How to do it...

One of the most popular and widely used IDEs for solidity is Remix. Let's see how you can use it for your development:

  1. Access Remix by navigating to Remix is a web-based IDE that you can use to write, test, debug, and deploy your smart contracts. 
  2. Use the file view from the left panel to create and delete files. Use the right-hand panel for tools that will help your development. Write code in the editor window and use the console window to see the result. The console window can also help in executing web3 commands in real time:

  1. Remix has a JavaScript-based solidity compiler working in the background; use this feature to find errors and suggestions in real time. 
  2. The files are on the left panel. Use the option to import your existing project as well.
  1. Use the console window to see logs for events triggered by the IDE, and you can execute Web3JS commands in REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) mode, which takes single expressions, evaluates them, and returns the result.
  2. Use the Compile tab in the right panel to perform tasks related to compiling your contract. You can see a list of errors during compilation and the complete output once it finishes.
  3. Deploy and test your smart contract from the Run tab. Choose your own network using the Environment option and use the Create button to deploy your contract. Point your contract to an existing deployment using the At Address option. You can use this to test and debug your existing contract.
  4. Use the Setting tab to change IDE-related settings, such as changing the theme, choosing a different compiler, or other general settings.
  5. Analyze your code, which will help you identify potential bugs and best practice violations using the Analysis tab.
  6. Finally, there is a Debugger tab, which will help you debug your code. We will discuss the debugging process in Chapter 11, Miscellaneous.

If you need a local version of Remix, it is available as an npm module, and you can get it using npm install remix-ide -g. Also, you can download and build it from its source ( if you need more flexibility and control over the code.

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