How to do it…

  1. Create a new affiliate contract that inherits the lottery contract created in the previous recipe:
pragma solidity^0.4.23;

import "./InvestableDAL.sol";

contract AffiliateDAL is InvestableDAL {
  1. Create a mapping to store the amount earned by each person with the help of the affiliate program:
mapping(address => uint) affiliate;
  1. Create a function that can be used by someone to claim their affiliate earnings:
function getAffiliatePay() public {
  1. Transfer the amount to the address and empty the affiliate mapping for each payout:
uint amount = affiliate[msg.sender];
require(amount > 0);

affiliate[msg.sender] = 0;
  1. Modify the play function to accept the affiliate address:
function play(uint _hash, address _affiliate) 
payable public {
  1. Calculate the affiliate amount for each valid address:
uint ticketValue = msg.value;

if(_affiliate != address(0)) {
uint affiliateAmount = msg.value * (1/100);
affiliate[msg.sender] += affiliateAmount;
ticketValue = msg.value - affiliateAmount;

  1. The final contract with affiliate functionality will look like this:
pragma solidity^0.4.23;

import "./InvestableDAL.sol";

contract AffiliateDAL is InvestableDAL {

mapping(address => uint) affiliate;

* @dev Function to get affiliate payout
function getAffiliatePay() public {
uint amount = affiliate[msg.sender];
require(amount > 0);

affiliate[msg.sender] = 0;

* @dev Modified play function with affiliate
* @param _hash Guessed number
* @param _affiliate Address of the affiliate
function play(uint _hash, address _affiliate) payable public {
uint ticketValue = msg.value;

if(_affiliate != address(0)) {
uint affiliateAmount = msg.value * (1/100);
affiliate[msg.sender] += affiliateAmount;
ticketValue = msg.value - affiliateAmount;

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