Representing the Plan

Once created, your project plan should become your main point of reference for managing progress during the control phase of the project. It is a living document, and you should expect that it will be updated through several versions to keep up with changing circumstances and to take into account incorrect estimates of time or cost.

Making a digital record

For most projects, you will want to represent your project using a software package rather than on paper. This gives your plan a more professional look and makes it easier to store and to communicate to others; and it allows you to automatically calculate items such as overall cost, critical path duration, and resource requirements. Using software, a single plan can easily be converted into a number of formats so that different aspects of the project are highlighted. In addition, the impact of changes or variances can be more easily tested, and multiple versions can be held for comparison.

There are many types of software package available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the right one for your needs will depend on the size and complexity of your project, the experience of the project team, and the software to which they all have access. As a general rule, ensure that managing the software you choose will not get in the way of managing the project itself, and that everyone will have firsthand access to the sections of the plan relevant to their work.

What are my requirements?

  • What aspects of the plan will I need to analyze and when?

  • In what circumstances will I need to present or discuss the plan?

  • How often will it need updating?

  • Who else needs to have access to the plan?

  • What representation will be most easily accessible and understood by them?

Choosing software

Software package typeStrengthsWeaknesses
Specialized project management software Ideal for a specialized project environment where people are familiar with its use and can read all formats and representations intuitively.
  • Allows you to make multiple representations of the plan

  • Calendar facility allows longer-term scheduling

  • Shows dependencies between tasks

  • Integrates schedule, budget, and resource plans

  • Allows automatic calculation of critical path and resource implications

  • “Occasional” project managers may spend more time learning to use the software than actually using it

  • Oversophisticated for small projects

  • Does not readily integrate project work and day-to-day activities

Spreadsheet software Useful for simpler projects and where managing a budget is important.
  • Widely available, so most stakeholders will be able to access the plan

  • Flexible for smaller projects

  • Allows automatic calculation of durations and costs using formulae

  • Graphical representation of tasks is possible

  • Requires specialized knowledge to represent more complex information

  • Does not readily integrate project work and day-to-day activities

Graphics packages Useful for communicating the plan to project stakeholders as a presentation and for highlighting the relationships between tasks.
  • Good for making a professional-looking representation of your plan

  • Has multiple options for representing products, tasks, and responsibilities

  • Project templates available in many packages

  • Not universally available, so some stakeholders may not be able to access the plan

  • Has no automatic interface with diary or financial packages, so schedules/budgets require manual updating when adjustments are made

Datebook and tasklist software Ideal for a multiproject environment or where people have to integrate project work with day-to-day business as usual; and for small projects with no cash budget.
  • Easy integration between project and day-to-day work

  • Good at representing the schedule

  • Widely available

  • A familiar format for most project stakeholders

  • Not good at representing critical path, resource plans, or budgets

  • No automatic tie-in with budgeting software

  • Does not allow you to show the relationships between tasks graphically

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