Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page



Part 1: Essentials

Part I. Essentials

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Using MATLAB

1.2 The desktop

1.3 Sample program

Chapter 2. MATLAB Fundamentals

2.1 Variables

2.2 The workspace

2.3 Arrays: Vectors and matrices

2.4 Vertical motion under gravity

2.5 Operators, expressions, and statements

2.6 Output

2.7 Repeating with for

2.8 Decisions

2.9 Complex numbers


Chapter exercises

Chapter 3. Program Design and Algorithm Development

3.1 The program design process

3.2 Programming MATLAB functions


Chapter exercises

Chapter 4. MATLAB Functions and Data Import-Export Utilities

4.1 Common functions

4.2 Importing and exporting data


Chapter exercises

Chapter 5. Logical vectors

5.1 Examples

5.2 Logical operators

5.3 Subscripting with logical vectors

5.4 Logical functions

5.5 Logical vectors instead of elseif ladders


Chapter exercises

Chapter 6. Matrices and Arrays

6.1 Matrices

6.2 Matrix operations

6.3 Other matrix functions

6.4 Population growth: Leslie matrices

6.5 Markov processes

6.6 Linear equations

6.7 Sparse matrices


Chapter exercises

Chapter 7. Function M-files

7.1 Example: Newton’s method again

7.2 Basic rules

7.3 Function handles

7.4 Command/function duality

7.5 Function name resolution

7.6 Debugging M-files

7.7 Recursion


Chapter exercises

Chapter 8. Loops

8.1 Determinate repetition with series for

8.2 Indeterminate repetition with series while


Chapter exercises

Chapter 9. MATLAB Graphics

9.1 Basic 2-D graphs

9.2 3-D plots

9.3 Handle Graphics

9.4 Editing plots

9.5 Animation

9.6 Color etc.

9.7 Lighting and camera

9.8 Saving, printing and exporting graphs


Chapter exercises

Chapter 10. Vectors as Arrays and Other Data Structures

10.1 Update processes

10.2 Frequencies, bar charts, and histograms

10.3 Sorting

10.4 Structures

10.5 Cell arrays

10.6 Classes and objects


Chapter 11. Errors and Pitfalls

11.1 Syntax errors

11.2 Logic errors

11.3 Rounding error


Chapter exercises

Part 2: Applications

Part II. Applications

Chapter 12. Dynamical Systems

12.1 Cantilever beam

12.2 Electric current

12.3 Free fall

12.4 Projectile with friction


Chapter exercises

Chapter 13. Simulation

13.1 Random number generation

13.2 Spinning coins

13.3 Rolling dice

13.4 Bacteria division

13.5 A random walk

13.6 Traffic flow

13.7 Normal (Gaussian) random numbers


Chapter exercises

Chapter 14. Introduction to Numerical Methods

14.1 Equations

14.2 Integration

14.3 Numerical differentiation

14.4 First-order differential equations

14.5 Linear ordinary differential equations (LODEs)

14.6 Runge-Kutta methods

14.7 A partial differential equation

14.8 Other numerical methods

Chapter 15. Signal Processing

15.1 Harmonic analysis

15.2 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

Chapter 16. SIMULINK® Toolbox

16.1 Mass-spring-damper dynamic system

16.2 Bouncing ball dynamic system

16.3 The van der Pol oscillator

16.4 The Duffing oscillator

Chapter exercises

Chapter 17. Symbolics Toolbox

17.1 Algebra

17.2 Calculus

17.3 Laplace and Z transforms

17.4 Generalized Functions*

17.5 Differential equations

17.6 Implementation of funtool, MuPAD, and help

Chapter exercises

Appendix A. Syntax Quick Reference

A.1 Expressions

A.2 Function M-files

A.3 Graphics

A.4 if and switch

A.5 For and while

A.6 Input/output

A.7 load/save

A.8 Vectors and matrices

Appendix B. Command and Function Quick Reference

B.1 General purpose commands

B.2 Logical functions

B.3 Language constructs and debugging

B.4 Matrices and matrix manipulation

B.5 Mathematical functions

B.6 Matrix functions

B.7 Data analysis

B.8 Polynomial functions

B.9 Function functions

B.10 Sparse matrix functions

B.11 Character string functions

B.12 File I/O functions

B.13 Graphics

Appendix C. ASCII Character Codes

Appendix D. Solutions to Selected Exercises

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 11

Chapter 13

Chapter 14


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