater complexity does not ensure greater explanatory power, however, and any selected multifactor model should be examined for the value it is adding.
Whereas the CAPM adds a single risk premium to the risk-free rate, arbitrage pricing theory (APT) models add a set of risk premia. APT models are based on a multifactor representation of the drivers of return. Formally, APT models express the required return on an asset as follows:
where (Risk premium)i = (Factor sensitivity)i x (Factor risk premium)i.
Factor sensitivity or factor beta is the asset’s sensitivity to a particular factor (holding all other factors constant). In general, the factor risk premium for factor i is the expected return in excess of the risk-free rate accruing to an asset with unit sensitivity to factor i and zero sensitivity to all other factors.53
One of the best known models based on multiple factors expands upon the CAPM with two additional factors. That model, the Fama-French model, is discussed next.

4.2.1. The Fama-French Model

By the end of the 1980s, empirical evidence had accumulated that, at least over certain long time periods, in the U.S. and several other equity markets, investment strategies biased toward small-market capitalization securities and/or value might generate higher returns over the long run than the CAPM predicts.54
In 1993, researchers Eugene Fama and Kenneth French addressed these perceived weaknesses of the CAPM in a model with three factors, known as the Fama-French model (FFM). The FFM is among the most widely known nonproprietary multifactor models. The factors are:
• RMRF, standing for RM -RF, the return on a market value-weighted equity index in excess of the one-month T-bill rate. This is one way the equity risk premium can be represented and is the factor shared with the CAPM.
• SMB (small minus big), a size (market capitalization) factor. SMB is the average return on three small-cap portfolios minus the average return on three large -cap portfolios. Thus SMB represents a small-cap return premium.
• HML (high minus low), the average return on two high book-to-market portfolios minus the average return on two low book-to-market portfolios.55 With high book-to-market (equivalently, low price-to-book) shares representing a value bias and low book-to-market representing a growth bias, in general, HML represents a value return premium.
Each of the factors can be viewed as the mean return to a zero-net investment, long-short portfolio. SMB represents the mean return to shorting large-cap shares and investing the proceeds in small-cap shares; HML is the mean return from shorting low book-to-market (high price-to-book) shares and investing the proceeds in high book-to-market shares. The FFM estimate of the required return is:
Historical data on the factors are publicly available for at least 24 countries.56 The historical approach is frequently used in estimating the risk premia of this model. The definitions of RMRF, SMB, and HML have a specificity that lends itself to such estimation. Nevertheless, the range of estimation approaches discussed earlier could also be applied to estimating the FFM factors. Note the definition of RMRF in terms of a short-term rate; available historical series are in terms of a premium over a short-term government debt rate. In using Equation 2-11, we would take a current short-term risk-free rate. Note as well that because other factors besides the market factor are included in Equation 2-11, the beta on the market in Equation 2-11 is generally not exactly the same value as the CAPM beta for a given stock.
We can illustrate the FFM using the case of the U.S. equity market. A current short-term interest rate is 4.1 percent. We take RMRF to be 5.5 percent based on Panel B of Exhibit 2-1. The historical size premium is 2.7 percent based on Fama-French data from 1926. However, over approximately the past quarter century (1980 to 2006) the realized SML premium has averaged about one-half of that. Therefore, the historical estimate is adjusted downward to 2.0 percent. The realized value premium has had wide swings, but absent the case for a secular decline as for the size premium, we take the historical value of 4.3 percent based on Fama-French data. Thus, one estimate of the FFM for the U.S. market as of 2007 is:
Consider the case of a small-cap issue with value characteristics and above-average market risk—assume the FFM market beta is 1.20. If the issue’s market capitalization is small we expect it to have a positive size beta; for example,040βi = 0.5. If the shares sell cheaply in relation to book equity (i.e., they have a high book-to-market ratio) the value beta is also expected to be positive; for example, βi = 0.8. For both the size and value betas, zero is the neutral value, in contrast with the market beta, where the neutral value is 1. Thus, according to the FFM, the shares’ required return is slightly over 15 percent:
The FFM market beta of 1.2 could be above or below the CAPM beta, but for this comparison, suppose it is 1.20. The CAPM estimate would be 0.041 + 1.20(0.055) = 0.107 or less by about 15.1 - 10.7 or 4.4 percentage points. In this case, positive size and value exposures help account for the different estimates in the two models.
