Elaine Henry, PhD, CFA, is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the University of Miami, where she teaches courses in accounting, financial statement analysis, and valuation. Dr. Henry received her BA and BBA from Millsaps College and her MBA with high distinction from the Harvard Business School. After working in corporate finance at Lehman Brothers, strategy consulting at McKinsey & Company, and corporate banking at Citibank (Athens, London, and New York), she obtained a PhD from Rutgers University, where she majored in accounting and minored in finance. She has published articles in a number of journals, including Advances in Financial Economics, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Accounting Horizons, and Issues in Accounting Education. Dr. Henry served as project team leader for the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) research synthesis project on related party transactions in 2006 and 2007. She is a member of the American Accounting Association and CFA Miami, and has served as a CFA standard setting participant.
Jerald E. Pinto, PhD, CFA, is Director, Curriculum Projects, in the Education Division of CFA Institute. Before coming to CFA Institute in 2002, he consulted to corporations, foundations, and partnerships in investment planning, portfolio analysis, and quantitative analysis. He also worked in the investment and banking industries in New York City from the late 1970s on and taught investments at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He was secretary-treasurer and responsible for the investments of Friends of Laurentian University, Inc., from 1986 to 2002. He served CFA Institute in a number of volunteer capacities before joining the staff and was a judge for the CFA Virginia Investment Research Challenge in 2008 and 2009. He is a coauthor of Quantitative Investment Analysis(2007) and a coeditor of and contributor of chapters to the third edition of Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process(2007). He holds an MBA from Baruch College and a PhD in finance from the Stern School, and is a member of CFA Virginia.
Raymond Rath, ASA, CFA, is a Director in the Transaction Services Accounting, Valuation, and Financial Reporting Advisory Services of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. He specializes in the valuation of business enterprises, securities interests, and intangible assets for transactions and financial and tax reporting. Mr. Rath received his BS in finance from the University of Kansas cum laude and his MBA from the University of Southern California.
Mr. Rath is very active in financial reporting valuation issues. He organized and moderated four one-day conferences for the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) on fair value issues, including SEC, FASB, and PCAOB staff presentations. The ASA awarded Mr. Rath the Accredited Senior Appraiser designation. He serves on the ASA’s Business Valuation Committee and is past president of the ASA’s Los Angeles chapter. Mr. Rath led the development of the ASA’s three-day course, Valuation of Intangible Assets for Financial Reporting. He is currently leading the development of a second ASA course, Special Topics in the Valuation of Intangible Assets, which will be offered in 2010.
Mr. Rath has participated in meetings of the American Accounting Association and FASB to discuss fair value education in business and intangible asset valuations. He has served CFA Institute in a number of capacities, and is the author of several articles on valuation topics.
Thomas R. Robinson, PhD, CFA, is Managing Director, Education Division of CFA Institute. He leads and develops the teams responsible for producing and delivering educational content and examinations to candidates, members, and other investment professionals encompassing the CFA Program, CIPM Program, Lifelong Learning, Private Wealth, Publications, and Conferences.
Previously, he was Associate Professor of Accounting and Director of the Master of Professional Accounting program at the University of Miami. He also was managing director of a state registered investment advisory firm. Dr. Robinson primarily taught financial statement analysis, personal financial planning, and valuation. He has a BA in economics from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s and PhD from Case Western Reserve University. He is a Certified Public Accountant (Ohio) and Certified Financial Planner® certificant. Prior to joining the University of Miami, Dr. Robinson practiced public accounting and financial planning for 10 years, primarily with Deloitte & Touche and Pritchett Dlusky & Saxe in Columbus, Ohio. He has also served as a consultant to law firms, accounting firms, professional associations, and governmental agencies in the areas of financial statement analysis and valuation.
Dr. Robinson was active locally and nationally with the CFA Institute prior to joining the staff, and has served in various capacities, including president and board member of CFA Miami (formerly the Miami Society of Financial Analysts). In addition, he has been coauthor, lead author, and consultant for curriculum readings for the CFA Program.
John D. Stowe, PhD, CFA, is the O’Bleness Professor of Finance and chair of the finance department at Ohio University. Prior to joining Ohio University, he was Head of Curriculum Development at CFA Institute and also a Director of Exam Development. Before joining CFA Institute in 2003, he was finance professor, department head, and associate dean at the University of Missouri-Columbia. In addition to Equity Asset Valuation, he is coauthor of Corporate Financial Management. He has published professional and academic articles in finance journals such as the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial Management, Journal of Portfolio Management, and others. He received his BA degree from Centenary College and his PhD from University of Houston. He became a CFA charterholder in 1995 and has since served the CFA Program in a number of volunteer capacities. He has been a member of the St. Louis and Cleveland CFA Societies.
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