Credits and Acknowledgments

We thank the many colleagues, including past and present graduate students, who made substantial contributions. Sam Ieong deserves special mention: Chapter 8 (coalitional games) is based entirely on writing by him, and he was also closely involved in the editing of this chapter. Other colleagues either supplied material or provided useful council. These include Felix Brandt, Vince Conitzer, Yossi Feinberg, Jeff Fletcher, Nando de Freitas, Ben Galin, Geoff Gordon, Teg Grenager, Albert Xin Jiang, David Poole, Peter Stone, David Thompson, Bob Wilson, and Erik Zawadzki. We also thank David Thompson for his assistance with the production of this book, particularly with the index and bibliography.

Of course, none of our colleagues are to be held accountable for any errors or other shortcomings. We claim sole credit for those.

We thank Morgan & Claypool, and particularly our editor Mike Morgan, for publishing Essentials of Game Theory, and indeed for suggesting the project in the first place. This booklet weaves together excerpts from our much longer book, Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic and Logical Foundations, published by Cambridge University Press. We thank CUP, and particularly our editor Lauren Cowles, for not only agreeing to but indeed supporting the publication of this booklet. We are fortunate to be working with such stellar, forward-looking editors and publishers.

A great many additional colleagues contributed to the full Multiagent Systems book, and we thank them there. Since the project has been in the works in one way or another since 2001, it is possible—indeed, likely—that we have failed to thank some people. We apologize deeply in advance.

Last, and certainly not least, we thank our families, for supporting us through this time-consuming project. We dedicate this book to them, with love.

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