Returning to the specification of the FFM to discuss its interpretation, note that the FFM factors are of two types:
1. An equity market factor, which is identified with systematic risk as in the CAPM.
2. Two factors related to company characteristics and valuation, size (SMB) and value (HML).
The FFM views the size and value factors as representing (“proxying for”) a set of underlying risk factors. For example, small market-cap companies may be subject to risk factors such as less ready access to private and public credit markets and competitive disadvantages. High book-to-market may represent shares with depressed prices because of exposure to financial distress. The FFM views the return premiums to small size and value as compensation for bearing types of systematic risk. Many practitioners and researchers believe, however, that those return premiums arise from market inefficiencies rather than compensation for systematic risk (Lakonishok et al. 1994; La Porta et al. 1997).
EXAMPLE 2-7 Analyst Case Study (3): The Required Return on Microsoft Shares
Weeramantry’s next task in researching Microsoft shares is to estimate a required return on equity (which is also a required return on total capital because Microsoft has no long-term debt). Weeramantry uses an equally weighted average of the CAPM and FFM estimates unless one method appears to be superior as judged by more than a five-point difference in adjusted R2; in that case, only the estimate with superior explanatory power is used. Exhibit 2-7 shows the cost of equity information for Microsoft Corporation. All the beta estimates in Exhibit 2-7 are significant at the 5 percent level.
EXHIBIT 2-7 CAPM and FFM Required Return Estimates Microsoft Corporation
Source: for size and value historical premia data (1926-2006); and Morningstar Ibbotson, “The Cost of Capital Resources” (March 2007 report for Microsoft), for CAPM and FFM betas and R 2.
Weeramantry’s and Delacour’s fund holds positions for four years on average. Weeramantry and his colleague Delacour are apprised that their firm’s economic unit expects that the marketplace will favor growth-oriented equities over the coming year. Reviewing all the information, Delacour makes the following statements:
• “Microsoft’s cost of equity benefits from the company’s above-average market capitalization, which offsets the stock’s above-average premium for market risk.”
• “If our economic unit’s analysis is correct, growth-oriented portfolios are expected to outperform value-oriented portfolios over the next year. As a consequence, we should favor the CAPM required return estimate over the Fama-French estimate.”
Using only the preceding information, address the following.
1. Estimate Microsoft’s cost of equity using the
a. CAPM.
b. Fama-French model.
2. Judge whether Delacour’s first statement, concerning Microsoft’s cost of equity, is accurate.
3. Judge whether Delacour’s second statement, concerning the expected relative performance of growth-oriented portfolios and the use of the CAPM and FFM required return estimates, is correct.
Solution to 1:
a. The required return according to the CAPM is 4.7% + 1.04(5.5%) = 4.7% + 5.72% = 10.42%.
b. The required return according to the FFM is 4.7% + 1.14(5.5%) + (-0.222)(2.7%) + (-0.328)(4.3%) = 4.7% + 6.27% + (-0.60%) + (-1.41%) = 8.96 percent.
Solution to 2: The statement is accurate. Because the SMB premium is positive and Microsoft has negative exposure to it (size beta is -0.222), the effect of size on Microsoft’s required return is to reduce it, offsetting the opposite effect on the required return of Microsoft’s above-average market risk (Microsoft’s market beta is above 1.0).
Solution to 3: The statement is incorrect. It suggests that computing a required return using a positive value premium is questionable when the investor short-term forecast is for growth to outperform value. Required return estimates should reflect the expected or long-run compensation for risk. The positive value of the value premium in the FFM reflects expected compensation for bearing risk over the long run, consistent with the company’s cash flows extending out to the indefinite future. The economic unit’s prediction for a short-term time horizon does invalidate the use of a positive value premium for the Fama-French model.
The regression fit statistics for both the CAPM and FFM in Example 2-7 are high. There is more to learn about the relative merits of the CAPM and FFM in practice, but the FFM appears to have the potential for being a practical addition to the analyst’s tool kit. One study contrasting the CAPM and FFM for U.S. markets found that whereas differences in the CAPM beta explained on average 3 percent of the cross-sectional differences in returns of the stocks over the next year, the FFM betas explained on average 5 percent of the differences (Bartholdy and Peare 2001). Neither performance appears to be impressive, but keep in mind that equity returns are subject to a very high degree of randomness over short horizons.

