How to do it...

We are now going to learn how to manage accounts and send transactions:

  1. To view the list of accounts available in the connected node, use the following command:
// v0.2x.x

// v1.x.x
  1. To create an account using the web3 object, run the following command. Starting from 1.x.x, web3.js includes added support for account management:
// For v1.x.x
web3.eth.accounts.create("<random entropy>");

The create function accepts an entropy as input for randomness. If not specified, it will generate a random hex of 32 bytes by using web3.utils.randomHex(32) and will use it as the entropy input. This method will return the new address, private key, and methods associated with it:

address: '0x824e470cCac64CC5fa4Abe953e64FA360EA11366',
privateKey: '0x782174a3e404424af...499baffd30e6105f',
signTransaction: [Function: signTransaction],
sign: [Function: sign],
encrypt: [Function: encrypt]
  1. If you already have a private key, import it using the privateKeyToAccount function:
// For v1.x.x
  1. Unlock your account with the passphrase before sending a transaction. Authentication works differently for a raw transaction, which we will focus on in the Sending a raw transaction recipe later in this chapter. You can try unlocking your account with the following scripts:
// For v0.2x.x
web3.personal.unlockAccount("<address>", "<password>", <duration>);

// For v1.x.x
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount("<address>", "<password>", <duration>)
It is recommended to reduce the unlock duration or to lock the account immediately after a transaction with lockAccount. If you are in a development environment and don't want to lock and unlock an account frequently, then specify the duration as 0 to avoid automatic locking after a certain period.
  1. To send a transaction, use the sendTransaction method with the required parameters:
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction_object [, callback])

You can use the following parameters to create the transaction object:

  • from: Address of the sending account. The default is web3.eth.defaultAccount.
  • to (optional): Address of the destination account. Leave it blank if you are creating a contract.
  • value (optional): The value transferred through the transaction in Wei.
  • gas (optional): The maximum amount of gas to use for the transaction.
  • gasPrice (optional): The price of gas for this transaction in Wei. The default is web3.eth.gasPrice.
  • data (optional): Either the data of the function call or the contract initialization code.
  • nonce (optional): Nonce value for the transaction. You can use this to overwrite a transaction by providing the same nonce value as the older transaction.

Here is an example that uses these parameters:

from: "0xce5C2D181f6DD99091351f6E6056c333A969AEC9",
to: "",
gasPrice: 20000000000, // 20 Gwei
value: 200000
}, function(error, transactionHash) {
  1. Starting from web3.js 1.0.0, the sendTransaction method returns a promise combined with an event emitter. This can help perform different tasks based on various stages of a transaction. Consider the following example:
    from: "0xce5C2D181f6DD99091351f6E6056c333A969AEC9",
    to: 0x71495cd51c5356B1f0769dB5027DC0588010dC14,
    value: '10000000000000000'
.on('transactionHash', function(hash){
.on('receipt', function(receipt){
.on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){ 
.on('error', console.error);

Let's look into each event in detail:

  • transactionHash: It is fired immediately after a transaction hash is available.
  • receipt: It is fired when the transaction receipt is generated.
  • confirmation: It is fired for every confirmation up to the 12th confirmation, starting from 0th confirmation.
  • error: It is fired if an error occurs during the transaction. For out of gas errors, the second parameter is the transaction receipt.
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