
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

image-Nash equilibrium


action profile

additive game

alpha-beta pruning

average reward

Backoff game

backward induction

Battle of the Sexes game

Bayes’ rule

Bayes–Nash equilibrium

ex post, see ex post equilibrium

Bayesian game

behavioral strategy

extensive form game

stochastic game

best response

in a Bayesian game

Centipede game

characteristic function

Church–Rosser property

coalitional game theory

coalitional game with transferable utility

common-payoff game

common-prior assumption

constant-sum game



convex game

Coordination game


correlated equilibrium


dominant solvable, see solvable by iterated elimination

dominant strategy

dominated strategy

dummy player



empirical frequency

epistemic type

equilibrium, see solution concept

equilibrium in dominant strategies

evolutionarily stable strategy


ex post equilibrium

expected utility

ex ante

ex interim

ex post

expectimax algorithm

extensive form game

imperfect information

perfect information

with chance nodes

feasible payoff

fixed-point theorem

folk theorem

fully mixed strategy

future discounted reward

game in matrix form, see normal form game

game in strategic form, see normal form game

game of incomplete information, see Bayesian game

game tree, see extensive form game, perfect information

Hawk–Dove game


imperfect-information game, see extensive form game, imperfect information


induced normal form

inessential game

information set

Bayesian game

extensive form game

interchangeable agents

irreducible stochastic game

Markov decision problem (MDP)

Markov game

Markov perfect equilibrium (MPE)

Markov strategy

Matching Pennies game

matrix form game, see normal form game

maximum regret

maxmin strategy

maxmin value

mechanism design

minimax algorithm

minimax regret

minmax strategy

minmax value

mixed strategy

support of

mixed-strategy profile

Nash equilibrium

image-, see image-Nash equilibrium

Bayes–, see Bayes–Nash equilibrium



normal form game

optimal strategy

Pareto domination

Pareto optimality

payoff function

perfect equilibrium, see trembling-hand perfect equilibrium

perfect recall

perfect-information game, see extensive form game, perfect information


Prisoner’s Dilemma game

proper equilibrium

proper simple game

pure coordination game

pure strategy

pure-strategy profile

rationalizable strategy


repeated game

Rochambeau game, see Rock, Paper, Scissors game

Rock, Paper, Scissors game

security level

sequential equilibrium

Shapley value

Sharing game

simple game

single-controller stochastic game

solution concept


core, see core

Shapley value, see Shapley value


image-Nash equilibrium, see image-Nash equilibrium

Bayes–Nash equilibrium, see Bayes–Nash equilibrium

correlated equilibrium, see correlated equilibrium

dominant solvable, see dominant solvable

equilibrium in dominant strategies, see equilibrium in dominant strategies

maxmin strategies, see maxmin strategy

minmax strategies, see minmax strategy

Pareto optimality, see Pareto optimality

perfect equilibrium, see trembling-hand perfect equilibrium

proper equilibrium, see proper equilibrium

rationalizable strategies, see rationalizable strategy

sequential equilibrium, see sequential equilibrium

strong Nash equilibrium, see strong Nash equilibrium

subgame-perfect equilibrium, see subgame-perfect equilibrium

solvable by iterated elimination

stage game

stationary strategy

stochastic game

strategic form game, see normal form game


behavioral, see behavioral strategy

Markov, see Markov strategy

mixed, see mixed strategy

pure, see pure strategy

stationary, see stationary strategy

trigger, see trigger strategy

strict domination

strict Pareto efficiency, see Pareto optimality

strong Nash equilibrium


subgame-perfect equilibrium (SPE)

superadditive game

support, see mixed strategy, support of

TCP user’s game

team games

tit-for-tat (TfT)


transferable utility assumption

tree-form game, see extensive form game

trembling-hand perfect equilibrium

trigger strategy


utility function

utility theory

value of a zero-sum game

very weak domination

veto player

weak domination

zero-sum game

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