4.2.2. Extensions to the Fama-French Model

The thought process behind the FFM of extending the CAPM to capture observed patterns in equity returns, which differences in the CAPM beta appear not to explain, has been extended by other researchers. One well-established relationship is that investors demand a return premium for assets that are relatively illiquid—assets that cannot be quickly sold in quantity without high explicit or implicit transaction costs. Pastor and Stambaugh (2003) extended the FFM to encompass compensation for the degree of liquidity of an equity investment. This model has been applied to public security investment as well as certain private security investments (see Metrick 2007). The Pastor-Stambaugh model (PSM) adds to the FFM a fourth factor, LIQ, representing the excess returns to a portfolio that invests the proceeds from shorting high-liquidity stocks in a portfolio of low-liquidity stocks:
An estimate of the liquidity premium for U.S. equity markets is 4.5 percent.57 An estimate of the PSM model for U.S. markets is:
An average-liquidity equity should have a liquidity beta of 0, with no impact on required return. But below-average liquidity (positive liquidity beta) and above-average liquidity (negative liquidity beta) will tend to increase and decrease required return, respectively.
EXAMPLE 2-8 The Required Return for a Common Stock Investment
A common stock has the following characteristics:
Market beta1.50
Size beta0.15
Value beta-0.52
Liquidity beta0.20
Based only on the information given, infer the style characteristics of this common stock issue.
Solution: The issue appears to be small-cap and have a growth orientation. The positive size beta indicates sensitivity to small-cap returns as would characterize small-cap stocks. (A positive liquidity beta, as shown, would also be typical for small-cap stocks because they usually trade in less liquid markets than do large-cap stocks.) The negative value beta indicates a growth orientation.
The concept of liquidity may be distinguished from marketability. With reference to equities, liquidity relates to the ease and potential price impact of the sale of an equity interest into the market. Liquidity is a function of several factors, including the size of the interest and the depth and breadth of the market and its ability to absorb a block (i.e., a large position) without an adverse price impact. In the strictest sense, marketability relates to the right to sell an asset. Barring securities law or other contractual restrictions, all equity interests are potentially marketable—that is, they can potentially be marketed for sale, in the sense of the existence of a market into which the security can be sold. However, in private business valuation, the two terms are often used interchangeably (Hitchner 2006, 390). The typical treatment in that context is to take a discount for lack of marketability (liquidity) from the value estimate, where justified, rather than incorporate the effect in the discount rate, as in the PSM (Hitchner 2006, 390 -391).

4.2.3. Macroeconomic and Statistical Multifactor Models

The FFM and PSM are examples of one type of a range of models for required return that are based on multiple fundamental factors (factors that are attributes of the stocks or companies themselves, such as the price-to-earnings ratio for a share or the company’s financial leverage); the group includes several proprietary models as well. Models for required return have also been based on macroeconomic and statistical factors.
• In macroeconomic factor models the factors are economic variables that affect the expected future cash flows of companies and/or the discount rate that is appropriate to determining their present values.
• In statistical factor models, statistical methods are applied to historical returns to determine portfolios of securities (serving as factors) that explain those returns in various senses.
A specific example of macroeconomic factor models is the five-factor BIRR model, presented in Burmeister, Roll, and Ross (1994), with factor definitions as follows:
1. Confidence risk: the unanticipated change in the return difference between risky corporate bonds and government bonds, both with maturities of 20 years. To explain the factor’s name, when their confidence is high, investors are willing to accept a smaller reward for bearing the added risk of corporate bonds.
2. Time horizon risk: the unanticipated change in the return difference between 20-year government bonds and 30-day Treasury bills. This factor reflects investors’ willingness to invest for the long term.
3. Inflation risk: the unexpected change in the inflation rate. Nearly all stocks have negative exposure to this factor, as their returns decline with positive surprises in inflation.
4. Business cycle risk: the unexpected change in the level of real business activity. A positive surprise or unanticipated change indicates that the expected growth rate of the economy, measured in constant dollars, has increased.
5. Market timing risk: The portion of the total return of an equity market proxy (e.g., the S&P 500 for the United States) that remains unexplained by the first four risk factors. Almost all stocks have positive sensitivity to this factor.
The fifth factor acknowledges the uncertainty surrounding the correct set of underlying variables for asset pricing; this factor captures influences on the returns to the market proxy not explained by the first four factors. For example, using such a model, the required return for a security could have the form where the risk premia estimates are developed using econometric techniques referenced in Burmeister et al. (1994). Similar to models based on fundamental factors, models based on macroeconomic and statistical factors have various proprietary implementations.
ri = T-bill rate + (Sensitivity to confidence risk x 2.59%) - (Sensitivity to time horizon risk x 0.66%) - (Sensitivity to inflation risk x 4.32%) + (Sensitivity to business-cycle risk x 1.49%) + (Sensitivity to market-timing risk x 3.61%)

4.3. Build-up Method Estimates of the Required Return on Equity

Widely used by valuators of closely held businesses, the build-up method estimates the required return on an equity investment as the sum of the risk-free rate and a set of risk premia:
ri = Risk-free rate + Equity risk premium ± One or more premia (discounts)
The build-up method parallels the risk premium approach embodied in multifactor models with the difference that specific beta adjustments are not applied to factor risk premiums.

4.3.1. Build -up Approaches for Private Business Valuation

The need for estimates of the required return on the equity of a private business arises when present value models—known in such contexts as income models—are used in the process of valuing business interests. Because the valuation of such interests takes place not only for completely private investment purposes but where courts and tax authorities may play a role—such as in the valuation of a business included in an estate or the valuation of an equity interest for a legal dispute—the valuator may need to research which methods such authorities have found to be acceptable.
Standard approaches to estimating the required return on equity for publicly traded companies, such as the CAPM and the FFM, are adaptable for estimating the required rate of return for non-publicly traded companies. However, valuators often use an approach to valuation that relies on building up the required rate of return as a set of premia added to the risk-free rate. The premia include the equity risk premium and one or more additional premia, often based on factors such as size and perceived company-specific risk, depending on the facts of the exercise and the valuator’s analysis of them. An expression for the build-up approach was presented in Equation 2-5. A traditional specific implementation is as follows (see Hitchner 2006, 173): ri = Risk-free rate + Equity risk premium + Size premiumi+ Specific-company premiumi
Exhibit 2-8 explains the logic for a typical case. The equity risk premium is often estimated with reference to equity indexes of publicly traded companies. The market’s largest market-capitalization companies typically constitute a large fraction of such indexes’ value. With a beta of 1.0 implicitly multiplying the equity risk premium, the sum of the risk-free rate and equity risk premium is effectively the required return on an average-systematic-risk large-cap public equity issue. In the great majority of cases, private business valuation concerns companies much smaller in size than public large-cap issues. Valuators often add a premium related to the excess returns of small stocks over large stocks reflecting an incremental return for small size. (The premium is typically after adjustment for the differences in the betas of small- and large-cap stocks to isolate the effect of size—a beta-adjusted size premium.) The level of the size premium is typically assumed to be inversely related to the size of the company being valued. When the size premium estimate is appropriately based on the lowest market-cap decile—frequently the case because many private business are small relative to publicly traded companies—the result corresponds to the return on an average-systematic-risk micro-cap public equity issue. An analysis of risk factors that are incremental to those captured by the previously included premia may lead the valuator to add a specific company premium. This risk premium sometimes includes a premium for unsystematic risk of the subject company under the premise that such risk related to a privately held company may be less easily diversified away.
EXHIBIT 2-8 Required Return Estimate for a Privately Held Business
Two additional issues related to required return estimation for private companies include (1) consideration of the relative values of controlling versus minority interests in share value and (2) the effect on share value of the lack of ready marketability for a small equity interest in a private company. Lack of marketability is the inability to immediately sell shares due to lack of access to public equity markets because the shares are not registered for public trading. (Marketability may also be restricted by contractual or other reasons.)
With respect to the potential adjustment for the relative control associated with an equity interest in a private company, any adjustments related to the type of interest (controlling or minority) are traditionally not made in the required return but, if appropriate, directly to the preliminary value estimate. The issues involved in such adjustments are complex with some diversity of viewpoints among practitioners. Given these considerations, a detailed discussion is outside the scope of this chapter.58 Similarly, adjustments for lack of marketability are traditionally taken as an adjustment to the estimated value for an equity interest after any adjustment for the degree of control of the equity interest.
To illustrate, suppose an analyst is valuing a private integrated document management solutions company. The risk-free rate is 5 percent, the analyst’s estimate of the equity risk premium is 4.5 percent, and based on assets and revenues the company appears to correspond to the top half of the tenth decile of U.S. public companies, which is decile 10a in Exhibit 2-9 with market capitalizations of equity ranging from about $174 million to about $314 million.
EXHIBIT 2-9 Estimates of U.S. Beta-Adjusted Size Premia
Source: Morningstar (2007), 262.
Thus, ignoring any appropriate specific-company premium, an estimate of the required return on equity is 5% + 4.5% + 4.35% = 13.85%. A caution is that the size premium for the smallest decile (and especially the 10b component) may reflect not only the premium for healthy small-cap companies, but former large-cap companies that are in financial distress. If that is the case, the historical estimate may not be applicable without a downward adjustment for estimating the required return for a small but financially healthy private company.
A so-called modified CAPM formulation would seek to capture departures from average systematic risk. For example, if the analyst estimated that the company would have a beta of 1.2 if publicly traded, based on its publicly traded peer group, the required return estimate would be
or 5% + 1.2 x 4.5% + 4.35% = 14.75%. This result could be reconciled to a simple build-up estimate by including a differential return of (1.2 - 1.0)(4.5%) = 0.9% in the specific-company premium.

4.3.2. Bond Yield Plus Risk Premium

For companies with publicly traded debt, the bond yield plus risk premium(BYPRP) method provides a quick estimate of the cost of equity.59 The estimate is
The YTM on the company’s long-term debt includes
• A real interest rate and a premium for expected inflation, which are also factors embodied in a government bond yield.
• A default risk premium.
The default risk premium captures factors such as profitability, the sensitivity of profitability to the business cycle, and leverage (operating and financial) that also affect the returns to equity. The risk premium in Equation 2-13 is the premium that compensates for the additional risk of the equity issue compared with the debt issue (recognizing that debt has a prior claim on the cash flows of the company). In U.S. markets, the typical risk premium added is 3 to 4 percent, based on experience.
In the first edition of the book from which this chapter was taken, IBM’s required return was estimated as 12.9 percent using the CAPM; the inputs used were an equity risk premium estimate of 5.7 percent, a beta of 1.24, and a risk-free rate of 5.8. Based on the YTM of 6.238 percent for the IBM 8.375s of 2019, a bond yield plus risk premium estimate was 9.2 percent.
EXAMPLE 2-9 The Cost of Equity of IBM from Two Perspectives
You are valuing the stock of International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE: IBM) as of early September 2007, and you have gathered the following information:
20-year T-bond YTM5.0%
IBM 8.375s of 2019 YTM5.632%
The IBM bonds, you note, are investment grade (rated A1 by Standard & Poor’s, A+ by Moody’s Investors Service, and A by Fitch). The beta on IBM stock is 1.72. In prior valuations you have used a risk premium of 3 percent in the bond yield plus risk premium approach. However, the estimated beta of IBM has increased by more than one-third over the past five years. As a matter of judgment, you have decided as ā consequence to use a risk premium of 3.5 percent in the bond yield plus risk premium approach.
1. Calculate the cost of equity using the CAPM. Assume that the equity risk premium is 4.5 percent.
2. Calculate the cost of equity using the bond yield plus risk premium approach, with a risk premium of 3.5 percent.
3. Suppose you found that IBM stock, which closed at 117.43 on 4 September 2007, was slightly undervalued based on a DCF valuation using the CAPM cost of equity from question 1. Does the alternative estimate of the cost of equity from question 2 support the conclusion based on question 1?
Solution to 1: 5% + 1.72(4.5%) = 12.7%.
Solution to 2: Add 3.5 percent to the IBM bond YTM: 5.632% + 3.5% = 9.132%, or 9.1 percent. Note that the difference between the IBM bond YTM and T-bond YTM is 0.632 percent, or 63 basis points. This amount plus 3.5 percent is the total estimated risk premium versus Treasury debt.
Solution to 3: Undervalued means that the value of a security is greater than market price. All else equal, the lower the discount rate, the higher the estimate of value. The inverse relationship between discount rate and value, holding all else constant, is a basic relationship in valuation. If IBM appears to be undervalued using the CAPM cost of equity estimate of 12.7 percent, it will appear to be even more undervalued using a 9.1 percent cost of equity based on the bond yield plus risk premium method.
Thus, updating Example 2-9 to 2007 shows that a lower equity risk premium estimate is offset by IBM’s higher current beta, leaving the required return on equity almost unchanged according to the CAPM. With IBM ’s credit rating unchanged, the lower level of interest rates in 2007 would have lowered the bond yield plus risk premium estimate, all else equal. Because a lower level of interest rates is consistent with lower opportunity costs for investors, that result would have been logical. Because IBM’s systematic risk had increased, a risk premium increase was justified and the cost of equity estimate was essentially unchanged.
The bond yield plus risk premium method can be viewed as a build-up method applying to companies with publicly traded debt. The estimate provided can be a useful check when the explanatory power of more rigorous models is low. Given that a company’s shares have positive systematic risk, the yield on its long-term debt is revealing as a check on the cost of equity estimate. For example, Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.’s 7.5 debentures (rated by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s as B3 and B, respectively) mature in 2028 and were priced to yield approximately 11 percent as of mid-August 2007, so required return estimates for its stock (NYSE: ABY) not greater than 11 percent would be suspect.

4.4. The Required Return on Equity: International Issues

Among the issues that concern analysts estimating the required return of equities in a global context are
• Exchange rates.
• Data and model issues in emerging markets.
An investor is ultimately concerned with returns and volatility stated in terms of his own currency. Historical returns are often available or can be constructed in local currency and home currency terms. Equity risk premium estimates in home currency terms can be higher or lower than estimates in local currency terms because exchange rate gains and losses from the equity component are generally not exactly offset by gains and losses from the government security component of the equity risk premium. For example, the arithmetic mean UK premium over 1970 to 2005 was 6.58 percent in pound sterling terms but for a U.S. investor it was 5.54 percent (Morningstar 2007, 176). The U.S. dollar estimate more accurately reflects a U.S. investor’s historical experience. A sound approach for any investor is to focus on the local currency record, incorporating any exchange rate forecasts.
The difficulty of required return and risk premium estimation in emerging markets has been previously mentioned. Of the numerous approaches that have been proposed to supplement or replace traditional historical and forward-looking methods, we can mention two.
1. The country spread model for the equity risk premium. For an emerging equity market, this states that
The country premium represents a premium associated with the expected greater risk of the emerging market compared to the benchmark developed market. Typically, analysts hope that a sovereign bond yieldspread is adequate for approximating this premium. Thus, the country premium is often estimated as the yield on emerging market bonds (denominated in the currency of the developed market) minus the yield on developed market government bonds.
To illustrate, taking the approximate 13 percent yield differential between U.S. dollar- denominated government of Russia bonds (so-called Brady bonds) and U.S. Treasury bonds as the Russian country premium and using an estimate of 4.5 percent for the U.S. equity risk premium, the Russian equity risk premium equals 4.5% + 13% = 17.5%.
2. The country risk rating model(Erb et al. 1995) provides a regression-based estimate of the equity risk premium based on the empirical relationship between developed equity market returns and Institutional Investor’s semiannual risk ratings for those markets. The estimated regression equation is then used with the risk ratings for less-developed markets to predict the required return for those markets. This model has been recommended by Morningstar (Ibbotson).


The overall required rate of return of a company’s suppliers of capital is usually referred to as the company’s cost of capital. The cost of capital is most commonly estimated using the company’s after-tax weighted average cost of capital, or weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for short: a weighted average of required rates of return for the component sources of capital.
The cost of capital is relevant to equity valuation when an analyst takes an indirect, total firm value approach using a present value model. Using the cost of capital to discount expected future cash flows available to debt and equity, the total value of these claims is estimated. The balance of this value after subtracting off the market value of debt is the estimate of the value of equity.
In many jurisdictions, corporations may deduct net interest expense from income in calculating taxes owed, but they cannot deduct payments to shareholders, such as dividends. The following discussion reflects that base case.
If the suppliers of capital are creditors and common stockholders, the expression for WACC is
where MVD and MVCE are the current market values of debt and (common) equity, not their book or accounting values. Dividing MVD or MVCE by the total market value of the firm, which is MVD + MVCE, gives the proportions of the company’s total capital from debt or equity, respectively. These weights will sum to 1.0. The expression for WACC multiplies the weights of debt and equity in the company’s financing by, respectively, the after-tax required rates of return for the company’s debt and equity under current market conditions. “After-tax,” it is important to note, refers only to corporate taxes in this discussion. Multiplying the before-tax required return on debt (rd) by 1 minus the marginal corporate tax rate (1 - Tax rate) adjusts the pretax rate rd downward to reflect the tax deductibility of corporate interest payments that is being assumed. Because distributions to equity are assumed not to be deductible by the corporations, a corporation’s before- and after-tax costs of equity are the same; no adjustment to r involving the corporate tax rate is appropriate. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to use a company’s marginal tax rate rather than its current effective tax rate (reported taxes divided by pretax income) because the effective tax rate can reflect nonrecurring items. A cost of capital based on the marginal tax rate usually better reflects a company’s future costs in raising funds.
Because the company’s capital structure (the proportions of debt and equity financing) can change over time, WACC may also change over time. In addition, the company’s current capital structure may also differ substantially from what it will be in future years. For these reasons, analysts often use target weights instead of the current market-value weights when calculating WACC. These target weights incorporate both the analyst’s and investors’ expectations about the target capital structure that the company will tend to use over time. Target weights provide a good approximation of the WACC for cases in which the current weights misrepresent the company’s normal capital structure.60
The before-tax required return on debt is typically estimated using the expected YTM of the company’s debt based on current market values. Analysts can choose from any of the methods presented in this chapter for estimating the required return on equity, r. No tax adjustment is appropriate for the cost of equity assuming payments to shareholders such as dividends are not tax deductible by companies.
EXAMPLE 2-10 The Weighted Average Cost of Capital for IBM
Taking an indirect, total firm value approach to valuing equity, suppose you have the inputs for estimating the cost of capital shown in Exhibit 2-10. Based only on the information given, estimate IBM’s WACC.
EXHIBIT 2-10 Cost of Capital Data: IBM
Source: Estimates based on company reports; Standard & Poor’s.
Solution: Long-term debt as a percent of total capital stated at market value is the weight to be applied to IBM’s after-tax cost of debt in the WACC calculation. Therefore, IBM’s WACC is approximately 9.65 percent, calculated as follows:


When used as discount rates in valuation, required returns need to be defined appropriately relative to the cash flows to be discounted.
A cash flow after more senior claims (e.g., promised payments on debt and taxes) have been fulfilled is a cash flow to equity. When a cash flow to equity is discounted, the required return on equity is an appropriate discount rate. When a cash flow is available to meet the claims of all of a company’s capital providers—usually called a cash flow to the firm—the firm’s cost of capital is the appropriate discount rate.
Cash flows may be stated in nominal or real terms. When cash flows are stated in real terms, amounts reflect offsets made for actual or anticipated changes in the purchasing power of money. Nominal discount rates must be used with nominal cash flows and real discount rates must be used with real cash flows. In valuing equity, we will use only nominal cash flows and therefore we will make use of nominal discount rates. Because the tax rates applying to corporate earnings are generally stated in nominal money terms—such and such tax rates applying at stated levels of nominal pretax earnings—using nominal quantities is an exact approach because it reflects taxes accurately.
Equation 2-14 presents an after-tax weighted average cost of capital using the after-tax cost of debt. In later chapters, we present cash flow to the firm definitions for which it is appropriate to use that definition of the cost of capital as the discount rate (i.e., rather than a pretax cost of capital reflecting a pretax cost of debt). The exploration of the topic is outside the scope of this chapter because the definitions of cash flows have not been introduced and explained.61
In short, in later chapters we will be able to illustrate present value models of stock value using only two discount rates: the nominal required return on equity when the cash flows are those available to common shareholders, and the nominal after-tax weighted average cost of capital when the cash flows are those available to all the company’s capital providers.


In this chapter we introduced several important return concepts. Required returns are important because they are used as discount rates in determining the present value of expected future cash flows. When an investor’s intrinsic value estimate for an asset differs from its market price, the investor generally expects to earn the required return plus a return from the convergence of price to value. When an asset’s intrinsic value equals price, however, the investor only expects to earn the required return.
For two important approaches to estimating a company’s required return, the CAPM and the build-up model, the analyst needs an estimate of the equity risk premium. This chapter examined realized equity risk premia for a group of major world equity markets and also explained forward-looking estimation methods. For determining the required return on equity, the analyst may choose from the CAPM and various multifactor models such as the Fama-French model and its extensions, examining regression fit statistics to assess the reliability of these methods. For private companies, the analyst can adapt public equity valuation models for required return using public company comparables, or use a build-up model, which starts with the risk-free rate and the estimated equity risk premium and adds additional appropriate risk premia.
When the analyst approaches the valuation of equity indirectly, by first valuing the total firm as the present value of expected future cash flows to all sources of capital, the appropriate discount rate is a weighted average cost of capital based on all sources of capital. Discount rates must be on a nominal (real) basis if cash flows are on a nominal (real) basis.
Among the chapter’s major points are the following:
• The return from investing in an asset over a specified time period is called the holding period return. Realized return refers to a return achieved in the past, and expected return refers to an anticipated return over a future time period. A required return is the minimum level of expected return that an investor requires to invest in the asset over a specified time period, given the asset’s riskiness. The (market) required return, a required rate of return on an asset that is inferred using market prices or returns, is typically used as the discount rate in finding the present values of expected future cash flows. If an asset is perceived (is not perceived) as fairly priced in the marketplace, the required return should (should not) equal the investor’s expected return. When an asset is believed to be mispriced, investors should earn a return from convergence of price to intrinsic value.
• An estimate of the equity risk premium—the incremental return that investors require for holding equities rather than a risk-free asset—is used in the CAPM and in the build-up approach to required return estimation.
• Approaches to equity risk premium estimation include historical, adjusted historical, and forward-looking approaches.
• In historical estimation, the analyst must decide whether to use a short-term or a long-term government bond rate to represent the risk-free rate and whether to calculate a geometric or arithmetic mean for the equity risk premium estimate. Forward-looking estimates include Gordon growth model estimates, supply-side models, and survey estimates. Adjusted historical estimates can involve an adjustment for biases in data series and an adjustment to incorporate an independent estimate of the equity risk premium.
• The CAPM is a widely used model for required return estimation that uses beta relative to a market portfolio proxy to adjust for risk. The Fama-French model (FFM) is a three factor model that incorporates the market factor, a size factor, and a value factor. The Pastor-Stambaugh extension to the FFM adds a liquidity factor. The bond yield plus risk premium approach finds a required return estimate as the sum of the YTM of the subject company’s debt plus a subjective risk premium (often 3 percent to 4 percent).
• When a stock is thinly traded or not publicly traded, its beta may be estimated on the basis of a peer company’s beta. The procedure involves unlevering the peer company’s beta and then relevering it to reflect the subject company’s use of financial leverage. The procedure adjusts for the effect of differences of financial leverage between the peer and subject company.
• Emerging markets pose special challenges to required return estimation. The country spread model estimates the equity risk premium as the equity risk premium for a developed market plus a country premium. The country risk rating model approach uses risk ratings for developed markets to infer risk ratings and equity risk premiums for emerging markets.
• The weighted average cost of capital is used when valuing the total firm and is generally understood as the nominal after-tax weighted average cost of capital, which is used in discounting nominal cash flows to the firm in later chapters. The nominal required return on equity is used in discounting cash flows to equity.


1. A Canada-based investor buys shares of Toronto-Dominion Bank (Toronto: TD.TO) for C$72.08 on 15 October 2007, with the intent of holding them for a year. The dividend rate is C$2.11 per year. The investor actually sells the shares on 5 November 2007, for C$69.52. The investor notes the following additional facts:
• No dividends were paid between 15 October and 5 November.
• The required return on TD.TO equity was 8.7 percent on an annual basis and 0.161 percent on a weekly basis.
a. State the lengths of the expected and actual holding periods.
b. Given that TD.TO was fairly priced, calculate the price appreciation return (capital gains yield) anticipated by the investor given his initial expectations and initial expected holding period.
c. Calculate the investor’s realized return.
d. Calculate the realized alpha.
2. The estimated betas for AOL Time Warner (NYSE: AOL), J.P. Morgan Chase & Company (NYSE: JPM), and The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) are 2.50, 1.50, and 0.80, respectively. The risk-free rate of return is 4.35 percent and the equity risk premium is 8.04 percent. Calculate the required rates of return for these three stocks using the CAPM.
3. The estimated factor sensitivities of TerraNova Energy to Fama-French factors and the risk premia associated with those factors are given in the following table:
Factor SensitivityRisk Premium (%)
Market factor1.20 1.204.5 4.5
Size factor-0.502.7
Value factor-0.154.3
a. Based on the Fama-French model, calculate the required return for TerraNova Energy using these estimates. Assume that the Treasury bill rate is 4.7 percent.
b. Describe the expected style characteristics of TerraNova based on its factor sensitivities.
4. Newmont Mining (NYSE: NEM) has an estimated beta of -0.2. The risk-free rate of return is 4.5 percent, and the equity risk premium is estimated to be 7.5 percent. Using the CAPM, calculate the required rate of return for investors in NEM.
5. An analyst wants to account for financial distress and market capitalization as well as market risk in his cost of equity estimate for a particular traded company. Which of the following models is most appropriate for achieving that objective?
a. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
b. The Fama-French model
c. A macroeconomic factor model
6. The following facts describe Larsen & Toubro Ltd.’s component costs of capital and capital structure:
Component Costs of Capital
Cost of equity based on the CAPM15.6%
Pretax cost of debt8.28%
Tax rate30%
Target weight in capital structureequity 80%, debt 20%
Based on the information given, calculate Larsen & Toubro’s WACC.
Use the following information to answer Questions 7 through 12.
An equity index is established in 2001 for a country that has relatively recently established a market economy. The index vendor constructed returns for the five years prior to 2001 based on the initial group of companies constituting the index in 2001. Over 2004 to 2006 a series of military confrontations concerning a disputed border disrupted the economy and financial markets. The dispute is conclusively arbitrated at the end of 2006. In total, 10 years of equity market return history is available as of the beginning of 2007. The geometric mean return relative to 10-year government bond returns over 10 years is 2 percent per year. The forward dividend yield on the index is 1 percent. Stock returns over 2004 to 2006 reflect the setbacks but economists predict the country will be on a path of a 4 percent real GDP growth rate by 2009. Earnings in the public corporate sector are expected to grow at a 5 percent per year real growth rate. Consistent with that, the market P/E ratio is expected to grow at 1 percent per year. Although inflation is currently high at 6 percent per year, the long-term forecast is for an inflation rate of 4 percent per year. Although the yield curve has usually been upward sloping, currently the government yield curve is inverted; at the short end, yields are 9 percent and at 10-year maturities, yields are 7 percent.
7. The inclusion of index returns prior to 2001 would be expected to
a. Bias the historical equity risk premium estimate upwards.
b. Bias the historical equity risk premium estimate downwards.
c. Have no effect on the historical equity risk premium estimate.
8. The events of 2004 to 2006 would be expected to
a. Bias the historical equity risk premium estimate upwards.
b. Bias the historical equity risk premium estimate downwards.
c. Have no effect on the historical equity risk premium estimate.
9. In the current interest rate environment, using a required return estimate based on the short-term government bond rate and a historical equity risk premium defined in terms of a short-term government bond rate would be expected to
a. Bias long-term required return on equity estimates upwards.
b. Bias long-term required return on equity estimates downwards.
c. Have no effect on long-term required return on equity estimates.
10. A supply-side estimate of the equity risk premium as presented by the Ibbotson-Chen earnings model is closest to
a. 3.2 percent.
b. 4.0 percent.
c. 4.3 percent.
11. Common stock issues in this market with average systematic risk are most likely to have required rates of return
a. Between 2 percent and 7 percent.
b. Between 7 and 9 percent.
c. At 9 percent or greater.
12. Which of the following statements is most accurate? If two equity issues have the same market risk but the first issue has higher leverage, greater liquidity, and a higher required return, the higher required return is most likely the result of the first issue’s
a. Greater liquidity.
b. Higher leverage.
c. Higher leverage and greater liquidity.
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